Is there a way to automatically upload changed files to a server - unix

Is there a Unix command, or set of commands, which will set up a watch on a local folder and automatically upload changed files to a web server. I use Sublime with SFTP at home which does this beautifully, but at work I can't install Sublime although I can SSH, FTP etc with Terminal on their Mac.

Have a look at rsync over FTP from here

entr runs arbitrary commands when files change.
It can be installed on Mac OS X via homebrew
$ brew install entr
$ find /path/to/my/repo | entr echo "Something changed"
Just substitute echo "Something changed" with your FTP uploader of choice.
The syntax for lftp would be something like this:
$ lftp -e "mirror -R {local dir} {remote dir}" -u {username},{password} {host}


lftp mirror file from server after deleting from local

I am using LFTP command to mirror some files from server to client. In my program system is somehow deleting few downloaded files on local machine.
When I run again the LFTP command it does not download locally deleted files from server. However I have seen that if I run LFTP command after a while, say 10 mins later, it downloads deleted files.
Is there any kind of locking period once files are mirrored?
Please see below command that I am using.
lftp sftp://user:pass#host:port -e 'mirror -r -i pattern -X pattern1 remote_directory local_directory; exit'
Please suggest

How to install R on Solaris on a VirtualBox virtual machine?

This Q&A is a response to this comment. The answer to the question in the comment is not trivial, is too big for a comment, and not suitable as an answer to the question in that thread (answering my own question is officially encouraged). If you have a better answer please post it!
The question is: How to install R on Solaris on a VirtualBox virtual machine?
A more up-to-date version is available from csw: r_base. To install, see the example in Getting started where you replace vim with r_base:
pkgadd -d
/opt/csw/bin/pkgutil -U
/opt/csw/bin/pkgutil -a r_base
/opt/csw/bin/pkgutil -y -i r_base
To install a development environment, you might also want:
/opt/csw/bin/pkgutil -y -i gcc4g++
/opt/csw/bin/pkgutil -y -i texlive
Start by downloading and installing Oracle VM VirtualBox.
Then download and unzip the Oracle Solaris 11.1 VirtualBox Template. After you unzip the Oracle template you should see a file called OracleSolaris11_1.ova, that's what you'll open in VirtualBox.
Start VirtualBox, click on File, then Import Appliance, then navigate to chose the ova file you just extracted. It will take some time to import.
Start the Solaris virtual machine by clicking on the start button on VirtualBox. It will take some time to start up and you'll be prompted to add a root password, user name and user password. You'll then use those details to log in, wait for the system to load, choose gnome to ensure you get a desktop environment, and choose your time zone, keyboard layout and language (mine seems to highlight Chinese as the default choice, so be careful not to click through that one too quickly).
Eventually you'll get a desktop, right-click on the desktop and click open terminal, then in the terminal type (or paste):
sudo wget && sudo wget
That will connect to the internet and download two files you need. The next line will unpack those two archives:
sudo tar -xzvf ord-3.0.1-sol10-x86-64-sunstudio12u3.tar.gz && sudo tar -xzvf ord-3.0.1-supporting-sol10-x86-64-sunstudio12u3.tar.gz
And then this next line installs R, watch for the prompts after you run the line:
sudo bash
A lot will flash by in the terminal, concluding with Installation of <ORD> was successful
Now the next bit is where I deviate from the instructions here because I didn't understand them. You'll move all files beginning with lib from the archives that you unpacked into another directory where they are needed by R:
sudo mv lib* /usr/lib/64/R/lib/
That will return nothing in the terminal. Then we can run R simply by typing in the terminal like so
And now you should have a regular R session running in the terminal.

Transfer Directory structure from Windows to AIX server

I have to transfer a folder structure from Windows to AIX server but I can not install anything more then Putty as this is client machine.
I have tried few alternative.
Tried to ftp Directory structure which is not possible as FTP support only simple file transfer
Tried to execute remote UNIX command execution with putty.exe -ssh -l username -pw password is in local windows system contains shell commands but unzip not supported here. I also tried putty.exe -ssh -l username -pw password unix_command and got error "invalid port number"
I tried to execute a shell script file in unix server from windows, it didn't work either.
Make a tar file (using cygwin perhaps on Windows -- you do use cygwin, right?). Then ftp the tarball over. Untar, profit!

How to implement recursive put in sftp

Command-line sftp in my Ubuntu doesn't have recursive put implemented. I found some debate from 2004 about implementing such feature with -R option switch. So I see some sort of self-made recursion as only option.
iterate through directory listing
cd into directories
mkdir them if nonexistent
put files
I'm planning on doing this with bash, but any other language would suffice.
Rsync or scp is not an option because I don't have shell access to server. Only sftp.
Look at lftp. It's a powerful file transfer client which supports ftp, ftps, http, https, hftp, fish (file transfer over ssh shell session) and sftp. It has ftp-like interactive interface, but also allows to specify all commands at the command line. Look at mput (non recursive but handles glob patterns) and mirror (poor man's rsync) commands.
I use it with a server which only handles sftp uploads like this:
lftp -c "open -u $MYUSER,$MYPASSWORD sftp://$TARGET ; mirror -R $SOME_DIRECTORY"
While I think lftp is the best option if it's available, I got stuck on an ancient install of Cent OS and needed to do a recursive put via SFTP only. Here's what I did:
find dir -type d -exec echo 'mkdir {}' \; | sftp user#host
find dir -type f -exec echo 'put {} {}' \; | sftp user#host
So basically make sure all the directories exist and then send the files over.
The GUI FTP client FileZilla also supports SFTP and also supports uploading and downloading while directories.
my ubuntu 12.04 comes with put -r in sftp
On the command line you can do that by using the putty-tools package.
It comes with a sftp replacement called psftp.
It supports mput -r which copies a local directory to the remote recursively.
I guess you can do this with bash but it's going to be a lot of work. Instead, I suggest to have a look at Python and the Chilkat library.
In Java, you can use edtFTPj/PRO, our commercial product, to transfer recursively via SFTP. Alternatively you might want to consider SCP - that generally supports recursion and runs over SSH.
How about sshfs?
Combined, of course, with cp -r.
Or, failing that, rsync -r by itself.
After lot's of googling and good answers I used Transmit syncing for the job. Not a very good solution, but does the job.
Here is how --
sftp -r <host>
password: <pass>
cd <remote dir> # moves to remote dest dir
put -r localdir/* # creates dir and copies files over

Using local settings through SSH

Is it possible to have an SSH session use all your local configuration files (.bash_profile, .vimrc, etc..) on login? That way you would have the same configuration for, say, editing files in vim in the remote session.
I just came across two alternatives to just doing a git clone of your dotfiles. I take no credit for either of these and can't say I've used either extensively so I don't know if there are pitfalls to either of these.
sshrc is a tool (actually just a big bash function) that copies over local rc-files without permanently writing them to the remove user's $HOME - the idea being that might be a shared admin account that other people use. Appears to be customizable for different remote hosts as well.
.ssh/config and LocalCommand
This blog post suggests a way to automatically run a command when you login to a remote host. It tars and pipes a set of files to the remote, then un-tars them on the remote's $HOME:
Your local ~/.ssh/config would look like this:
Host *
PermitLocalCommand yes
LocalCommand tar c -C${HOME} .bashrc .bash_profile .exports .aliases .inputrc .vimrc .screenrc \
| ssh -o PermitLocalCommand=no %n "tar mx -C${HOME}"
You could modify the above to only run the command on certain hosts (instead of the * wildcard) or customize for different hosts as well. There might be a fair amount of duplication per host with this method - although you could package the whole tar c ... | ssh .. "tar mx .." into a script maybe.
Note the above looks like it clobbers the same files on the remote when you connect, so use with caution.
Use a dotfiles.git repo
What I do is keep all my config files in a dotfiles.git on a central server.
You can set it up so that when you ssh into a remote machine, you automatically pull the latest version of the dotfiles. I do something like this:
ssh myhost
cd ~/dotfiles
git pull --rebase
cd ~
ln -sf dotfiles/$username/linux/.* .
To put that in a shell script, you can automate the process of executing commands on a remote machine by piping to ssh.
The "$username" is there so that you can share your config files with other people you're working with.
The "ln -sf" creates symbolic links to all your dotfiles, overwriting any local ones, such that ~/.emacs is linked to the version controlled file ~/dotfiles/$username/.emacs.
The use of a "linux" subdirectory is just to allow for configuration changes across platforms. I also have a mac directory under dotfiles/$username/mac. Most of the files in the /mac directory are symlinked from the linux directory as it's very similar, but there are some exceptions.
Finally, note that you can make this even more sophisticated with hostnames and the like rather than just a generic 'linux'. With a dotfiles.git, you can also raid dotfiles from your friends, which is awesome -- everyone has their own set of little tricks and hacks.
No, because it's not SSH using your config files, but the remote shell.
I suggest keeping your config files in Subversion or some other VCS. Here's how I do it.
Well, no, because as Andy Lester says, the remote machine is the one doing the work, and it has no access back to your local machine to get .vimrc ...
On the other hand, you could use sshfs to mount the remote file system locally and edit the files locally. This doesn't require you to install anything on the remote machine. Not sure how efficient it is, maybe not great for editing big files over slow links.
Or Komodo IDE has a neat "Open >> Remote File" option which lets you edit files on remote
machines by scping them back and forth automatically.
I do this kind of things every day. I have about 15 bash rc files and .vimrc, a few vim plugin scripts, .screenrc and some other rc files. I have a sync script (written in bash) which uses the cool rsync command to sync all these files to remote servers. Every time I update some files on my main server, I would call the script to sync them to remote servers.
Setting up a svn/git/hg repository on the main server also works for me but my remote servers need to be repeatedly reinstalled for testing. So I find it's more convenient to use rsync.
A few years ago I also used the rdist tool which can also meet the requirement for most of the time. But now I prefer rsync as it supports incremental sync which is very efficient.
ssh can be configured to pass certain environment variables through to the other (remote side). And since most shells will check some environment variables for additional settings to apply, you can hack that into applying some local settings remotely. But its a bit complicated and most administrators turn off the ssh environment variable pass-through in the sshd config anyways.
You could always just copy the files to the machine before connecting with ssh:
scp ~/.bash_profile ~/.vimrc user#host:
ssh user#host
This works best if you are using keys to login and no one else logs in as that user.
Here's a simple bash script I've used for this purpose. It syncs over some folders I like to have copied over using rsync and then adds the ~/bin folder to the remote machines .bashrc if it's not there already. It works best if you have have copied your ssh keys to each server. I use this approach instead of a "dotfiles repo" as lots of the servers I connect to don't have git on them.
So to use it, you'd do something like this:
./ server1
function show_help()
echo ""
echo "usage: SERVER {SERVER2 SERVER3 etc...}"
echo ""
if [ "$1" == "help" ]
if [ -z "$1" ]
# Sync ~/bin and some dot files to remote server using rsync
for SERVER in $*; do
rsync -avrz --progress ~/bin/ -e ssh $SERVER:~/bin
rsync -avrz --progress ~/.vim/ -e ssh $SERVER:~/.vim
rsync -avrz --progress ~/.vimrc -e ssh $SERVER:~/.vimrc
rsync -avrz --progress ~/.aliases $SERVER:~/.aliases
rsync -avrz --progress ~/.aliases $SERVER:~/.bash_aliases
# Ensure remote server has ~/bin in the path
ssh $SERVER '~/bin/'
pathadd() {
if [ -d "$1" ] && [[ ":$PATH:" != *":$1:"* ]]; then
# Add to current path if running in a shell
pathadd ~/bin
# Add to ~/.bashrc
if ! grep -q PATH:~/bin ~/.bashrc; then
echo "PATH=\$PATH:~/bin" >> ~/.bashrc
if ! grep -q source ~/.aliases ~/.bashrc; then
echo "source ~/.aliases" >> ~/.bashrc
I wrote an extremely simple tool for this that will allow you to natively transport your .vimrc file whenever you ssh, by using SSHd built-in config options in a non-standard way.
No additional svn,scp,copy/paste, etc required.
It is simple, lightweight, and works by default on all server configurations I have tested so far.
I think that does what you need.
I wrote it long time ago before sshrc was born and it has more benefits compared to sshrc:
It does not require dependencies on xxd for both hosts (which can be unavailable on remote host)
Kyrat uses a more efficient encoding algorithm
It is just ~20 lines of code (really easy to understand!)
No need of root access or any installations to the remote host
For instance:
$> echo "alias q=exit" > ~/.config/kyrat/bashrc
$> kyrat $> q
