Altbeacon library not working on Android 5.0 - bluetooth-lowenergy

Yesterday I got the update for Android 5.0 on my Nexus 4, and the altbeacon library stopped detecting beacons. It appears that didEnterRegion and didRangeBeaconsInRegion are not even getting called when monitoring and ranging, respectively.
Even the Locate app from Radius Networks behaves differently now, the values from beacons, once they are detected, doesn't get updated anymore and often it appears as if the beacons went out of range.
One thing I noted differently, is that now in the logcat it appears the following line "BluetoothLeScanner﹕ could not find callback wrapper". I went ahead and looked for that class and saw that it was introduced with Android L, but I don't know if that has something to do with it.
It's important to say that before the update I had been working with both the Locate app and the Reference Application without any trouble.
I don't know if this is a generalized problem or not, but if it happened to me I'm sure it could happen to someone else, so any help it would really be appreciated.
Thanks in advance!
After failing at getting the library to work I decided to try the Android L branch of the library. What I did was that I plugged in the new library into the Reference App, but didn't work as expected either.
The Monitor Activity seems to be working ok by notifying when the device has entered a new region. However, the Ranging Activity doesn't report any beacons, although didRangeBeaconsInRegion is getting called, always report zero beacons. Curiously, when the activity is paused (switching momentarily to another app) the logcat shows that now didRangeBeaconsInRegion does get called with actual beacons.
I'm kind of stuck right now because I don't know how to get any of libraries working on Android L, so again, any help would really be appreciated.

I'm using the latest Altbeacon build on 5.0+ and have no problem with it. in fact, I never used it on kitkat so i'm not really sure i can help but here is my working code which listen to iBeacons.
implement beaconConsumer:
public class MainActivity implements BeaconConsumer
init BeaconManager
beaconManager = BeaconManager.getInstanceForApplication(this);
if (beaconManager != null && !beaconManager.isBound(this)) {
beaconManager.getBeaconParsers().add(new BeaconParser().
onConnect and start listner
public void onBeaconServiceConnect() {
beaconManager.setRangeNotifier(new RangeNotifier() {
public void didRangeBeaconsInRegion(Collection<Beacon> beacons, Region region) {
if (beacons.size() > 0) {
Beacon firstBeacon = beacons.iterator().next();
beaconManager.startRangingBeaconsInRegion(new Region("", null, null, null));
this code is working on 3 devices
Nexus 4 5.0.1
Samsung Galaxy s4 - Stock 5.0.1
Samsung Galaxy s4 - CM12 5.1.1

Old question, but maybe some people will try to find answer for higher systems where you have to ask for permissions. You need to ask for Manifest.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION before scanning. At least that was the problem I met. In my opinion lib should crash such cases at least and indicate the problem


Catalyst 'SwiftUI.AccessibilityNode' is not a known serializable element

I created a fresh iOS Single Page App (including SwiftUI) with Xcode 11.1 and enabled Mac Catalyst. After running the fresh Project on my Mac (macOS 10.15 of course) I get the following errors after tapping once on the window.
2019-10-18 12:59:48.479186+0200 test[3130:122148] Metal API Validation Enabled
2019-10-18 12:59:50.960734+0200 test[3130:122148] [AXRuntimeCommon] Unknown client: test
2019-10-18 12:59:50.962261+0200 test[3130:122148] [AXRuntimeCommon] This class 'SwiftUI.AccessibilityNode' is not a known serializable element and returning it as an accessibility element may lead to crashes
2019-10-18 12:59:51.313 test[3130:122148] **************_____________**************AXError: AVPlayerView is not a kind of NSView
1 AccessibilityBundles 0x00007fff42ee3b69 _AXBValidationCheckIsKindOfClass + 201
2019-10-18 12:59:51.386 test[3130:122148] **************_____________**************AXError: MKStarRatingView is not a kind of NSView
1 AccessibilityBundles 0x00007fff42ee3b69 _AXBValidationCheckIsKindOfClass + 201
Note: I also removed the Sandbox capability otherwise I get error about can't writing ApplicationAccessibilityEnabled
Does anyone know how to solve that?
As far as I can tell, there isn't a way to get rid of that error, and there isn't a need to; it's something inherent in SwiftUI. It occurs on iOS, iPadOS, and (therefore) Mac Catalyst, even in a brand new project. It also doesn't seem to hurt anything, other than to worry us developers.
I've been working in SwiftUI for the past six months full-time on an app that is now in production running on iOS, iPadOS and MacOS (Catalyst). The This class 'SwiftUI.AccessibilityNode' is not a known serializable element error has been there since the beginning. I haven't traced it to be the source of any problem in six months of SwiftUI development.
If you open Xcode, create a new single-view iOS project, and run it without change, it'll display "Hello, World!". Click "Hello, World!" and your console will log [AXRuntimeCommon] This class 'SwiftUI.AccessibilityNode' is not a known serializable element and returning it as an accessibility element may lead to crashes.
I've tried adding accessibility modifiers, e.g.:
struct ContentView: View {
var body: some View {
Text("Hello, World!")
.accessibility(hint: Text("Just say hi"))
.accessibility(identifier: "helloWorld")
The error still gets logged when I click "Hello, World!".
I've also tried extending SwiftUI.AccessibilityNode to make it a serializable element, e.g.:
import SwiftUI
extension SwiftUI.AccessibilityNode {
Xcode says type SwiftUI.AccessibilityNode doesn't exist.
If you find them annoying as I do you can silence them as mentioned in this answer:
Hide strange unwanted Xcode logs

Got the "My test app isn't responding right now. Try again soon." error message even a clean start from Google Assistant Simulator

I am still quite new to this topic, so sorry if I didn't provide enough information.
For the first time, I copoed everything from to learn about it, which works great.
After, I tried to create my own one, then at the end, I got this message "My test app isn't responding right now. Try again soon." from[[PROJECT-ID]]/simulator/.
Therefore, I tried to delete everything and make a complete new start, including all the projects on and
I then copied the exact same thing from again, but this time, I still got "My test app isn't responding right now. Try again soon." from[[PROJECT-ID]]/simulator/.
I tried to look at firebase log, no error indeed
I tried to use the web demo from the integration tab, everything works (which means the server side code or the connection have no problem) as expected, firebase also logged the request.
I tried to use a different browser (chrome -> firefox) still not working.
Here is the response code from the Google Assistant Simulator (its kinda nothing):
"audioResponse": "//NExAARqQ...",
"conversationToken": "GidzaW11bG...",
"response": "My test app isn't responding right now. Try again soon.",
"visualResponse": {
"visualElements": []
And here is the debug message (yes, its nothing in there, so I'm stuck):
"agentToAssistantDebug": {},
"assistantToAgentDebug": {}
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
In Actions Console..
Go to Develop -> Invocation
Set a display name (Eg: Hello World) and click Save
Go to Test and type "Talk to Hello World"
Fixed the issue for me.
Make sure your Actions on Google project has a name.
I spent almost 2 days scratching my head on this. Just go to Activity controls of the relevant google account (The account that you are using for the simulator) and turn on all those switches (You may leave out Youtube related stuff).
And.....Voila, it works!
Usually, these are turned off for non-personal accounts.
Faced the same issue when I tried to change the language of app to a locale.
Try the following,
Check if the welcome intent and fallback intents have responses and training phrases
All contexts are mapped
Disable and enable testing
At least in my case, I've added 'Suggestions' for an ending scene, like below:
You can see the error on the right side log of 'Test' page:
Fix is to remove 'Suggestions' in ending scene.
I had the exact same issue and after struggling for hours I found the stupid error on my side: In my Dialogflow Agent settings, I accidentally turned on the V2 API. So my firebase function kept complaining about null intent. Hope this help.

Offline meteor application using ground:db

I am working with offline support of Meteor Application. I have researched about this support but all are giving one answer 'ground:db'. I looked into that solution its really nice effort by #raix. I started with that package, Its already working project so first task i have done that all collection i have grounded with following syntax
var Users = Meteor.users;
SmtGroundCollections.Users = Ground.Collection(Users);
After that i have tried with my offline application but still its showing loading and i am not getting my dom elements after that i have tried with that all waitOn subscription i have put on condition
/* my subscriptions */
After that i am able to see my dom and if i visited that page when i am online then after i am going offline i am able to see my data.
Now i am explaining my problems.
1) When i am calling my methods its not updating my ground collection if i am offline. I used below code for resume my methods
' editProfile' ,
' deleteProfile ' ,
Its working fine when i am coming from offline to online its syncing my data to server but i am not able to immediate effect.
2) If i want full application offline then i need to visit every page of my mobile application and then i can get that data in offline but its not possible so i want one centralise thing where i will press button and i can grounded my all data which i want offline.
So can anyone help me to solve above problem
Thanks in advance

Using a DDE Server with Qt

I've searched high and low for a class that'll allow me to connect to a DDE server. Whilst I'm aware that DDE is dated and better methods exist, they don't for what I want to connect to.
I found this which apparently works in QT 3, and unfortunately I lack the knowledge of differences to update it to QT 4.
Does anybody have an updated version, the time to update or another solution?
I know this ancient but to whoever gets here you need to make a small change to that code:
void DDEComm::ddeDisconnect()
connStatus = false;
should become
void DDEComm::ddeDisconnect()
connStatus = false;
pidInst = 0;

When listening for keypress in Flash Lite should I be listening for Key.Down or the numeric code for this key?

The adobe documentation says that when listening for a keypress event from a phone you should listen for Key.Down, however when I trace the Key.getCode() of keypresses I see a number not the string "Key.Down". I am tesing this locally in device central and do not have a phone to test this with at present. Here is my code -
keyListener = new Object();
keyListener.onKeyDown = function() {
switch (Key.getCode()) {
trace(Key.getCode()) // outputs 40
case (Key.DOWN) : // according to the docs
My question is - is this simply because Im testing in device central and when I run it on the phone I will need to be listening for Key.Down? or is the documentation wrong? Also is the numeric code (40) consistent across all devices? What gives adobe?
thanks all
Key.Down is equal to 40 so it will recognize it as the same. So you can use whichever one you prefer, however, I would recommend using Key.Down because it will be easily recognizeable for those who dont have Key Codes memorized (most of us).
These are the Key Code Values for Javascript. However, I think they are pretty much universal
