Gallery lightbox plugin issue - css

I'm developing a website template and just spotted an issue with the gallery lightbox plugin.
When the gallery has more than 1 image the lightbox renders just fine but when it has only 1 image the large image wrapper gets smaller than the image.
I kind of spotted what's causing the issue - this template uses foundation 3.0 framework so on foundation.min.css file the very first selector is causing the problem:
" * {
I tried to remove this and it fixed the problem however the whole website gets broken.
I'm not sure what code shall I paste here. If necessary I can post a link to download all the template files.
Thank you!

Don't change this code, modify the css for your wrapper instead. That snippet of code you posted is telling all elements to include any borders, and paddings in the calculation for width. So a box with 10px of padding and 5px of border space and is 200px wide is actually 200px wide. Without this code the box would actually be 230px wide.
You could do this...
Add to the class lightbox-outer - overflow: hidden.
.lightbox-outer {
overflow: hidden;
This works but it hides part of the image, it's like your box doesnt want to scale to the size of the image.
Do you have a setting in the lightbox stuff anywhere that is setting the a specific proportion?
EDIT2: Something else I found, if I remove "width" from the class .lightbox-skin then it starts behaving again. Problem is this width is applied to the element inline dynamically?


Removing white gap from Wordpress page

The link below is where to find my website that I am making for a university project and for a client.
Once the webpage loads up, you will be introduced with a page title populated with an image and two buttons. One will lead you to the About us and the other will take you to services. Click on the services button as that's where the problem is please.
Basically there is a white gap and I want the image below to completely fill up the page. Like a full screen except that you are not pressing F11 .
I don't know where the issue is. If I remove the header page, it does not do anything to clear the gap. So I don't think the header is the problem.
I am using fusion slider + a plugin called layerslider. If that helps.
I can provide a screenshot of what I am editing upon request if needed.
Thank you very much.
You have two things producing white space at the top of
One is padding applied to the "main" element. You can get rid of that with CSS:
.page-id-2546 #main {
padding-top: 0;
You might also want to get rid of the padding at the bottom of #main element on this page - padding-bottom: 0, of course
That will still leave a 20px white bar at the very top, produced by a stray 'p' element that has a bottom margin of 20px. Though this paragraph happens to contain a jQuery script (which probably shouldn't be there), there's another stray p element further down the page - also contained within "ls-" elements - also producing a 20px white separation between two full-width image elements, that happens to be empty.
I don't know exactly where these p's came from. You might have to dig into the applications involved - both Layer Slider and, I think, the Fusion Page Builder - and how they were deployed here, to remove the unwanted separation where it originates.
If they can't practically be cleaned up, you might have to correct via CSS again. Just to get rid of the effect on display on this page, you might try
.page-id-2546 .post-content p {
margin: 0;
You could also try something like the following, if you were concerned about affecting other ".post-content" ps outside of Layer Slider.
.page-id-2546 .post-content .ls-fullscreen-wrapper p {
margin: 0;
Another approach would be to apply a negative margin to .ls-fullscreen-wrapper:
.page-id-2546 .ls-fullscreen-wrapper {
margin-top: -20px;
Without actually working on the installation or examining it more thoroughly, I couldn't say for sure that the code I've provided would be sufficient and also wouldn't produce undesirable consequences, but it might be a start. You could add the snippets to the Customizer Additional CSS box, and see how things turned out.
I've gone back to the page and it seems that you have successfully added code eliminating the 20px post-content p margin, but I don't see anything applied or applied and overruled regarding the 90px top (and bottom) padding on #main.
I don't know how exactly you're trying to address that problem. I previously recommended utilizing the Wordpress Customizer (assuming you're in Wordpess 4.7 or later) - see
From inspection I can see that the unwanted padding in question is added via the theme/Fusion stylesheet. The Customizer will add your new CSS to the underlying html, after other stylesheets have been loaded, so should override duplicated selectors. If it's still not taking, you could try, adding !important to the new styles. I think most coders would view this method as a kludge, but all of this after-the-fact correction effort is kludge-y.
.page-id-2546 #main {
padding-top: 0 !important;
If that doesn't work - if inspection of the element doesn't show the code being applied at all, for instance - then I'd look to caching issues and peculiar theme characteristics, not to mention typos...
What worked for me was adding this code to my css
.ls-overflow-visible {
overflow: hidden !important;
in my case the white piece above my menu was not caused by the padding but by an overflow that was only there when I switched to full width modus. You could of course delete this code:
.ls-overflow-visible {
overflow: visible !important;
from the plugin css, but it will return when you perform an update.

p:selectOneMenu outline gets extra space when nested in p:panel

I'm using PrimeFaces 5.2 and I have a p:selectOneMenu inside a p:panel. If the selectOneMenu is outside of the panel the issue does not persist, but when inside the panel it looks like this:
You can see the distortion on the right side of the selectOneMenu.
I tried some CSS editing but it doesn't seem to help:
width: 150px;
.ui-selectonemenu-panel .ui-selectonemenu-items-wrapper{
overflow-x: hidden;
Setting width to 150px in .ui-selectonemenu-panel only helped restore the dropdown menu's size, not the distorted part itself.
Changing selectOneMenu width from the xhtml file doesn't fix the issue. The theme I used is a PrimeFaces theme called "bootstrap" but resizing the theme doesn't work as well. I didn't try different themes because I'd like to keep using this theme.
This is the way the selectOneMenu should look:
I couldn't find anything on the web similar to this issue. Any help is appreciated.
I figured it out thanks to Geinmachi's comment. Changing ui-selectonemenu-label seems to work.
Originally my selectOneMenu has a 150px width and I edited ui-selectonemenu-label like this in my CSS file at first:
width: 80px !important;
And every my selectOneMenus started to look like this:
You can see the gray area on the right side caused by the shrinked label. And when I make the width 200px it looks like this:
But when I set the label width to 150px I observe the same extra space as pictured in my question. So I tried to set it to 120px and it looks fixed. I think the gray dropdown button on the right side has around 30px width thus setting the label width without respecting that 30px difference causes extra space by overflowing beyond the selectOneMenu.
However, I still don't know why the extra space only occurred when selectOneMenu was nested in a panel.

CSS print background with margin

I am trying to make a print-friendly resume. Everything is working, except for an issue regarding the background image.
I do not want to have any margin on the print page, since otherwise the background image looks messed up:
However, if I do not use any margins, the background looks good but I am unable to do any margin on the second (or other pages):
body {
margin: 30px 0;
That works for the first page, but unfortunately this does not work for any page breaks. Is there a way to do padding/margin in relation to the top/bottom of a print page?
Edit: sorry for the hideous example, but this is basically the code:
If you press print and save to pdf (in Chrome at least), you'll see that the background fills the entire page. However, when you include
#page {
margin: 1cm 0;
You will see that the margin I want works, but then the background also uses that margin. In other words: I want the background to stay page filling, while there is a top and bottom margin for text on every page.
You are fairly limited by the vendor implementation of the CSS paged media module, that said, you are able to use the module to target the first page by using the :first psuedo selector, e.g.:
#page:first {
margin: 0
Should support / lack of implementation prove an issue- you will need to resort to adding your content into a series of elements which match the output page dimensions, then removing the margin/padding on the first.
Sadly, the control of printing from the web, even in this day and age, is not an easy process.

When modifying the navbar, how can I render dropdown-menus correctly?

I am using Bootstrap to create my user interface.
I have a navbar that is relatively tall; the default height of the navbar is 50px and my navbar is 100px. When I render a split button, the menu drop-down doesn't respect the navbar height (the link below illustrates the problem). How do I fix this so that the dropdown renders beneath the button (and not beneath the navbar)?
Also, if anyone has a suggestion on how to get rid of the gap in the middle of the button group, that'd be awesome too!
I'm using SASS so I didn't realize that the link that I pasted didn't illustrate the problem. I compiled my CSS and put it in the JSFiddle link. Unfortunately, the CSS file there is huge.
If you're using BootStrap with LESS or SASS, I adjusted the $navbar-height variable to 100px (instead of 50px).
In any case, I'm hoping for some guidance on what the Bootstrap Way™ of adjusting things like the navbar height so this stuff works.
(Old link that doesn't illustrate the problem)
(New link)
ok it looks like the issue is not with the navba height its with the margin you have set margin-bottom:33px on .navbar-btn- that needs to be removed.
.navbar-btn {
margin-bottom:0px;/* should be zero bootstrap default btn margin- remove yours */
that is moving the dropdown to be 33px lower than the default
fiddle link

Adding or adjusting CSS for widget and widget area in WP site

I hope I can explain this properly. I have the home page. It has 4 widget areas on it. Each widget area has something in it (you'll see in the screen shot I'm including). Three widgets just text with crazy CSS going on and have a header w/a box around the header (including text). The 4th widget is irrelevant because it's just an image.
One widget's header has a box, radius, background color and it's left/right justified with the rest of the information inside the widget. Two other widgets - the header is not justified left and right 100% w/the entire widget area.
See the image as it'll make more sense.
here's a direct link to the image for a alrge view:
The wdiget section "New customers" - see how it's left/right justified. It stretches the entire width of the whole box. Now see the Existing and Why - how it's not stretched all the way across left and right. How can I get it to stretch all the way across? Iv'e been going over this soooo many times with change this/change that. My Firebug in Firefox is o fire, but I can't seem to get the correct CSS code to make this happen. Driving me crazy.
Any help is appreciated. Thank you in advance for your reply...
Change this style
.cl-content {
margin: 8px;
To this
.cl-content {
margin: 0px;
However, this will cause some alignment problems with your columns. But, that class is what is causing your problem.
[ Edit ]
If you change the #text-17 and #text-18 widths to 670px, it should resolve your problem.
I would also change #LoginWithAjax to #LoginWithAjax { padding: 5px; }
Initialy I'd say there may be a padding issue. Is there a live link that I can firebug to troubleshoot further?
