Extra Page in the end : Adobe Live Cycle Designer - css

When I select the option for "Go to the Next Page", an extra page is added to the Pdf, Which is not acceptable by the customer.
The first page contains dynamic growing rows, basically the data in the first page will be filled in run time. So, we select the option to flow to the next page , if there is more data.
But, in that case an extra empty page is added , even if the data is not flowing to the next page.
Please find the option that I selected.
Let me know how can I solve this issue.
Please find the image below

Change your pagination "After" setting to "Continue Filling Parent". The pagination settings here refer to Master Pages not normal pages.


How do I limit the list of pages shown on a menu?

I've followed the example in the "Starter App". The menu shows all my pages. However, I only want certain pages to show. The example uses #pages._values as the data source, but I don't want all pages to show in the menu (some pages are only available under certain circumstances or are called from other pages).
How do I limit the menu datasource to the pages I want?
Following the "Starter App" template, first select the "Menu" PageFragment and then select the MenuListRow widget:
Then expand the Display properties and click on "visible". Next, click on "binding".
Now, we will use an array to determine what are the pages we want to limit. In this example, the array I'm using is ["Admin", "TestOne"] and we will use the indexOf method to match the page name that the label inside the list row widget contains. The value looks like this ["Admin", "TestOne"].indexOf(#widget.descendants.MenuItem.text) !== -1
Now just click "Ok" and then preview the app. The result is the following:
Please note that in the example I have 6 pages but only the two that are in the array are displayed. I hope this is helpful. If you need further clarification, please let me know.

Keeping ASP.Net TreeView nodes collapsed when navigating web site

I noticed that when navigating an ASP.Net web site the nodes in the TreeView always expand.
Is there a setting or attribute we can include in the markup that will keep the TreeView nodes collapsed until the user expands them?
Maybe something is needed to be added to the code-behind file?
Yes there is, it's called ExpandDepth
ExpandDepth - Gets or sets the number of levels that are expanded when a TreeView control is displayed for the first time.
If you want all the nodes, including the root, to be collapsed just set it to 0
<asp:TreeView ExpandDepth="0" ...
I don't think you can do this in the markup. But it is possible in code - behind. Check out this link for some sample code: Collapse all open nodes.
I'm pretty sure that an app I wrote a few years collapses the entire tree with one line of code (like you we found that it kept opening up every post back). If this link doesn't work I will post the code I used tomorrow.
The one line of code I was looking for is

Recommended approach for designing master/detail forms on a single page?

I have a single web page with master detail form/input layout. Currently the form works in a way like
User opens the page containing both master/detail data entry controls and enters the master information (The details save button is disabled)
When he saves the master information, the save master button gets disabled and save details is enabled
User continues to enter multiple details which get populated in a gridview at the bottom of page
All works well
Problem is that, the master part contains a lot of data entry controls (drop down lists gridviews etc)
How do I facilitate the user much more then the current layout? Should he be redirected to a new page after he enters the master record ? How can I improve on this?
If the user doesn’t need to refer to the entire master to complete the detail, and isn’t navigating among multiple masters to view/edit their details, then you don’t need a master-detail, and you can divide the input into two or more windows. A window for the details can repeat a few fields from the master that users need to complete the details.
Assuming it is desirable to keep everything on the same page, I think I see few things you can do:
Use edit-in-place for both the master and detail, so you don’t need space for both editing/creating a record and space to display it. Every field should only appear once.
Pack your controls more tightly together. You can do this without appearing too cluttered if you adopt a quieter visual style (e.g., lose the reverse-video and the rules). Allocate about 20 vertical pixels per single-row control
Adopt an object-selection-action syntax so you don’t need to take space repeating the same command buttons/links for every record. That leaves mores space for fields.
Put your tables in their own panes with vertical scrolling. The tables you have now are already pretty short (5 or fewer rows), but limiting them to 5 or fewer visible rows will keep the window from being too long for cases when there are a lot of rows.
Assuming you have edit-in-place, use wider tables, each set in their own pane with horizontal scrolling in order to reduce the height by moving fields out of the “overflow” spaces and into the tables. Be sure you have row headers that do not scroll away.
Divide fields up into tabs, especially on the master. That reduces the space the master needs to a fraction. You can have tabs within a portion of the master if your users need to keep key fields constantly visible.
Put some fields within the master or detail in expanders or secondary windows, especially for fields the user doesn’t necessary need to interact with (e.g., where usually the default values are correct). Show an aggregate, abbreviation, or summary of what the users don’t see to cue them on when they do need to interact with the fields.
Consider using a “paging” interface for your stack of multi-row text boxes at the bottom of the master so they’re “stacked” in the z-dimension rather than the y-dimension and thus take up the space of a single text box.
Consider using more compact drop-down lists rather than radio buttons, especially for fields the user is less likely to change (e.g., the default is very often correct). A dropdown list is more work to set a value (takes two clicks) but no more to see the value, and you can weigh the editing effort against navigation effort (scrolling, tab-clicking, etc.)
Consider putting the entire master in its own scrolling pane so the detail is always in view at normal window size and the user can scroll the master to whatever portion is relevant for entering details.
If users are telling you that everything in the window must be constantly in view, then you’re going to have to dig deeper, prioritize fields, and make trade-offs because that’s not going to happen unless your client buys everyone a suite of big-ass monitors. Some fields will be out of view, even it that just means scrolled out of view.
There can be various options:
Page may show master and summary (gridview) of details. Save button will only work for master data. Add/Edit details will happening in a modal pop-up.
Have a tabbed view - one tab will show master while other tab will show details. There will be one save button per tab. Tab switching will happen on client side.
Have both master and details always open for editing. Any changes in details will be temporarily held in view-state/session-state. The save button for master will save changes for both master and details. No need to disable any UI.
We typically prefer #1 - IMO, its simple UI from user's perspective.

Drupal views slideshow returning only one result

Views slideshow for Dupal is amazing … there are no other words for it. I have used it on a few projects with little to no issues at all. However, the current project that I am working on isn't going as smoothly.
When the 'View style' is set to unformatted the preview returns the right amount of nodes but when slideshow is selected the query returns only one result. Puzzlingly, the SQL is exactly the same.
Can you shed some light on the issue?
Does the source show only one too?
Maybe the source (HTML) contains all the entries, but the Javascript fails to slide to the next item.
A possible solution is the following:
Click the gear icon next to the Slideshow style to edit its settings.
Select your slideshow mode from the drop-down menu. Select SingleFrame.
Enter a value for the Timer delay input box. Enter 4000, as an example.
Enter a value for the Initial slide delay offset input box. Enter 2000, as an example.
Complete the rest of the settings to your liking.
Click update to submit that form, then click Save to save your view.
Hope it helps.

How to get Asp.Net to redirect user back to their starting point

Guys, I’ve been writing code for 15+ years, but managed to avoid “Web Development” until 3 months ago.
I have inherited a legacy Asp.net application (started in .net 1.1, we’re now on .Net 2.0), it’s the administration tool for our product.
In several places the admin tool simply maintains long lists of values.
The list (could be 200+ items) appear in a GridView (Page A), user clicks an edit button for an item, this brings them to an edit page for the item (Page B) where they can change the value (or values, an item in the list may be associated with several values e.g. name and address and preferred colour, breed of cat . . .)
Currently when the user presses “Save” on Page B, we redirect back to Page A. The page opens at the top of the list, this annoys the user as often several items in sequence will need to be configured together, and the user needs to 1. Remember which item they just edited, 2. scroll down to that item
What I want to do is have the list bring the user back to the item they just edited, as often several items in sequence will need to be configured together.
Fastest Gun Stop . . . and keep reading
Suggestions on the lines of “regroup the items so there are fewer in the list” will be considered unhelpful
Valid points that .Net 3.5 does this automatically, will be considered unhelpful by me (but post them anyway, it may help some other poor fool)
I think I could do this by posting the Id of the edited item when re-loading Page A, and scrolling the grid to this point, however My Question is . . .
Is there a feature to do this that I don’t know about (and what is it)
What is the accepted way of doing this?
Thanks in advance
B. Worrier
This could be achieved using Anchor Tags.
When you output your elements on Page A, set an anchor tag next to each element like follows:
<a name="#175"></a>
Where this item would be item id 175.
Then when you redirect back to PageA, add a "#175" onto the end of the url
The simplest way you can do is to pass back an id from PageB in the querystring in the URL while redirecting back to PageA after saving in PageB.
e.g. www.example.com/PageA.aspx?editedId=89
and in PageLoad of PageA, you can check if this is from the editing detail page by examineing whether there is a valid value in HttpContext.Current.QueryStrubg["editedId"],
if there was, it means it is from PageB.
You can use this value to highlight or select the row in the datagrid easily
Fastest Gun Stop . . . and keep reading...
A good control allows you to edit multiple rows at the same time on same page for example on PageA, and save them together. Check you Telerik control for datagrid. You'd love it.
