I need find some solution how to allow category edit or use for post only for user which create this category. So I need assign author for taxonomy. It is possible to do this? I know that with posts it is possible to allow users to see their post.
Thanks for answer.
You can create custom new add-post form. In this form, with if clause filter your taxs.
Is it possible that Woocommerce category should not delete if it has product. I am facing this issue and I know it can possible but how this is possible.
No There is no option like you are asking we need to create by doing custom code because in backend if you go and press delete button on category it will deleted you need to add php code to restrict that if this category has product not allow to delete...
I'm looking for some advice on what plugin I could use to allow my client to choose the order of posts in a catergory.
I have found plugins that allow a user to change the order but not the order of posts that are assigned to a category.
Has anyone got any good suggestion on this type of functionality?
Make simple filter witht pre_get_posts
I currently have a custom taxonomy select field called "Location" and another custom taxonomy called "Company". What I would want to do is to hide/show the Company check-boxes based on the chosen Location in the select box. This is for the back-end.
The Person custom post type is associated with a Company and each Company is associated with a Location taxonomy. Advanced Custom Fields conditional logic does not extend to taxonomy fields and if anybody knows a way to go around this limitation that would be super awesome.
I am looking for taxonomy-related conditional logic as well and I found a post on the ACF support forums (http://support.advancedcustomfields.com/forums/topic/conditional-logic-using-taxonomy-field/) that shows many other people looking for this as well. However, there was no solution or answer in this post (most recent post asking for help being 6/7/16). Perhaps it will be solved in the future given the many requests, but no answers there at present.
Seems that the best option for now is to use jQuery on the backend.
I`m using ACF plugin for custom fields and categories made from the plugin. My problem is that I made a custom category called "Mobile". Adding a new custom post and inserting it in the category "Mobile" from admin dashboard works.
But if i`m trying to to set the post to that category from code with wp_set_object_terms it gives me an error with invalid taxonomy. I have looked for a solution to my situation but the only thing that is important that the taxonomy to be loaded before i call it. I don`t know where to look in the ACF plugin or my plugin to see what`s wrong.
Can you give me an advice?
Thank you.
I think the problem is in the usage of wp_set_object_terms() function. The second parameter should contain the id or slug of the term to add, in your case, it should be the slug or the id related to 'mobile_cat'. Then the third parameter should specify the taxonomy where to add this term. In your post still don't know what is your taxonomy name.
You can get all the required info from database.
good luck
I'm new to Drupal and trying get my head around it. I'd like to create a simple blog where I have a page that displays blog posts and the number of comments on each posts. Once the blog title or comment number is clicked, the user is taken to the post page. Simple as that.
I'm using Views and CCK, and I was able to create the main blog page, but I have no idea how to give each post its own page which contains comments and a comment form.
I tried searching online with no luck.
Any idea how to do this?
appreciate your help
In Views, you can select one of the fields you're displaying (best bet: the Title field) and select the "Link this field to its node" option. That'll make it a link to the individual node page, which is where comments etc. live by default.
Your question is quite broad, but you will need to do the following: Create a user node and connect it to the user profile (CCK, nodeprofile and usernode), and a new content type (CCK) for the blog posts (with any custom fields you may want). And then use Views to show the blog posts and profiles of each user. (You can build a view that uses arguments to select user/blog posts and also gives nice urls.)