Qt installer framework: remove radio buttons from uninstaller - qt

I have created a simple installer for our product with only 1 component and no remote repositories manager.
When I start the uninstaller, the introduction page shows 3 radio buttons:
Package manager
Update components
Remove all components
I need only the third one, so I checked this documentation:
As I have understood and being unable to hide the buttons, I added this to my install.qs file:
function Controller()
Controller.prototype.IntroductionPageCallback = function()
This should auto-click Next on the introduction page so it should go directly to the uninstall page.
Nothing happens, what ever I write in the Controller functions, the introduction page shows the 3 radio buttons. I added some messagebox in the function and they are never called.
Somebody knows how to solve it ?

I think I have 2 working solutions.
First solution, if you want to have a single page uninstaller:
You need to create a Controller like the one you started before:
function Controller() {
if (installer.isUninstaller()) {
installer.setDefaultPageVisible(QInstaller.Introduction, false);
installer.setDefaultPageVisible(QInstaller.ComponentSelection, false);
installer.setDefaultPageVisible(QInstaller.LicenseCheck, false);
This will disable all pages in the classic install/uninstall workflow. Make sure to check you're in uninstall mode.
If you want a 2 pages uninstaller:
function Controller()
Controller.prototype.IntroductionPageCallback = function()
if (installer.isUninstaller()) {
// Get the current wizard page
var widget = gui.currentPageWidget();
if (widget != null) {
// Don't show buttons because we just want to uninstall the software
widget.findChild("PackageManagerRadioButton").visible = false;
widget.findChild("UpdaterRadioButton").visible = false;
widget.findChild("UninstallerRadioButton").visible = false;
In installer mode, select by default "I accept" the Licence Agreement. Seriously, who doesn't?
Controller.prototype.LicenseAgreementPageCallback = function()
var widget = gui.currentPageWidget();
if (widget != null) {
widget.AcceptLicenseRadioButton.checked = true;


Detect When A Node is Visible in a Scene

I am trying to find a way to detect (or receive notification) that a Node has been added to a Scene and is visible.
I am creating Node objects off the main JavaFx thread and add them to the Stage and Scene using Platform.runLater(). However I would like the Node object to receive notification that is has been added to the Scene and is visible, for example I wish to trigger an animation to start.
I can't seem to find any property or method to add a listener to capture such an event. Any suggestions?
The third-party JavaFX library ReactFX has a mechanism for this, and this exact use case is cited in the blog. In short, you can do
Val<Boolean> showing = Val.flatMap(node.sceneProperty(), Scene::windowProperty)
and then of course
showing.addListener((obs, wasShowing, isNowShowing) -> {
if (isNowShowing) {
// node is showing
} else {
// node is not showing
The standard library has a version of this, but it is very badly written. (It is not typesafe, has no compile-time checking that the properties exist, and also pipes a lot of unnecessary warnings to standard error if any of the properties in the "chain" are null, even though the API docs indicate this is a supported use case.) If you want to do this with the standard JavaFX library, you can do
BooleanBinding showing = Bindings.selectBoolean(node.sceneProperty(), "window", "showing");
and then use the binding the same way as above.
Finally, you could do all this by hand, but it gets a bit ugly to manage the listeners properly:
BooleanProperty showing = new SimpleBooleanProperty();
ChangeListener<Window> windowListener = (obs, oldWindow, newWindow) -> {
if (newWindow != null) {
} else {
ChangeListener sceneListener = (obs, oldScene, newScene) -> {
if (oldScene != null) {
if (newScene == null) {
} else {
if (newScene.getWindow() == null) {
} else {
if (node.getScene() == null) {
} else {
if (node.getScene().getWindow() == null) {
} else {
You can add a listener to the children property of container node into which you are adding the new node.
grid.getChildren().addListener((ListChangeListener<? super Node>) change -> {
change.getList().get(0) returns the first node that is added to grid object.
After James's comment, I have looked up and yes, it is possible to do it from node's perspective as well. You can listen to parentProeprty's changes on the node. Following snippet shows the way to do it.
Button b = new Button("Test");
b.parentProperty().addListener((observable, oldValue, newValue) -> {
System.out.println("added to a container " + newValue);

Conditionally enable/disable fields in AEM 6.1 (granite.ui) TouchUI dialogs

Does anyone have any experience with conditionally disabling fields based on value of a previous field in an AEM6.1 TouchUI dialog?
To give some context I have a checkbox in my TouchUI dialog used to enable/disable (hide/show) a Call To Action button within a component. I'd like to disable the CTA buttonText and href fields in the dialog itself where the author has disabled the CTA via the checkbox. Adversely I'd like to enable these fields where the CTA checkbox is checked enabling CTA.
I have investigated /libs/cq/gui/components/authoring/dialog/dropdownshowhide/clientlibs/dropdownshowhide.js but it's not really fit for purpose given that this is specifically designed for hiding or showing fields based on value of dropdown list and my attempts to modify it to allow similar funationality on a checkbox have been less than fruitful. I want to enable/disabled fields rather than hide of show them.
After a bit of messing around I got this working by adding class="cq-dialog-checkbox-enabledisable" to my sling:resourceType="granite/ui/components/foundation/form/checkbox" and class="cq-dialog-checkbox-enabledisable-target" to the sling:resourceType="granite/ui/components/foundation/form/textarea" that I wanted to disable in my cq:dialog.xml.
I then created my own clientLib that has dependencies on granite.jquery and categories cq.authoring.dialog.
UPDATE: turns out the disabled property can't be set programatically on pathbrowser field types at the top level, so you neeed to disable the child fields contained inside it (js-coral-pathbrowser-input and js-coral-pathbrowser-button) code snippet below updated to reflect this.
* Extension to the standard checkbox component. It enables/disables other components based on the
* selection made in the checkbox.
* How to use:
* - add the class cq-dialog-checkbox-enabledisable to the checkbox element
* - add the class cq-dialog-checkbox-enabledisable-target to each target component that can be enabled/disabled
(function(document, $) {
"use strict";
// when dialog gets injected
$(document).on("foundation-contentloaded", function(e) {
// if there is already an inital value make sure the according target element becomes visible
enableDisable($(".cq-dialog-checkbox-enabledisable", e.target));
$(document).on("change", ".cq-dialog-checkbox-enabledisable", function(e) {
function enableDisable(el){
el.each(function(i, element) {
if ($(element).attr("type") === "checkbox"){
if ($(element).prop('checked')){
} else {
//recurse all pathbrowser children and grandchildren etc
function iteratePathBrowserDescendants (node, enable) {
for (var i = 0; i < node.childNodes.length; i++) {
var child = node.childNodes[i];
if ((child.className.indexOf('js-coral-pathbrowser-input') > -1 ) || (child.className.indexOf('js-coral-pathbrowser-button') > -1 )) {
enablePathBrowser(child, enable);
} else {
iteratePathBrowserDescendants(child, enable);
function enablePathBrowser(node, enable) {
node.disabled = enable;
//iterate class cq-dialog-checkbox-enabledisable-target's and enable
$.prototype.enable = function () {
$.each(this, function (index, el) {
//special treatment for pathBrowser as it is made up of multiple fields and cannot be disabled at the top level
if (el.hasAttribute('data-init')) {
if (el.getAttribute('data-init') == 'pathbrowser'){
iteratePathBrowserDescendants(el, false);
} else {
el.disabled = false;
//iterate class cq-dialog-checkbox-enabledisable-target's and disable
$.prototype.disable = function () {
$.each(this, function (index, el) {
//special treatment for pathBrowser as it is made up of multiple fields and cannot be disabled at the top level
if (el.hasAttribute('data-init')) {
if (el.getAttribute('data-init') == 'pathbrowser'){
iteratePathBrowserDescendants(el, true);
} else {
el.disabled = true;

Sitecore: Show input option after using menu context item

I've added a menu context item to the TreelistEx. This menu item sends a messages that I later catch in a HandleMessage method.
In this method i create a new item ( template type and parent item are given in the source of the treelist field ).
All i need now is a way to ask the user for a name. But i haven't been able to find a simple way to do this.
class MyTreeListEx : TreelistEx, IMessageHandler
void IMessageHandler.HandleMessage(Message message)
if (message == null)
{ return; }
if (message["id"] == null)
{ return; }
if (!message["id"].Equals(ID))
{ return; }
switch (message.Name)
case "treelist:edit":
// call default treelist code
case "mytreelistex:add":
// my own code to create a new item
Does anyone have any suggestions on how to achieve this ?
Edit: added image & code + i'm using Sitecore 8 Update 1
I don't know which version of Sitecore you use but what you can try is SheerResponse.Input method.
You can use it like this:
using Sitecore.Configuration;
using Sitecore.Globalization;
using Sitecore.Shell.Applications.ContentEditor.FieldTypes;
using Sitecore.Web.UI.Sheer;
void IMessageHandler.HandleMessage(Message message)
case "mytreelistex:add":
Sitecore.Context.ClientPage.Start(this, "AddItem");
protected static void AddItem(ClientPipelineArgs args)
if (args.IsPostBack)
if (!args.HasResult)
string newItemName = args.Result;
// create new item here
// if you need refresh the page:
SheerResponse.Input("Enter the name of the new item:", "New Item Default Name", Settings.ItemNameValidation,
Translate.Text("'$Input' is not a valid name."), Settings.MaxItemNameLength);
This code will even validate your new item name for incorrect characters and length.

Flex Mobile 4.6 StageVideo not removing from stage

When I instantiate a new StageVideo instsance with stage.stageVideos[0] everything works great, but when i leave my view that's displaying the video it sticks on the stage. So when i goto another view it's still showing on the stage in the background. I tried setting sv = null, removing event listeners...etc.
I've created a StageVideoDisplay class which is instantiated in mxml like: and on view initialization i call a play() method:
if ( _path )
// Connections
_nc = new NetConnection();
_ns = new NetStream(_nc);
_ns.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, onNetStatus);
_ns.client = this;
// Screen
_video = new Video();
_video.smoothing = true;
// Video Events
// the StageVideoEvent.STAGE_VIDEO_STATE informs you whether
// StageVideo is available
// in case of fallback to Video, listen to the VideoEvent.RENDER_STATE
// event to handle resize properly and know about the acceleration mode running
_video.addEventListener(VideoEvent.RENDER_STATE, videoStateChange);
On video stage event:
if ( stageVideoInUse ) {
try {
_rc = new Rectangle(0,0,this.width,this.height);
_sv.viewPort = _rc;
} catch (e:Error) {}
} else {
try {
_video.width = this.width;
_video.height = this.height;
} catch (e:Error) {}
And on stage video availability event:
protected function toggleStageVideo(on:Boolean):void
// To choose StageVideo attach the NetStream to StageVideo
if (on)
stageVideoInUse = true;
if ( _sv == null )
try {
_sv = stage.stageVideos[0];
_sv.addEventListener(StageVideoEvent.RENDER_STATE, stageVideoStateChange);
_sv.depth = 1;
} catch (e:Error) {}
if (classicVideoInUse)
// If you use StageVideo, remove from the display list the
// Video object to avoid covering the StageVideo object
// (which is always in the background)
stage.removeChild ( _video );
classicVideoInUse = false;
} else
// Otherwise attach it to a Video object
if (stageVideoInUse)
stageVideoInUse = false;
classicVideoInUse = true;
try {
stage.addChildAt(_video, 0);
} catch (e:Error) {}
if ( !played )
played = true;
What happens is in the view when i navigator.popView(), the stageVideo remains on the stage, even in other views, and when returning to that view to play a different stream the same stream is kind of "burned" on top. I can not figure out a way to get rid of it! Thanks in advance!
In Flash Player 11, Adobe added the dispose() method to the NetStream class.
This is useful to clear the Video or StageVideo object when you're done with it.
When you call the dispose() method at runtime, you may get an exception indicating that there is no property named dispose on the NetStream object.
This occurs because Flash Builder is not compiling the app with the proper SWF version. To fix that, just add this to your compiler directives:
In the new Flash Builder 4.7, we hopefully won't have to specify the SWF version to use the newer Flash Player features.
This seems to be the best solution, but if you can't use Flash 11 (or the latest Adobe AIR), some other work arounds would be:
set the viewPort of stage video object to a rectangle that has width=0 and height=0
since stage video appears underneath your app, you can always cover the viewport (with a background color or some DisplayObject)
Ok the issue was actually that, even though it seemed like stage video was in use since i got the "Accelerated" message in status, that it was actually the video render even running and classic video was actually in use. The only thing I needed to do was add stage.removeChild( _video ) to the close() event in the class!!

Help Debugging an Ajax Server Control Client Script

I am writing an Ajax Server Control in ASP.NET C# 4.0 in VS 2010.
After writing the javascript prototype class by hand, I don't know of a way to compile and debug file. To see why my "onclick" event doesn't work.
I'm creating an Ajax Server control by inheriting from Control & IScriptControl, and trying to get an onclick event handler to work. The written control is actually a "DIV". Can someone tell me why it doesn't work?
public class FrebbleSquare : Control, IScriptControl
IEnumerable<ScriptReference> IScriptControl.GetScriptReferences()
ScriptReference oRef1 = new ScriptReference("FrebbleAjaxControls.FrebbleSquare.js", this.GetType().Assembly.ToString());
ScriptReference oRef2 = new ScriptReference("FrebbleAjaxControls.prototype.js", this.GetType().Assembly.ToString());
ScriptReference oRef3 = new ScriptReference("FrebbleAjaxControls.scriptaculous.js", this.GetType().Assembly.ToString());
ScriptReference oRef4 = new ScriptReference("FrebbleAjaxControls.effects.js", this.GetType().Assembly.ToString());
return new ScriptReference[] { oRef1, oRef2, oRef3, oRef4 };
IEnumerable<ScriptDescriptor> IScriptControl.GetScriptDescriptors()
ScriptControlDescriptor descriptor = new ScriptControlDescriptor("FrebblesAjax.FrebbleSquare", this.ClientID);
return new ScriptDescriptor[] { descriptor };
FrebblesAjax.FrebbleSquare = function (element) {
FrebblesAjax.FrebbleSquare.initializeBase(this, [element]);
FrebblesAjax.FrebbleSquare.prototype =
initialize: function () {
FrebblesAjax.FrebbleSquare.callBaseMethod(this, 'initialize');
this._onclickHandler = Function.createDelegate(this, this._onClick);
{ 'click': this._onClick,
dispose: function () {
FrebblesAjax.FrebbleSquare.callBaseMethod(this, 'dispose');
_onClick: function (e) {
alert('it worked!');
FrebblesAjax.FrebbleSquare.registerClass('FrebblesAjax.FrebbleSquare', Sys.UI.Control);
if (typeof (Sys) !== 'undefined') Sys.Application.notifyScriptLoaded();
If you can use Firefox, download the Firebug extension. When the page loads, right-click on the element that you created and select "inspect element". This way you can see all the structure, properties, and functions of the DOM as it currently exists. This is usually preferable to "view source" when you're working with JavaScript. You should be able to see which event handlers are bound and set breakpoints in the JavaScript debugger.
