reading multiple files quickly in R - r

I have over 10000 csv files and I need to do a Fast Fourier Transformation on each column of each csv file. I have access to 1000 cores. What should be the fastest way?
Currently I have a for loop reading each file sequentially and using the apply(data, 2, FFT) function. How would I do so? I tried doing clusterapply(1:10000, cl, transformation). In the transformation function, I have read csv. It still takes a long time to do all the reading. Do anyone of you know a faster way?

I would think that the fastest way would be to mclapply and fread.
#Bring in libraries
#Find all csv files in your folder
csv.list = list.files(pattern="*.csv")
#Create function to read in data and perform fft on each column
read.fft <- function(x) {
data <- fread(x)
result <- data[, lapply(.SD,fft)]
#Apply function using multiple cores
all.results <- mclapply(csv.list,read.fft,mc.cores=10)
If it makes sense for you to take a random sample of each dataset, I would highly suggest changing the read.fft function to use the shuf command. It will spend up your read-in time by quite a bit.
#Create function to read in data and perform fft
read.fft <- function(x) {
data <- fread(paste0("shuf -n 10000",x)) #Takes random sample of 10000 rows
result <- data[, lapply(.SD,fft)]


How to read multiple large sas data files into R, filter rows and save subset datasets as .rds

I have 30 sas-files (dataset1.sas7bdat through dataset30.sas7bdat, approx. 10 GB per file) in a folder, and need to analyse a subset of rows in these data files (all rows where the character variable A begins with 10).
Thus, I need to read each of the sas-files into R, filter a subset with grep on variable A and then save each of these filtered datasets as a .rds-file.
I'm trying to achieve this using a for loop of list.files() and the Haven package to read the sas-file. In order to avoid going out-of-memory, I need to remove the imported dataset on each iteration after the subset has been filtered and saved as .rds.
Though not elegant nor satisfying, I could hard-code it manually 30 times over like this, copy/pasting and incrementing the suffixes by 1 each time:
dt1 <- haven::read_sas("~/folder/dataset1.sas7bdat")
dt1 <-
dt1 <- dt1[grep("^10", A)]
saveRDS(dt1, "~/folder/subset1.rds")
dt2 <- haven::read_sas("~/folder/dataset2.sas7bdat")
dt2 <-
dt2 <- dt1[grep("^10", A)]
saveRDS(dt2, "~/folder/subset2.rds")
While the following for loop technically works to read the files into memory, it is never going to finish due to massively going out of memory, so it does not allow me to filter the data:
folder <- "~/folder/"
file_list <- list.files(path = folder, pattern = "^dataset")
for (i in 1:length(file_list)) {
assign(file_list[i], Haven::read_sas(paste(folder, file_list[i], sep='')))
Is there a way to - on each iteration in the loop - filter the dataset, remove the unfiltered dataset and save the subset in a .rds-file?
I can't seem to come up with a way to incorporate this into my approach of using the assign() function.
Is there a better way to go about this?
You could potentially look at freeing up memory by clearing the memory after each load and filter via
I slept on it, and woke up with a working solution using a function to do the work, and a loop to cycle through filenames. This also enables me to save the output in a different folder (my raw data folder is read-only):
fromFolder <- "~/folder_with_input_data/"
toFolder <- "~/folder_with_output_data/"
import_sas <- function(filename) {
dt <- read_sas(paste(fromFolder, filename, sep=''), NULL)
dt <-
dt <- dt[grep("^10", A)]
saveRDS(dt, paste(toFolder,filename,'.rds.', sep =''), compress = FALSE)
file_list <- list.files(path = fromFolder, pattern="^dataset")
for (filename in file_list) {
I haven't tested this with the full 30 files yet. I'll do that tonight.
If I encounter problems, I will post an update tomorrow. Otherwise, this question can be closed in 48 hours.
Update: It worked without a hitch and completed the 297GB conversion in around 13 hours. I don't think it can be optimized to accomplish the task much faster; the vast majority of computing time is spent on opening the sas-files, which I don't think can be done faster by other means than Haven. Unless someone has an idea to optimize the process, this question can be closed.

How can I use read.big.matrix to read multiple files in r?

I have a huge dataset consisting of hundreds of files and I need to use bigmemory (or similar) package to read the data. How do I use read.big.matrix with multiple files?
Could probably load the files iteratively from working directory and then merge the matrices.
files <- list.files(path = ".")
number_of_matrices <- length(files)
#For faster computation set number of matrices
my_matrices <- vector("list", length = S)
for (file in 0:length(files)){
my_matrices[file] <- read.big.matrix(filename=files[file])
#Assuming same columns this will merge them to one single:
massive_matrix <-"rbind", my_matrices)
Have not tested the code, but this might give you an idea of how the problem could be approached?

reading and processing files in parallel in R

I am using the parallel library in R to process a large data set on which I am applying complex operations.
For the sake of providing a reproducible code, you can find below a simpler example:
#data generation
dir <- "C:/Users/things_to_process/"
for(i in 1:800)
my.matrix <- matrix(runif(100),ncol=10,nrow=10)
#worker function
worker.function <- function(files)
files.length <- length(files)
partial.results <- vector('list',files.length)
for(i in 1:files.length)
matrix <- readRDS(files[i])
partial.results[[i]] <- sum(diag(matrix))
#master part
cl <- makeCluster(detectCores(), type = "PSOCK")
file_list <- list.files(path=dir,recursive=FALSE,full.names=TRUE)
part <- clusterSplit(cl,seq_along(file_list))
files.partitioned <- lapply(part,function(p) file_list[p])
results <- clusterApply(cl,files.partitioned,worker.function)
result <- Reduce('+',results)
Essentially, I am wondering if trying to read files in parallel would be done in an interleaved fashion instead. And if, as a result, this bottleneck would cut down on the expected performance of running tasks in parallel?
Would it be better if I first read all matrices at once in a list then sent chunks of this list to each core for it to be processed? what if these matrices were much larger, would I be able to load all of them in a list at once ?
Instead of saving each matrix in a separate RDS file, have you tried saving a list of N matrices in each file, where N is the number that is going to be processed by a single worker?
Then the worker.function looks like:
worker.function <- function(file) {
matrix_list <- readRDS(file)
partial_results <- lapply(matrix_list, function(mat) sum(diag(mat)))
You should save some time on I/O and maybe even on computation by replacing a for with a lapply.

R - Creating subsets of several datasets in a loop

I have a quite big number of quite heavy datasets. I would like to extract a subset out of each of them and save it into different csv files (one for each dataset). These are the commands I would like to loop for all the files I have in the folder:
df <-read.csv("1985.csv",header=FALSE,stringsAsFactors=TRUE,sep="\t")
df_short <- df[df$V6=="OPP", ]
write.csv(df_short, file = "OPP_1985.csv",row.names=FALSE)
This is probably a very noob question, but I am struggling to understand how to do it, so I would appreciate a lot help with this!
Following #SimonShine's suggestion, I have run this code and it works!
You don't specify if you are trying to collect the subsets into one dataset, or if you are trying to make one file per subset. You refer to OPP_1985 that appears out of scope for the code you wrote. Did you mean to refer to df_short?
You could start by abstracting what you want to do with one datafile into a function, e.g.:
extract_and_save_from_dataset <- function(csvfile) {
df <- read.csv(csvfile, header=F, stringsAsFactors=T, sep="\t")
df_short <- df[df$V6 == "OPP",]
csvfile_short <- gsub(".csv", "_short.csv", csvfile)
write.csv(df_short, file=csvfile_short, row_names=F)
Assuming you have a collection of dataset filenames, you could apply this function multiple times:
# csvfiles <- c("OPP_1985.csv", "OPP_1986.csv", ...)
csvfiles <- list.files("/path/to/my/csvfiles")
for (csvfile in csvfiles) {
The data.table approach is probably the fastest option, specially if you have a large dataset. The function fwrite{data.table} works in parallel using many CPUS, making it extremely fast.
Here is how you can divide your original data according to subgroups defined based on the values of df$V6 and save each subset into a separate .csv file.
library (data.table)
set(df)[, fwrite(.SD, paste0("output_", V6,".csv")), by = V6, .SDcols=names(df) ]
ps. The name of the files will be output_*.csv where * is the correspondent V6 value.

Make function and apply to read data in R?

I have set of data (around 50000 data. and each one of them 1.5 mb). So, to load the data and process the data first I have used this code;
data <- list() # creates a list
listcsv <- dir(pattern = "*.txt") # creates the list of all the csv files in the directory
then I use for loop to load each data;
for (k in 1:length(listcsv)){
data[[k]]<- read.csv(listcsv[k],sep = "", = TRUE, comment.char = "", skip=37);
my<- as.matrix(as.double(data[[k]][1:57600,2]));
So, I set the program run but even if after 6 hours it didn't finished. Although I have a decent pc with a 32 GB ram and 6 core CPU.
I have searched the forum and maybe fread function would be helpful people say. However all the examples which I found so far deal with the single file reading with the fread function.
Can any one suggest me the solution of this problem for faster loop to read data and process it with these many rows and columns?
I am guessing there has to be a way to make the extraction of what you want more efficient. But I think running in parallel could save you a bunch of time. And save you memory by not storing each file.
#Create function you want to eventually loop through in parallel
readFiles <- function(x) {
data <- fread(x,skip=37)
my <- as.matrix(data[1:57600,2,with=F]);
mesh <- array(my, dim = c(120,60,8));
Ms<-1350*10^3 # A/m
asd2=(mesh[70:75,24:36 ,2])/Ms; # in A/m
ort_my<- mean(asd2);
#R Code to run functions in parallel
detectCores() #This will tell you how many cores are available
registerDoMC(8) #Register the parallel backend
#Can change .combine from rbind to list
OutputList <- foreach(listcsv,.combine=rbind,.packages=c(”data.table”)) %dopar% (readFiles(x))
registerDoSEQ() #Very important to close out parallel backend.
