If I add a Drop Shadow Effect to a ToolBar, the ToolBar occupies more space, which is unacceptable in my case.. Is there any way to prevent the drop shadow taking extra space or ignore the mouse events on the drop shadow area? Or do I have to try another route to "add drop shadow to a toolbar"?
EDIT: setPickOnBounds(false) is a step in the right direction (I guess), but the drop shadow still consumes the events.
Well, I circumvented this by having a StackPane on top of my main content view, and adding a Region to the top of it, just below the ToolBar..
I have a dialog box in my application which displays a list of cards. I made a jsbin simplified version of it
If I click on the blue outline on any of the cards a nice dialog box pops up with a short menu item in it. Particularly click on the blue outline below 'Joe' and see how the dialog box covers the current card and those surrounding it.
I need to refactor the code so that this current element in each card action is a new custom element, which brings with it all the functionality of displaying the menu dialog box. In the real application this does some ajax calls to the serve to update information.
The problem I have is that the very fact of refactoring has destroyed the way the dialog box displays. This is shown is this jsbin
Click on the red box under 'Joe' and see how the dialog box is above the current card, but slips under the other cards nearby
I assume it is something to do with "stacking context", since the explicit styles that has added a z-index to each of the two dialog boxes should imply it still works, but it doesn't
The .item with an active dialog needs to be set a z-index that's higher than its siblings. The child dropdown menu's z-index is relative to that of its parents, no matter what it's explicitly set to. So if the furthermost parent does not have a z-index that enables it to overlap the other cards, none of its children will be able to do the same.
The Back button in the top left corner of my touch user interface is a little hard to press on a resistive touchscreen, because the touch events are not so precise at the borders of the screen.
The visual size of the button can't really be increased because the screen space is needed for other things. Thus I would like to increase only the clickable area of the button. So when the user touches somewhere in the top left corner of the screen (as marked in red), the back button should be pressed. Note that the red area also overlaps another button. Ideally, the visual button state would also change to the "pressed" state.
Can anyone give me some pointers in the right direction? I have considered the following things, but I'm unsure which would work.
Overlaying the actual button with a larger, invisible button, painted with a transparent brush. But I have no idea how I could paint the smaller button as "pressed" when the user is pressing the invisible button.
Creating a new class based on QWidget, which has the size of the red area (with invisible background) and contains the actual button. Then relay touch events to the button so that it is pressed when the user touches the empty area.
Subclassing QPushButton and reimplementing QAbstractButton::hitButton to accept points outside of the button's area. But I guess that function would probably isn't even called when I touch outside the widget area.
To occupy more vertical space inside a layout, set buttons vertical policy to expanding.
To increase the clickable area without increasing the visual size, increase the margin.
To have the back button overlapping other buttons, don't put it to a layout. Instead set its parent directly and move it to the corner.
backButton = new QPushButton("< Back", mainWindow);
backButton->setStyleSheet("margin: 30;");
backButton->resize(150, 90);
backButton->move(-30, -30);
I'm doing an application in flex where I draw different sprites inside a canvas. Depending of the dimensions, scrollbars can be appear. I would like to move the "image" with the movement of the mouse as you can see at the Adobe Reader when you are reading a document with zoom (hand mouse icon). In this way, you dont have to touch the scrollbar.
I'm start trying with drag and drop properties of the canvas, setting the position of the scrollbar according with the movement of the mouse but that is not as I expect.
Any ideas or suggestions?
Thanks in advance.
Listen for the mouseMove (MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE) event on the canvas
In event listener, examine event.localX, event.localY
Based on those values and the canvas's width and height, set the canvas's horizontalScrollPosition and verticalScrollPosition accordingly
Hope this helps.
What you can do is, change the position of the scrollbar , when the mouse reaches the last 20 pixels on the left or the right, or the top and bottom.
What you would really need to do is, have a mouseMove listener on the whole application, and when the mouse is within the end ranges of any of the sides, you can use the scroll.scrollTo function to move the scrollbars.
When I was starting to drag any element, mouse wheel scrolling is turned off, how to scroll while dragging?
I'm newbie here, so I can't insert a picture, here's a link http://i.stack.imgur.com/4tp69.gif
Hm... I would say it is because the scrolling is caught by the dragged element, as it is on top of the VGroup. So - I guess the solution would be to listen to scrolling event in the dragged element and send that to the VGroup / something that will handle the drag'n'scrolling of the VGroup.
Also - I am not sure, but when you are dragging, the VGroup might no more be specified as the dragged element's parent - so, just add a realParent reference or whatever so you can always access it.
I want to implement an image/div drag functionality like the one in the tinymce,
when the user click on the image, its border are selected and one can move the image/div around in the editor, and in the meanwhile it generate inline css as well..
You probably want something like jQuery UI's draggables, which allows you to make dragging movements with your mouse which will alter the dragged element's CSS accordingly. Use the start and stop events if you want to change the border color when it is being dragged.