drupal 7 download PDF after form submit - drupal

records display using views, which display white paper information with following fields.
1. white paper Title
2. white paper Description
3. Show download link.
now i want to make following thing.
When click the download link, need to show the form in popup (WEB FORM), after form submitted, need to download the PDF file.
note: each download link have different PDF files.


show download link if file already uploaded or show file upload field in gravity forms

I have a form created by gravity forms which will allow the user to enter the data and upload two files (form has two input file fields - gravity forms provided file upload field). Once the user submit the page, I will save the data in to custom table with file path as one of the column inside the table.
But once form reloads, it will show the same form with already entered data, but don't know how to show the file link inside the form.
What I am trying to do is, I have to show the link with remove button if file already uploaded or show the file upload field again to allow user to upload the file again.
Could somebody help me please?
I guess when you will store the entered data on the custom table, store the file names as well.
Then have another function to check if the file is in the specified directory (ex. uploads).
This is a lazy solution, so keep an eye on your thread for a better one.
I am not using gravity forms file upload field as even sent mail with priority support asking for is there any hook to know when user clicked "X" button of uploaded file(this will be shown once user clicks on submit button after uploading the file), but they replied, they don't support customization and pointed to 3rd party developers.
So what I did is, removed file upload field and used html field, which I am showing manual file upload (html input type file) field if no file uploaded or showing the file link with remove button. This remove button handled via javascript which will update some hidden field and after submit I know user removed the file or not.

not to show message when the page is loaded for first time

I created a Wordpress plugin, which allows the admin to add information through a form, and it is saved in the database.
I'm trying to link each photo that I upload in the Media library with a form.
In other words, my objective is that I want to put my own caption in each image of the Media library, and this caption is taken through a form.
So I have the data from the form fields in a table in my db and another table with the media pictures. How can I link them between each other?
Does anyone have an idea about what can I do?

How can I filter/sort a drupal view in this way?

I have created a content type called PDF Publication with two fields - a pdf file upload field that allows one file to be uploaded and a term reference field where the user selects an area e.g. area1 area2 or area3
I now need to create a view block that shows just the latest pdf uploaded for each area. so the block will show three pdfs - one for each area
I have followed instruction from here and other forums on the Internet but am struggling to do this.
I would be really greatful for some help, thank you so much for reading.

Drupal based on check box flag, change the textbox text as link or normal text

This what I am expecting:
If the user filled the textbox, and if the user checked means, while displaying the content on that time, content should show as a link, if the user is not checked, then it need not to show the link while that content in view mode. See the following image for an illustration.
Not an exact solution to what you want to do but I believe the Link Module will display only text if no url is entered.
You can give users a message saying to leave URL field blank and only enter a TITLE if they want plain text.
You don't need to code any hooks. The CCK Module adds fields to content types. The Link Module adds link functionality to CCK.
No coding is necessary; this can all be done from the admin panel. If you have no idea what I'm talking about see this video.
http://drupal.org/project/conditional_fields module does exactly what you are trying to accomplish. You can use the link_field of cck along with the conditional fields module. So based on the value in the check-box you can choose to display it in the node view.

drupal views: how to add generate pdf link in views

I have to add generate pdf links in the view how to that...
When the user clicks on the generate pdf links pdf should be generated which contains the content information of that node...
I think what you need is to install the print module and enable the printing. You'll then notice a link structure for Print. I think its different in 5.x than it is in 6.x but basically you'll end up with a link like http://example.com/print/pdf/530 (or similar) to print node 530. So for your Views 2.x you can add a field that outputs a link, which you can then use print/pdf/[nid]. To get nid, I believe you'll need to add a "relationship" to the View which stores the nid.
Place this code in header or footer of views as php code:
print print_pdf_insert_link();
You may forget VBO and add the NID field and make it a link to printpdf/[Nid] (target _blank).
You can even replace the output by the PDF icon, using an img html tag, like this:
<img src="/modules/acquia/print/icons/pdf_icon.gif">
or any other path to a PDF mimetype icon.
I know we're 2 years later but the Views PDF module is perfect for this. Some details about it (from its project page):
With this module you can output a view as a PDF document. Each field of the view can be placed on the PDF page directly in the administration interface. Therefore a new display called "PDF" is added.
If you use "Row Style: Node" in your view and you have the pdf option of the print module on then the pdf link will appear in your view. If the default Node view doesn't work for you, you can tweak it using the Content Template module (http://drupal.org/project/contemplate).
Beyond that I think it would take a custom module.
To create a printable PDF from a node, I would check out the Print module. Some details about it (from its project page):
This module allows you to generate the following printer-friendly versions of any node:
Printer-friendly version (webpage format) (at www.example.com/print/nid)
PDF version (at www.example.com/printpdf/nid)
EPUB version (at www.example.com/printepub/nid)
Send by email (at www.example.com/printmail/nid)
where nid is the node id of content to render.
