Add html to drupal 6 page - drupal

I am trying to add html to the bottom of all the pages of a drupal 6 site.
I tried following Adding HTML to Drupal closure? but I'm not familiar enough with drupal to follow it.
The code is a google remarketing code, so I can't use drupal_add_js because the code I have already has script tags and , and the drupal_add_js wraps everything in tags.
hook_footer seems to be the best solution but I can't figure out how to use it.

The best solution is to use hook_footer().
You have to create a Drupal module. I think this link might help you:
Basically you have to create a module an implementes hook_footer(). In here you can add your custom html.
But there are another ways to do it. For example you can edit your theme. Find the page.tpl.php file in your theme and add, in the footer, the content. It's appears in all pages.
Another option is to create a block with full html filter, and add your html.

I ended up putting the html i needed in $vars["closure"]


Kentico CSS issue

I am using Kentico and have noticed a weird css issue. After mocking my pages up in Dreamweaver I then create the page in Kentico, however I have noticed that some elements in Kentico are slightly misaligned.
I have tried copying the source from Kentico into Dreamweaver to see if I can fix the issue but Kentico still renders the content incorrectly.
Are you using Dreamweaver in design or split mode? if yes, turn it off and use code mode only.
I guess you have to compare structure of your HTML and Kentico output HTML. Kentico add a form tag by default which may cause structural issue with css. If you can provide both html, I can help
On Kentico (up to version 11) when you use portal engine or ASPX templates you have this shortcoming. Kentico adds excessive HTML markup on the controls it creates on order to provide hooks that will help the engine to perform actions. For example, Bizforms add multiple divs/spans around normal input tags. So, you have to adapt the CSS you have created to match the tags used by Kentico.
What is your template type:
ASPX page: You can copy your entire HTML code from Dreamweaver into your aspx page template and then work on your page.
Portal Page: You need to understand the structure and cannot replace entire HTML Code from Dreamweaver. You have to seperate your HTML code to insert DropZone for web parts and widgets.
Good Luck!
You will have to make some adaptation always from raw HTML and kentico. In your case you are using aspx model which makes it more harder as server level changes are not 100% compatible with raw HTML or client side code. If possible use portal engine with transformation which will be more like to like of raw HTML.
You must create a directory in CSS/Stylesheet
If you're using the CSS section of the Admin interface, check to see if you have any & signs at the beginning of any tags. Kentico doesn't seem to support this so might be breaking any classes that appear after it.

2sxc: Adding more content templates in the same page does replicate link tags for css and js

I'm new to dnn and 2sxc.
Just wondering if I'm adding for example a card template (image,some text, a link), adding in the html template link tag to css/js, when adding that content more times in the page obviously the link tags are replicate in page source and it isn't so nice.
For example:
<script src="[App:Path]/script.js" type="text/javascript" data-enableoptimizations="100"></script>
it is going to be replicate in page.
Maybe I'm missing something, there is a better way to do it?
Thanks you :)
If you tried it, you should see that it will only be included once, IF you have the data-enableoptimizations included :)
So allready taken care of
Maybe i found the issue...
When I edit a template, selecting Html snippets in the combo to the right, then click on css, style-sheet it is writing a demo link tag, but it is not adding the type (type="text/css"), without it seems not work..
Maybe it could be fixed in a next release :)

Where could be inline-css in Wordpress

I am working on this webpage: which runs on Wordpress with this theme If you check source code you can see a lot of inline-css and I want to know in which files are actually defined. Only thing what I know about it they are called by function wp_head() in header.php. I have local copy of all files on this web and I can't find any mention about some of that css rules through unix grep. Anyone suspect where these css rules could be located?
check site and let me know.
Run a search in the source code for
As this appears to be the 'handle' designated as the first variable in the function wp_add_inline_style. The "-css" is added automatically. You'll see this on line 79 of the page source.
You want to check your page back-end site where you put content ,
I think are you using any compose or editor to create page on edit page.
check it edit option it has some inline css.

Django CMS Deleting HTML5 Tags and Attributes

I am having a big time issue with solving a problem. I have a placeholder called main for the content region of the page. I was building that region in the cms. Everything was going great until I attempted to add an embedded video contained in an iframe. When I save django cms completely removed the iframe and left an empty div. So I attempted to use prettyphoto light box to open the video by clicking on an image. The code I added to the page through the cms is:
<a rel='prettyPhoto[youtube]' href="" data-rel="prettyPhoto">Click Image</a>
When I saved, django cms completely removed the data-rel attribute from the link which is obviously needed for the js. So I went a step further and adapted the code of the data attribute to:
and the cms also removed that attribute! Also anytime I add an html5 tag like article of section it hates that too! What gives here? Am I doing something wrong? Any advice would be appreciated. 
Please see the discussion at We use html5lib to clean the contents of the text plugin (this cannot be turned off for security reasons).
What you'll want to do is write a custom plugin (possibly one that can be embedded inside text plugins).

How to display image into each recent post in drupal front page?

I am very new to drupal. As I have seen many of drupal free theme can show image in the recent post on the first page of drupal
I tried searching some ways to do but seem my keyword search was mismatched.
If you don't want to install any modules, you can simply use a standard HTML <img> tag to put an image in your node body (make sure your selected Input Format allows for the use of that tag). You can then use FTP to upload the linked images to your /sites/default/files directory.
The modules mentioned by Nikit (especially IMCE) can ease this process greatly. A the very minimum, IMCE allows you to upload files to your server without using FTP and adds a handy "insert image" link after your "body" input fields. Clicking that link uploads your image and then generates the <img> code for you.
You can simply style it in node body (wysiwyg + imce can help to quickly upload image and style it).
But recommend to you use image or cck + imagefield, and theme it via node-{CONTENTTYPE}.tpl.php
Little help here:
But recommend to learn theming in drupal.
If you don't want to use HTML or change any PHP files then use the admin console.
