Google Cloud Endpoints (JAVA): return html content - google-cloud-endpoints

How can i return html content with Google Cloud Endpoints using JAVA?
I'd like to return an html page after a user call a REST API. It is possible?

Endpoints aren't designed to return web pages. You can look at endpoints as a framework for defining remote procedures or a RESTful API. i.e. something you'd call from JS or a mobile platform. To serve a web page on App Engine in Java you should use an App Engine servlet similar to this example.

You can return it as a string, assuming you had cached the HTML page somewhere accessible (remember, appengine has no local file storage). Within your endpoints function, you can access datastore, memcache, cloudstorage, etc...
While I do echo the other poster in saying this is not the use-case endpoints is really meant to target, the point is, endpoints is a great way to make an API with automatic generation of client libraries for multiple platforms. Do use endpoints for your API, but be sure it's an API function and not just HTML file serving, for which there are better patterns.
If you are using this pattern to serve HTML partials for an ajax-style dynamic-replacement div in a web app, this is fine, although if these partials are not needing processing or can be defined at deployment time, rather than being put() and get()'d from datastore, for example, then it's best to simply link them in as static resources using the appengine-web.xml / app.yaml (depending on java or python/go/php)
I hope this has helped you think more about your use-case.

You can redirect browser to new page after server responded to call:
gapi.client.yourapp.yourmethod().execute(function(resp) {
if ({
location = '' + + '?userid=123';
But you must take care somehow about not losing your context. For example transfer userid as done in above code.


Can we completely replace the functionality of MVC with api

I have recently started learning both .Core MVC and WEB api.I found that functionality of Web Api is similar to MVC,then why can't we use API instead of MVC for all cases of MVC
For example for returning a list of Pies from DbContext _dbcontext
Public IAction Index()
var PiesCollection=_dbcontext.Pies.ToList();
return View(PiesCollection);
Instead of returning the PiesCollection to a View,why can't we use AJAX from a view to call GetPies api and replace it with
public IAction GetPies()
return JsonResult(_dbcontext.Pies.ToList());
There's nothing stopping you from doing that, however, it comes with the downside of putting more work on the front end, and can cause some irritating side effects for users if you are not careful.
Rather than doing all the work building the HTML before sending it to the browser, you are sending them incomplete HTML with spaces left open for 'future' content. Then the page then has to request this missing content. The service has to do all the same work as before gathering the data, but now has to serialize it to send to the browser. Then the browser has to parse that content to build a the UI.
This can mean that the front-end is no longer coupled to your data so you can cache it or host it on other servers since it doesn't need all the logic in it. This is how some mobile apps work even. The front end isn't a website anymore, but an iOS or Android app, that gets all the data from the services.
But the downside is that if the UI is heavily driven by the data returned by that service, then your user has to wait for the browser/app to get the response, parse it, and render it onto the screen. This can be extra irritating for users when the contents of the page move or change as data loads in.

Dynamic URLs in Typescript

I have a web app built using core, vue.js and typescript. My Typescript code needs to fetch data from an API as follows:
var myFetch = fetch(this.apiurl + '/apipath', {
cache: 'no-cache',
method: 'GET'
But I need the URL for the API (this.apiurl) to be configurable instead of hard-coding. The URL will be different for each deployment, and can be on different domains i.e.,
Can anyone provide an example of providing a URL dynamically to Typescript so it uses my configured URL instead of a hard-coded one? I have looked at:
MVC providing a JavaScript response (seems overly complex for what I need - just one variable to be set dynamically...)
Creating an API within the .net core web app that returns URLs via a fetch, then calls the actual APIs (URL has to fetch-ed at run-time before subsequent calls to get data, resulting in longer load times)
Building/packaging with a separate URL Typescript file depending on the client (not configurable without a recompile)
Does anyone have suggestions?

Restful Web API from Browser

I am using ASP.NET MVC 4 WEB API to create a Restful API service. This is my first go at it, so if you feel I am taking a wrong approach please feel free to correct.
I want to create a rest API (only & not a website, the consumer of the api can decide where they want to consume it), in the past I have used Restful WCF service to achieve this.
I have created a new ASP.NET MVC 4 Web Application and chose the WebAPI project template. I have added a controller class 'CatalogueController.cs' the purpose is on Get() operation I want to return the Catalogue list. The CatalogueDo contains only one property 'Service' of type string.
public HttpResponseMessage Get()
return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, Catalogue);
When I run the application the browser loads with the URL http://localhost:5502/ resource not found, if I add the controller name http://localhost:5502/Catalogue/ the browser pops open a notepad with,
The data is correct but
the browser keeps showing resource not found and after my request has been served the URL changes to http://localhost:5502/.
Am I doing something wrong? Should the response that pops up in the
notepad not be shown as xml in the browser it self?
Why does the controller name get removed from the URL once the request has been served?
Is it at all possible to invoke this REST service from Excel or Power Pivot?

ASP.Net custom authentication with existing server

We have an existing user licensing server that is running via PHP. It allows for creation of users, checking if the provided username and password is valid, and updating a user.
We are creating a new ASP.Net website and want it to use this existing user PHP scripts/database to restrict access to portions of the ASP.Net website. Also there are web services that use the same login and password via basic authentication that we need to access as well from the ASP.Net server.
I am looking for a way for .Net to use the remote PHP scripts to validate login. And I need a way for the users login id and password to be available so I can use them to communicate with those existing web services from the ASP.Net server on their behalf.
Does anyone know how to go about getting this sort of thing done. Or any good tutorials or blogs?
It's possible to run PHP and ASP.NET on the same server, and even in the same web application. You can also create .NET code that runs before and/or after each PHP request (with an HttpModule).
PHP under IIS just has a separate HttpHandler that invokes the cgi-bin process.
If you want to call a PHP page from an ASP.NET page, one approach is to use Server.Execute() -- although web services would certainly be cleaner from an architectural perspective.
Beyond that, for the actual authentication/authorization part of your question, the approach depends on the specifics of your implementation. You can certainly do things like share cookies between PHP and .aspx.
unfortunatly they are different languages and php scripts cannot be used in an site. You would have to recreate your classes(scripts) but what you can do is use your existing database if its in mysql or any other. That's the best you would be able to do as far as I know.
If those PHP web services respect some industry standard such as SOAP for example, you can simply consume them by generating strongly typed client proxies. If not, well, then you still have the good old WebClient which allows you to send HTTP requests and read responses. It's as simple as:
using (var client = new WebClient())
var values = new NameValueCollection
{ "username", "john" },
{ "pwd", "secret" },
var result = client.UploadValues("", values);
// TODO: do something with the result returned by the PHP script
Have you tried using stored procedures instead of PHP scripts? That way you don't have to write multiple instances of the same code and it can be used in .NET and PHP.

Best way to perform authentication on every request

In my mvc 2 app, I'm wondering about the best way to implement this:
For every incoming request I need to perform custom authorization before allowing the file to be served. (This is based on headers and contents of the querystring. If you're familiar with how Amazon S3 does rest authentication - exactly that).
I'd like to do this in the most perfomant way possible, which probably means as light a touch as possible, with IIS doing as much of the actual work as possible.
The service will need to handle GET requests, as well as writing new files coming in via POST/PUT requests.
The requests are for an abitrary file, so it could be:
Right now I've half implemented it using an IHttpHandler which handles all routes (with routes.RouteExistingFiles = true), but not sure if that's the best, or if I should be hooking into the lifecycle somewhere else?
I'm also interested in supporting partial downloads with the Range header. Using
as I am now means I'll have to do that manually, which seems a bit lowlevel?
Many thanks for any pointers.
I think having a custom handler in the middle that takes care of this is exactly how you should be doing it.
TransmitFile is the lightest-weight programmatic way to serve a file that I am aware of.
However, you might not need to write your own HttpHandler. You can use the MVC handler and just dedicate a controller action to the job. Something like:
...routing to...
public FilesController
public ActionResult Download(string id)
//...some logic to authenticate and to get the local file path
return File(theLocalFilePath, mimeType);
The File() method of controller uses TransmitFile in the background, I believe.
(PS, If you want shorter URLs, do it via custom routes in global.asax.)
