Captivate 7 HTML5 Elements Embedding - adobe-captivate

I published a page of Captivate 7 as HTML5. It works alone, but when I try to embed it to an existing another bootstrap page, it is not working. Is there anyone who had similar problem and solved?
Su Myat

I would use an iframe for this. Captivate HTML5 content is 99% javascript.


dreamweaver cs6 show where style is used

I'm using Dreamweaver CS6 to maintain a small web site of 23 pages. I'd like to find out if a particular CSS style, like ".anchor" is used at all, and if so, which pages use it. I can't seem to find this out from a web search.
Thanks for looking at this.
Use Search and Replace to accomplish that.

OSX Style dock in Ajax

I am building a new site for a client and they want and OSX style dock at the foot of the page.
Any ideas or examples of how to get started with this.
I guess Ajax would be the best option.
This seems to be what you are looking for:
There is a a clear html code example and the accompanying CSS / JS.

How to edit css live with ie6

Hallo all.
I need a tool similar to firebug with ie6 to edit css live.
I tried to use ie developer toolbar but in ie6 seems not to let you edit the DOM as wanted.
Is there any tool around?
Kind regards
Massimo Ugues
There's one but it's pretty buggy.
It's called cssVista.
I am using version
I've not checked to see if you can change or edit CSS live in it, but I've used Firebug Lite in Internet Explorer in the past. You might want to check it out.
I've heard great things about Adobe Dreamweaver CS 5, it has this feature. I also here that where other software has failed (things like Drupal with a bazillion nested CSS files), Dreamweaver CS 5 handles well.

Is it possible to use HTML5 in a ASP.NET MVC project in Visual Studio 2010?

For now, I just want to use the <audio> and <video> tags and maybe try out the drag and drop features since these are supported by Firefox 3.6. The project will just be a test project, not necessarily for production.
The big idea behind ASP.NET MVC is that you have total control over the generated HTML, so you just need to use the tags as you wish, no additional work required.
I wanted a bit more control over the inputs and the ability to use postback on the controls, so I built a suite of HTML 5 Controls. It's got canvas and just about all of the new input types. As was said earlier, one big limitation is the browser your user brings to the site. The inputs will fail gracefully to Input Type="text".
Change the DOCTYPE on your master page to
<!DOCTYPE html>
and ignore any validation errors you get. I think you'll be ok.
Absolutely. You can output whatever HTML you'd like.
The HtmlHelpers may not output your desired HTML but its not that hard to change them.
Yes just change the doctype. but the question is does your users have a browser that supports HTML5 ?

How to create a Toolbar for IE?

i need to create a toolbar for IE. And i have the code for to develop that for Firefox.
but i dont have the link for the IE tutorial for Toolbar development.
if any one know please reply me..
C++ sample: link
VB sample: link
BestToolbars gives you a fully extensible platfrom for creating IE toolbars. Their platform is capable of running JAvascripts so that you can actually use Javascript to create the functionality and not to mess up with C++ or VB.
