MPI - Add/remove node while program is running - mpi

Is there an MPI implementation that allows nodes to be dynamically added/removed at runtime? Do any recover from complete hardware failure of a node, allowing the node to be repaired and relaunched without restarting the program?

Is there an MPI implementation that allows nodes to be dynamically added/removed at runtime?
This is actually two questions. Nodes usually can be dynamically added at runtime using calls like MPI_Comm_spawn. As #Hristo pointed out in the comments, you should set the correct info key in Open MPI. It may also be possible in other implementations. As for removing nodes, that's a big area of research at the moment. Most MPI implementations currently have varying levels of success surviving a total node failure. In the current releases of Open MPI, I don't believe there is any support for that sort of failure [citation needed], though there is work to improve that ongoing. In the current version of MPICH, you can pass the flag -disable-auto-cleanup to mpiexec and it will not automatically clean up your application after a process/node failure. However, you'll still have to modify your MPI application to handle this situation. The various derivatives of MPICH (Intel MPI, Cray MPI, IBM MPI, MVAPICH, etc.) all don't support this feature AFAIK. There are other research implementations that are also available to extend the support of the MPI Standard. User Level Failure Mitigation is currently being considered by the standardization body as a way of letting the user handle process failures. There is a research implementation based on Open MPI available at the website linked, and an experimental prototype will also be in the next version of MPICH (3.2).
Do any recover from complete hardware failure of a node, allowing the node to be repaired and relaunched without restarting the program?
This is essentially the same process as above. You would need to use the APIs to remove a process and then somehow find out that it's available and add it back using spawn. These calls have to be made from inside the application though, not externally.


Is it possible to subclass QThreadPool for distributed processing?

QtConcurrent is extremely convenient as a high-level interface for multithreaded processing in my data-heavy/CPU-heavy application. The Qt6 upgrades vaguely referenced "Revamped Concurrency APIs" but I didn't see much change, except a reference to being able to pass a custom QThreadPool.
That got me wondering... is it possible to extend QThreadPool into a class that manages threads/tasks on other machines, not just the host machine? Or is that too far from its original design? Or is there another Qt class that can manage distributed processing?
Don't bother linking me to non-Qt solutions. That's not the point of this question.
QtConcurrent doesn't deal with any of it, unfortunately.
In a most general approach, you only need some worker machines on the network, and a way to connect to them via ssh (if they are Unix), or via Windows credentials (on a Windows network). At that point you can send a binary to the worker and execute it. Doing this in Qt is of course possible, but you'd need to wrap some other libraries (e.g. Samba for RPC calls, or openssh) to do that.
No matter whether the software can "distribute itself" or is otherwise installed on the workers, you got it running on multiple machines. Now they have to communicate, with one being a master, and the other being slaves. Master selection could be done via command line arguments, or even by having two binaries: workers that include only the back-end functionality, and a front end that includes both (and has some sort of UI).
At that point you can leverage Qt Remote Objects, the idea being what you'd "distribute" is QObjects that do work in the slots, and return results either via return value of the slot, by sending a signal. It's not as convenient as using QtConcurrent directly, but in general there's no way to distribute work transparently without some introspection that C++ doesn't quite provide yet.
I know that OpenMPI is not a Qt-based solution, it certainly works and makes life easy, and for sure it can interoperate with Qt code - you can even distribute methods and lambdas that way (with some tricks).
If you manage worker objects encapsulated as QObjects, it's not too hard to distribute the work in e.g. round-robin fashion. You could then have a front-end QObject that acts as a proxy: you submit all the work to it, and it signals all the results, but internally it invokes the slots on the remote QObjects.
Would you be interested in a demo? I could write one up if there was enough demand :)

Writing Scheduler/RTOS in XC8

I have an interest in writing a scheduler/RTOS project in XC8 using an enhanced MCU with access to the hardware stack.
I am trying to figure out how to control the creation of the software stacks so each task's software stack will get a certain range in the general purpose ram.
Conceptually this is all easy to program in ASM but I want to be able to write C programs and have the software stacks for each task be put into the right address space.
There doesn't appear to be an option to create a separate software stack for a certain section of code or even create multiple software stacks - how do I do it?
Stack switching is the responsibility of teh scheduler,not teh compiler - so you will not find a compiler option for that. You have to implement that in the scheduler you are intending to write - that is in fact most of what a scheduler does.
In an RTOS, switching context involves storing all the registers relating to one thread of execution and replacing them with those of another. This includes replacing the stack-pointer - that is how you switch stacks between threads. A context switch is completed when the program-counter register is loaded effecting a jump to the new thread's last execution point (with all its registers, including the stack-pointer restored.
The context switch itself necessarily involves at least a small amount of assembler code, but much of it may still be written in C, and tasks themselves may be written in C.. A good description of a simple RTOS scheduler is provided in Jean Labrosse's book on μC/OS-II - freely available in PDF. A PIC18 port of μC/OS-II is described here with download.

FreeSWITCH minimal installation and module selection

As someone who is very new to the opensource PBX projects like Asterisk and FreeSWITCH, I am grappling with some information overload. Have read the basic FreeSWITCH docs on Wiki, but still have few questions. Since I am not very familiar with the terminology, I will try to use close approximations.
Trying to create a small/minimalistic build of FreeSWITCH, that needs to run on an rather old laptop (Celeron 1GHz, 512MB RAM, 20GB HDD, already running Debian "Wheezy"), and set it up as a 6-port GSM-SIP/Jabber gateway. So, by "small" and "minimalistic", I mean one which doesn't have modules/optional-software that is not absolutely necessary (e.g. no need for IVR announcements, or Skype integration) -- to keep memory footprint smallest, and occupy less hard-disk real-estate.
The rough idea is to have 6 GSM ports (via 'GSM-open module', similar to chan_dongle) towards public telephony network, and about 60 SIP extension, and support upto 6 calls involving GSM ports, and about 6 SIP-SIP calls (intra PBX), on this setup. I have read that the CPU overhead of GSMopen module is pretty low, so I am guessing this is possible.
Can someone confirm this to be a realistic goal?
What might be the minimum set of modules to select for minimalistic build?
For modules not chosen during initial build, can those be added later? If so, would it require me to rebuild FreeSWITCH completely, only the modules, or that everything would be built, but only configuration changes would be required to ensure that modules are loaded, and configure?
Is there any rough estimate of what might be the maximum call-rate that could be supported in such a configuration? For SIP-SIP calls? Given the underpowered processor, and little RAM (as per modern standards), I am guessing that both shall be bottlenecks, but adding RAM might still be possible (even if costly and difficult).
I have read that "hooks" can be created using Lua/Python/Java etc.. However if someone share share few examples of what-all is possible using such hooks, it would make the concept clearer. Can one hope to write an application like "missed call log" or "redirect on no answer" using these hooks?
Can someone confirm this to be a realistic goal?
Yes, this is quite realistic. You need to target as little as possible transcoding, because that's where CPU resources are needed. But even with a 1Ghz Celeron, 6 transcoded sessions seem quite realistic. But it needs testing :)
What might be the minimum set of modules to select for minimalistic build?
Just start with the default list of modules, and add gsmopen (I have no experience with gsm gateways, can't help with that part). The memory footprint is pretty low, and you may need some of those modules later.
For modules not chosen during initial build, can those be added later?
as far as I remember, Wiki describes this process. You edit modules.conf and make the specific module.
Is there any rough estimate of what might be the maximum call-rate that could be supported in such a configuration? For SIP-SIP calls? Given the underpowered processor, and little RAM (as per modern standards), I am guessing that both shall be bottlenecks, but adding RAM might still be possible (even if costly and difficult).
It really depends on complexity of your dialplan. Each context consists of a number of conditions, which are doing regexp match on channel variables. So, the more complex your dialplan is, the less CPS you get. But for a 6-channel gateway, I don't see this a problem. GSM network will be much slower than your box :)
I have read that "hooks" can be created using Lua/Python/Java etc.. However if someone share share few examples of what-all is possible using such hooks, it would make the concept clearer. Can one hope to write an application like "missed call log" or "redirect on no answer" using these hooks?
You can control every aspect of FreeSWITCH behavior with FreeSWITCH. There are even examples when the complete dialplan is re-implemented by an external program (Kazoo does that).
The simplest mode of operation is when your Lua/JS/Perl/Python script is launched from within the dialplan: then it receives a "session" object, and you can do whatever you want with the call: play sounds, bridge, forward, make a new call and bridge them together, and so on. Here in my blog there's a little practical example.
Then, you can build an external application which connects to the FS socket and monitors the events and performs actions on active calls.
Also, it can be done in the opposite direction: you run a server, and FS connects to it with its socket library.
Also, you can have an HTTP service which delivers pieces of XML configuration to FreeSWITCH, and it requests those on every call (this would be the most CPU-intensive application). This way, you can feed FS from some internal database, and build fault-tolerant systems.
I hope this helps :)
You can also find me in skype if needed.
FreeSWITCH is not really memory-hungry, and you can simply start with the default set of modules (the best is to use the prebuilt Debian packages). For example, on my 64bit machine, the FreeSWIITH process occupies only 35MB of memory.
freeswitch#vx03:~$ uname -a
Linux vx03 2.6.32-5-xen-amd64 #1 SMP Thu Nov 3 05:42:31 UTC 2011 x86_64 GNU/Linux
freeswitch#vx03:~$ ps -p 11873 v
11873 ? S<l 10:29 0 0 258136 36852 2.3 /opt/freeswitch/bin/freeswitch -nc -rp -nonat -u freeswitch -g freeswitch
I will go through the rest of your questions later today

MPI on a multicore machine

My situation is quite simple: I want to run a MPI-enabled software on a single multiprocessor/core machine, let's say 8.
My implementation of MPI is MPICH2.
As I understand I have a few options:
$ mpiexec -n 8 my_software
$ mpiexec -n 8 -hosts {localhost:8} my_software
or I could also specify Hydra to "fork" and not "ssh";
$ mpiexec -n 8 -launcher fork my_software
Could you tell me if there will be any differences or if the behavior will be the same ?
Of course as all my nodes will be on the same machine I don't want "message passing" to be done through the network (even the local loop) but through shared memory. As I understood MPI will figure that out itself and that will be the case for all the three options.
Simple answer:
All methods should lead to the same performance. You'll have 8 processes running on the cores and using shared memory.
Technical answer:
"fork" has the advantage of compatibility, on systems where rsh/ssh process spawning would be a problem. But can, I guess, only start processes locally.
At the end (unless MPI is weirdly configured) all processes on the same CPU will end up using "shared memory", and the launcher or the host specification method should not matter for this. The communication method is handled by another parameter (-channel ?).
Specific syntax of host specification method can permit to bind processes to a specific CPU core, then you might have slightly better/worse performance depending of your application.
If you've got everything set up correctly then I don't see that your program's behaviour will depend on how you launch it, unless that is it fails to launch under one or other of the options. (Which would mean that you didn't have everything set up correctly in the first place.)
If memory serves me well the way in which message passing is implemented depends on the MPI device(s) you use. It used to be that you would use the mpi ch_shmem device. This managed the passing of messages between processes but it did use buffer space and messages were sent to and from this space. So message passing was done, but at memory bus speed.
I write in the past tense because it's a while since I was that close to the hardware that I knew (or, frankly, cared) about low-level implementation details and more modern MPI installations might be a bit, or a lot, more sophisticated. I'll be surprised, and pleased, to learn that any modern MPI installation does, in fact, replace message-passing with shared memory read/write on a multicore/multiprocessor machine. I'll be surprised because it would require translating message-passing into shared memory access and I'm not sure that that is easy (or easy enough to be feasible) for the whole of MPI. I think it's far more likely that current implementations still rely on message-passing across the memory bus through some buffer area. But, as I state, that's only my best guess and I'm often wrong on these matters.

Hot plugging an additional node in OpenMPI cluster

Is it possible to hot plug an additional node (host) into a working OpenMPI app? We're talking about production environment where we cannot afford even a 5 second downtime.
There are two scenarios I'm interested in:
We just would like to enhance the computing power by adding one more broadcast listener.
A node died, the master node handles it well and reassigns the task to somebody else. The system administrator comes in, restarts the dead node and plugs it back into the cluster.
Which platform independent MPI implementation would be best for the scenario above? OpenMPI is not a must here.
MPI-2 -- any implementation -- does allow dynamic processes, and in fact adding processes is currently much more feasible than removing processes. You can use MPI_COMM_SPAWN to launch a new process with a given executable, and that returns an intracommunicator that can be used to communicate between the old (original) processes.
The tricks here are -- nothing will automatically detect the new node. You'll have to have some process keeping an eye out for them, SPAWN something on them. If the new nodes will just be listeners to the master node, that's probably the best case, as only the master node really needs to know about it. The invocation to ensure the spawn happens on the new node and not somewhere else will be done through the info argument to spawn, and may be implementation dependant.
