How to choose k in Shi-Malik Algorithm? - graph

I'm wondering how one chooses a specific k in Shi-Malik Algo.
Do we choose several ks and rank them via their SSE measures?
Does k reflect the number of clusters we assume for the data?
kind regards Mikey

Yes, K is the number of natural grouping we believe their is in the data.
You can find K by exploring the eigenvalues.
One tool which is particularly designed for spectral clustering is the Eigengap heuristic (also called spectral gap) - number of clusters k is usually given by the value of k that maximizes the eigengap (difference between consecutive eigenvalues). i.e., choose the number k such that all eigenvalues λ1, . . . , λk are very small, but λk+1 is relatively large.
The larger this eigengap is, the closer the eigenvectors of the ideal case and hence the better spectral clustering works. If you're interested on the justifications for this procedure, it is based on perturbation theory and spectral graph theory.
You can read more here: A Tutorial on Spectral Clustering - Ulrike von Luxburg
Other way to explore the natural grouping: number of connected components and the spectrum of the Laplacian matrix - the number of times 0 appears as an eigenvalue in the Laplacian is the number of connected components in the graph. Your affinity matrix can be considered as a graph and then, try to look how many connected components you have in the graph. That will give you a sense of the neutral structure of your data..
In addition, as you mentioned, we can set a validation criterion (for example, SSE) and see its value under different values of K. That's fine once you have a labeled data (which is not always the case in clustering) and you know that this criterion/quality measure is really meaningful.


Optimal number of cluster in a dendrogram [duplicate]

I could use some advice on methods in R to determine the optimal number of clusters and later on describe the clusters with different statistical criteria. I’m new to R with basic knowledge about the statistical foundations of cluster analysis.
Methods to determine the number of clusters: In the literature one common method to do so is the so called "Elbow-criterion" which compares the Sum of Squared Differences (SSD) for different cluster solutions. Therefore the SSD is plotted against the numbers of Cluster in the analysis and an optimal number of clusters is determined by identifying the “elbow” in the plot (e.g. here:
This method is a first approach to get a subjective impression. Therefore I’d like to implement it in R. The information on the internet on this is sparse. There is one good example here: where the author also did an interesting iterative approach to see if the elbow is somehow stable after several repetitions of the clustering process (nevertheless it is for partitioning cluster methods not for hierarchical).
Other methods in Literature comprise the so called “stopping rules”. MILLIGAN & COOPER compared 30 of these stopping rules in their paper “An examination of procedures for determining the number of clusters in a data set” (available here: finding that the Stopping Rule from Calinski and Harabasz provided the best results in a Monte Carlo evaluation. Information on implementing this in R is even sparser.
So if anyone has ever implemented this or another Stopping rule (or other method) some advice would be very helpful.
Statistically describe the clusters:For describing the clusters I thought of using the mean and some sort of Variance Criterion. My data is on agricultural land-use and shows the production numbers of different crops per Municipality. My aim is to find similar patterns of land-use in my dataset.
I produced a script for a subset of objects to do a first test-run. It looks like this (explanations on the steps within the script, sources below).
#Clusteranalysis agriculture
#Load data
agriculture <-read.table ("C:\\Users\\etc...", header=T,sep=";")
#Define Dataframe to work with
#Define a Subset of objects to first test the script
#Bind the objects
#Calculate euclidian distances including only the columns 4 to 24
dist.euklid<-dist(aTOk[,4:24],method="euclidean",diag=TRUE,upper=FALSE, p=2)
#Cluster with Ward
#Plot the dendogramm. define Labels with labels=df$Geocode didn't work
plot(cluster.ward, hang = -0.01, cex = 0.7)
#here are missing methods to determine the optimal number of clusters
#Calculate different solutions with different number of clusters
n.cluster<-sapply(2:5, function(n.cluster)table(cutree(cluster.ward,n.cluster)))
#Show the objects within clusters for the three cluster solution
sapply(unique(three.cluster), function(g)aTOk$Geocode[three.cluster==g])
#Calculate some statistics to describe the clusters
#Summary statistics for one variable
How to apply a hierarchical or k-means cluster analysis using R?
The elbow criterion as your links indicated is for k-means. Also the cluster mean is obviously related to k-means, and is not appropriate for linkage clustering (in particular not for single-linkage, see single-link-effect).
Your question title however mentions hierarchical clustering, and so does your code?
Note that the elbow criterion does not choose the optimal number of clusters. It chooses the optimal number of k-means clusters. If you use a different clustering method, it may need a different number of clusters.
There is no such thing as the objectively best clustering. Thus, there also is no objectively best number of clusters. There is a rule of thumb for k-means that chooses a (maybe best) tradeoff between number of clusters and minimizing the target function (because increasing the number of clusters always can improve the target function); but that is mostly to counter a deficit of k-means. It is by no means objective.
Cluster analysis in itself is not an objective task. A clustering may be mathematically good, but useless. A clustering may score much worse mathematically, but it may provide you insight to your data that cannot be measured mathematically.
This is a very late answer and probably not useful for the asker anymore - but maybe for others. Check out the package NbClust. It contains 26 indices that give you a recommended number of clusters (and you can also choose your type of clustering). You can run it in such a way that you get the results for all the indices and then you can basically go with the number of clusters recommended by most indices. And yes, I think the basic statistics are the best way to describe clusters.
You can also try the R-NN Curves method.
K means Clustering is highly sensitive to the scale of data e.g. for a person's age and salary, if not normalized, K means would consider salary more important variable for clustering rather than age, which you do not want. So before applying the Clustering Algorithm, it is always a good practice to normalize the scale of data, bring them to the same level and then apply the CA.

What is the difference between metric and non-metric MDS for a beginner?

I am fairly new to data science and would like to know in simple words (like teaching your grandmother) what the difference between metric and non-metric Multidimensional scaling is.
I have been googling for 2 days and watching different videos and wasn't able to quite understand some of the terms people are using to describe the difference, maybe I am lacking some basic knowledge but I don't know in which area so if you have an idea of what I should have a firm understanding of before tackling this subject, I would appreciate the advice. Here is what I know:
Multidimensional scaling is a way of reducing dimensions to be able to visualize or represent data in a more friendly manner. I know that there are several ways for MDS like metric and non metric, PCA and FA (maybe FA is a part of PCA, I'm not sure).
The example I am trying to apply this on is a set of data showing different cities and attributes related to these cities. For example, on a score from 1-7 (1 lowest - 7 highest), this is the score of each city and the corresponding attribute.
**Clean** **Friendly** **Expensive** **Beautiful**
Berlin----------- 4 --------------------- 2-----------------------5------------------------6
Geneva---------6 --------------------- 3-----------------------7------------------------7
Paris------------ 3 --------------------- 4-----------------------6------------------------7
Barcelona----- 2 --------------------- 6-----------------------3------------------------4
How do I know if I should be using metric or non-metric MDS. Are there general rules of thumb or simple logic that I can use to decide without going deep into the technical process.
Thank you
Well, I might not be able to give you a specific answer but a simple answer would be that metric MDS already has the input matrix in the form of distances (i.e. actual distances between cities) and therefore the distances have meaning in the input matrix and create a map of actual physical locations from those distances.
In non-metric MDS, the distances are just a representation of the rankings (i.e. high as in 7 or low as in 1) and they do not have any meaning on their own but they are needed to create the map using euclidean geometry and the map then just shows the similarity in rankings represented by distances between coordinates on the map.
Metric MDS deals with an item x item input matrix whose entries represent Euclidean distance (special case of metric MDS called classical MDS and being equivalent to PCA) or any other distance between items.
Non-metric MDS deals with some distance-like measure (let's call it dissimilarity) between items. There is no requirement for the dissimilarity to satisfy formal properties of a distance/metric (see this wiki for needed properties). The only requirement is that it should be possible to order the dissimilarity values for all item x item pairs in non-decreasing order.
In your case, the item x attribute matrix contains ordinal data (data on a scale 1-7). Euclidean distance won't be appropriate here, but e.g. Pearson "distance" or cosine "distance" are usually used for such data and, as they're not proper distances, non-metric MDS should then be chosen.

Determining optimal number of clusters and with Daisy function and Gower Similarity

I am attempting to cluster the behavioral traits of 250 species into life-history strategies. The trait data consists of both numerical and nominal variables. I am relatively new to R and to cluster analysis, but I believe the best option to find the distances for these points is to use the gower similarity method within the daisy function. 1) Is that the best method?
Once I have these distances, I would like to find significant clusters. I have looked into pvclust and like its ability to give me the strength of the cluster. However, I have not been able to modify the code to accept the distance measurements previously made using daisy. I have unsuccessfully tried to follow the advice given here and using the code obtained here
2)Can anyone help me to modify the existing code to accept my distance measurements?
3) Or, is there another better way to determine the number of significant clusters?
I thank all in advance for your help.
Some comments...
About 1)
It is a good way to deal with different types of data.
You could also create as many new rows in the dataset as possible nominal values and put 1/0 where it is needed. For example if there are 3 nominal values such as "reptile", "mammal" and "bird" you could change your initial dataset that has 2 columns (numeric, Nominal)
for a new one with 4 columns (numeric, numeric( representing reptile), numeric(representing mammal), numeric(representing bird)) an instance (23.4,"mammal") would be mapped to (23.4,0,1,0).
Using this mapping you could work with "normal" distances (be sure to standardize the data so that no column dominates the others due to it's big/small values).
About 2)
daisy returns an element of type dissimilarity, you can use it in other clustering algorithms from the cluster package (maybe you don't have to implement more stuff). For example the function pam can get the object returned by daisy directly.
About 3)
Clusters are really subjective and most cluster algorithms depend on the initial conditions so "significant clusters" is not really a term that some people would not be comfortable using. Pam could be useful in your case because clusters are centered using medoids which is good for nominal data (because it is interpretable). K-means for example has the disadvantage that the centroids are not interpretable (what does it mean 1/2 reptile 1/2 mammal?) pam builds the clusters centered to instances which is nice for interpretation purposes.
About pam:
You can use Zahn algorithm to find the cluster. Basically it's a minimum spanning tree and a function to remove the longest edge.

How do I generate data from a similarity matrix?

Suppose there are 14 objects, each of which have or do not have 1000 binary features. I have a 14x14 similarity matrix, but not the raw 14x1000 data. Is there a way to reconstruct or generate something similar to the raw data, given the similarity matrix?
I tried Monte Carlo simulations, but unconstrained they would take way too much time to achieve even a low level of consistency with the original similarity matrix.
I saw this relevant question: Similarity matrix -> feature vectors algorithm?. However, they wanted to reduce not increase dimensionality. Also, I am not sure (1) which matrix or matrices to use, and (2) how to convert into a binary matrix.
It's impossible to say for sure unless you describe how the similarity scores were computed.
In general, for the usual kind of similarity scoring this is not possible: information has been lost in the transformation from individual features to aggregate statistics. The best you can hope to do is to arrive at a set of features that are consistent with the similarity scores.
I think that is what you are talking about when you say "similar to" the original. That problem is pretty interesting. Suppose similarity was computed as the dot-product of two feature vectors (ie the count of features for a pair of objects that both have value = 1/true). This is not the only choice: it is consistent with value of 0 (false) meaning no information. But it may generalize to other similarity measures.
In such a case, the problem is really a linear programming problem: a naive approach is to exhaustively search the space of possible objects - not randomly, but guided by the constraints. For example, suppose SIM(A,B) := similarity of object A and object B. Define an order on these vectors.
If SIM(A,B) = N, then choose A=B minimal (like (1,....,1 (N times), 0, .... 0 (1000-N times)), and then choose the minimum C s.t. (A,C), (B,C) have the given values. Once you find an inconsistency, backtrack, and increment.
This will find a consistent answer, although the complexity is very high (but probably better than monte carlo).
Finding a better algorithm is an interesting problem, but more than this I can't say in a SO post - that's probably a topic for a CS thesis!

Hierarchical Clustering: Determine optimal number of cluster and statistically describe Clusters

I could use some advice on methods in R to determine the optimal number of clusters and later on describe the clusters with different statistical criteria. I’m new to R with basic knowledge about the statistical foundations of cluster analysis.
Methods to determine the number of clusters: In the literature one common method to do so is the so called "Elbow-criterion" which compares the Sum of Squared Differences (SSD) for different cluster solutions. Therefore the SSD is plotted against the numbers of Cluster in the analysis and an optimal number of clusters is determined by identifying the “elbow” in the plot (e.g. here:
This method is a first approach to get a subjective impression. Therefore I’d like to implement it in R. The information on the internet on this is sparse. There is one good example here: where the author also did an interesting iterative approach to see if the elbow is somehow stable after several repetitions of the clustering process (nevertheless it is for partitioning cluster methods not for hierarchical).
Other methods in Literature comprise the so called “stopping rules”. MILLIGAN & COOPER compared 30 of these stopping rules in their paper “An examination of procedures for determining the number of clusters in a data set” (available here: finding that the Stopping Rule from Calinski and Harabasz provided the best results in a Monte Carlo evaluation. Information on implementing this in R is even sparser.
So if anyone has ever implemented this or another Stopping rule (or other method) some advice would be very helpful.
Statistically describe the clusters:For describing the clusters I thought of using the mean and some sort of Variance Criterion. My data is on agricultural land-use and shows the production numbers of different crops per Municipality. My aim is to find similar patterns of land-use in my dataset.
I produced a script for a subset of objects to do a first test-run. It looks like this (explanations on the steps within the script, sources below).
#Clusteranalysis agriculture
#Load data
agriculture <-read.table ("C:\\Users\\etc...", header=T,sep=";")
#Define Dataframe to work with
#Define a Subset of objects to first test the script
#Bind the objects
#Calculate euclidian distances including only the columns 4 to 24
dist.euklid<-dist(aTOk[,4:24],method="euclidean",diag=TRUE,upper=FALSE, p=2)
#Cluster with Ward
#Plot the dendogramm. define Labels with labels=df$Geocode didn't work
plot(cluster.ward, hang = -0.01, cex = 0.7)
#here are missing methods to determine the optimal number of clusters
#Calculate different solutions with different number of clusters
n.cluster<-sapply(2:5, function(n.cluster)table(cutree(cluster.ward,n.cluster)))
#Show the objects within clusters for the three cluster solution
sapply(unique(three.cluster), function(g)aTOk$Geocode[three.cluster==g])
#Calculate some statistics to describe the clusters
#Summary statistics for one variable
How to apply a hierarchical or k-means cluster analysis using R?
The elbow criterion as your links indicated is for k-means. Also the cluster mean is obviously related to k-means, and is not appropriate for linkage clustering (in particular not for single-linkage, see single-link-effect).
Your question title however mentions hierarchical clustering, and so does your code?
Note that the elbow criterion does not choose the optimal number of clusters. It chooses the optimal number of k-means clusters. If you use a different clustering method, it may need a different number of clusters.
There is no such thing as the objectively best clustering. Thus, there also is no objectively best number of clusters. There is a rule of thumb for k-means that chooses a (maybe best) tradeoff between number of clusters and minimizing the target function (because increasing the number of clusters always can improve the target function); but that is mostly to counter a deficit of k-means. It is by no means objective.
Cluster analysis in itself is not an objective task. A clustering may be mathematically good, but useless. A clustering may score much worse mathematically, but it may provide you insight to your data that cannot be measured mathematically.
This is a very late answer and probably not useful for the asker anymore - but maybe for others. Check out the package NbClust. It contains 26 indices that give you a recommended number of clusters (and you can also choose your type of clustering). You can run it in such a way that you get the results for all the indices and then you can basically go with the number of clusters recommended by most indices. And yes, I think the basic statistics are the best way to describe clusters.
You can also try the R-NN Curves method.
K means Clustering is highly sensitive to the scale of data e.g. for a person's age and salary, if not normalized, K means would consider salary more important variable for clustering rather than age, which you do not want. So before applying the Clustering Algorithm, it is always a good practice to normalize the scale of data, bring them to the same level and then apply the CA.
