I publish my project to nexus/sonatype staging repo. Then I try to pull that dependency with sbt update on another project.
I get an unresolved dependency error. sbt shows me all the directories it tried, including the path for the staging repo I expected to succeed.
I initially thought it was a deployment/delay thing with nexus (waiting for the package to propagate) but I can reliably hit the same pom file link that sbt says failed from a browsers with no problems (cut 'n paste the precise URL).
Does sbt have some kind of resolution cache not cleared by a clean?
If the pom can be downloaded from Nexus then the issue isn't with Nexus, it is with SBT. You might try explicitly running update from SBT to clear it's cache.
I am trying to run my emulator after adding the firebase and google sign in plug ins/dependencies to my gradle.build files and now I am receiving the error
"Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 8.0"
anyone know if I am doing something wrong this is a react native firebase app.
I am not sure what to try. This is my first app I am doing for a project at school and I do not really know what I am doing. I have just been following tutorials online
Solve this issue by deleting the .gradle folder from <NameOfProject>/android and again run npm run android
I think I just had this same problem. I don't have any idea what your error logs are though so I am not certain however this is my error log right here:
`> Task :react-native-gradle-plugin:compileKotlin FAILED
'compileJava' task (current target is 1.8) and 'compileKotlin' task (current target is 11) jvm targeta version. 1 actionable task: 1 executed`
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
What went wrong: Execution failed for task ':react-native-gradle-plugin:compileKotlin'. Failed to query the value of task ':react-native-gradle-plugin:compileKotlin' property 'compilerRun Kotlin could not find the required JDK tools in the Java installation. Make sure Kotlin compilat
This error however I fixed by editing the gradle-wrapper.properties file's distributionUrl variable. I changed the distributionUrls gradle version to 7.4.2 the file is in Project-Name\android\gradle\wrapper\gradle-wrapper.properties
My error log is saying that gradle's version of JVM want's to be version 11 and is not but you can check gradle's jvm version by using cd android in the project root directory and after that run ./gradlew --version Change JVM's version from the version it is showing to the version that it says is required like in my case v 11. The way I changed gradle's JVM version required chocolatey which is a package manager. This is where you can require it https://chocolatey.org/install and after you have setup chocolatey open a new terminal that has administrative privileges and run this choco install -y nodejs-lts openjdk11 with the JVM version it is asking for inside your error logs
and finally run npm start and after that npm run android inside a refreshed and new terminal and gradle's JVM version and gradle's version will be updated to the specified versions
We could better help if you could you show us your android/build.gradle and android/app/build.gradle files, but here are more specific instructions than you find in the docs:
In android/build.gradle, dependencies should look something like this:
dependencies {
classpath 'com.android.tools.build:gradle:4.2.1'
classpath 'com.google.gms:google-services:4.3.10'
// NOTE: Do not place your application dependencies here; they belong
// in the individual module build.gradle files
see: https://github.com/gyani-sunkara/rn-firebase-login-starter/blob/main/android/build.gradle
It is known this works with the classpaths at the beginning.
Also in android/app/build.gradle, it is known that the google-services dep works at the end of the file.
apply plugin: 'com.google.gms.google-services'
and make this the last "implementation" under dependencies (around line 272)
implementation 'androidx.swiperefreshlayout:swiperefreshlayout:1.0.0' // <-- add this; newer versions should work too
see: https://github.com/gyani-sunkara/rn-firebase-login-starter/blob/main/android/app/build.gradle
Then, delete android/.gradle and run npx react-native run-android in the root directory.
I am trying to install sbt on our RedHat Linux server (RHEL6.8). The server doesn't have internet connection.
I downloaded sbt-1.0.x.zip from github but I don't see installation instruction. In README.md file, it points to http://www.scala-sbt.org/release/docs/Getting-Started/Setup which tells me to use yum command. But that would require Internet connection.
Can anyone help?
Thank you.
sbt 0.13.15 supports offline installation with a preloaded local repo:
sbt 0.13.15 adds two new repositories called “local-preloaded-ivy”
and “local-preloaded” that point to ~/.sbt/preloaded/.
The purpose for the repositories is to preload them with
sbt artifacts during the initial installation, instead of resolving
from the remote repository on the first run.
This enables installation of sbt without network connection.
To enable resolving of your own dependencies, it should be sufficient to add them to the preloaded directory.
You need to download the RPM from bintray. See the instructions here:
Source: http://www.scala-sbt.org/0.13/docs/Installing-sbt-on-Linux.html
Depending on what dependencies are unfulfilled, you may need to download additional RPM files that sbt depends on.
I'm apparently missing a repository because when I specify sbt version 0.13.7 I get
org.scala-sbt#sbt;0.13.7: not found
I'm using Artifactory locally to cache all my dependencies, and I need to add the correct repository to my Artifactory.
It also fails to find 0.13.6 but it works with 0.13.5 so I must have already downloaded that version on to my local machine.
We're still working on moving this into scala-sbt.org, but you can find the artifactory instructions we worked up with JFrog here: https://docs.google.com/a/typesafe.com/document/d/18fGjMz21J4-JMHXfDH4OyGOXu8NvWfsG4q83S9RT64M/edit
Oh, and the repository is repo.typesafe.com/typesafe/releases (but as an ivy repository)
I deleted Cache and tmp directory of my serviceMix.
I'm trying to reinstall webconsole on using
features:install webconsole. I'm getting following error
Error executing command: Manifest not present in the first entry of the zip mvn:org.apache.felix/org.apache.felix.metatype/1.0.4
How can I solve this problem
There was a known problem with reorganization of maven repositories which caused some troubles. Please make sure that your local repository does not contain malformed JAR file (it happens sometimes with various gateways which redirects you to login page), then reconfigure repositories in etc/org.ops4j.pax.url.mvn.cfg and make entry
First in list.
I've got a problem when I am building my project. I uses the springsource tools (STS) version 3.1.0 on Linux platform. After I imported my project to the STS, the springsource tools told me that "No such file or directory" at the pom.xml file. The file is actually exist in the correct path. I think the project is working fine because I've tried to import the same project with the same procedure in the other computer.
When I use console to compile the project with maven, all of them are complied successfully.
I've also tried the following but still not work:
1. reinstall the STS.
2. re-import the project.
3. create a user profile and re-import project.
4. use older version of STS (3.0.0)
I want to import the project to my computer so that I can work with.
Please suggest to resolve the problem. Thanks!
Had "No such file or directory" error on pom.xml in Eclipse Luna SR1.
Tracked it down to be caused by faulty resolution of other projects within the workspace by M2E.
So there are 2 solutions:
Either close the other project in the workspace (a dependency of the project in error).
Or disable workspace resolution by M2E on the project in error (right-click on the project, Maven --> Disable Workspace Resolution).
Obviously, if you need both projects open then option 2. is the way to go. The dependent project then takes the dependency from the local Maven repo, so to refresh it, you have to build and install the dependency into the local repo (mvn install).
I have the same issue. Still didn't find any smart solution, but this sometimes works for me:
Close eclipse
Go to console and do a maven clean install with update flag "mvn clean install -U"
Reboot the computer (logging out and back in didn't help)
Start eclipse and refresh and rebuild your projects