Table align on a unordered list item - css

I have this really tricky CSS formatting issue that i need a quick override fix to align the bullet point with the table I have as a list item. Don't ask me why we have a form like this, but we're using JSF for an internal tool that QA is complaining about. Regardless, there is a table that contains the dropdown box and those radio buttons you see inside a <li></li> block.
What can I apply to either the table, the li, or wrap it in something else to get the bullet point to be vertically centered with that table?
Many thanks!

I have seemingly fixed the issue for IE, but not Chrome. We only are concerned with IE in the company, so I figured I'd post my solution.
I set the list item to have a vertical-align: middle; and the table to be display:inline;.
If anyone has a better solution, I'd like to hear it for the future. Thanks!


Bootstrap split dropdown wraps in table heading

I have a split Bootstrap dropdown that I am wrapping in a form and adding to a table heading. The issue is that when you narrow the screen size the dropdown toggle element wraps. At first I assumed it was the form wrap but I think its the table heading.
Here is a for an example with live code.
MINOR UPDATE (More details on comments from answer)
In my case I am using the outline buttons. I have Ransack sort links in each button and filters in the dropdown. The second 'Major Category' one has a slightly wider line than the rest and at this point I am making way too much of a big deal of it. Minor stuff like that drives me nuts but I need to let it go :)
This one is at -0.45em
I played with this and settled on -0.37em
I would suggest overriding Bootstrap's use of float:left for keeping these .btn elements on the same line, and instead use display:inline-block for that. Then, you can use white-space:nowrap to prevent them from breaking to multiple lines when space becomes limited.
Most of the styles you need (display:inline-block and white-space:nowrap) are actually already defined in Bootstrap's CSS - you just need a couple more styles to use them to your advantage:
.btn-group.nowrap > .btn{
.btn-group.nowrap > .btn:not(:first-child){
margin-left: -0.4em; /* To deal with whitespace between inline-block elements */
Here's an updated Bootply to demonstrate. Hope this helps! Let me know if you have any questions.

List bullet aligned to right the list in the first block shows the first list bullet to the right side of the list compared to other.i have given
to the list but did not work .
please help
What is happening here is that the star icon of class icon_up span into the block of your list for some reason, which cause the bullet to go the right.
Adding some <br/> before the <ul> will fix the issue.
Edit : Even if you accepted this answer, I did not found it was a good fix. An other solution less evil would consist of simply wrapping the <ul> into an inner div.
Try adding
Float: right;
I'm sure that is what you're asking for.
If you are looking to place the bullets on the other side, I think you may need to use an image.

using orchard how to tidy up a form

I have setup a content type to hold 3 boolean fields. Then use the content type in a form to display on screen. Only trouble is I want to tidy up the appearance of it and am not sure how to do this.
I would like the radio buttons to appear horizontally aligned and also a 2 line space after each question.
This is not really an Orchard question, more one for CSS. The simplest way to make the radio buttons appear horizontally is to float them left.
input[type="radio"] {
float: left;
And then just add some padding to the bottom of each question. I'm not sure what the mark up looks like, but I guess each question in the form has a div on which you can add the padding.
EDIT: I'm a CSS hack and Bertrand has pointed out a better way of achieving this using display:inline-block for the horizontal radio buttons.

How to Fix this using Css

I have menu that is implemented with html and css.
On mouseover of main menu, I have to show all submenus in one place.
Here is an example click here jsfiddle
For this, the submenus alignement is not proper.
According to the example, Test 5 has to come under Test 2 but, it's showing blank space.
How can I align this properly?
Note:: The Submenu items will be dynamic, they may grow or shrink.
Unfortunately, it is not possible with your current markup: if Test5 had to go below Test2, then how would you automatically tell it not to go below Test1? What should the rule be? There's no obvious answer to your question: if you need elements of different size to layout in a space efficient manner, without too much blank space, etc, you could write some kind of layout manager with jQuery that will structure and re-position your menus according to their content.
The problem is your submenus are floating left and Test 5 is getting hung up on Test 3 because it is longer than Test 4.
You can test this by adding a CSS rule to set the submenus to have the same height.
ul .sub.sub10 ul{
Link to updated jFiddle

Using Divs to display table-like data

I want to display data like the following:
Title Subject Summary Date
So my HTML looks like:
<div class="title"></div>
<div class="subject"></div>
<div class="summary"></div>
<div class="date"></div>
The problem is, all the text doesn't appear on a single line. I tried adding display="block" but that doesn't seem to work.
What am I doing wrong here?
Important: In this instance I dont want to use a table element but stick with div tags.
It looks like you're wanting to display a table, right? So go ahead and use the <table> tag.
I would use the following markup:
<!-- Data rows -->
One other thing to keep in mind with all of these div and list based layouts, even the ones that specify fixed widths, is that if you have a bit of text that is wider than the width (say, a url), the layout will break. The nice thing about tables for tabular data is that they actually have the notion of a column, which no other html construct has.
Even if this site has some things, like the front page, that are implemented with divs, I would argue that tabular data (such as votes, responses, title, etc) SHOULD be in a table. People that push divs tend to do it for semantic markup. You are pursuing the opposite of this.
I don't mean to sound patronizing; if I do, I've misunderstood you and I'm sorry.
Most people frown upon tables because people use them for the wrong reason. Often, people use huge tables to position things in their website. This is what divs should be used for. Not tables!
However, if you want to display tabular data, such as a list of football teams, wins, losses, and ties, you should most definitely use tables. It's almost unheard of (although not impossible) to use divs for this.
Just remember, if it's for displaying data, you can definitely use a table!
If there's a legitimate reason to not use a table then you could give each div a width and then float it. i.e.
div.title {
width: 150 px;
float: left;
Is there a reason to not use tables? If you're displaying tabular data, it's best to use tables - that's what they're designed for.
To answer your question, the best way is probably to assign a fixed width to each element, and set float:left. You'll need to have either a dummy element at the end that has clear:both, or you'll have to put clear:both on the first element in each row. This method is still not fool-proof, if the contents of one cell forces the div to be wider, it will not resize the whole column, only that cell. You maybe can avoid the resizing by using overflow:auto or overflow:hidden, but this won't work like regular tables at all.
or indeed this, which is very literally using tables for tabular data:
Just to illustrate the remarks of the previous answers urging you to use table instead of div for tabular data:
CSS Table gallery is a great way to display beautiful tables in many many different visual styles.
Sorry, but, I'm going to tell you to use tables. Because this is tabular data.
Perhaps you could tell us why you don't want to use tables?
It appears to me, and I'm sure to a lot of other people, that you're confused about the "don't use tables" idea. It's not "don't use tables", it's "don't use tables to do page layout".
What you're doing here is laying out tabular data, so of course it should be in a table.
In case you're unclear about the idea "tabular data", I define it like this: bits of data whose meaning isn't clear from the data alone, it has to be determined by looking at a header.
Say you have a train or bus timetable. It will be a huge block of times. What does any particular time mean? You can't tell from looking at the time itself, but refer to the row or column headings and you'll see it's the time it departs from a certain station.
You've got strings of text. Are they the title, the summary, or the date? People will tell that from checking the column headings. So it's a table.
The CSS property float is what you're looking for, if you want to stack div's horizontally.
Here's a good tutorial on floats:
display:block garauntees that the elements will not appear on the same line. Floating for layout is abuse just like tables for layout is abuse (but for the time being, it's necessary abuse). The only way to garauntee that they all appear on the same line is to use a table tag. That, or display:inline, and use only (Non-Breaking Space) between your elements and words, instead of a normal space. The will help you prevent word wrapping.
But yea, if there's not a legitimate reason for avoiding tables, use tables for tabular data. That's what they're for.
In the age of CSS frameworks, I really don't see a point of drifting away from table tag completely. While it is now possible to do display: table-* for whatever element you like, but table is still a preferred tag to format data in tabular form (not forgetting it is more semantically correct). Just pick one of the popular CSS framework to make tabular data looks nice instead of hacking the presentation of <div> tags to achieve whatever it is not designed to do.
display: block
will certainly not work, try
display: inline
or float everything to the left then position them accordingly
but if you have tabular data, then it is the best to markup in <table> tag
some reference: from sitepoint
You'll need to make sure that all your "cells" float either left or right (depending on their internal ordering), and they also need a fix width.
Also, make sure that their "row" has a fixed width which is equal to the sum of the cell widths + margin + padding.
Lastly make sure there is a fixed width on the "table" level div, which is the sum of the row width + margin + padding.
But if you want to show tabular data you really should use a table, some browsers (more common with previous generation) handle floats, padding and margin differently (remember the famous IE 6 bug which doubled the margin?).
There's been plenty of other questions on here about when to use and when not to use tables which may help explain when and where to uses divs and tables.
Using this code :
<div class="title">MyTitle</div><div class="subject">MySubject</div><div class="Summary">MySummary</div>
You have 2 solutions (adapt css selectors to you case):
1 - Use inline blocks
display: inline;
This will result in putting the blocks on the same line but remove the control you can have over their sizes.
2 - Use float
width: 15%; /* size of each column : adapt */
float: left; /* this make the block float at the left of the next one */
div.last_element /* last_element must be a class of the last div of your line */
clear: right; /* prevent your the next line to jump on the previous one */
The float property is very useful for CSS positioning :
The reason the questions page on stack overflow can use DIVs is because the vote/answers counter is a fixed width.
Tabular data can also be represented as nested lists - i.e. lists of lists:
heading 1
<li>row 1 data</li>
<li>row 2 data</li>
heading 2
<li>row 1 data</li>
<li>row 2 data</li>
Which you can layout like a table and is also semantically correct(ish).
For the text to appear on a single line you would have to use display="inline"
Moreover, you should really use lists to achieve this effect
<ul class="headers">
The style would look like this:
.headers{padding:0; margin:0}
.headers li{display:inline; padding:0 10px} /The padding would control the space on the sides of the text in the header/
I asked a similar question a while ago Calendar in HTML and everyone told me to use tables too. If you have made an igoogle home page, just yoink their code.
I made a system of columns and sections within the columns for a page. Notice with google you can't have an infinite number of columns and that offends our sensibilities as object people. Here's some of my findings:
You need to know the width of the columns
You need to know the number of columns
You need to know the width of the space the columns inhabit.
You need to ensure whitespace doesn't overflow
I made a calendar with DIV tags because it is impossible to get XSL to validate without hard coding a maximum number of weeks in the month, which is very offensive.
The biggest problem is every box has to be the same height, if you want any information to be associated with a field in your table with div tags you're going to have to make sure the whitespace:scroll or whitespace:hidden is in your CSS.
Preface: I'm a little confused by the responses so far, as doing columns using DIVs and CSS is pretty well documented, but it doesn't look like any of the responses so far covered the way it's normally done. What you need is four separate DIVS, each one with a greater "left:" attribute. You add your data for each column into the corresponding DIV (column).
Here's a website that should help you. They have many examples of doing columns with CSS/DIV tags:
All you have to do is extrapolate from their 2-column examples to your 4-column needs.
You should use spans with:
This will allow you to set a width for each of elements while still keeping them on the same line.
See here, specifically this section.
Now, to appease the downvoters - of course tabular data should be in a table. But he very specifically does NOT WANT a table. The above is the answer to HIS QUESTION!!!
First display:block should be display:inline-block , Although you might have figured it out already.
Second you can also use display:table , display:table-cell , display:table-row and other properties.
Although these are not as good as using table.
