changing css class variables - css

I am looking at less.js, mixin looks like the way touching the variable in css but i am not sure if my problem is solvable using less.js.
I want to make some class with parameter, e.g. with the format
marginTop-10 or marginTop(15)
10,15 are some numbers which i can change to specify the margin top pixel, basically these numbers can be any number.and i will use these class in my paragraph class such as
<p class="marginTop(some number)">css help</p>
How can i make this happen?

You should first write your Less file, for instance as follows:
.marginTop(#topMargin) {
margin-top: #topMargin;
p.marginTop-10 {
p.marginTop-15 {
The preceding Less code will compile into the following CSS code:
p.marginTop-10 {
margin-top: 10px;
p.marginTop-15 {
margin-top: 15px;
After that you can use in your HTML:
<p class="marginTop-10">css help</p>
<p class="marginTop-15">css help</p>
Notice that you can also compile a list of classes dynamically, see also: LESS loops used to generate column classes in twitter - How do they work?
Doing that you could write the the following Less code:
#margins: 10 20 50;
.marginTop(#i: 1) when (#i <= length(#margins)) {
.marginTop(#i + 1);
#margin-top: extract(#margins,#i);
.marginTop-#{margin-top} {
.marginTop-50 {
margin-top: 50px;
.marginTop-20 {
margin-top: 20px;
.marginTop-10 {
margin-top: 10px;


CodeMirror Line-Break doesn't add line number - Angular

I'm using code mirror from ngx-codemirror. I want to split the line when it fits to the width of the parent. I have found some solutions to split the like using,
lineWrapping: true
and in styles
.CodeMirror-wrap pre {
word-break: break-word;
Using this I was able to split the line but I need to show the line number too.
The line number is not shown for the line that was just split.
This is the stackblitz link to my issue : code-mirror-line-break-issue
Screenshot :
Please help me with this.
This is not feasible using Code Mirror options, as this is something that is a bit counter intuitive that is rarely (ever?) wanted.
Like I said in my comment, say 2 persons discussing on a phone/web chat about a piece of code/json. They will not see the same thing when one mentions a line number to the other if they have different windows/screen sizes
As a hack, you can create your own elements representing line numbers and place them over the default line numbers.
Here is the stackblitz demo
Note: This a a very basic example. If you change code mirror settings (font size, gutters,...), you might need to tweak the css or do more calculation based on these settings.
<div class='codeMirrorContainer'>
<ul class='lineContainer' []="-topPosition">
<li [style.width.px]='lineWidth' *ngFor="let line of lines">{{line}}</li>
height: 19px;
list-style: none;
overflow: hidden;
margin: 0;
padding: 5px 0 0 0;
text-align: center;
::ng-deep .CodeMirror-linenumber
visibility: hidden; /* Hides default line numbers */
export class AppComponent
#ViewChild('codeMirror') codeMirrorCmpt: CodemirrorComponent;
private lineHeight: number;
public lineWidth;
public topPosition: number;
public lines = [];
codeMirrorOptions: any = ....;
codeObj :any = ...;
constructor(private cdr: ChangeDetectorRef)
this.codeMirrorCmpt.codeMirror.on('refresh', () => this.refreshLines());
this.codeMirrorCmpt.codeMirror.on('scroll', () => this.refreshLines());
setTimeout(() => this.refreshLines(), 500)
let editor = this.codeMirrorCmpt.codeMirror;
let height = editor.doc.height;
this.lineHeight = editor.display.cachedTextHeight ? editor.display.cachedTextHeight : this.lineHeight;
if (!this.lineHeight)
let nbLines = Math.round(height / this.lineHeight);
this.lines = Array(nbLines).fill(0).map((v, idx) => idx + 1);
this.lineWidth = editor.display.lineNumWidth;
this.topPosition = document.querySelector('.CodeMirror-scroll').scrollTop;

Playing with LESS - optimize css generated by passing ruleset to mixin

I'm just playing with LESS lately. I wanted to generate rules for elements with numeric ID. At some stage I got code like this:
#myRule: {padding: 0;};
.myLoop(#c, #rules) when (#c >= 0) {
.myLoop((#c - 1), #rules);
&[id*=#{c}] { #rules(); }
&[name*=#{c}] { #rules(); }
.myClass {
.myLoop(2, #myRule);
which compiles to
.myClass[id*=0] {
padding: 0;
.myClass[name*=0] {
padding: 0;
.myClass[id*=1] {
padding: 0;
.myClass[name*=1] {
padding: 0;
.myClass[id*=2] {
padding: 0;
.myClass[name*=2] {
padding: 0;
My question is: can I in any way make it compile to sth like this:
.myClass[name*=2] {
padding: 0;
I was looking for something like 'extending mixins`, 'parametric extend' or 'extending ruleset' but all lead to issues that are either 'wontfix' or 'nice-to-have' :-) So I guess it's not yet possible, but I would just like to reach out to people more familiar with less then I am, to be sure.
Yes, neither extending parametric mixins nor scoped extend are possible currently, so the easiest method to achieve the result is to extend a dummy ruleset. E.g.:
.my-repeat(#i, #f) when (#i >= 0) {
.my-repeat((#i - 1), #f);
&[id*=#{i}], &[name*=#{i}] {#f();}
.my-class-style {
padding: 0;
.my-class {
.my-repeat(2, {
where .my-class-style is the dummy selector to appear in the resulting CSS too.

How to Customize Bootstrap Column Widths?

I have this, but I feel 4 is too big for my sidebar width and 3 is too small (it has to add up to 12).
<div class="col-md-8">
<div class="col-md-4">
I tried this but it doesn't work:
<div class="col-md-8.5">
<div class="col-md-3.5">
Is there another way to get a similar outcome?
Thanks for your help!
To expand on #isherwood's answer, here is the complete code for creating custom -sm- widths in Bootstrap 3.3
In general you want to search for an existing column width (say col-sm-3) and copy over all the styles that apply to it, including generic ones, over to your custom stylesheet where you define new column widths.
.col-sm-3half, .col-sm-8half {
position: relative;
min-height: 1px;
padding-right: 15px;
padding-left: 15px;
#media (min-width: 768px) {
.col-sm-3half, .col-sm-8half {
float: left;
.col-sm-3half {
width: 29.16666667%;
.col-sm-8half {
width: 70.83333333%;
For a 12 columns grid, if you want to add half of a column (4,16667%) to each column width. This is what you do.
For example, for col-md-X, define .col-md-X-5 with the following values.
.col-md-1-5 { width: 12,5%; } // = 8,3333 + 4,16667
.col-md-2-5 { width: 20,83333%; } // = 16,6666 + 4,16667
.col-md-3-5 { width: 29,16667%; } // = 25 + 4,16667
.col-md-4-5 { width: 37,5%; } // = 33,3333 + 4,16667
.col-md-5-5 { width: 45,83333%; } // = 41,6667 + 4,16667
.col-md-6-5 { width: 54,16667%; } // = 50 + 4,16667
.col-md-7-5 { width: 62,5%; } // = 58,3333 + 4,16667
.col-md-8-5 { width: 70,83333%; } // = 66,6666 + 4,16667
.col-md-9-5 { width: 79,16667%; } // = 75 + 4,16667
.col-md-10-5 { width: 87,5%; } // = 83,3333 + 4,16667
.col-md-11-5 { width: 95,8333%; } // = 91,6666 + 4,16667
I rounded certain values.
Secondly, to avoid copying css code from the original col-md-X, use them in the class declaration. Be careful that they should be added before your modified ones. That way, only the width gets override.
<div class="col-md-2 col-md-2-5">...</div>
<div class="col-md-5">...</div>
<div class="col-md-4 col-md-4-5">...</div>
Finally, don't forget that the total should not exceed 12 columns, which total 100%.
I hope it helps!
You could certainly create your own classes:
.col-md-3point5 {width: 28.75%}
.col-md-8point5 {width: 81.25%;}
I'd do this before I'd mess with the default columns. You may want to use those inside these.
You'd probably also want to put those inside a media query statement so that they only apply for larger-than-mobile screen sizes.
Bootstrap 4.1+ version of Antoni's answer:
The Bootstrap mixin is now #include make-col($size, $columns: $grid-columns)
.col-md-8half {
#include make-col-ready();
#include media-breakpoint-up(md) {
#include make-col(8.5);
.col-md-3half {
#include make-col-ready();
#include media-breakpoint-up(md) {
#include make-col(3.5);
Official documentation
Bootstrap 4 Sass Mixins [Cheat sheet with examples]
You can use Bootstrap's own column mixins make-xx-column():
.col-md-8half {
.col-md-3half {
you can customize bootstrap stylesheet, as in:
width: /*as you wish*/;
Then, set the media query for that too, as in:
#media screen and (max-width:768px){

how do add a dot to a variable to be used as selector in less

I'm currently getting this output:
.'teal-dark' { color: #xxx; }
What I want is this: {
.teal-dark { color; #xxx; }
Here is what I'm trying to do:
#teal-dark: #xxx;
.#{currentMember} div { background: ~"#{#{currentMember}}" };
See: and
#current-member: teal-dark;
#teal-dark: red;
.#{current-member} {
color: ##current-member;
compiles into:
.teal-dark {
color: red;
Possible relevant questions:
Defining Variable Variables using LESS CSS
Dynamic class names in LESS
Here's the fix from another post:
#selector: ~'.#{currentMember}';
#{selector} div { background: ~"#{#{currentMember}}" };

Declare variable conditionally in LESS css

I currently have two Views that are using the same layout. However, they differ from each other in the following aspect:
View Foo:
<div class="MajorSection" id="foo">
View Bar:
<div class="MajorSection" id="bar">
And I want to declare #labelWidth differently between these two classes in one .less file so that I don't need to repeat myself with the following code.
.MajorSection {
#labelWidth: 10em;
.editor-label {
width: #labelWidth;
input, textarea {
width: (#editorWidth)-(.5em); //border & padding
In View Foo I want #labelWidth to be 10em, and in Bar I want it to be 20em. Is there anyway to do that?
I think the simplest method to achieve this is to define "depended" styles via parametric mixin, e.g.:
.MajorSection {
#foo& {
#bar& {
.labelStyles(#width) {
.editor-label {
width: #width;
input, textarea {
width: (#editorWidth - .5em); // border & padding
CSS output:
#foo.MajorSection .editor-label {
width: 10em;
#bar.MajorSection .editor-label {
width: 20em;
.MajorSection input,
.MajorSection textarea {
width: ...;
