How to compile scss built with Webapp? - gruntjs

With Yeomam I choose Webapp project with bootstrap and scss.
In the html file it includes reference to main.css.
To run it I need to run grunt serve which creates main.css file from main.scss.
If I run directly the files from browser I will miss main.css because it has not been created from scss.
How can I create it in order to run from browser without grunt?

Another option to compile scss, programs like prepros or codekit, I use it daily in my work
prepros free:


Use webpack to compile .scss files without js

Is it possible to use webpack to compile a directory of scss files to a directory of css files?
I don't want to use the sass command line tool because it's part of an angular project and with the help of custom builders I can run the webpack script with only ng build
- src
- themes
- theme-dark.scss
- theme-light.scss
- dist
- themes
- theme-light.css
- theme-dark.css
Hower I think this is currently not possible because webpack seems to need the scss imported in javascript and not in single files and writes the generated files to js and not css.
Is that what I want even possible with webpack or do I need another tool?
You can use Sass compiler to compile scss to css with a single command. Exactly the use-case you are looking for.
sass --watch src/themes:dist/themes
watch will compile on a file change (optional)

How to compile SASS .scss files in most basic method (without framework)

I installed Bootstrap CSS with SASS from the following repo:
I ran the command "bower install bootstrap-sass" on the command line and this successfully installed the folder bower_components on my project folder. (Incidentally - I have nothing else present yet, I want to learn to bootstrap the CSS compiling first).
OK, here's what I want to accomplish:
I want to be able to add .scss files to the folder I create called resources/assets/sass/
I want to provision/manage so that .scss files I add to this directory are in turn compiled to public/build/css/that_file_name.css
More practically, I would like to compile all of the .scss files into one large .css file.
My question(s) are:
What does the compiling?
How do I instruct it to compile the .scss files in the folder above in the public/build/css/ folder?
Must I configure new .scss files or can I set it so as to just add them to that sass folder?
Bonus, how do I tell it to minify the output file, or not (so I can experiment with both ways)?
What does the compiling?
Compiling Sass files transforms stylesheets with Sass-specific syntax like selector nesting and mixins into normal CSS that can be parsed by browsers.
How do I instruct it to compile the .scss files in the folder above in the public/build/css/ folder?
Since you're already using Bower which is a Node.js package, I assume that you have no problem using the Node.js package node-sass instead of the original Ruby version.
First, install the package using npm i -D node-sass. Then, create a new script inside your project's package.json:
"compile-sass": "node-sass resources/assets/sass/main.scss public/build/css/main.css"
main.scss is now your entry point where you import Bootstrap and your other stylesheets.
// I don't know whether this path is correct
// Just find out the location of "_bootstrap.scss" and then create the relative path
#import "../../../bower_components/bootstrap-sass/assets/stylesheets/_bootstrap.scss";
/* Your custom SCSS */
Finally, to actually run the compilation, execute npm run compile-sass in your terminal.
Must I configure new .scss files or can I set it so as to just add them to that sass folder?
Since you never tell node-sass to "compile everything inside this folder" and instead use an entry point file (main.js), when you want to include a new file you simply add an #import directive with a relative path to it.
Bonus, how do I tell it to minify the output file, or not (so I can experiment with both ways)?
To minify the resulting main.css file, I recommend csso. You can install its CLI package using npm i -D csso-cli and then add another script to your package.json:
"minify-css": "csso public/build/css/main.css public/build/css/main.min.css"
You can then run that script using npm run minify-css. The minified file will be outputted as main.min.css.
For all the question asked, the answer can be found above. But if you are just looking to compile .scss file to .css using command line, use below,
sass source/stylesheets/index.scss build/stylesheets/index.css
Make sure you have "node JS/npm" and Sass compiler installed.
If not, use this to install Node.js and npm -
And use this to install Sass -
Enjoy ;)

modifications to main.css were lost after executing gulp install in jhipser

I am new to jhipster. I added another css property in main.css file and called it in the home.html. But after running gulp install command that modification was disappeared from the main.css. So how to save that modification even after run that command?
When using the SASS option in JHipster, you should make all of your CSS or SCSS changes in main.scss.
During the build process, gulp (AngularJS) or webpack (Angular) will compile main.scss into main.css, replacing the contents of that file. This is also why main.css is included in .gitignore.

How to recompile less files on existing project

So I have been using SCSS and Compass on all my projects. Super happy with it. However, just now I got an existing site built by a different team that needs to be updated and uses LESS. (The project also uses .ftl files which is also new to me)
Less syntax seems pretty similar and straight forward so I don't have an issue updating .less files, however how do I get it to "compile" to css so I can see my updates on the browser?
[You] can invoke the compiler from the command-line, as such:
$ lessc styles.less
This will output the compiled CSS to stdout. To save the CSS result to a file of your choice use:
$ lessc styles.less styles.css
To output minified CSS you can use the clean-css plugin. When the plugin is installed, a minified CSS output is specified with --clean-css option:
$ lessc --clean-css styles.less styles.min.css
This is assuming that you have less installed through node. Additionally, the previous developer could have been using a gulp file to compile it, so you will want to look at that as a possibility.
If you just want to quickly convert it without installing any tools:
Personally I use for less, sass, compass and coffeescript. I especially like the auto compile option, just working on less files and the css file will be updated in the same folder at the same time.

GruntJS CSS handling : How to select CSS files and how to package them

I'm using the Yeoman stack to bootstrap an application and had a question on how CSS files should be handled. (I've uploaded a sample on Github :
The basic question is : How do you go about handling different CSS files
during development (when running grunt serve)
when packaging the app (when running grunt build).
I have installed a number of libraries through bower that come with CSS files.
For example the jQueryDataTables library has the following CSS
Now, the way I understand it is that I should never reference this jquery.dataTables.css file directly in my index.html (I hope this assumption is correct).
My index.html should only contain
<link rel="stylesheet" href="styles/main.css">
I assume that this styles/main.css will be generated by the grunt workflow and will be correct both in dev mode, as well as in dist mode.
I'm puzzled by a couple of things
How should I tell grunt that I need to include for example bower_components/datatables/media/css/jquery.dataTables.css
Do I do need to reference that jquery.dataTables.css in my index.html, or in my Gruntfile.js, or simply drop it in app.styles ?
How does grunt decide what CSS files it needs to assemble into a single main.css
How does grunts behavior differ between grunt serve and grunt serve dist
Here's what I found :
grunt serve
When calling grunt serve , a CSS file is generated called .tmp/styles/main.css,
That is in fact the CSS file that is used by the app when it launched by 'grunt serve'.
That main.css file only contains stuff coming from the app/styles/main.scss file.
Other CSS files that are put in app/styles/ are not being picked up by grunt serve.
grunt serve:dist
When calling grunt serve:dist, a CSS file is generated called dist/styles/2314bw1.main.css
That is in fact the CSS file that is used by the app when it launched by grunt serve:dist.
That main.css file contains everything that it found in app/styles/*.css,
So the basic issue is that when running grunt serve , the generated main.css does not all the classes from all the css files found in app/styles/*.css.
However, when packaging the app grunt build or grunt serve:dist, it does contain all classes from all the css files found in app/styles/*.css.
How do I configure my app / grunt to use these external CSS, and how do I get to a situation that works during development, as well as during packaging.
I'm not familiar with Yeoman but it look likes it's running gruntjs underneath. You can edit the tasks to include plugin specific styles.
This is your gruntfile.js
How does grunt decide what CSS files it needs to assemble into a single main.css ?
Drop your plugin specfic styles inside "app/styles". You can give it a special folder if you want to. Then add to your main.scss. Sass will compile everything down in the main.css.
First in console:
cp jquery.dataTables.css jquery.dataTables.scss
Then add the import into main.scss
#import "jquery.dataTables"
How does grunts behavior differ between grunt serve and grunt serve dist?
serve:dist does this(see code below), it builds your files, opens a link to your server, creates a dummy webserver to serve your files using connect
if (target === 'dist') {
return['build', 'open:server', 'connect:dist:keepalive']);
serve on the other hand watches changes to your files.
