Where are my simulators and how do I install them? - ios-simulator

I cleaned out my personal library in attempt to fix a Xcode behavior bug.
But now I can't see the available SDKs/schema.
I believe the SDKs are with the Xcode bundle, having just download a fresh Xcode from the App Store.
So now I only see 'device'.
How to I force Xcode to reveal the simulators?
BTW: I can see all the simulators from the SAME Xcode app via my Guest account.
So my own Xcode environment is screwed up. Is there a remedy?

Comparing the Guest to my own account, I noticed that I didn't have any simulated device.
So I did the following:
1) I copied all the installed simulated devices from my Guest account to my account.
2) I noticed that this wasn't enough. Xcode still could not 'see' these devices. So I rebooted in Disk Utility and did a general repair of the entire drive.
Disk Utility noticed some unmapped regions (no doubt my 'erroneous' drives) and the repair fixed it.
Now I got my simulators back.


Install claimed to have succeeded, but application could not be found on device Xcode 11

Just after switching from Xcode 10 to 11, I am unable to install my app on any device
The error at launch time after installation succeeded says :
Install claimed to have succeeded, but application could not be found on device.
Details says :
Could not locate installed application
Domain: com.apple.platform.iphoneos
Code: -1
Recovery Suggestion: Install claimed to have succeeded, but application could not be found on device. bundleId = myBundleId
Installed application was not present in database of installed apps after multiple lookup attempts.
Domain: com.apple.platform.iphoneos
Code: -1
However everything works fine on a simulator.
I tried to delete derived data, clean project, delete the app ..
Very strange : After submitting the app to testlfight I can download it and it works.
But when I build a new app to Xcode it launch the app just downloaded from tesflight and not the version pushed via Xcode ..
For me, it's a problem with ipatool.
Here's a way to find out details why it failed to create a proper iPhone App (.ipa) file from the build output/Xcode archive:
Go to Product > Archive, then open Window > Organizer > Distribute App.
It should show you "IPA processing failed" with a big red error symbol.
Now, open the logs and search along these lines:
timestamp Assertion failed: Expected n archs in otool output:
timestamp /Path/to/ Xcode-beta.app/Contents/Developer/usr/bin/ipatool exited with 1
While this can't be the final solution, try removing all problematic libraries mentioned in the logs between the two lines until ipatool exists successfully.
I also had this issue/error message. I realized that I had automatic signing deactivated and I had selected a provisioning profil with a distribution certificate.
So if you want to run the app on your iphone directly from Xcode (not through testflight) you have to make sure you use a provisioning profil with a developer certificate.
This is probably not the case for most people facing this issue, but I faced it once several days ago and easily dealt with it by cleaning the build folder and switching to a legacy build. The second time I faced it, none of the suggested solutions seemed to be working.
I then noticed that because I'd almost run out of storage on my device, iOS had "offloaded" almost all of my apps. If there is a small cloud under your apps and the app needs to "install" again before launching, then this is the case with your phone too. Trying to launch all of the apps that I don't use regularly (so I never noticed the little clouds) "reinstalled" all of them and solved the issue entirely. Maybe this helps someone facing this for similar reasons.
I have the same problem,I modify the project setting
File --> Workspace Setting --> Build System --> Legacy Build System
it's OK for me
I also got this alert. That's because i run the app in release Build Configuration, but with a appstore Provisioning Profile . It's not allowed. So i change the appstore Provisioning Profile to a dev Profile. Then everything is ok.
Hope this can help you.
I found a way to solve this problem. After I upgraded iOS 13.1, the real machine also ran. Later, I found out that because I had archive operation the day before, the real machine running certificate changed from distribution mode to development mode and everything worked normally.
For my case (xcode 11, ios 12.4), change the Bundle identifier can solve this issue...
Before changing Bundle id, I've tried
using beta xcode
deleting app on iphone
deleting derived data
cleaning project
reopen xcode
Here's another solution. I had previously installed three other apps using XCode and got this error message when I tried to install a fourth.
I simply deleted one of my three existing apps (after hours of hair pulling and SO searching) and tried again. It worked.
Platform: iPad 2018 on v13.1 with XCode v11.1,
I was using different signing team/certificate for ...Tests target.
Setting the same for main target helped.
Update pods if you have.
pod update
just it.

How to install Blackberry 10 Native(QT, C/C++) on Windows Machine

I am trying to install Blackberry 10 Native in my Windows 7 Machine, but somehow i am unable to install it properly, so please any one can guide me how can i install Blackberry 10 in my Windows 7 Machine.
I already downloaded Momentics IDE and also i have followed the instruction from this link
One more thing is that i don't have Blackberry device so i have to run mt application on simulator.
Please I just want brief guidance about how to setup all environment related to run Blackberry 10 on my Windows Machine.
Any help would be appreciated. Thank you in advance.
I am assuming Momentics installed without an issue, and simulator is the problem. You need VMware Player or some other virtual machine. You simply
Download and install VMware Player (Free for personal use)
in Momentics: where the "on:" choose "Add new target", click "Simulator", Install a new simulator and choose the version you want.
Once installed Launch simulator, go to Settings (in the simulator), Security and Privacy, Turn on development mode (you need to create password for this). I'm not 100% you need to turn on development mode on simulator but I do it anyway
Go back to Momentics (under Add new target), click Properties, enter password you used in simulator and click Connect.
Another thing that might be useful. You don't need signing keys on a simulator, but you do if you want to try on a real device. I hope you tried Momentics 2.1 beta, it's slightly better

Xcode 4.2: Error 0xC002 when trying to use a jailbroken iPhone 3G for development

I have this jailbroken iPhone 3G with iOS version 4.2.1 (the latest supported version). When I connect it to Xcode 4.2, Xcode starts copying the debug symbols. It stops copying towards the end of the process, and shows the following error:
Xcode has encountered an unexpected error (0xC002)
No such file or directory, at ‘/SourceCache/DTDeviceKit/DTDeviceKit-867/DTDeviceKit/DTDeviceKit_Utilities.m:864’
Anybody experiencing anything similar?
I know I should try and restore the phone, but I'm asking just in case anybody can come up with a solution that doesn't involve restoring it.
In this post on mactechnews.de, one guy reports the same problem -- with no solution, so far.
Alright, after a lot of testing and digging up the filesystem... I solved it.
It turns out that there are just a few files that are not downloaded from the device (for reasons still unknown). They are related to the dyld cache (don't really know what this is and what it's for). Here are the steps to make your 4.2.1 device debuggable in XCode 4.2 and 4.3.x:
Close Xcode
Go to: ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/iOS DeviceSupport/4.2.1 (8C148)/Symbols/System/Library/Caches/com.apple.dyld/ Note: if you don't have this folder, run Xcode, connect your device, and wait until the error 0xC002 appears in Organizer - the folder should be created by that time.
Create 3 empty files there called:
Run Xcode and enjoy the light next to your device eventually go green:)
Or, for the terminal lovers:
cd ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/iOS\ DeviceSupport/4.2.1\ \(8C148\)/Symbols/System/Library/Caches/com.apple.dyld/
touch .copied_dyld_shared_cache_armv6
touch .processed_dyld_shared_cache_armv6
touch dyld_shared_cache_armv6
This is obviously a hack but it works perfectly for debugging and I haven't noticed any side-effects so far.
Small update:
I tested it on my snow leopard hackintosh, with the Xcode 4.2 (most recent to date) and although the device is active in the organizer and it is possible to run the app on the device, i get black screen on launch. It gets installed but apparently debugger cannot get attached. I had the same problem with 4.0.2, when the 0xC002 problem didn't yet occur so I think it's unrelated and might even not happen to others. Nevertheless, 0xC002 is still solved.
On my main development machine with Lion and Xcode 4.3.2, device is perfectly debuggable.
The answer above (https://stackoverflow.com/a/9944892/1390251) works, basically,
but for newer versions of Xcode you probably need to rename the files as follows,
having them end with '7' instead of '6':
touch .copied_dyld_shared_cache_armv7
touch .processed_dyld_shared_cache_armv7
touch dyld_shared_cache_armv7
If not sure, you can keep both sets of files (...6 and ...7)
in the relevant folder (can also be 5.1.1 for that matter)
and it should work.
(have tested it on iPhone 4 with iOS v5.1.1 genuine)
It seems that you cannot debug apps on iOS 4.2.1. I tried several restores to iOS 4.2.1 with same effect. Downgrading to iOS 4.0 was the only thing that worked.
The reason for whole problem is that iOS 4.2.1 is not supported in XCode, according to this website.
Error in Xcode getting debugging info from 5.0.1 iphone
solved, see the link to archive with iOS5.0.1 debug info
download & unpack to "~/Library/Developer/xCode/iOS DeviceSupport/" & be happy =)
I fixed this bug in![enter image description here][1] this way:
I duplicate the 5.1.1(9B206), rename it to 5.1.1(9A405)[my ios device is this version], then the error is gone.

application is closing just after first launch

I have build signed the iPhone application with Adhoc provisioning profile,after installing the application directly through Xcode it launched and then closed. I want to know this is correct behavior or something is wrong in my source code?
I am using Snow Leopard 10.6.6 version of Mac OS.
Please consider the following :
restart xCode
ensure the adHoc provisioning profile is properly installed on the device using the Organizer.
do a clean & build
use the organizer summary panel to add application on your device.
if still failing, please try to restart your device.
if still failing, provide us logs you might have within the console.
Hope this helps.

CSS cross browser compatibility on Ubuntu

I'm currently working in web development and my default desktop is Ubuntu and I'm kind of happy with the setup and applications I got going. But I need to test web pages for cross browser compatibility while still being on Ubuntu.
I have gone through hell trying to get IE7 or IE8 (with wine) to run on ubuntu and when they finally worked they were very buggy and the graphics/scrolling was insanely slow.
Of course there is the option of virtual box but again, too much GBytes just to run a small application!
So to all the CSS gurus out there, how can I continue with my beloved Ubuntu and still deliver a good quality (tested) page.
Thank you.
Update for freshness:
I now use the paid service from browserstack.com to provide the multitude of different browser testing environments via flash tunnelling. I'm a paid user, but there is an initial free trial period. browserstack has freed me of the need to run the windows os on my machines in any form, virtual image or otherwise. Since it also allows tunnelling, I can host the site on my local machine but still test in browserstack browsers. I consider the monthly fee money very well spent.
End Edit
Various options I have tried, including "the final solution": free downloadable windows testing OSes from microsoft
I've tried a number of the options below, but virtualbox may be your best bet for full & complete testing, especially because in a professional capacity you often have to test ie8, ie7 -and- ie6. Which gets tricky with only a single os installed. So in order of simplest and most shallowly testing to most complex and most fully testing:
A newer, interesting online solution is: browserlab.adobe.com. It's actually very specific and fast compared to browsershots. It only gives you screenshots, but it's a great first step. So I do recommend that for purely visual (and thus relatively shallow) testing.
And while browsershots.org is also something that you should use for an overview experience of what users might see, you really can't get by without the real browsers for javascript and behavior testing (instead of just display & rendering testing that browsershots provides). The delay before you can see the images is also killer.
Dual booting into windows
Another that I've tried is dual booting, I work 99% of my time in ubuntu, and I have windows installed & available to dual boot into. Not a fast way to test, but if you don't have any other way to access ie, it should work for at least the latest version.
Remote desktop-ing over to a running windows box
Before I mention the "covers-all-the-bases" option, another useful possibility is to set up a windows machine and boot it up and connect to it via remote desktop so that you can work from one machine and test from both.
The final solution, using virtualbox
Finally, the mother of all solutions, using virtualbox:
Luckily (I know you said you didn't like the virtualbox solution, and I know it's an annoying setup process, but...) Microsoft provides available-for-a-year-or-more virtualmachine distros with different versions of ie pre-installed, available without the need for a license for a year or so before you'd have to update the virtualmachine, #
Installing a virtualmachine from microsoft's freely available browser testing images
Because this guide to setup on ubuntu is no longer available in full anywhere else, just in case you or someone else actually need it I feel compelled to include the actual details of the install process that were suggested to me on the ubuntu forums and worked when I went through them. I apologize for their length. Courtesy of the now anonymous original poster on the ubuntu forums:
Free Access to Microsoft Browser Compatibility Virtual OSes, Install Steps for Ubuntu
http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1097080 (Ed: I can't find this thread online any more)
HOWTO: run IE6, IE7, IE8 on Linux in
VirtualBox You need: virtualbox, qemu,
Code: apt-get install virtualbox qemu
Download the free(!) Microsoft
Internet Explorer Application
Compatibility Check VPC Images here:
(Note: you don't have to download the
full pack, you can cherry pick
specific combinations of XP/Vista and
Extract the VPC image(s) with wine
(double-click). (Note: it might take a
while before the first window shows
Turn the VPC image(s) into (a) VMWare
image(s) (which is/are readable by
VirtualBox): qemu-img convert -f vpc
image.vhd -O vmdk image.vmdk
Setup a new VM in VirtualBox, using
the vmdk image as an existing disk.
Boot it, you will see the Windows boot
progress bar and ... it will BSOD
shortly after.
Fixing the BSOD:
The BSOD is caused because the virtual
Windows tries to load processor
drivers for the wrong processor (it is
not running on VirtualPC proc, but on
VirtualBox proc). Or something like
that... We need to force Windows not
to attempt to load drivers for the
processor (it doesn't need any proc
drivers, because it's all virtual
anyway). Start safe mode by
(frantically) hitting F8 at Windows
boot and choosing safe mode.
Ignore all the 'New hardware' detected
warnings (we will deal with those
later). Start a command box and run
the following command to disable the
loading of processor drivers:
Code: sc config processor start=
disabled (note the space between '='
and 'disabled'!)
Restart the virtual Windows, it should
now boot all the way to the Windows
Now just when you think you can start
browsing the web with IE, you will
find out that the virtual Windows
needs to install the drivers for the
AMD PCnet NIC, which are located on
the Windows install disk. Fortunately
for those without a Windows install
disk, there is another way :)
Download AMD PCnet drivers here:
Make an iso file containing the
drivers. I used Brasero for
simplicity. Choose to create a Data
Project, add the zip file (or the
unzipped files, saves you a step in
Windows), create the iso. No need to
burn an actual cd!
Stop the virtual Windows, edit the
settings in VirtualBox: mount your
brand new iso.
Start the virtual Windows, when it
asks to install the drivers for the
PCnet nick, point it to the (unzipped)
drivers. Et voila! You have teh
innernets! (Now you can also try to
install the other drivers it complains
for, but it's not really necessary)
The image README says the image will expire after about a year. In my experience the system gets hobbled against multi-hour use, but is still usable for the kind of short periods that you might want when booting up to test a website. At worst you might have to go through these steps again, so be sure to put them somewhere where you can find them again after a year or so.
I think setting up a virtual machine (Virtualbox or VMWare or...) with a proper Windows will be your only (local) option.
I you don't have one, buy a used Windows XP license. XP is cheap (around 20-30 euros here in Germany, for example) and all relevant versions of IE run on it. Home edition is enough. No need for Windows 7 or anything.
You could install IETester on that to get all the IE versions on one OS. IETester has flaws and is not always 100% reliable in what it renders, but for a general CSS compatibility check it should be okay.
I've never tried IE using Wine, but even trying to imagine the combination gives me goose bumps :D
If you have a copy of Windows you could install it in a virtual machine (Virtualbox is a good, free option). Or if you don't mind a lot of lag time and publicly exposing your web pages you could use a service like BrowserShots.
I have not tried this on Ubuntu or anything but windows - but this seems to be a pretty good testing system over the web.
however, I think your best result would be to use a VM if possible.
I have to add my voice to those opting for VirtualBox.
VMs are the only way to get an accurate representation of how IE platforms behave. They also allow you to keep your main Linux install free of WINE and IE gunk, which is otherwise always troublesome and fragile. (Especially if you're trying to run multiple IEs, which is unreliable and inaccurate even under Windows).
They're not necessarily that big, if you take care to prune the unneeded features, turn off swap, compact the disc image and so on. My XPSP3 test image is just over 800MB.
I didn't want to install all this stuff as I wanted to move forward quick.
I found public AWS images with pre installed browser that you just can start and use.
If you already have an AWS account this will take you only 5 min. Make sure that you enable the RDP port on the incoming traffic in your security group.
As I use ubuntu I was looking for a way to connect from it to MS Win.
I'm connection on to them via remote desktop.
The way to go here is rdesktop, a command line utility for Windows Remote Desktop. (sudo apt-get install rdesktop)
If you feel like a GUI use tsclient. It's very close to the windows version.
From a work flow perspective I develop for Chrome in Ubuntu first, then have a look at the other browsers via browserlab.adobe.com.
After that I start my new AWS instance to debug.
The small AWS Windows instance is a $0.12 per hour (http://aws.amazon.com/ec2/#pricing). I can work for a long time on that before it's worth installing all this stuff.
CrossBrowserTesting.com works from Linux. Allows you to access Mac, Windows, and Ubuntu configurations and all the browsers loaded on them via vinagre vnc client.
