Right Control for Showing Animation? - qt

I need help on the selecting right control in the QT for animation.
i need to show the animation in my QT application. The animation is in real time. i will get data from my hardware for every 5msec, every 100msec i need to update the animation.
The animation nothing but drawing the line based on the my hardware input, and also i need to implement zooming and Click Event in the animation.
please suggest which is the best control to use this? and please give some rough idea to implement this.

For the graphics part QGraphicsView is the best solution. Have a look at the graphics view framework overview for more information. Animation can be achieved in different ways. Either by redrawing the view every 100 msec, and keep track of the properties of the animating parts yourself, or use the infrastructure provided by Qt's animation framework, which will probably be the easiest approach. In particular, have a look at QGraphicsItemAnimation.


Cocos3D - Take various screenshots in the background

Using Cocos3D, is it possible to take screenshot of the 3D model in the background without the user knowing it?
For pre-processing purpose and other usage, I want to take screenshots of the 3D model at various angles. Following the Render-To-Texture capability, I noticed when my scene is not visible, the drawSceneContentWithVisitor: method only execute once rather than at every rendering cycle. For obvious reason, the CC3GLFramebuffer* won't get updated with new data, hence, I'm only able to take the initial screenshot.
In Cocos3D, you can render your 3D scene to an off-screen surface. See the CC3DemoMashUp addTelevision and drawSceneContentWithVisitor: methods for an example of how to do this.
What is important is that the 3D drawing environment has been established when you perform your drawing. The safest place to do this is inside your drawSceneContentWithVisitor: method. But if you want to render somewhere else, you need to invoke the CC3Scene open3DWithVisitor: and CC3Scene close3DWithVisitor: methods before and after rendering. See the implementations of the CC3Scene processInitializeScene and open methods for examples of how to do that.
To render your scene from multiple viewpoints, you need to add multiple cameras to your scene, and set the camera property of your drawing visitor appropriately to select a camera before rendering. See how this is done in the CC3DemoMashUpScene addTelevision and drawToTVScreen methods. The drawToTVScreen method also shows how to handle clearing the color and depth buffers of your surface.

Telerik UI for ASP.NET AJAX window

I want to develop a web app where login form will appear in a RadWindow, which will slide from top and on close will go to top again. I have read many resouces but it's Animation property doesn't work like this. Do you have any experience with. What should I do? Please answer with some online example too. Thanks
Indeed, they do not work like that. So, it would be easiest if you animate the control's popup element yourself.
You can start with the FlyIn animation (it may be suitable for you, so you may not need to animate the appearance)
Then, you can use the OnClientBeforeClose event to animate the popup away yourself (there are many libraries that can do this for you and you can even use CSS animations), then hide it.
A similar approach is shown here http://www.telerik.com/support/kb/aspnet-ajax/window/details/close-radwindow-with-resize-animation-instead-of-fade

how to get a "lightbox" like behaviour in Qt

I have a Qt project where I'm using QGraphicsView framework, also I have popup windows on the scenes. (QDialogs)
When someone clicks on a certain button a popup window appears, and I'm invoking it with the .exec() method instead of .show() to make it the active one. Also I want to give it a visual effect like lightbox provides for html pages, so it would be obvious for the user too, that the background window won't communicate. Do you know any simple solution to make it work? or is it hard to implement in Qt?
EDIT: I don't know if it's obvious of not, but it's a desktop application, not a web application.
Just create QFrame over necessary area with customized background and transparency. For animation effect you may use QPropertyAnimation + QGraphicEffects and other stuff from qt animation framework.
Now I found another way to accomplish what I wanted. Like this:
QWidget* mytranswidget = new QWidget(mybgwidget);
mytranswidget->setStyleSheet( "background:transparent; background-color:rgba(0,0,0‌​,95)");
I'm doing it at the beginning of my popup widget's constructor so it's being drawn before draw my popup, so it will be shown in the right order.

Best way to do loaders in a flex application?

What is the best way to do a loader in a flex application? I have an animated .gif that is to be used as our loader (whenever I need to wait for an action to complete), and I am not sure the best way to do it.
This is how I am thinking:
Have the loader be a custom component.
On the parent application, add an event listener for my custom event AceEvent.SHOW_LOADER.
In the event listener, use the PopUpManager to show the loader.
Listen for AceEvent.HIDE_LOADER.
Get rid fo the loader via PopUpManager.
What do you think about this? Is there a better way to do it?
Well, last I checked, animated gifs don't work in Flex unless you have a workaround. Still, I wouldn't use an animated gif to create an animation because of their low quality. I would just recreate it using Flash.
The way I would do the loader however would be very different. personally, I don't believe in 'system loaders' unless it's your application's preloader. The reason for this is that there could be more than one thing loading at the same time (which might not know about each other) which means that the loader popup could disappear before everything is loaded (first one loads, dispatches event and removes popup, while the other is still loading).
What I like to do is create a custom component for the popup loader (since it will be reused quite a bit) and from there I can either use states the are appropriate for my view or have a boolean flag binded to show the popup when true (this can easily be done using frameworks like Parsley). The popup would only cover the part of the system that's actually loading data (since I doubt that your whole app is loading data at the same time) which makes for a better UX.
I ended up using as3gif (until I can get this recreated as a .swf). The way I do this is by using my custom event class (AceEvent.SHOW_LOADER and AceEvent.HIDE_LOADER), which bubbles up to the top. I then use the PopUpManager to add/remove this with modal to disable the application.

Can I suspend drawing to perform multiple successive updates in Flex?

I've written a simple calendar control to allow for selecting single days, weeks, months and so on. The simplicity comes from the fact that I don't really do any drawing myself, opting instead to create a bunch of boxes and labels to act as date cells for the calendar.
When a date or a date range is selected, I need to highlight that range. It's easily done by iterating through the cells and switching their style. [edit:] However, this seems to cause a delay during which the cells are first drawn as if the style name was blank, and then re-drawn with the correct style, despite the fact that I never explicitly set the style to null -- I alternate between "CalendarCell" and "CalendarCellSelected".
If this were Windows Forms, I'd call SuspendLayout on the parent container to make sure the controls are repainted only after I've finished the updates. What I'm looking to know is whether or not a similar solution exists for Flex. I'd like to avoid drawing the entire calendar "manually", so to speak, if that's at all possible.
edit: changed the problem description to more accurately reflect what I'm seeing.
Are you using callLater() at all?
If you use callLater() it may impove your visuals as it batches up changes until it needs to draw a frame or you force a frame draw with validateNow() or similar. It might be enough in your case.
Is your calendar control a UIComponent? Is it using the standard invalidation methods like commitProperties(), updateDisplayList(), etc?
What you might want to do is keep a private array of the cells that will have their styles changed, but then do the actual style switching in your commitProperties() override. I'm just not sure if setStyle() fires an validateNow() because the flickering is a bit surprising.
This may not be exactly what you're looking for, but David Coletta at Adobe has posted a video explaining an EventCoalescer that they use in Buzzword for deferring events that update specific areas of the app UI until the user has stopped moving the insertion point in the text, for example.
This blog post by Hans Van de Velde also has a similar solution, and actual code for it as well.
