Accept post request with iron router - meteor

I'm trying to accept a post request from my twilio account to my application to get an xml response back. How do I respond to an incoming post request in iron router? I have read the docs and tried everything in there but I just get (Error: Not implemented on server yet). I have tried putting it on the server, on the client and in lib.:
Router (lib/
Router.route('/api/twilio/voice', where: 'server')
.post -> console.log 'hey'

This is due to having this.subscribe then .wait()s configured for both server and client. Look for .wait within your Router configuration scopes and make sure it only runs at the client.
Look at the code part where this happens at the iron-controller repo:
Also I think a better way to debug (instead of console.log) is to actually use this.response:
Router.route('/api/twilio/voice', { where: server })
.post(function() {
or even the classic format:
Router.route('/api/twilio/voice', { where: server })
.post(function(req, res, next) {
Edit: Issue filed here and PR here.


How to test receiving a Stripe webhook using ngrok

I can successfully send a web hook from Stripe to my Meteor app in development using ngrok. For example, my test endpoint on the Stripe dashboard would be sent to something like It responds with a successful notice. The ngrok inspector shows the stripe test object received. But in Meteor I'm a little unsure how the router should look with ngrok. On the server, my route would be something like:
Router.route( "<unsure what path to put here>", function() {
}, { where: "server" });
In my testing environment using ngrok, what would the path be?
Just trying to get the function to console.log() my 'hello' so I know it's working.
OK, I'm an idiot. It console.logs to the terminal, not the browser. Ouch. Given I'm working with Node, it makes sense. Just for posterity, the Stripe endpoint would be something like
Make sure you're returning a response inside the function so the web hook won't timeout.
this.response.statusCode = 200;
this.response.end('10-4, good buddy');

External use of Meteor method? (to receive SMS from Nexmo)

In my Meteor application I want to receive text messages through Nexmo. How do I create the callback function? I'm thinking of something like
'receive_sms': (values) ->
console.log values
But doesn't really work of course. I can see my method is working when I do'receive_sms', 'test') in my browser, but the network debugger is not really giving me a lot of useful information. The Meteor docs aren't very helpful either.
How do I access the method from elsewhere?
Iron Router and then server side routes. Something like:
Router.route('/download/:file', function () {
// NodeJS request object
var request = this.request;
// NodeJS response object
var response = this.response;
this.response.end('file download content\n');
}, {where: 'server'});
In order to receive sms from nexmo you should make the callback (incoming url) available over the internet. Nexmo won’t be able to call localhost to send the incoming sms messages.
Here are some resources to tunnel request over the internet to localhost.

Meteor: what code goes on the client side and server side?

I just don't know exactly what I should put on the server side and what on the client side. I understand that the templates goes on the client side. But what about the javascript code? Can you give me an example of some code going on the server side?
You can write all your business logic and complex database operations in your server side code. Typically the code you don't want to serve to the client.
For example.
Method calls
# client-side{
"click #add-post": function(e) {
var post, post_object;
post = $("#post-message").val().trim();
post_object = {
user_id: Meteor.userId(),
post: post
};"create_post", post_object,(function(error, response) {
if(error){ something
.. do something else
# server-side
create_post: function(post_object) {
return Posts.insert(post_object);
publish / subscribe
# common
Posts = new Mongo.Collection("posts");
# client-side
# server-side
Meteor.publish("posts", function(limit) {
return Posts.find({
user_id: this.userId
Html, css and Template managers should go into the client-side code. Meteor methods and publishers should go into the server-side code. Read more about structuring the app and data security in official docs.
Here is an example for a collection: Declare, publish and subscribe to it.
Server and client (any directory except private, client, or server, don't use public for that too), declare the collection:
Rocks = new Meteor.Collection('rocks');
Server-side (server directory or in a Meteor.isServer condition) ,publish the collection:
Meteor.publish('allRocks', function()
return Rocks.find();
Client-side (client directory or in a Meteor.isClient condition), subscribe to the publication:
You can find a lot of examples in the documentation or in this blog (Discover Meteor).
Edit: For more precision according to OP's question... All code is shared by default (executed by both the server and the client). However, files in the server and private directory will never be sent to the client.
if create a directory named client that goes only to client.
if you create a directory named server that goes only to server.
every thing else you code goes to client and server both. (even if
you use Meteor.isServer check)
you can read more about directory structure here.
You use Meteor.isClient and Meteor.isServer to load the code in the proper place.
Using the folder:
server - goes to the server duh!
client - goes to the client duh!
both - shared code
Everything that is placed outside client or server, is loaded on both places.
When you create Meteor package you've to add manually the files and specify where it should be loaded, example:
api.add_files(['my-packages.js', 'another-file.js'], 'client');
api.add_files(['server/methods.js'], 'server');
On this example althouhg you have a server folder, it doesn't mean that it be placed in the server, in the package scenario.
Something you've code that is going to run on the client and server but some functionalities might only be present at server or client.
ImageManager = {
uploadImageToAmazonS3 : function(){
//your code goes here
var amazonCredentials =;
throw new Error("You can't call this on the client.");
This a scenario where you can add functions that the client can do like: resizeImage, cropImage, etc and the server can also do this, this is shared code. Send a Private API KEY to the client is out of question but this file will be shared by the server and client.
According to the documentation this doesn't prevent the code from being sent to client, it simply won't run.
With this approach an attack knows how things work at the server and might try an attack vector based on the code that you sent to the him.
The best option here is extend the ImageManager only on the server. On the client this function shouldn't even exist or you can simply add a function throwing an error: "Not available".

Meteor Server Websockets

I am looking to create a websocket on Meteor Server (not client) to connect to an external site. I know the URL I am going to be hitting as well as what data to expect, but I am unclear as to how exactly to create the websocket itself. All the searching I do presents me with solutions for the client, but I have yet to run into anything that serves as a server solution.
Is there anything out there I missed that fills this purpose? doesn't list anything, and searching around on google/github didn't reveal anything either. Is there something built into Meteor that already accomplishes this?
The following code is for opening a Socket in Meteor on Port 3003. It convert the data from the socket (sendet from client) to a JSON-Object. So this means, the following code is a socket, which receive JSON.
Fiber = Npm.require('fibers')
// server
Npm.require('net').createServer(function (socket) {
socket.on('data', function (data) {
var o = JSON.parse(data.toString());
Fiber(function() {
console.log('Meteor code is executing');
//=> Meteor code

Meteor Modify Boilerplate Response with Iron Router

Using Iron Router I can add a route such as /index returns "INDEX CONTENT" from the server:
this.route('index', {
path: '/',
where: 'server',
action: function () {
this.response.end("INDEX CONTENT");
The default behaviour for a Meteor app is to return a boilerplate HTML file on the initial request to the server which contains the js/css etc required to run the web app.
What I would like to do, however, is place a string (ie "INDEX CONTENT" as above) within the boilerplate which would normally be returned by default if I hadn't added the route. To do this, I'd need to be able to modify a boilerplate response before it is sent to the client but after it is constructed by the standard meteor response mechanism.
Can anyone recommend a way to be able to do this?
You could try the inject-initial meteorite package.
From the docs:
Inject.rawModHtml(id, func). At injection time, calls func(html, res) with the full page HTML which it expects to be returned, in full, after modification. res is the current http connection response request.
I think you would use it like this.
Inject.rawModHtml('breakEverything', function(html) {
