Aptana Studio 3.6.0 - Fuzzy File Finder - aptana

Back in the early versions of Aptana 3 we had a plugin to add fuzzy finding capability to files search.
It was called Muermann GoTo File, and the shortcut was CTRL+Alt+N.
We could just drop the plugin inside Aptana's plugins folder, and the fuzzy search would be enabled:
Search Term: profcontsp
Now, updating to Aptana 3.6.0, I tried adding that same plugin on the plugins folder without success.
Tried the dropins folder as well...no deal. Tried putting only the .jar inside those folders.. no good.
That would be amazing if there was a way to use the same plugin or even another one to add the same feature. I've got kind of addicted to it.
Any suggestions?


How can i use CVS version control in QT

Hey I am trying to connect my Qt creator to my CVS. At the moment i am using it separated but i have seen version control options for it.
Now i have looked but no clear answer/or answer that worked has shown up.
Every one revers to the option Tools-->CVS, but this option in not in my list. The plugin is installed.
I am working on a Windows 10 computer and the information in the top shows my Qt and CVS versions.
My question is how can i use my CVS version control in QT?
First, make sur the CVS plugin is actually loaded. Go to Help > About Plugins... and ensure the CSV plugin has a green check icon.
Then ensure the CVS plugin is configured properly. Go to Tools > Options, under "Version Control" you should have a CVS tab with multiple options.
If it still does not work, you might want to report a bug in: https://bugreports.qt.io/

How to create plugin installer for adobe after effects

Does anyone know how to create an installer for Adobe After Effects plugins, which installs a plugin, directly in the Adobe After Effects plugin folder on the user machine.
Lots of options here, but first: the best place to put plugins is in the Common/MediaCore/ folder, since it will be installed for all AE (and Premiere) versions. This way, you don't have to release a new installer because a new AE version (with a new name) came out. Read more here: https://ae-plugins.docsforadobe.dev/intro/where-installers-should-put-plug-ins.html#intro-where-installers-should-put-plug-ins
Plugins installation is very easy in a sense: It's just a copy of the .plugin or .aex file in the right folder.
I would argue that the AE user community is used to installing files by copy-pasting them in the right location because of the extensive use of Scripts and Plugins in AE. The classic way of distributing your plugin is a PDF or a readme file that tells the user where to put your plugin file.
But if you want to build an installer, (maybe because you have more files and dlls to install), there are a few options, but I had success in the past with InnoSetup. You also have to consider that AE is cross-platform (Mac and Windows), so your installer should also be available in both platforms.

Aptana Studio Code Assist for WordPress is incomplete

I installed the WordPress bundle/ruble for Aptana Studio, but it's only providing code assistance for a subset of WordPress functions. I'd like code assistance for all WordPress core functions (or as many as possible). My projects have PHP as their nature, and are connected via SFTP to remote WordPress installations.
After the bundle (which hasn't been updated in over a year) didn't provide everything I was looking for, I tried using a local copy of WordPress as an external library, then adding it as an external directory to the PHP Buildpath. Neither one added any more functions than the bundle provided. These actions were suggested in Aptana Studio Support and WordPress Answers.
Am I doing something wrong, or is the level of code assistance I'm looking for not available?
It's true that the WordPress bundle offers just some limited auto-completion support. Though including the local copy of another WordPress installation as a PHP external library seemed to solve this in the latest Aptana Studio version (3.4.0,) as you already mention to have tried, and as it is suggested in this one of the links that you pointed out.
Here are all the specific steps I took, so you can check if there was something different in the procedure you followed.
Open the Preferences menu going to Window > Preferences
Select Aptana Studio > Editors > PHP > Libraries
Click "New user library"
Add the path to another local WordPress installation (not the same WordPress files in the current project,) selecting the root folder of a freshly extracted WordPress download (e.g.: C:\wordpress-3.5.1\wordpress)
Make sure the new library is selected in the user libraries list (marking it with a checkmark next to the library icon.)
Apply the changes and press OK
Make sure your project is a PHP project. Right click the project folder, select Properties > Project Natures and mark the PHP checkbox.
Now, inside PHP code, I get autocompletion suggestions for all core WordPress functions - and I can even go to check their source by pressing F3 on their function name.
I followed the steps of E. Serrano and it works perfectly. What is silly is that if you want autocompletion for, say, add_action('wp_print_footer_scripts', 'scripts.js', 1); the moment that you type the quote, autocompletion is lost... if you try add_action( wp_ you get all WP commands. Hope it helps...

Manually Extract Theme From Forge Theme Source Code?

For instance, the yet-to-be-released Twenty Twelve theme is available on GitHub, but it's a Forge build.
And in order to retrieve the actual theme with the normal directory structure, I'd have to install Ruby, RubyGems, Forge and some configuration to go with it.
I am no developer and I just want to use the theme. Is there a way to manually pull out the theme files from the build?
This is what I am thinking:
All the required template, JS and CSS files are in the build directory.
Add html5.js to the javascripts directory inside build directory. Then rename javascripts directory to js (<= compared its directory structure to that on WordPress.com SVN)
Now rename build directory to twentytwelve—the theme is ready.
Is that all, or am I missing the whole point?
PS: I am sure that some of you'd suggest me to download the theme directly from the WP.com SVN repo., but the reason why I don't want to is that on GitHub I can easily track the changes to the theme.
If you really want to just get the latest, ready-to-go version of the theme, use SVN. They push updates over when it's in a stable form, so you don't need to worry so much about whether or not there's broken functions in the version you're grabbing - or any number of weird issues when using an alpha build of the theme.
While that will kind of work, you should really either:
Use the GitHub repository the way it was meant to (clone it, and use Forge to build the theme).
Wait for the theme to actually be released.
While you might be able to extract the theme as-is from the /build directory, there's no real way for you "track the changes to the theme" since the changes will be made in the /source directory. There's no guarantee the committers will build the theme before pushing (which is how the /build directory is currently kept in sync.
If you've been following active development, Twenty Twelve was just rolled into WordPress trunk for the upcoming (late 2012) release of version 3.5:
Changeset 21261
Timestamp: 07/12/12 04:20:46 (14 hours ago)
Author: nacin
Message: The Twenty Twelve for WordPress.
props drewstrojny, lancewillett.
also props corvannoorloos, jeffsebring, kobenland, iandstewart, mfields,
mtdesign, op12no2, philiparthurmoore, sixhours, mamaduka.
So rather than playing around with extracting the theme via GitHub, just use Subversion to check out WordPress trunk and look at the /wp-content/themes/twentytwelve directory.
There's nothing 'easy' about the way you're suggesting going about it. Certainly not easier than installing SVN, pointing it to the repo, and tracking changes there (you know, when they're actually done). It's still version controlled, still easy to see the diff, and still the latest version. Also, note that in github, the theme files do point to /javascripts, so if you're renaming the directory you'll have to manually catch it in the files themselves as well.
If you really want to just get the latest, ready-to-go version of the theme, use SVN. They push updates over when it's in a stable form, so you don't need to worry so much about whether or not there's broken functions in the version you're grabbing - or any number of weird issues when using an alpha build of the theme.

Emmet (ex Zen Coding) - Aptana

I've been trying, through many different ways to install zen coding for aptana.
First i gone to Zen Coding project hosting, on google and found a weird zip, different from what every walkthrough describe. And following multiple walkthroughs, all of them told me to look for the aptana plugin, on zen coding githubs page. After searching for a long time, i found it, dev version. Then added as default project and stuff, but it just doesn't works and it doesn't have the LIB folder, describe in many tutorials.
Then, finally, i tried adding the official Eclipse/Aptana plugin, the weird one. As i didn't know how to install, just tried extracting to aptana plugins folder. Then, it appears on the menu scripts but when i do ctrl+e, it just crashes(the zen coding). It throws an error without many description.
I'm using Aptana studio standalone 2
Go to:
Help -> Install new software
In the "work with" field, type this repo address: http://zen-coding.ru/eclipse/updates/ http://emmet.io/eclipse/updates/
Press "Add...", give it a name and press OK.
Zen coding should appear on the software list, under "uncategorised". You can install it as you'd install any other plugin.
Hope this helps.
Tested & confirmed to be working with:
Aptana 2.0.5
Aptana 3
Zend Studio 8 (under Windows 7 and Ubuntu)
Zend Studio 9 (thanks to #Patrioticcow for the info)
Eclipse Indigo
Fails with Zend Studio 7.2, but I don't know whether it's a rule or just my bad luck.
