Meteor JS and State (address) select element - meteor

I want to have a state select in meteorjs for an address input field. I feel like listing out all the states in a massive html string of <option>s is wrong. Is there a documentation or preferred way to do this?
In frameworks like CakePHP, I would create a DB table related to address and just use the form helper methods to output the markup based on the table.

If you'd prefer to fetch a set of states from a database, you could create a Meteor Collection to store them.
States = new Mongo.Collection("states");
If you've removed the autopublish package (which if you haven't, you should), you need to then publish this collection,
if (Meteor.isServer) {
Meteor.publish("states", function() {
return States.find();
and then subscribe to it, and make it available to your template with a helper:
if (Meteor.isClient) {
states: function() {
return States.find();
Then you can output the collection in your template as such:
{{#each states}}
A nice way to enter the data into the database is through the Meteor Mongo shell or through a GUI like RoboMongo


Meteor not displaying data from collection in html

I am trying to get data from a collection in meteor and using a helper passing it to a template.
Here is my code in collection:
Meteor.publish('displayCustomers', function tasksPublication() {
return Customers.find();
Below code in template JS file
Template.customerlist.onCreated(function() {
displayCustomers :function(){
return Customers.find({});
<template name="customerlist">
<h1>All registered users</h1>
{{#each displayCustomers}}
It is only displaying HTML content i.e. <h1>All registered users</h1>
Check that your publication is returning values to the client with this MiniMongo chrome extension
Check to make sure Customers is defined on the server and that your publish block is running only on the server.
Also I would toss a debugger into your onCreated block to make sure that your subscribe is being initialized.
Other than that, your code looks fine. I would try installing MeteorToys Mongol for client pub/sub debugging.
You need to actually fetch documents in your template :
displayCustomers :function(){
return Customers.find().fetch(); //will return an array with all published documents

Displaying dynamic content in Meteor using Dynamic Templates

I've read through the (somewhat sparse) documentation on Dynamic Templates but am still having trouble displaying dynamic content on a user dashboard based on a particular field.
My Meteor.users collection includes a status field and I want to return different content based on this status.
So, for example , if the user has a status of ‘current’, they would see the 'currentUser' template.
I’ve been using a dynamic template helper (but have also considered using template helper arguments which may still be the way to go) but it isn’t showing a different template for users with different statuses.
{{> Template.dynamic template=userStatus}}
And the helper returns a string to align with the required template as required
userStatus: function () {
if (Meteor.users.find({_id:Meteor.userId(), status: 'active'})){
return 'isCurrent'
else if (Meteor.users.find({_id:Meteor.userId(), status: ‘isIdle'})) {
return 'isIdle'
} else {
return ‘genericContent'
There may be much better ways to go about this but it seems a pretty common use case.
The few examples I've seen use Sessions or a click event but I’d rather use the cursor if possible. Does this mean what I’m missing is the re-computation to make it properly reactive? Or something else incredibly obvious that I’ve overlooked.
There is a shortcut for getting the current user object, Meteor.user(). I suggest you get this object and then check the value of the status.
userStatus: function () {
if(Meteor.user()) {
if (Meteor.user().status === 'active') {
return 'currentUserTemplate'; // this should be the template name
} else if (Meteor.user().status === 'isIdle') {
return 'idleUserTemplate'; // this should be the template name
} else {
return ‘notLoggedInTemplate'; // this should be the template name
Ended up using this approach discussed on the Meteor forums which seems a bit cleaner.
{{> Template.dynamic template=getTemplateName}}
And the helper then becomes:
getTemplateName: function() {
return "statusTemplate" + Meteor.user().status;
Which means you can then use template names based on the status:
<template name="statusTemplateActive">
Content for active users
(though keep in mind that Template helpers don't like hyphens and the data context needs to be set correctly)

Turning a plain JS Object into a reactive one

I am working on an edit form that has two paths. One is when the user clicks a "New" button, the other is when they click "Edit".
When they click "New", the code sets a form_id Session var to null and a client_id session variable to null, then does a Router.go('formEdit') to load the formEdit template/route.
In the formEdit.js, I do a reactive Template helper (I think that's what they are called, but anyway) like so:
Template.formEdit.form = function() {
var form;
if (Session.equals('form_id', null)) {
// Create empty form
form = {
title: null,
client_id: Session.get('client_id'),
header_fields: [],
form_fields: []
} else {
// Load form
form = Forms.findOne({_id: Session.get('form_id')});
return form;
Basically I check if the form_id was set or not, if so I load it from the Forms collection, if not I create a blank one. I thought this would be pretty simple, really.
The problem is that the created/found form object does not behave in a "reactive" way. If I add header_fields or form_fields the subsequent template code never updates. Both are in a {{#each}} like so:
<template name="formEdit">
{{#each header_fields}}
{{> headerFieldOutput}}
{{#each form_fields}}
{{> formFieldOutput}}
How do I make it such that I can push header_fields and form_fields onto the form and have the underlying template reactively update the {{#each}}'s?
I think you're going about it a little differently than what the reactive programming methodology in Meteor is expecting.
You're putting the 'display' logic in your template helper, rather than using the template scaffolding itself to do it.
So, declare a very simple template helper, something like this:
Template.formEdit.form = function () {
return forms.findOne(Session.get("form_id"));
And then, in your template scaffolding have something like this:
{{#if form}}
{{#with form}}
{{#each header_fields}}
[[insert your blank form scaffolding in here]]...
Then, as you set your Session form_id variable, you can set it to null to invoke the {{#else}} portion.
There are more details than this (logic in the form submit click handler to identify if you are performing an update or an insert, for example) but hopefully you get the gist of it from this.
You should try to gain a better understanding about how cursors and reactive computations work, as it will help you better understand how to best use the reactive methodology. A good starting place is the parties example (watch the video and walk through the code manually). It's similar to what you're doing, and shows a good way of building your templates for when you don't have a 'selected' object.
Hope this helps!

sending information through events in meteor

Ok so I'm working with meteor! Woo hoo I love it so far, but I've actually run into an architecture problem (or maybe its super simple and i just dont know it yet).
I have a list of names that belong to a user. And a delete button that is aligned next to the name
name - x
name - x
name - x
and I want a functionality to click the 'x', and then proceed to clearing the name from the database using the meteor event handler. I'm finding trouble thinking about how I'm going to pass the name along with the click to proceed to delete it from the database.
I can't use a unique id in the template to call a document.getElementById() (unless I came up with an integer system that followed the database.)
Does anyone have a good thought on this?
Here is a complete working example:
{{> userEdit}}
<template name="nameChoice">
<template name="userEdit">
{{#each nameChoices}}
{{> nameChoice name=this}}
Users = new Meteor.Collection(null);
if (Meteor.isClient) {
Meteor.startup(function () {
Users.insert({nameChoices: ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']});
Template.userEdit.nameChoices = function () {
return Users.findOne() && Users.findOne().nameChoices;
'click .remove': function () {
_id = Users.findOne()._id;
Users.update(_id, {$pull: {'nameChoices':}});
This actually does a bunch of stuff you wouldn't do in a real application (defined a client-only Users collection, assumes there is only one user, etc). But the main takeaway is that you can use the data context in each nameChoice template to respond to the remove event. This approach can nearly always replace the need for coming up with your own artificial id system. Feel free to ask questions if any of this is unclear.

Template is re-rendered even though there is no data change

I'm struggling with an issue that I will explain giving a simple demo.
There's following very simple document in People Collection.
"_id" : "vxmLRndHgNocZouJg",
"fname" : "John" ,
"nicks" : [ "Johnny" , "Jo"]
Now let's consider following templates. Basically I display username and a list of nicknames with input field for adding more nicknames.
{{> name}}<br/>
{{> nicks}}
<template name="name">
<input type="text" value="{{fname}}"/>
<template name="nicks">
{{#each nicks}}
no nicks yet
<input type="text" name="nicks"/>
<input type="submit"/>
My client javascript code is as follows: = function() {
return People.findOne({"fname" : "John"},{
transform : function(doc) {
return doc.fname;
} = function() {
console.log('Template "name" rendered!');
Template.nicks.nicks = function() {
var john = People.findOne({"fname" : "John"});
if(john) return john.nicks;
'click input[type="submit"]' : function () {
var johnId = People.findOne({"fname" : "John"})._id; // demo code
$addToSet : {
nicks : $('input[name="nicks"]').val()
My problem is that after adding nickname (update of nicks field in a document) template name is re-rendered (I know because I console.log it). When I query People collection to provide data for name template I use transform option so changes in nicks field shouldn't have impact on name template.
Meteor docs supports this:
Cursors are a reactive data source. The first time you retrieve a cursor's documents with fetch, map, or forEach inside a reactive computation (eg, a template or autorun), Meteor will register a dependency on the underlying data. Any change to the collection that changes the documents in a cursor will trigger a recomputation.
Why template name is re-rendered then?
The template is re-rendered because you change the People collection.
When you alter the People collection, Meteor automatically assumes that everything that it provides data to needs to be recalculated. (Which your name template does via
Even though you transform the output of the cursor, the People collection has changed in some way. The query is done before the transform is used, in other words, its not the transform that is looked at but the whole collection.
Meteor thinks that perhaps your document with {'fname':'John'} may have some other field that might have changed and it needs to requery it to check (which the nicks field has been altered). The transform is then applied after the requery.
Your HTML might not actually change at this point, only if the cursor returns something different will the html be changed.
If it becomes an issue in any scenario (i.e forms being cleared or DOM being changed when it shouldn't be) you can use the {{#isolate}} {{/isolate}} blocks to ensure that only everything inside them is re-rendered and nothing outside.
