add button in show.jspx in a spring roo mvc project - spring-mvc

I've created a spring roo project using 'Getting started with spring roo' as a starting point. The project is created in STS using roo 1.1.5. I've added neo4j graph and is able to create nodes with simple edges and create the web-part issuing 'controller all --package ~.web'.
The project is a simple web-app with a Person and Race node and a Participant-edge with start-time, end-time, total-time and race-id. Since the edge Participant is a #RelatedToVia it becomes a #RelationshipEntity and I want to add a button to save Participant.
I found WEB-INF/tags/form/field/table.tagx where the add-, modify-, delete-buttons and friends are defined, ie.:
<c:if test="${update}">
<td class="utilbox">
But where do I set the variable update? I've looked through the code that is created by STS, but unable to find it. Pardon if this is obvious.
I found out that WEB-INF/tags/form/show.tagx have the knobs to enable/disable for instance the update-button:
<c:if test="${empty update}">
<c:set var="update" value="true" />
So I will add my new button in this file. The spring framework seems so well laid out. Just have to find the various places.

The value for update is obtained from attributes you specify when you use the tag created using the tagx.
For an example,
If form:table was used as in a jspx and if the following was set, you will recieve true in your update variable if it was assigned using a directive. However it seems that the true is set as default in the form:table tag within Spring Roo.
If you want to set it to false, when using you have to set the value to the attribute as following.
<form:table update="false" />
If you want to go deeper into this, look in to the table.tagx file you have mentioned you will find the following line which explains it.
<jsp:directive.attribute name="update" type="java.lang.Boolean" required="false" rtexprvalue="true" description="Include 'update' link into table (default true)" />


Z attribute in field:input Spring Tag

I'm building an app using SpringRoo, I've generated the repositories, the services and I've done the scaffold of my model classes.
Now I want to customize my User Interface (e.g. create.jspx form), and I cannot understand some behavior in this part:
<field:textarea field="cocFile" id="c_com_project_name_domain_ObjectModel_file" z="Wo9RZ7vKscJS74aMwIMY1mqfCsU="/>
I cannot see the purpose of the z attribute, and I cannot either integrate my own html template in the generated vues. so what z stands for in this case, and is it possible to override all generated views by springRoo with custom jsp views.
As Anton responded, the z attribute indicates if the item has been modified by the user. To indicate that the item has been personalized must change the value of attribute z by "user-managed" and Roo detect changes made by the user.
You have three options to customize your view jspx:
1- Customize "textarea.tagx".
2- Create a new tagx:
Make a copy of "textarea.tagx" in the same folder and rename it to "textarea2.tagx".
Customize the new tagx created.
To use it you must change "texarea" with "textarea2" in label element, as follows: <field:textarea2 field = "cocFile" id = "c_com_project_name_domain_ObjectModel_file" z = "user-managed" />
3- Modify the "render" and "z" attributes:
<field:textarea field="cocFile" id="c_com_project_name_domain_ObjectModel_file" render="false" z="user-managed"/>
This item is no longer show on the page, and Roo will not generate. Now you can generate your custom code in the jspx page.
Description in spring documentation is -
The z attribute represents a hash key for a given element.
The hash key attribute is important for Roo because it helps determining if a user has altered a Roo managed element.
This is the secret to round-trip support for JSPX files, as you can edit anything at any time yet Roo will be able to merge in changes to the JSPX successfully.
The hash key shown in the "z" attribute is calculated
Read spring mvc doc.

How to Remove Configlet from "Site Setup - Add-on Configuration"

I'm deprecating a Site Setup add-on configlet. The procedure I'm following is add the remove="true" property to controlpanel.xml
<!-- profiles/default/controlpanel.xml -->
title="MyConfiglet" ...
<permission>Manage portal</permission>
and then execute an upgradeStep. I tried with
<!-- upgrades/configure.zcml -->
<genericsetup:upgradeSteps ...>
title="Remove Configlet"
import_steps=" controlpanel"
But after executing the upgrade step, I still can see the configlet in /##overview-controlpanel.
What am I missing? What do I need to remove the configlet from the control panel?
The process of removing something from Plone involves more or less the same steps you used to add it; in this specific case you have two ways of doing it: programmatically or using Generic Setup.
I think this is easier as involves no more than a few lines of code and you can debug in case of problems.
just use the following code on your upgrade step:
def remove_configlet(self):
from plone import api
config_tool = api.portal.get_tool('portal_controlpanel')
configlet_id = 'MyConfigletId'
using Generic Setup
create a controlpanel.xml file inside the profile you're registering for your upgrade step; this file should contain exactly the same stuff used to add the configlet plus the remove="True" attribute.
you can find a working example of this on the upgrade_10_to_11 profile of Products.TinyMCE:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<object name="portal_controlpanel" meta_type="Plone Control Panel Tool"
xmlns:i18n="" i18n:domain="plone.tinymce">
<configlet title="TinyMCE"
action_id="tinymce" appId="TinyMCE"
<permission>Manage portal</permission>
def upgrade_10_to_11(setuptool):
"""Upgrade TinyMCE from 1.0 to 1.1"""
# Unregister old js and register new js
in case of doubts take a look at Luca Fabbri's excelent blog post on How to make your Plone add-on products uninstall cleanly.

how to set publish dcp for child or other publications to different location without overiding all other settings

I am trying to configure cd_storage and getting issue in setting up dynamic component presentation as they get over written by child and published to same folder from every publication.
I know we can define the publication level settings but once we define that then it expect us to define everything inside that publication tag. We do not want to define every thing 50 times in publication tag.
Could any one suggest the best practice for same.
this is for sdl tridion 2011 sp1
Thanks in advance...
Your problem is in how you defined your storage configuration for the storage which you use to store ComponentPresentations. There is a flag in the definition of a storage which sets exactly this type of behavior: defaultFilesystem. You probably have it set to false which causes all ComponentPresentations from all publications to be stored in the same location. By setting this flag to true you will get ComponentPresentations from different publications stored in different locations. I will give an example to show how this works in cd_storage_conf.xml:
<Storage Type="filesystem" Class="" Id="defaultCPs" defaultFilesystem="true">
<Root Path="c:\temp\cpRoot" />
<ItemTypes defaultStorageId="defaultFile" cached="true">
<Item typeMapping="ComponentPresentation" itemExtension=".jsp" storageId="defaultCPs"/>
This is really easy to maintain and will make the Broker to store ComponentPresentations to locations like: c:\temp\cpRoot\pub109\dcp\jsp\*** (here I have publicationId=109).
Hope this helps.

Saving Configuration Section Error - Elements are merged as attributes

I have created a configuration section designer project to represent nodes of a custom section necessary to read and save from my web application. I am able to successfully create instances of the configuration elements and collections, however when I save the configuration using the referenced System.Configuration.Configuration object and issuing save, the elements get merged into their parents as attributes. An example of the issue is outlined below:
After calling the referenced, the output is as follows:
<savedReports xmlns="SavedReportSchema.xsd">
<resultsSets dataViewId="1" id="4203bb88-b0c4-4d57-8708-18e48f0a1d2d">
<selects keyId="1" sortOrder="1" />
As defined in my configuration section designer project (confirmed by the resulting xsd as well) the output should match the following:
<savedReports xmlns="SavedReportSchema.xsd">
<savedReport id="1">
<select keyId="1" sortOrder="1"/>
Any ideas? The element collection types are set to BasicMapAlternate however when I set them to AddRemoveClearMapAlternate they are not merged but they are prefixed by "add" rather than "select" or "savedReport" causing the validation to be off.
Turns out AddRemoveClearMapAlternate was the option I needed to correct my problem referenced in the question.

How is the Spring MVC spring:bind tag working and what are the meanings of status.expression and status.value?

Let's discuss on the following example:
<spring:bind path="user.userName">
<input type="text" name="${status.expression}" value="${status.value}"/>
<span class="fieldError">${status.errorMessage}</span>
When this view snippet gets rendered, what do ${status.expression} and ${status.value} get evaluated to? Where do these values come from?
See this link for an explanation of what the status variables mean.
status.expression: the expression that was used to retrieve the bean or property
status.value: the actual value of the bean or property (transformed using registered PropertyEditors)
status.errorMessages: an array of error messages, resulting from validation
The status object is evaluated when the binding is done.
Also have in mind that Spring 2.0 introduced new form tags, which are probable better suited for your needs.
The bind tag documentation of Spring 3.0
See Also: BindStatus
