my site is not showing in google search why? - http

I've read the questions and searched. My URL is:
I recently created a website for one of our client, and added content and images are setup. I've verified the site with google webmasters, added analytics to the site.
The issue that I am experiencing is that I am searching for the keyword "" and our domain "" is not showing up at all. Even if I type as "" the domain doesn't show up.
I would appreciate if some one could assist me, if am doing anything wrong?
Thanks for all who tried to assist me...

Google does not add your site immediately to their search index. Even if Google already crawled your site it can take more than a day until it is added to the public available search index.
Try it again in 24-48hours and contact google if it still does not show up.


When i scan for my website domain google search gives spam links , how to remove it

The website is a wordpress site and it was been attacked by xss attack. Ive already installed wordfence and malcare to scan and remove the malicious code and files. but still the google search results are show spam links under the main result. I most of the pages direct to 404 webpages and i was told the google bot will remove it automatically but the issue still remains after 4 days. if any expert regarding this have any solutions and advice i would much appreciate.
You can try resubmitting you sitemap to Google in the Search Console. 
Otherwise, similiarly try using the Google Removals tool to temporarily these links, hopefully the will be cleared from the search results by the the time the links are restored.

How to check search results of website on google?

I am working on a website "".
When i type datasiplus on google, i get as 3rd result this url "".
Is it normal ?
Can it be the cause for my website having unwanted popup ads ?
How to check search results of website on google?
You can see all indexed pages from your website (domain) if you go to google search and type the following is it normal?
This page is a tool to get information about a specific domain. It's estimating the value, traffic and lot more. Either this tool has automatically crawled your page or someone searched for your domain with it.
There is a form on their site, where you can request to remove your domain from here
So yes, it's normal that this is in google index because it's like a subpage of their tool and datasiplus is a keyword for both sites, yours and
If you go to google now and search for datasiplus, then you can already see your own question there.
Can it be the cause for my website having unwanted popup ads?
No, this page will not cause unwanted popup ads on your page (or any other page).
Popups like this is most probably caused by malware on your page. This may be introduced through some security holes in wordpress and / or from one of the plugins you are using.
To get started to search and remove such malware, you can start at this SO question

The URL submitted contains the noindex tag google

I have a few links that I do not want to be indexed by Google. But googleshows me the following statistics error.
The weirdest part is that I configured these links not to be indexed.
Like I set a similar rule in robots.txt for my website. But google still catches them to me like error. Can anyone help me how to solve this problem?
My site is on a Linux platform and CMS WordPress system.

Pages not in directory showing up on google analytic

I've been using google analytics for my website for awhile now and haven't had any problems. Just today though I checked the all pages tab under Behavior->Site Content and found something very strange. A bunch of pages that aren't on in my websites directory are now appearing there and saying they have traffic (albeit very little). Here's a link to an image of the pages:
I've verified that non of these pages exist on my live server or in the directory on my local machine. Does anyone know what might be causing this? Or how I can get rid of these pages on my website? I've searched around on google but have had no luck figuring out whats going on.
Thanks for the help in advance!
Timothy it looks like you are just seeing Referral/Referrer Spam.
Here are a couple of my favorite links on the subject:
Definitive Guide to Removing Referral Spam
What is Referrer Spam and How to stop it
4 things you must know about Spam in Google Analytics
Its a good idea to have a Raw View with no filters, but then also a filtered view with a added, to filter out any possible hits sent by people copying your GA tracking code.

Detected WordPress url different to what was created

I am creating a new website in Wordpress and wrote the about page. But the url which has been detected by google webmaster isn't what I have created. I have no idea how it comes out.
The actual about page url is
The one google webmaster detected is
It also gives me an error page not found in webmaster tools.
Any suggestion on how I can solve this?
It seems that somewhere on your website the wrong URL is appearing. Check the HTML source code in the browser to find the occurrence, and fix the problem there. Otherwise just somebody entered the URL manually in their address bar.
