Counting related entities - count

I have two entities
Visit entity has many-to-many relations to Tag ('tags' relation)
Now I have requested a collection of objects from Tag. For each tag I also need to show the count of Visits, related to this Tag.
How can I request visits with counts of related tags?
I would like to omit requesting count for each visit separately.


How to add mentions or tagging a person in Linkedin post from linkedin share URL?

We can create a post with a message prefilled from the URL using the below way
but when we mention a person in the text, it won't auto-detect, again we need to click on that and select the person from the given list of people.
Is there any way to auto-detect the person that we trying to tag

How do I efficiently find if one set of nodes has elements contained in another in Firebase?

I am building a social media database schema, in which I have users, followers, tags and posts. To conform to the firebase model I have flattened the structure as suggested in the firebase documentation as seen below. The issue that I am struggling with is when a user selects a tag and sees a bunch of posts from the tagPosts table all related by tag returned, I would then like to show the posts created by the current users followers first.
In SQL this would be done with an inline query checking the users followers, against the posts returned by a specific tag.
However in firebase I am not sure how do this without downloading all the posts contained under the tagID node in tagPosts and checking through each post's creator against the node of Followers for the current user userID. This operation could easily grow out of hand for 100s of posts amongst 100s of users. Ive tried modeling off of this answer, How do I check if a firebase database value exists? and this article From SQL to Firebase — How to structure the DB for a social network app. Am I poorly structuring the data how do I fix this thank you so much.
-misc. userData
-misc. userData
-misc. PostData
-misc. TagData
Edits-Thank you Frank
In our storyboard flow we plan to have a user see a wall of tags determined by constantly updating popular score based on properties of the tag and where we predict the user may have interest. The user will then select a tag and see posts related to that tag, from those posts I would like to show the posts from a users followers before those of everyone else who’s post falls in the category of a specified tag.
I have considered two possibilities either I optimize on reads in which I would have to keep track of every time a users follower posts to a tag and record the tagID along with the postID in a node for every follower a user has who posted in a special node of FollowersTags which would have a structure of listing for each userID a list of users and the all the followers of a user posted to which would become 100s of writes for each post created directly proportional to the number of followers a friend has.
*creates a list of posts to a specific tag made by followers
-userID1_tagID1(composite key)
Or I could optimize on writes as tried above, which presents us with our current predicament of having to perform a query 100s of times directly proportional to the number of posts in a tag.
Is there any way around these two options which of the two is the better approach.
Unfortunately I would not be able to predict the posts displayed to the user before they select a tag.
In the Firebase Realtime Database, I typically model the data in the database to what I show on the screen. So if you have a "wall" of recent, relevant posts for each user, consider modeling precisely that in your database: a list of recent, relevant posts (or post IDs) for each user.
"timestamp_or_push_id": "postId1"
"timestamp_or_push_id": "postId2"
"timestamp_or_push_id": "postId1"
"timestamp_or_push_id": "postId3"
While the problem of determining what to show remains the same, with this database model it's now a write-time problem, instead of a read-time problem.

Way to store Tags for good Query options?

I have a Collection of Posts and a Collection of Users. Posts have certain attributes which are irrelevant for this, but they also have one attribute called tags right now its an array with certain words.
A User can follow certain Tags so he has a attribute followedTags which is also an Array right now that contains the Tags he follows.
Now one of the use cases for this is a User Feed to Show only Posts with Tags he follows, the Problem is that I only found methods to query this for ONE Attribute at a time(in Arrays). Since I dont wanna run 20 Querys for 1 Feed (For example if the user follows 20 Tags) I thought maybe I could make a smart change in the data modell itself, any suggestions?
Problem is that I only found methods to query this for ONE Attribute at a time(in Arrays)
If you try to chain multiple whereArrayContains() methods, you're most likely getting the following error:
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid Query. Queries only support having a single array-contains filter.
So unfortunately Firestore can only allow a single call to whereArrayContains() method in query.
Since I dont wanna run 20 Querys for 1 Feed (For example if the user follows 20 Tags)
If you have a reasonable number tags, you can create each tag as a separate property. In this case, it is allowed to call Firestore Query's whereEqualTo() multiple times.
If this is not the case, then you should consider augmenting your database structure to allow a reverse lookup by creating each tag as a seprate object (document) in a tagCollection. Under each document you can create a new collection named tagPost in which you should add all the posts that are labeled with a specific tag.

Drupal 8 Views Question Involving Entity Reference

Trying to figure out views relationships and filters.
I'm trying to make a view that has the title of the page match the entity reference of the same page and make it reactive so I only need one. EX.) Page about animals, which there are nodes referencing the animal page as an entity reference.
Firstly, you have to take one unique field which can identify whether particular node is for animals or etc.
After that, In your views you need to select that field name in contextual filter and select option as you can see in screenshot and then save it.

Is it possible to fetch data from multiple Google Analytics tables in one request?

Looking at the API documentation linked below makes me confused. The parameter name "ids" suggest due to its plural form of "id" that I should be able to fetch data from multiple tables in one request, right?
However, this (vaguely) suggest the opposite:
The unique table ID used to retrieve the Analytics Report data. This ID is provided by the element for each entry in the account feed. This value is composed of the ga: namespace and the view (profile) ID of the web property.
What I want to do is fetch visitor data from more than one table in one request and get them summed up and ready to use.
Is this possible?
This is not possible. You will need to make 2 separate requests for each table ID.
