windchill 10.2: custom action does not appear in product structure explorer - ptc-windchill

I am unable to view an custom action in the pub when I right click on an part. Ptc guide does not provide any step by step procedure to implement this function.
Action name ="psbaction1"
Class name = grid.reject
Is there s specific format within which it has to be specified?
Any help on this will be greatly appreciated.
Thank You.

please find the below configurations and help in creating a CustomAction Class. When clicked the newly added custom action the CustomAction class should execute (work should be done in background)
<model name="psbRelatedPartsTreeContextMenu">
<action name="psbaction1" type="psb"/>
custom-actions.xml :
<objecttype name="psb" resourceBundle="ext.custom.psb.resource.psbCustomActionsRB">
<action name="psbaction1">
<command class="sample.CustomAction"/>


How to import a type incuding its package name

I'm using last version of openapi-generator-maven-plugin (6.0.1)
In order to handle some binary data properly I need to use typeMappings configuration as described here :
So I configure my pom as following :
But the code-generator understand it as a OrgSpringframeworkCoreIoResource class. How can I tell it not to camel case my parameter?
I finally undertand the problem : it's a 2 step configuration.
<!-- First we map the OpenAPI type to a keyword -->
<!-- Then we attach the keyword to an existing type -->
That's way it works!

How can I search and replace wsdlLocation value of reference property in a soa config file

I am trying to replace the ui:wsdlLocation value of the reference property in the composite.xml by using the config file.
This is the snippet from composite.xml:
<reference name="xyz"
<interface.wsdl interface=""/>
I tried replacing the value in reference section of the config file as follows:
<reference name="xyz">
But when I am trying the validate config plan option, it says
Cannot use this deployment plan file. Schema validation error in File = .... at Line = 67 Column = 24:Element 'searchReplace' not expected.
Can anyone please tell me the right way to do this?
I suggest you use a deployment plan.xml to replace any end point server or URLs from composite. The replace activity used in deployment plan can override the design time URL and hence can point to a correct one.
Hope this helps.

How to Remove Configlet from "Site Setup - Add-on Configuration"

I'm deprecating a Site Setup add-on configlet. The procedure I'm following is add the remove="true" property to controlpanel.xml
<!-- profiles/default/controlpanel.xml -->
title="MyConfiglet" ...
<permission>Manage portal</permission>
and then execute an upgradeStep. I tried with
<!-- upgrades/configure.zcml -->
<genericsetup:upgradeSteps ...>
title="Remove Configlet"
import_steps=" controlpanel"
But after executing the upgrade step, I still can see the configlet in /##overview-controlpanel.
What am I missing? What do I need to remove the configlet from the control panel?
The process of removing something from Plone involves more or less the same steps you used to add it; in this specific case you have two ways of doing it: programmatically or using Generic Setup.
I think this is easier as involves no more than a few lines of code and you can debug in case of problems.
just use the following code on your upgrade step:
def remove_configlet(self):
from plone import api
config_tool = api.portal.get_tool('portal_controlpanel')
configlet_id = 'MyConfigletId'
using Generic Setup
create a controlpanel.xml file inside the profile you're registering for your upgrade step; this file should contain exactly the same stuff used to add the configlet plus the remove="True" attribute.
you can find a working example of this on the upgrade_10_to_11 profile of Products.TinyMCE:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<object name="portal_controlpanel" meta_type="Plone Control Panel Tool"
xmlns:i18n="" i18n:domain="plone.tinymce">
<configlet title="TinyMCE"
action_id="tinymce" appId="TinyMCE"
<permission>Manage portal</permission>
def upgrade_10_to_11(setuptool):
"""Upgrade TinyMCE from 1.0 to 1.1"""
# Unregister old js and register new js
in case of doubts take a look at Luca Fabbri's excelent blog post on How to make your Plone add-on products uninstall cleanly.

Alfresco FormService Fundamental WRONG

Alfresco Forms Service does not work properly.
Looks like a fundamental Form functionality does not pass form configs (control-param name="nameHere") to webscripts.
I reproduce it step-by-step.
Create the Freemarker template and register it according to the documentation under /share project. The component renders and shows successfully. Everything works well.
Create a form according to the documentation on wiki Forms page.
Register it in <TOMCAT_INST/shared/classes/alfresco/web-
extension/myclok-form-config.xml> directory and pass it for load in such manner:
<bean id="sampleShareConfig" class="org.springframework.extensions.config.ConfigBootstrap" init-method="register">
<property name="configService" ref="web.config" />
<property name="configs">
<!-- ... share/WEB-INF/classes/org/springframework/extensions/surf/bootstrap/forms-bootstrap-context.xml -->
Form inst:
<form id="myclok">
<view-form template="/org/alfresco/components/myclok/myclok.get.html.ftl" />
<edit-form template="/org/alfresco/components/myclok/myclok.get.html.ftl" />
<create-form template="/org/alfresco/components/myclok/myclok.get.html.ftl" />
<show id="currentPath" />
<field id="currentPath">
<control name="currentPath" template="/org/alfresco/components/myclok/myclok.get.html.ftl">
<control-param name="currentPath">sampleData1</control-param>
<control name="currentPath" template="/org/alfresco/components/myclok/myclok.get.html.ftl">
<control-param name="currentPath">sampleData2</control-param>
In official documentation is written:
If the form element exists within a config element without an
evaluator and condition the form is always found, this is useful if
you want a certain field to appear on EVERY form in your application.
So, I specified it in myclok-form-config.xml file, but this approach does not give any result. Thus when the component with such reference to param is loaded by the following URL <http://localhost:8080/share/page/site/wcmqs/myclok> the Alfresco fails with the Exception:
Exception: freemarker.core.InvalidReferenceException - Expression field is undefined on line 6, column 6 in org/alfresco/components/myclok/myclok.get.html.ftl.
In other words it's impossible to receive the value of the parameter of currentPath that is defined in FormConfigs.
So, the minimal functionality of FormsService / ConfigService does not work.
<#if field.control.params.currentPath??>
<#assign path=field.control.params.currentPath>
<#assign path="someOtherDataValue">
Does anyone know how to resolve it Or can demonstrate a working sample?
PS: All above described configurations of the form of FormService and the webscript component are attached.
The .AMP file for quick installation is required just to invoke the following command:
java -jar alfresco-mmt.jar install myclokStubFormComponent.amp ../tomcat/webapps/share.war
AMP file.
Config file.
I think you have mis-understood the difference betweent a form template and a field template. You are specifying the same file /org/alfresco/components/myclok/myclok.get.html.ftl to control the layout of the form as well as to render your fields.
When you use a field template to render the form you are getting an error that says the field object has not been populated. This is quite correct as the framework has not yet started to render the individual fields. You are rendering the form.
I'd suggest you try some more basic examples such as those that come with the Forms Development Kit (FDK) before you start implementing your own more complex forms, and especially before you begin to claim that the framework does not work as documented.

add button in show.jspx in a spring roo mvc project

I've created a spring roo project using 'Getting started with spring roo' as a starting point. The project is created in STS using roo 1.1.5. I've added neo4j graph and is able to create nodes with simple edges and create the web-part issuing 'controller all --package ~.web'.
The project is a simple web-app with a Person and Race node and a Participant-edge with start-time, end-time, total-time and race-id. Since the edge Participant is a #RelatedToVia it becomes a #RelationshipEntity and I want to add a button to save Participant.
I found WEB-INF/tags/form/field/table.tagx where the add-, modify-, delete-buttons and friends are defined, ie.:
<c:if test="${update}">
<td class="utilbox">
But where do I set the variable update? I've looked through the code that is created by STS, but unable to find it. Pardon if this is obvious.
I found out that WEB-INF/tags/form/show.tagx have the knobs to enable/disable for instance the update-button:
<c:if test="${empty update}">
<c:set var="update" value="true" />
So I will add my new button in this file. The spring framework seems so well laid out. Just have to find the various places.
The value for update is obtained from attributes you specify when you use the tag created using the tagx.
For an example,
If form:table was used as in a jspx and if the following was set, you will recieve true in your update variable if it was assigned using a directive. However it seems that the true is set as default in the form:table tag within Spring Roo.
If you want to set it to false, when using you have to set the value to the attribute as following.
<form:table update="false" />
If you want to go deeper into this, look in to the table.tagx file you have mentioned you will find the following line which explains it.
<jsp:directive.attribute name="update" type="java.lang.Boolean" required="false" rtexprvalue="true" description="Include 'update' link into table (default true)" />
