Telerik UI for ASP.NET AJAX window -

I want to develop a web app where login form will appear in a RadWindow, which will slide from top and on close will go to top again. I have read many resouces but it's Animation property doesn't work like this. Do you have any experience with. What should I do? Please answer with some online example too. Thanks

Indeed, they do not work like that. So, it would be easiest if you animate the control's popup element yourself.
You can start with the FlyIn animation (it may be suitable for you, so you may not need to animate the appearance)
Then, you can use the OnClientBeforeClose event to animate the popup away yourself (there are many libraries that can do this for you and you can even use CSS animations), then hide it.
A similar approach is shown here


how to get a "lightbox" like behaviour in Qt

I have a Qt project where I'm using QGraphicsView framework, also I have popup windows on the scenes. (QDialogs)
When someone clicks on a certain button a popup window appears, and I'm invoking it with the .exec() method instead of .show() to make it the active one. Also I want to give it a visual effect like lightbox provides for html pages, so it would be obvious for the user too, that the background window won't communicate. Do you know any simple solution to make it work? or is it hard to implement in Qt?
EDIT: I don't know if it's obvious of not, but it's a desktop application, not a web application.
Just create QFrame over necessary area with customized background and transparency. For animation effect you may use QPropertyAnimation + QGraphicEffects and other stuff from qt animation framework.
Now I found another way to accomplish what I wanted. Like this:
QWidget* mytranswidget = new QWidget(mybgwidget);
mytranswidget->setStyleSheet( "background:transparent; background-color:rgba(0,0,0‌​,95)");
I'm doing it at the beginning of my popup widget's constructor so it's being drawn before draw my popup, so it will be shown in the right order.

Right Control for Showing Animation?

I need help on the selecting right control in the QT for animation.
i need to show the animation in my QT application. The animation is in real time. i will get data from my hardware for every 5msec, every 100msec i need to update the animation.
The animation nothing but drawing the line based on the my hardware input, and also i need to implement zooming and Click Event in the animation.
please suggest which is the best control to use this? and please give some rough idea to implement this.
For the graphics part QGraphicsView is the best solution. Have a look at the graphics view framework overview for more information. Animation can be achieved in different ways. Either by redrawing the view every 100 msec, and keep track of the properties of the animating parts yourself, or use the infrastructure provided by Qt's animation framework, which will probably be the easiest approach. In particular, have a look at QGraphicsItemAnimation.

Modal Pop-up Image Viewer for

I am looking for a control which can show me selected image detail view which is actually gonna be bigger image in a modal pop up to show a better view of image to my customers. You know those standard modal pop-up resizeable to selected image original size. Dynamicly resizable modal pop-up is actually what I am looking for and of course it should be for (if possible for 3.5)
I've searching for a while but I haven't been able to come up with a acceptable solution yet.
Thanks in advance.
Although not, but rather javascript based, Lightbox is the granddaddy of displaying a popup with a larger image.
There are many other similar open-source client-side 'controls' that would do what you want.
You may also need to roll your own from jQuery of YUI to build the resizeable requirement that you want.
You might want to have a look at Telerik:
The have some controls that would probably get the job done.
Otherwise search for Infragistics, they have similar controls.

Navigation issue in Flex - ViewStack, states or something else?

I have a bit of doubt regarding my application which is being created using Mate framework. The first thing user has to do is to log in, so I created Login.mxml view. After a successful login I need to display the main view with applicationControlBar at the top and a workspace below. At the moment I have two separate views, so if I understand correctly it makes sense using ViewStack.
Thing is, I'd like also to display some kind of panel with buttons on top of the workspace after login - here is screenshot. After clicking on a button the panel should dissapear. To complicate things a little bit more, there is a possibility for this panel to change state. Clicking on a specific button may result in showing progress bar at the bottom of panel.
I feel I should create separate view, MenuDialog.mxml and put there buttons, progress bar and states, but how to display it on the top of the workspace? I hope my problem is clear enough :)
I would make the panel a popUp, with the main application (or the ViewStack's parent container) as the parent of the popUp. You can use the PopUpManager Class to close it based on user actions within the Panel.
Assuming that perhaps you do not want a modal login style panel (which many apps these days eschew) then you should absolutely use states rather than ViewStacks.
States are a much cleaner way to distinguish the various, uh, states that your UI can be in -LOGGED_IN, LOGGED_OUT, etc.
It may take a little to get used to working with states, but once you do, you'll never go back. :-)

Best option for modal screens in ASP.NET

I'm looking for the best way to implement a modal popup in ASP.NET of another ASP.NET page. I'm coding for Firefox 2.x+ and can use JQuery, but I'm not very familiar with it.
I see a lot of solutions that use "AJAX", but I'm not sure in what context, so I haven't gone down that route.
I'm using the jQuery UI Dialog plugin. Works very well. Documentation for the plugin can be found at
I have used both the ajax modal extender as well as the jQuery jqModal, both have worked pretty well. At the end of the day, this decision should come down to what the rest of the code is like, what your comfort is with each, etc.
If I were to pick an option today, I would probably pick the jqModal or simple modal for jQuery. I'm pretty comfortable with these now.
For simple modal displays, I've found BlockUI to be a great solution.
For example, here's a post about using BlockUI as a modal progress indicator, and here's one about using BlockUI to display a modal confirmation dialog.
If you need something more complex, I'd second the jQueryUI Dialog.
i've used AjaxControlToolkit but jQuery option suggested by #tvanfosson seems a lot nicer
You could use radWindow from Telerik, the jQuery UI Dialog plugin like tvanfosson recommended or you could take a look at which review some jQuery plugins for popups.
Having only expericence with radWindow, I can tell you that with radWindow, you might have to use some hacks and quirks to make it work properly, but the result is good if you put enough time into it.
I make my own, using DOM methods. I've found it to be a lot simpler than adapting any of these plugins to our CSS.
A modal is simply an absolutely positioned window with a background.
We make ours using a larger transparent container with floated contents.
I use a function that returns some html with the floated contents. The class used for the modal box should be absolutely positioned with a high z layer.
function create_modal(doc_id,css_class,append_to)
if(typeof append_to==='undefined'){append_to='content';}
var container=document.getElementById(append_to);
if(!container){return false;}
var modal_box=document.createElement('div');
return modal_box;
var modal_window=create_modal('modal_id','a_css_class');
if(!modal_window){return false;}
so, it's all nice and simple without some 10 or 15 k plugin!
