While creating JSF project, xhtml option is not available in my eclipse kepler...
I have also tried downloading JBoss Tools(Kepler)4.1.2 Final
So please help me
Try updating to Eclipse Luna, Kepler is getting old now...
With the latests update for Rider and Dotnet Core 2.1 There is a bug where you cannot debug your solution.
The error shows something in the lines of:
"Cannot detec dbgshim path for execute path"
There is a issues allready created at their own issue tracker, which can be found here: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/RIDER-13900
What worked for me was to Clean solution and rebuild my entire project. If it doesn't help go to the link and see the comments for some of the other quick fixes.
For anyone who has problem with this issue, I met this problem on somewhere else with Rider.
Microsoft.Packaging.Tools.Trimming package also causes this issue.
Make sure to make false TrimUnusedDependencies property on your .csproj file when debug mode enabled.
Clean solution and rebuild didn't work for me, but this did:
Build -> Clean solution
Files -> Invalidate Caches/Restart
Upgrading to the latest dotnet core SDK (https://www.microsoft.com/net/download) was the solution for me twice.
For me simply removing the RuntimeIdentifier property at the top of all the csproj files solved it. Tried all the solutions I could find on the internet and this was the only thing that worked.
Since none of the solutions here worked for me, I found a solution that worked for me:
When I discovered all the installed .NET Core SDKs on my Windows Machine (via Add / Remove Progams), I found out that .NET Core 3.1 (which is the version that did not work with the debugger anymore) was installed multiple times (probably by visual studio etc.)
So what I did to get debugging working again:
Uninstalled Visual Studio
Uninstalled all .NET Core 3.X.X Versions of Runtime and/or SDK
Reinstalled a fresh .NET Core 3.X.X
I also reinstalled Rider several times before, but I guess that is not really neccessary.
I hope this helps people facing the same problem!
i am developing dynamic web project with bootstrap templates every thing is working fine even view is rendering perfect.
in home.jsp file in which i have link css(bootstrap files & my customized files) file
<link rel="stylesheet" href="<c:url value="/resources/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.min.css"/>">
but in my code when i press ctrl+space it does not show me suggestion for css classes in
<div class="..">
i am using eclipse neon please help me thank
Depending on which Eclipse package you installed you may already have the CSS and HTML editors. If you don't then you can install them using Help > Install New Software. Choose the software site for your version of Eclipse in the drop down list and look at the Web, XML, Jave EE and OSGi Enterprise Development section. The Eclipse Web Developer Tools section contains the editors you want but the other sections may also be of interest.
And if this plugin for eclipse will work for you
Researching this a bit and reading over your comments it seems that you are using Eclipse with the Aptana extension. If you absolutely do not need to use the Eclipse environment you could now download the Aptana Studio 3 which is based on Eclipse. It looks just like eclipse but is Aptana. Now instead of entering this and looking for Aptana plugins you are going to go into Aptana and look for eclipse plugins. I've installed this myself and have installed several plugins that handle all sorts of things such as javascript code completion, source code formatting etc.
If you go to this site http://www.aptana.com/ you can download the software there. To get all of the plugins, you can do use this site to guide you through some terrific source code completion utilities as well as others. http://jebaird.com/2012/11/02/useful-plugins-for-aptana-studio-3.html
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.mozilla.javascript.Parser.parse(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;I)Lorg/mozilla/javascript/ScriptOrFnNode;
at org.eclipse.birt.data.engine.expression.AbstractExpressionCompiler.parse(AbstractExpressionCompiler.java:238)
at org.eclipse.birt.data.engine.expression.AbstractExpressionCompiler.compileExpression(AbstractExpressionCompiler.java:132)
at org.eclipse.birt.data.engine.expression.ExpressionCompiler.compile(ExpressionCompiler.java:68)
at org.eclipse.birt.data.engine.expression.ExpressionCompilerUtil.compile(ExpressionCompilerUtil.java:56)
at org.eclipse.birt.data.engine.impl.ServiceForQueryResults.initAutoBinding(ServiceForQueryResults.java:1014)
at org.eclipse.birt.data.engine.impl.QueryResults.getResultIterator(QueryResults.java:174)
at org.eclipse.birt.report.engine.api.impl.ExtractionResults.nextResultIterator(ExtractionResults.java:157)
at org.eclipse.birt.report.designer.data.ui.dataset.DataSetPreviewer.preview(DataSetPreviewer.java:69)
at org.eclipse.birt.report.designer.data.ui.dataset.ResultSetPreviewPage$5.run(ResultSetPreviewPage.java:366)
at org.eclipse.jface.operation.ModalContext$ModalContextThread.run(ModalContext.java:119)
Getting this error while creating Dataset in Studio.
I added
rhino jar,
updated the mysql-connector jar with the latest one.
Added jars in the project still am getting this error.
Please give some solution as soon as possible.
I searched over the internet and found that now BIRT plugins are removed from the eclipse market place so many dependency which is required for BIRT is not available even after adding SpagoBI plugins.
I downloaded "eclipse-reporting-mars-2-macosx-cocoa-x86_64.tar" for mac OS from
You can easily download the eclipse for Windows,Mac or Linux OS from DOWNLOAD LINK provided in the right side.
In this IDE, Reports jars are present so you will not face any issue while creating the report or cockpit.
You just need to add the SpagoBI studio plugins in Eclipse plugin folder after that it will work without any error.
Thanks, Hope this will help.
Just installed Aptana Studio 3. For the life of me I can't figure out how to simply tell Aptana...
"I want to create a web project that uses XHTML 1.0 Transitional as my default doc type."
Can anyone show me how to change the default doctype used in newly created web projects? I can't find this anywhere. Every web IDE I've ever used makes this a very easy selection. When I try and look through the documentation I'm always redirected from Aptana Studio to Titanium documentation and no mention of default doctypes in those docs either.
If you can point me to a link that explains how to accomplish this, I would be greatfull. This IDE is perfect for our needs.
Should I switch to Titanium Desktop? Is this the new and improved Aptana or something? The documentation redirect from Aptana docs to Titanium peaked my curiosity.
Thanks for your time.
You don't choose a default doctype--you just choose a template that embodies that. So, create a new web project, and then do File > New From Template > HTML, and choose "XHTML 1.0 Transitional" as the file.
I m trying to install Flex Builder 3 into Eclipse 3.5.1 as a plugin on Mac 10.6.2.
During the installation phase, FB3 says it only support eclipse 3.3 & 3.4. But I started the installation anyway.
After the installation was done, I can't find Flex perspective from Eclipse. So I google around and found out the possible way to manually add this link file from folder "links" to point to the FB3 Plugin folder. I did that and FB perspective can be shown now. But when I try to switch to FB perspective, error occurs:
Problems opening perspective:
Anyone has done this successfully?
Unfortunately Eclipse 3.5 is unsupported by Flex Builder 3. There are a few bugs for this:
Please comment on those bugs and vote for them.
I've created a work-around for one of the major issues related to displaying problems.