Wordpress Multisite 404 error - wordpress

I hope you can help.
I've setup a wordpress multiste and use WordPress MU Domain Mapping. I run 10 sites using this system with no problem. However, the latest site is generating a 404 error when I turn the domain mapping on.
example.com/domain works
domain.com is getting the 404 error.
I have:
Disabled all plugins
Enabled WP_DEBUG and nothing shows up
Changed the www. and non www. versions to be primary
Changed theme back to twentythirteen
Disabled functions.php
Increased PHP memory limit in wp-config and htaccess
None of the above fix the issue.
Any other ideas would be much appreciated

Does all domains registered at the same registar?
You need to make sure you have right DNS settings.


Connection_time_out error when trying to access my wordpress site - tried all solutions

I have a website that is hosted with gandi, the website was only showing initially for the wordpress admin and anyone who was not an admin could not see the website. After I tried somewhat haphazardly to find solutions, the website got completely disabled with a connection_timed_out error and I don't know if this was due to my actions. I remember disabling and enabling DNS records, Disabling and enabling DNSSEC. Deleting my HTTPS free SSL certificate and requesting another. I've reuploaded a version of the website that is from a week before the problem occurred using FTP a couple of days ago but the problem still persists. I now only have access through FTP and have deactivated all the plugins, renamed all the theme folders so Wordpress defaults to the original theme. I've increased the memory limit on wp-config.php file by adding 'define( 'WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '64M' );' at the end, set the debug mode to true in that same file and I've also added'php_value max_execution_time 60' in .htaccess file but to no avail the website continues to give the connection timed out error.
I also bought the domain as deeraadesign.com, I remember the website completely crashing after I changed the site url on wordpress to deeraadesign.com from www.deeraadesign.com and I'm thinking that may have thrown off wordpress and now it is redirecting back and forth to a domain that is not the wordpress website? maybe DNSSEC destroyed the domain? Maybe I have too many themes on the website even though I have tried to deactivate them? I just don't know and all the solutions online are the saying the same things that I have already tried and not telling me anything new.
I mean, I have around 5 websites on gandi but it can't be the memory limit either as my hosting company says I only have 7GB/20GB and it also says my website is published and accessible?? so the problem is on Wordpress's end? Any help would be very much appreciated...
Thank you,
Try this
php_value max_execution_time 300
in .htaccess file
Hope it will work

Wordpress too many redirects issue on localhost

I am facing the issue as described in the title. I am working on a Woocommerce site with default WP Twenty Nineteen. Everything was working fine but I have mistyped https in the WP admin General Settings Site Url field. This caused too_many_redirects error on both Chrome and Mozilla. I have tried clearing cookies and complete browsing data, disabling plugins, changing permalinks and deleting htaccess file but none of this worked. Maybe this can help but strangely I can access admin but cannot see none of the pages. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
In wp-config.php add this 2 lines (with your protocol+domain_name):

Wordpress installation says not supported

I do not have a domain yet so I want to use a temp URL to access my Wordpress site. I have installed Wordpress as normal, changed siteurl and home in the MYSQL database to the new temp url, but all i get when i visit my site is 'Not Supported'.
I had setup previously setup another account with a domain and that worked fine. I have trawled the internet and cannot find anyone who has had this problem before?
Hope you can help
I had the same issue. Turns out it’s a server configuration issue with Apache. You can confirm that is also your problem by placing an empty index.php in your home directory in the place of WP’s index.php. If you still get the error, that’s what is going on.
Here’s the Apache documentation on it:

Strange redirect / rename behavior on website

I have a website that has started exhibiting strange redirect behavior. It is a wordpress site running on Apache.
I've disabled all the wordpress plugins, disabled/baselined the .htaccess file to a wordpress default. None has had any effect.
What is happening is if you go to:
http://siteurl.com/dir it redirects you to https://siteurl.comdir
(deletes the / between .com and dir)
I've tried googling etc. can't seem to find any clues of where to look. I'd appreciate any tips on where to check/adjust. I've looked at the site's DNS configuration on the hosting provider and I can't see anything that would be affecting it. I have other sites on the same hosting provider/vps and they work correctly.
I think you can try one thing disable all pugins as well as the activate the default wordpress theme. After then change the permalink to default. I hope this will work for you. Let me know so i can find other solution.

301 redirect vs. wordpress

I am getting really desperate over here.
In order to make up some SEO I want to redirect my none-www into www site. Of course simple 301 redirect ill d the trick, and it also work.
What doesn't work, at all, is a wordpress. I have my own VPS, and I am installing wordpress by application manager in plesk panel. But if i activate the htaccess file, wordpress cannot be installed anymore (strangely enough it tells me that mysql extension is not activated) and existing wordpress pages will stop orking with infinite loop error. Once I delete htaccess everything works fine.
Please if anyine has idea how can i redirect and have wordpress at the same, it would me much appreciated
Bypass the problem. Set up a simple example.com domain/site in Apache, and force it to unconditionally redirct to www.example.com. Wordpress would only be active in the www.example.com site's setup, and example.com exists ONLY to redirect to the www version.
That way you're not trying to get your .htaccess stuff to coexist with Wordpress', and the redirection occurs far outside of Wordpress' domain.
