Extra toolbar in content in silverstripe - silverstripe

How to add simple tool bar in silverstripe in content like heading h1,h2 etc. I want to add a simple css class there.?
Any help is accepted. Thank you

Supposing you want to configure the TineMCE HTMLEditorfield have a look at the tinytidy module. You'll have to copy the configuration example to your mysite/_config.php to make it working.


How to change height of default wordpress embed link "windows"

could anyone tell me if it's possible to make all these(in picture) wp-default links with class .wp-embed .post same height so that it won't look horrible like in picture.enter image description here I know that it is programmed so that the height addapts to text size inside it.
How do i do that, i can't find they way how to overwrite that with CSS. Is it only achievable by PHP / if so how - i can barely read PHP for now...
There are two separate questions here:
How do I change the css on a wordpress site?
The answer is that it will depend on the setup of your site.
-- You may have access to edit the css for the theme by going to Dashboard -> Appearance -> Editor and then finding the style.css
-- You may also have access to edit the css file through manually editting the file on the server.
-- if those first two options don't work, and you are able to add plugins, you can add a plugin to let you add css to the page. Simple Custom Css is one such plugin.
How do I fix this particular css problem?
To answer this question I would need to see more of the css and html for this page

How to create Configurable header and footer in plone?

Is there any way that I can create a Configurable footer and Header from plone admin?
Header Configuration is for adding/edting menus for a website.
Footer Configuration is for adding/edting some url name.
Also I need to have a logo at top left and the logo is also editable from plone admin.
Yes, there is a a way: Instead of relying on viewlets Plone ships with for the header- and footer-sections of a site, you can use portlets instead.
The addon "Products.ContentWellPortlets" will alow you to assign portlets also in top- and bottom-area, not only in left- and right-column.
For example, to add a logo, you can then assign a static-text-portlet, edit it just like a conventional page-type, insert a picture, it'll be also an ordinary image-item of the side, not a hard-to-customize ZMI-resource.
There is an addon, removing the viewlets and adding sample portlets in header and footer instead as a starting point (disclaimer: I'm the author): adi.simplestructure. You can give it a try, if you're lazy ;)
In the header, the menu is autogenerated for you by Plone depending on the content, but you can turn this off by:
Go to http://localhost:8080/[yoursiteId]/portal_properties/site_properties/manage_workspace
Check the checkboxes to the right of both disable_folder_sections and disable_nonfolderish_sections
Hit 'Save' at the bottom
Now you can go to http://localhost:8080/[yoursiteId]/portal_actions/portal_tabs/manage_workspace and add more menu items (copy and paste the one that's already there if you like)
For the footer, take Mathias' suggestion above: https://github.com/4teamwork/ftw.footer or perhaps collective.doormat might suit you better - you'll have to experiment with that.
For the logo see this page in the Plone docs. I can see that you might feel it should be easier, but this shouldn't be something you do every year (if your organization wants rebranding), right?
some other packages for editing your menuitems in the header:
https://pypi.python.org/pypi/quintagroup.plonetabs (more info on what this does in our setup: https://admin.kuleuven.be/icts/english/wms-en/extra/edit-header-links)
for our footer we use:
https://pypi.python.org/pypi/collective.phantasy (this allows layout adjustment through the web, more info on what this does in our setup: https://admin.kuleuven.be/icts/english/wms-en/extra/edit-layout)

Joomla css hide date create

I want to hide the date on this page.
I tried to change it inside joomla but I couldn't. It's not an article but a JKit page and there is no such an option.
I used the "inspect element" feature to find the corresponding css file and line (bootstrap.css #554). When I change the element through the "inspect element" menu its working but when I open the css file and change it, it doesn't work.
Any suggestions how I can hide it?
p.meta {display: none;}
That ought to do it. Granted, any other metadata will also be hidden. You should add this to a custom CSS file and not modify core Joomla or extension files.
I find it hard to believe that jKit doesn't have a setting for that. (Update: I see that jKit is very new and lacks good documentation.) Also, a template override might be more to your liking.
Most Joomla components allow you to control things like this in the options for the items and also in the menu options when creating a menu link (or setting the global options to change the default behavior. If this component does not, make either an alternate layout or a template override (depending on whether you want to always change this or just on this one page). If you go into the template manager, template view there is a system in place that will automatically create a copy of the layout and put it in the right location. Just edit that to show what you want.
Ok so I solved by editing the according .php file of the component.
I just removed the echo line of the date.
Nothing else worked.

Mageno module idea

I'm working on Magento modules.
After few guides I managed to create module that says "hellow world".
Also I have made some of css code that add simple image border around whole page.
So the problem is: how to combine them together?
I want that when I install my module, image border appears around page.
What should I be looking for? Any tips? I need right path to look for answers
You need to to
Create a module
That modifies the global layout such that your CSS is added to the page
Re: number two, there's multiple ways to go about doing this. These days I favor the event/observer method
Add an observer for the controller_action_layout_generate_blocks_after event
Fetch the head block from the layout in your observer method
If you find a head block, add your CSS file to it programtically
The more traditional way is
Configure you module to include an additional layout update XML file
In the default handle of your new layout update XML file, add XML that tells Magento to add your CSS file
That should give you enough to google on and come back with more specific questions. Good luck!

Add html to drupal 6 page

I am trying to add html to the bottom of all the pages of a drupal 6 site.
I tried following Adding HTML to Drupal closure? but I'm not familiar enough with drupal to follow it.
The code is a google remarketing code, so I can't use drupal_add_js because the code I have already has script tags and , and the drupal_add_js wraps everything in tags.
hook_footer seems to be the best solution but I can't figure out how to use it.
The best solution is to use hook_footer().
You have to create a Drupal module. I think this link might help you: https://drupal.org/developing/modules/7
Basically you have to create a module an implementes hook_footer(). In here you can add your custom html.
But there are another ways to do it. For example you can edit your theme. Find the page.tpl.php file in your theme and add, in the footer, the content. It's appears in all pages.
Another option is to create a block with full html filter, and add your html.
I ended up putting the html i needed in $vars["closure"]
