How to make tab's item to be created programmatically? - qt

I dynamically add tabs to TabView and pass tab's item to c++ for futher processing. The problem is that method tabview.getTab(tabview.getTab(tabview.count-1).item) returns null for the which index is >0. Here is code:
import QtQuick 2.2
import QtQuick.Controls 1.1
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.1
ApplicationWindow {
visible: true
width: 640
height: 480
title: qsTr("Hello World")
signal tabAdded(variant c)
anchors.fill: parent
visible: true
Layout.fillHeight: true
Layout.fillWidth: true
text: "add tab"
var c = Qt.createComponent("Tab.qml");
tabview.addTab("tab", c)
// tabAdded(tabview.getTab(tabview.count-1).item)
import QtQuick 2.0
import QtQuick.Controls 1.1
signal tabButtonClicked()
anchors.fill: parent
text: "tabButton"
anchors.centerIn: parent
onClicked: tabButtonClicked()
I figured out that tabview.getTab(index).item returns apropriate value if tab(index) was activated manually (by clicking with mouse on it). It seems like tab's item is created only when user firstly activate tab. So, how to make item to be created immediately after tab creation?

Every tab in TableView is represented by a Tab component that inherits from Loader component. If you want force the Tab to load its contents, just set active property to true. This property controls when the component must be loaded. So now, your button code looks like this:
text: "add tab"
var c = Qt.createComponent("Tab.qml");
tabview.addTab("tab", c);
var last = tabview.count-1;
tabview.getTab(last).active = true; // Now the content will be loaded
I hope this help you.


WebEngineView variables 'canGoBack' and 'canGoForward' returns wrong values

I'm working on an application that's running on Raspberry Pi 4, and I got this strange behavior of QML's WebEngineView.
I created 3 buttons for going to the main page and for going back and forward:
Button {
id: box_button_main_page
text: "Go to Main Page"
onClicked: mainWebView.url = ""
Button {
id: box_button_go_back
enabled: mainWebView.canGoBack
text: "Back"
onClicked: mainWebView.goBack()
Button {
id: box_button_go_forward
enabled: mainWebView.canGoForward
text: "Forward"
onClicked: mainWebView.goForward()
It works as expected: the "Back" and "Forward" buttons become grayed at the right points. But, if one makes below actions:
go to any link
go to yet another link
click "Back" button
click "Go to Main Page"
then both "Back" and "Forward" buttons are still enabled. And clicking on "Forward" button does nothing.
I checked in the "Go to Main Page" onClicked action that both canGoBack and canGoForward returns true after setting url property. I tried to search if there is yet another method to order WEV to switch to another page, but there is none :(.
I didn't find on the Net anyone reporting it as a bug, so either I'm doing it wrong, or I actually found a bug >_>
It works with WebAction. Have a look at this demo. All I've done is add the following Button in the ToolBar RowLayout:
Button {
text: "Go to Main Page"
onClicked: webEngineView.url = ""
Here is a full example using WebAction:
import QtQuick 2.15
import QtQuick.Window 2.15
import QtWebEngine 1.10
import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15
ApplicationWindow {
id: window
visible: true
width: 800
height: 600
title: qsTr("WebEngineAction Example")
header: ToolBar {
RowLayout {
anchors.fill: parent
Button {
text: "Go to Main Page"
onClicked: webEngineView.url = ""
Button {
property int itemAction: WebEngineView.Back
text: "Back"
enabled: webEngineView.action(itemAction).enabled
onClicked: webEngineView.action(itemAction).trigger()
Button {
property int itemAction: WebEngineView.Forward
text: "Forward"
enabled: webEngineView.action(itemAction).enabled
onClicked: webEngineView.action(itemAction).trigger()
WebEngineView {
id: webEngineView
url: ""
anchors.fill: parent

QML Glow Inside a RowLayout

I am using Qt 5.15 Quick 2 QML to create a row of custom buttons in a window. When I have a standalone custom button things appear to work fine, but when I put them in a RowLayout there appears to be severe clipping and artifacting issues.
A minimum reproducible example might look like:
import QtQuick 2.15
import QtQuick.Window 2.15
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15
import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
Window {
visible: true
width: 640
height: 480
title: qsTr("Hello World")
anchors.margins: 25
text: "Click Me"
Layout.fillWidth: true
text: "That Boy Don't Glow Right"
x: 100; y:100
text: "Click Me"
Layout.fillWidth: true
with the custom control
import QtQuick 2.0
import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
import QtGraphicalEffects 1.15
Button {
id: control
text: "Click Me"
Glow {
anchors.fill: control
radius: 64
spread: 0
samples: 128
color: "red"
source: control
visible: true
with example output:
One potential fix is to add change the Glow to
Glow {
anchors.fill: control
width: parent.width
parent: control.parent
But this doesn't seem right. First, it's not obvious to me where parent.width and control.x and control.parent are bound from and what happens in single and multiple nesting. If a CustomButton is placed inside another control with id control, would it rebind the property? And it appears if a RowLayout is placed inside a RowLayout, then it would require parent: control.parent.parent. In my actual code there is some non-trivial positioning to allow margins for a drop shadow, too, and the CustomButton is in another container so the actual code that works is: x:control.x + parent.pad/2 and parent:control.parent.parent.parent which is, frankly, ridiculous and assumes that non-standard fields in the parent are always available.
Is there a better way? Was hoping I could keep the button's ability to glow itself.
According to the docs:
"Note: It is not supported to let the effect include itself, for instance by setting source to the effect's parent."
So it's fortunate that you were able to get your example to work at all. One way to avoid using the parent as a source is to point the Glow object at the Button's background object:
Button {
id: control
Glow {
source: control.background

Qt Animating Window Appearance

In Qt 5.15 Quick 2 code, setting a QtQuick.Dialogs FileDialog visible property to true causes it to animate onto the screen in a "blorping" motion. I am developing a Gantt chart where clicking on an item in the timeline will bring up a window to edit its properties. Is there a way to not just have the Frame/Window appear instantly but instead to "blorp" out of the item clicked like the FileDialog does from the top of the window? I notice that the shape and interior controls of the FileDialog are morphed and then solidify to indicate that the dialog is being introduced and which window it is coming from. In my case I hope to have the window pop out of the control it will edit the properties of and, when finished, squirt back inside to reinforce that those properties are being pushed into the item being edited. Is this possible?
import QtQuick 2.15
import QtQuick.Window 2.15
import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.2
import QtQuick.Controls 2.5
Window {
visible: true
width: 640
height: 480
title: qsTr("Hello World")
onClicked: chooseFile.visible = true
text: "Click Me"
id: chooseFile
title: "Save Me!"
//folder: shortcuts.home
selectExisting: true

Qt5-QML: How to handle change of color and text of a button after click event

I am writing a small application that is working as follows:
1) I launch the application and I select a robot to which I will connect. See print screen below of the small app:
2) That will lead me to another page where I can actually choose the robot to connect to as shown in the print screen below:
3) Finally after selecting the robot the application brings me back to the initial screen that will show me an additional Button showing the chosen robot.
The problem: I have is that after I choose the robot and I am back to the initial screen and I push the button the color of the button should turn into a (for example) green color and changing the text into (for example) Connecting...
The code I am using is the following for which I am only putting the related part:
import QtQuick 2.12
import QtQuick.Controls 2.12
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.12
import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.4
Page {
property int dialogId: -1
signal selectDialog()
ColumnLayout {
anchors.fill: parent
spacing: 5
Button {
id: button1
text: "Select Robot"
onClicked: selectDialog()
Layout.fillWidth: true
font.pointSize: 20
Button {
id: dialogA
text: "FreddieMercury: Connect";
visible: dialogId === 1
Layout.fillWidth: true
font.pointSize: 20
function buttonClick()
console.log("Button "+ dialogA.text +" is clicked!")
Rectangle {
id: button
color: "red"
width: 96; height: 24; anchors.centerIn: parent
MouseArea {
id: region
anchors.fill: parent;
onClicked: console.log("clicked()")
onPressed: dialogA.color = "green"
onReleased: dialogA.color = "red"
Text {
id: st_text
anchors.centerIn: parent
text: "Connecting..."
font.bold: true
font.pointSize: 20
color: "green"
// Other Buttons
What I tried so far
I went through this source and also this post which I followed. As you can see from the point 3) I am close to the good functioning but there is clearly something I am not doing right.
Also this was useful and in fact I used the MouseArea option exactly from that post.
However I still don't see the whole color extended into the button.
Finally the text changed after the click event happened I included it in the Button as shown and thought that the property text: "Connecting..." was enough to overwrite the existing text but without success.
Please advise on what I am missing that is keeping me from a full working example.
I think the base issue is that you're trying to use examples for QtQuick Controls 1 with QtQuick Controls 2. They're completely different animals and you cannot style the v2 controls using QtQuick.Controls.Styles.
For customizing Controls 2 styles, like Button, see here. I also find it useful to look at the source code for the included controls (they're in your Qt library install folder inside /qml/QtQuick/Controls2/ directory). Though personally I find needing to re-create a whole new Button (or whatever) just to change a color or font is a bit much, especially if I want it to work across all the included QtQuick Controls2 Styles.
An alternative is to "hack" the properties of the built-in Control styles. This certainly has some drawbacks like if you want to be able to reset the control style back to default bindings, you'd have to save the original bindings and re-create them to reset the style. OTOH it beats creating customized controls for each style. YMMV.
Anyway here's an example of what i think you're looking for. This is based on our previous exercise with the buttons. :) Specifically, I just modified the Page1.qml code and the other 2 files are exactly the same as before. In this page I added buttonClick() handler and the Button::onClicked calls to trigger it from each button (and the button texts of course :).
import QtQuick 2.12
import QtQuick.Controls 2.12
import QtQuick.Controls.impl 2.12 // for IconLabel
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.12
Page {
property int dialogId: -1;
signal selectDialog()
function buttonClick(button)
button.text = qsTr("Connecting to %1...").arg(button.text);
button.enabled = false; // prevent repeat clicks
// If Button has a background Rectangle object then we can set properties on it.
// note: `instanceof` was added in Qt 5.10
if (button.background && button.background instanceof Rectangle) {
button.background.color = "red"; // override style color
button.background.gradient = null; // some styles use a gradient
button.background.visible = true; // some styles may hide it in some situations
// Similar with the label element, IconLabel is used by all included QML styles.
if (button.contentItem && button.contentItem instanceof IconLabel) {
button.contentItem.color = "blue"; // override style color
button.contentItem.font.bold = true;
button.contentItem.font.pointSize = 20;
ColumnLayout {
anchors.fill: parent
spacing: 5
Button {
id: button1
text: "Select"
onClicked: selectDialog()
Layout.fillWidth: true
// These buttons should appear only after the user selects the choices on `Page2`
Button {
id: dialogA
text: "Freddie Mercury"
visible: dialogId === 1
Layout.fillWidth: true
onClicked: buttonClick(this)
Button {
id: dialogB
text: "David Gilmour"
visible: dialogId === 2
Layout.fillWidth: true
onClicked: buttonClick(this)
Button {
id: dialogC
text: "Mick Jagger"
visible: dialogId === 3
Layout.fillWidth: true
onClicked: buttonClick(this)
If you had a customized Button (like in the Qt docs example) then you could still do basically the same thing in buttonClick() but probably w/out worrying about the if (button.background ...) stuff (since you'd be sure your button has valid background/contentItem Items).
A better implementation of a "default" (Style-specific) Button but with custom colors/text properties would involve a subclass which uses Binding and/or Connections QML elements to control the properties and be able to reset them back to the current QtQuick Style defaults.

Can't set text field to fill width in QML

I am following this tutorial on YouTube and the person sets the TextField to fill the width of the RowLayout. However, it doesn't seem to work for me. I tried using Layout.fillWidth on the CheckBox and it seems to work perfectly fine but it doesn't seem to want to work on the TextField. Here is my code:
import QtQuick 2.9
import QtQuick.Controls 2.2
visible: true;
width: 640;
height: 480;
title: qsTr("Tabs");
anchors.centerIn: parent;
import QtQuick 2.9
import QtQuick.Controls 2.2
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.3
// Using implicit width and height allows the frame to automatically scale to the size of the list view
implicitWidth: 250
implicitHeight: 250
clip: true
model: 100
delegate: RowLayout {
width: parent.width
CheckBox {}
Layout.fillWidth: true
Here is a screenshot of what mine looks like
What did I do wrong?
I don't know if this has anything to do with it but I made a "Qt Quick Application - Swipe" instead of "Qt Quick Controls 2 Application" as that option wasn't available to me. Thanks in advance for any help.
Edit: I have written step by step instructions to replicate the issue below.
File > New File or Project
From the new window make sure "Application" is selected then click "Qt Quick Application - Swipe" and press "Choose"
Set any name for the project and click "Next"
Set the build system to "qmake" and click "Next"
Set the minimal required Qt version to "Qt 5.9" and the Qt quick controls style to "Material Dark" and click "Next"
Select the "Desktop Qt 5.12.0 MSVC2017 64bit" as the kit and click "Next"
Set the options to have no version control and click "Finish"
Delete "Page1Form.ui.qml" and "Page2Form.ui.qml" from the "Projects" pane
Replace the contents of "main.qml" with:
import QtQuick 2.9
import QtQuick.Controls 2.2
visible: true;
width: 640;
height: 480;
title: qsTr("Tabs");
anchors.centerIn: parent;
Right click on the root project file and click "Add New"
From the new window make sure "Qt" is selected then click "QML File (Qt Quick 2)" and press "Choose"
Name the file "ToDoList" and click "Next"
Add to project "qml.qrc Prefix: /" then set the options to have no version control and click "Finish"
Replace the contents of "ToDoList.qml" with:
import QtQuick 2.9
import QtQuick.Controls 2.2
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.3
// Using implicit width and height allows the frame to automatically scale to the size of the list view
implicitWidth: 250
implicitHeight: 250
clip: true
model: 100
delegate: RowLayout {
width: parent.width
CheckBox {}
Layout.fillWidth: true
Run the project
The width is set properly. The problem is with TextField style. You may check it by setting background like
Layout.fillWidth: true
background: Rectangle {
color: "red"
Or just start typing into those fields with and without Layout.fillWidth: true
