Conditionally enable/disable fields in AEM 6.1 (granite.ui) TouchUI dialogs - adobe

Does anyone have any experience with conditionally disabling fields based on value of a previous field in an AEM6.1 TouchUI dialog?
To give some context I have a checkbox in my TouchUI dialog used to enable/disable (hide/show) a Call To Action button within a component. I'd like to disable the CTA buttonText and href fields in the dialog itself where the author has disabled the CTA via the checkbox. Adversely I'd like to enable these fields where the CTA checkbox is checked enabling CTA.
I have investigated /libs/cq/gui/components/authoring/dialog/dropdownshowhide/clientlibs/dropdownshowhide.js but it's not really fit for purpose given that this is specifically designed for hiding or showing fields based on value of dropdown list and my attempts to modify it to allow similar funationality on a checkbox have been less than fruitful. I want to enable/disabled fields rather than hide of show them.

After a bit of messing around I got this working by adding class="cq-dialog-checkbox-enabledisable" to my sling:resourceType="granite/ui/components/foundation/form/checkbox" and class="cq-dialog-checkbox-enabledisable-target" to the sling:resourceType="granite/ui/components/foundation/form/textarea" that I wanted to disable in my cq:dialog.xml.
I then created my own clientLib that has dependencies on granite.jquery and categories cq.authoring.dialog.
UPDATE: turns out the disabled property can't be set programatically on pathbrowser field types at the top level, so you neeed to disable the child fields contained inside it (js-coral-pathbrowser-input and js-coral-pathbrowser-button) code snippet below updated to reflect this.
* Extension to the standard checkbox component. It enables/disables other components based on the
* selection made in the checkbox.
* How to use:
* - add the class cq-dialog-checkbox-enabledisable to the checkbox element
* - add the class cq-dialog-checkbox-enabledisable-target to each target component that can be enabled/disabled
(function(document, $) {
"use strict";
// when dialog gets injected
$(document).on("foundation-contentloaded", function(e) {
// if there is already an inital value make sure the according target element becomes visible
$(document).on("change", ".cq-dialog-checkbox-enabledisable", function(e) {
function enableDisable(el){
el.each(function(i, element) {
if ($(element).attr("type") === "checkbox"){
if ($(element).prop('checked')){
} else {
//recurse all pathbrowser children and grandchildren etc
function iteratePathBrowserDescendants (node, enable) {
for (var i = 0; i < node.childNodes.length; i++) {
var child = node.childNodes[i];
if ((child.className.indexOf('js-coral-pathbrowser-input') > -1 ) || (child.className.indexOf('js-coral-pathbrowser-button') > -1 )) {
enablePathBrowser(child, enable);
} else {
iteratePathBrowserDescendants(child, enable);
function enablePathBrowser(node, enable) {
node.disabled = enable;
//iterate class cq-dialog-checkbox-enabledisable-target's and enable
$.prototype.enable = function () {
$.each(this, function (index, el) {
//special treatment for pathBrowser as it is made up of multiple fields and cannot be disabled at the top level
if (el.hasAttribute('data-init')) {
if (el.getAttribute('data-init') == 'pathbrowser'){
iteratePathBrowserDescendants(el, false);
} else {
el.disabled = false;
//iterate class cq-dialog-checkbox-enabledisable-target's and disable
$.prototype.disable = function () {
$.each(this, function (index, el) {
//special treatment for pathBrowser as it is made up of multiple fields and cannot be disabled at the top level
if (el.hasAttribute('data-init')) {
if (el.getAttribute('data-init') == 'pathbrowser'){
iteratePathBrowserDescendants(el, true);
} else {
el.disabled = true;


How can I reflect to attribute but not trigger a rerender in lit-element?

I am converting a custom element dropdown over to lit-element. The way the existing element shows the dropdown options is by setting an expanded boolean attribute on the element, and the options are shown/hidden via css:
my-element:not([expanded]) .options-container {
display: none;
my-element[expanded] .options-container {
display: block;
The component doesn't need to do any rerenders because the logic is all in the css.
How can I achieve this behavior with lit-element, and not rerender the component? Rerendering can be costly if there are a lot of dropdown options.
I have tried implementing a shouldUpdate that returns false if only expanded has changed - but this causes lit-element not to reflect expanded to the attribute when set via a property, which is necessary in order to show/hide via css.
This is what I have, which doesn't work:
class MyDropdown extends LitElement {
static get properties() {
return {
expanded: { type: Boolean, reflect: true },
shouldUpdate(changedProperties) {
if (changedProperties.has('expanded') && changedProperties.size === 1) {
return false;
return true;
// disable shadow-dom
createRenderRoot() {
return this;
Note that I am not using shadow dom yet, not sure if that would change the solution. I'm on lit-element 2.2.1.
The idea is to not use LitElement's static properties or #Property decorator. Write your own property implementation like this:
class MyDropdown extends LitElement {
_expanded = false;
get expanded() {
return this._expanded;
set expanded(val) {
this._expanded = val;
// Manually setting the property and reflecting attribute.
if (val) {
this.setAttribute('expanded', '');
} else {
// disable shadow-dom
createRenderRoot() {
return this;
Similarly, you can listen for attributeChangedCallback lifecycle event and adjust _expanded property whenever user changes the attribute and not property.

Getting around list<> properties being readonly

I have two custom components written in QML
Container {
id: xOption
property string title;
property bool active: false;
function makeActive() {active=true}
onActiveChanged {
//alter appearance of option to reflect whether active/not
onTouch {
if (touchEvent reflects a tap) {
//notify underlying c++ engine that I was tapped
//engine will notify parent control that I was tapped by setting the flag var
//label to display title and some other visual components
Container {
id: XParent;
property list<XOption> options;
property int selectedOption: 0;
property string flag: cppengine.flag;
onCreationCompleted {
for (var k = 0; k < children.length; ++k) {
if (k==selectedOption)
onFlagChanged {
if (flag indicates that one of my child options was tapped) {
//determine from flag which option was tapped
//make other options inactive
But now I want to use XParent in another QML document and assign any number of different XOptions to it like so:
Container {
XParent {
options: [
XOption {
title: "title1";
XOption {
title: "title2";
However, when doing so, I get the error:
Invalid property assignment: "options" is a read-only property
Is there any way I could get around this? I've tried making options a string array type variant, that would contain the title of every child option to create, and then adding a ComponentDefinition for XOption to XParent and creating one for every title that was specified, but if I do that I am unable to call XOption's makeActive(), which is absolutely necessary.

Qt installer framework: remove radio buttons from uninstaller

I have created a simple installer for our product with only 1 component and no remote repositories manager.
When I start the uninstaller, the introduction page shows 3 radio buttons:
Package manager
Update components
Remove all components
I need only the third one, so I checked this documentation:
As I have understood and being unable to hide the buttons, I added this to my install.qs file:
function Controller()
Controller.prototype.IntroductionPageCallback = function()
This should auto-click Next on the introduction page so it should go directly to the uninstall page.
Nothing happens, what ever I write in the Controller functions, the introduction page shows the 3 radio buttons. I added some messagebox in the function and they are never called.
Somebody knows how to solve it ?
I think I have 2 working solutions.
First solution, if you want to have a single page uninstaller:
You need to create a Controller like the one you started before:
function Controller() {
if (installer.isUninstaller()) {
installer.setDefaultPageVisible(QInstaller.Introduction, false);
installer.setDefaultPageVisible(QInstaller.ComponentSelection, false);
installer.setDefaultPageVisible(QInstaller.LicenseCheck, false);
This will disable all pages in the classic install/uninstall workflow. Make sure to check you're in uninstall mode.
If you want a 2 pages uninstaller:
function Controller()
Controller.prototype.IntroductionPageCallback = function()
if (installer.isUninstaller()) {
// Get the current wizard page
var widget = gui.currentPageWidget();
if (widget != null) {
// Don't show buttons because we just want to uninstall the software
widget.findChild("PackageManagerRadioButton").visible = false;
widget.findChild("UpdaterRadioButton").visible = false;
widget.findChild("UninstallerRadioButton").visible = false;
In installer mode, select by default "I accept" the Licence Agreement. Seriously, who doesn't?
Controller.prototype.LicenseAgreementPageCallback = function()
var widget = gui.currentPageWidget();
if (widget != null) {
widget.AcceptLicenseRadioButton.checked = true;

Dojo DataGrid loading selected items

I have a DataGrid and want a user to select multiple items and click a button to do something with those items (such as delete). When only a few items are selected, the deleting works, but if the user selects all the items without scrolling slowly over them, some of the selected items are null.
I also tried grid.removeSelectedRows(), but that also doesn't work for non-loaded items.
I tried fetching first, too:{count:grid.rowCount,onComplete:dojo.hitch(this,function(){
var items = grid.selection.getSelected();
if (items.length) {
dojo.forEach(items, function(selectedItem) {
if (selectedItem !== null) {; //or do something else
Even with the fetch, there are still null items, and only the very top and bottom rows actually get deleted.
Is there a way to load the selected items in a grid?
My task was to "extend" selection first item values to the rest of the selection. I've faced similar problem as yours, but finally found a solution:
updateSelected = function() {
//Callback for processing a returned list of items.
function gotSelected(items, request) {
var selectedIndex = paramGrid.selection.selected;
var firstItem;
var counter = 0;
for (var i=0;i<selectedIndex.length;i++){
var item = items[i];
if (counter < 1){
firstItem = item;
counter ++;
paramStore.setValue(item, "valueSPO", firstItem.valueSPO);
paramStore.setValue(item, "valueSPI", firstItem.valueSPI);
paramStore.setValue(item, "valueSM", firstItem.valueSM);
paramStore.setValue(item, "state", firstItem.state);
function fetchFailed(error, request) {
console.log("lookup failed.");
query: {id: '*'},
onComplete: gotSelected,
onError: fetchFailed,
After this you have to connect this function to a button in addOnLoad:
dojo.connect(button2, "onClick", updateSelected);

Displaying CSS images in div updated by Ajax

I wonder if anyone can help. An HTML div in a page of mine contains a tree control which is shown or hidden depending upon a button pressed by a user. The button triggers an Ajax event which sets a variable on the server to show or hide the tree so that the state is persisted.
But here's the problem; when the tree is re-displayed, the icons for expanding / collapsing brances are not present. So far, I've not been able to work out why this is the case.
The tree is shown below: the first graphic shows the tree as it should be, the second shows it after it has been hidden and re-displayed.
alt text
alt text
The tree's HTML is built on the server as a list and each list item has a class reference to CSS as follows:
ul.tree li.liOpen .bullet {
background: url(myApp_Minus.png) center left no-repeat;
cursor: pointer;
ul.tree li.liClosed .bullet {
background: url(myApp_Plus.png) center left no-repeat;
cursor: pointer;
ul.tree li.liBullet .bullet {
background: url(myApp_Hyphen.png) center left no-repeat;
cursor: pointer;
Can anyone advise a method of showing the icons when the tree is re-displayed?
I've tried putting a link to the CSS file in the div, inline CSS elements and so on but without success.
Any help would be welcome.
I attach an extract of the tree's HTML at runtime:
<td align = "left">
<div id = "tree"><ul class = "tree" id = "navTree">
<li class = "liOpen">
<a href = "/myDataSharer/aboutConcept#communities">
<img alt = "Community" src = "/myDataSharer/images/myDataSharer_Community_Small.png">
<li class = "liOpen">
<a href = "/myDataSharer/aboutConcept#datasets">
<img alt = "Tabular dataset" src = "/myDataSharer/images/myDataSharer_TabularDataset_Small.png">
<a href = "/myDataSharer/aboutConcept#QAV">
<img alt = "Visualisation" src = "/myDataSharer/images/myDataSharer_Visualisation_Small.png">
Test QAV
<a href
The tree itself is in a div called 'tree' which is updated from Javascript method as follows:
document.getElementById("tree").style.visibility = "visible";
document.getElementById("tree").innerHTML = str;
The Javascript for the tree is:
/* WRITTEN BY: Martin O'Shea for myDataSharerAlpha.
* This program has been inherited verbatim from the original author's sample code as mentioned
* below. No changes have been made other than a rename of a variable on line 121 from 'mktree' to 'tree'.
* ===================================================================
* Author: Matt Kruse <>
* WWW:
* NOTICE: You may use this code for any purpose, commercial or
* private, without any further permission from the author. You may
* remove this notice from your final code if you wish, however it is
* appreciated by the author if at least my web site address is kept.
* You may *NOT* re-distribute this code in any way except through its
* use. That means, you can include it in your product, or your web
* site, or any other form where the code is actually being used. You
* may not put the plain javascript up on your site for download or
* include it in your javascript libraries for download.
* If you wish to share this code with others, please just point them
* to the URL instead.
* Please DO NOT link directly to my .js files from your site. Copy
* the files to your server and use them there. Thank you.
* =====================================================================
* ------------------------------------------------------------------
* December 9, 2003: Added script to the Javascript Toolbox
* December 10, 2003: Added the preProcessTrees variable to allow user
* to turn off automatic conversion of UL's onLoad
* March 1, 2004: Changed it so if a <li> has a class already attached
* to it, that class won't be erased when initialized. This allows
* you to set the state of the tree when painting the page simply
* by setting some <li>'s class name as being "liOpen" (see example)
* This code is inspired by and extended from Stuart Langridge's aqlist code:
* Stuart Langridge, November 2002
* Inspired by Aaron's labels.js (
* and Dave Lindquist's menuDropDown.js (
// Automatically attach a listener to the window onload, to convert the trees
// Utility function to add an event listener
function addEvent(o,e,f){
if (o.addEventListener){ o.addEventListener(e,f,true); return true; }
else if (o.attachEvent){ return o.attachEvent("on"+e,f); }
else { return false; }
// utility function to set a global variable if it is not already set
function setDefault(name,val) {
if (typeof(window[name])=="undefined" || window[name]==null) {
// Full expands a tree with a given ID
function expandTree(treeId) {
var ul = document.getElementById(treeId);
if (ul == null) { return false; }
// Fully collapses a tree with a given ID
function collapseTree(treeId) {
var ul = document.getElementById(treeId);
if (ul == null) { return false; }
// Expands enough nodes to expose an LI with a given ID
function expandToItem(treeId,itemId) {
var ul = document.getElementById(treeId);
if (ul == null) { return false; }
var ret = expandCollapseList(ul,nodeOpenClass,itemId);
if (ret) {
var o = document.getElementById(itemId);
if (o.scrollIntoView) {
// Performs 3 functions:
// a) Expand all nodes
// b) Collapse all nodes
// c) Expand all nodes to reach a certain ID
function expandCollapseList(ul,cName,itemId) {
if (!ul.childNodes || ul.childNodes.length==0) { return false; }
// Iterate LIs
for (var itemi=0;itemi<ul.childNodes.length;itemi++) {
var item = ul.childNodes[itemi];
if (itemId!=null && { return true; }
if (item.nodeName == "LI") {
// Iterate things in this LI
var subLists = false;
for (var sitemi=0;sitemi<item.childNodes.length;sitemi++) {
var sitem = item.childNodes[sitemi];
if (sitem.nodeName=="UL") {
subLists = true;
var ret = expandCollapseList(sitem,cName,itemId);
if (itemId!=null && ret) {
return true;
if (subLists && itemId==null) {
item.className = cName;
// Search the document for UL elements with the correct CLASS name, then process them
function convertTrees() {
if (preProcessTrees) {
if (!document.createElement) { return; } // Without createElement, we can't do anything
uls = document.getElementsByTagName("ul");
for (var uli=0;uli<uls.length;uli++) {
var ul=uls[uli];
if (ul.nodeName=="UL" && ul.className==treeClass) {
// Process a UL tag and all its children, to convert to a tree
function processList(ul) {
if (!ul.childNodes || ul.childNodes.length==0) { return; }
// Iterate LIs
for (var itemi=0;itemi<ul.childNodes.length;itemi++) {
var item = ul.childNodes[itemi];
if (item.nodeName == "LI") {
// Iterate things in this LI
var subLists = false;
for (var sitemi=0;sitemi<item.childNodes.length;sitemi++) {
var sitem = item.childNodes[sitemi];
if (sitem.nodeName=="UL") {
subLists = true;
var s= document.createElement("SPAN");
var t= '\u00A0'; //
s.className = nodeLinkClass;
if (subLists) {
// This LI has UL's in it, so it's a +/- node
if (item.className==null || item.className=="") {
item.className = nodeClosedClass;
// If it's just text, make the text work as the link also
if (item.firstChild.nodeName=="#text") {
t = t+item.firstChild.nodeValue;
s.onclick = function () {
this.parentNode.className = (this.parentNode.className==nodeOpenClass) ? nodeClosedClass : nodeOpenClass;
return false;
else {
// No sublists, so it's just a bullet node
item.className = nodeBulletClass;
s.onclick = function () { return false; }
The Ajax of the web page is shown below:
<script language="Javascript">
function xmlhttpPost(strURL) {
var xmlHttpReq = false;
var self = this;
// Mozilla / Safari.
if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {
self.xmlHttpReq = new XMLHttpRequest();
// IE.
else if (window.ActiveXObject) {
self.xmlHttpReq = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
}'POST', strURL, true);
self.xmlHttpReq.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
self.xmlHttpReq.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (self.xmlHttpReq.readyState == 4) {
function getQueryStr() {
queryStr = "action=toggleTree";
return queryStr;
function updatePage(str) {
if (str == "false") {
// Hide tree buttons and tree.
document.getElementById("tree").style.visibility = "hidden";
document.getElementById("expColTreeButtons").style.visibility = "hidden";
else {
// Show tree buttons.
document.getElementById("expColTreeButtons").style.visibility = "visible";
// Show tree.
document.getElementById("tree").style.visibility = "visible";
document.getElementById("tree").innerHTML = str;
function toggleTree() {
// Make call to server to toggle tree.
document.getElementById("tree").innerHTML = "<img src='/myDataSharer/images/myDataSharer_Wait.gif' alt='Growing tree' />"
The Ajax above is triggered from a form which has three buttons. The 'Show / hide' button sees to things; the other two of the buttons are also enclosed within a div but they are alright.
<input class = "treeButton" type="submit" value="Show / hide" onClick = "toggleTree(); return false;">
<div id = "expColTreeButtons">
<input class = "treeButton" type="submit" value="Expand all" onClick = "expandTree('navTree'); return false;">
<br />
<input class = "treeButton" type="submit" value="Collapse all" onClick = "collapseTree('navTree'); return false;">
<br />
Your CSS looks fine ad like something that could produce the example on the left, so it must be the HTML or the JavaScript that does the showing and hiding. How does the JavaScript work?
It's not likely a CSS problem, since it's working the first time. I'd bet the problem lies in how your server is generating content - i.e. not assigning the proper attributes to each node.
This question has now resolved. Thanks those who contributed.
The solution was to re-process the Javascript tree after the div had been updated.
