Error running /usr/bin/pdflatex (exit code 70) - r

my code for gibbs sampling is like this:
I cannot compile it. The error message is Error running /usr/bin/pdflatex (exit code 70).
I don't see any font problem in my code. Can anyone help me to fix it? Thanks!
\title{Lab 8 for STA 601}
\author{Siyang Li}
\section{part 1}
see attached file
\section{part 2}
<<gibbssampling, echo = TRUE, fig = TRUE, include = TRUE>>=
## read in data, data is on a log scale
data <- read.table("data.txt", header = TRUE)
data1 <- data[data$day == "Saturday"|data$day == "Sunday",] ##data for weekday
data2 <- data[data$day == "Monday"|data$day == "Tuesday"|data$day == "Wednesday"|data$day == "Thursday"|data$day == "Friday",] ##data for weekend
S <- 20000
## to save the results
mu1.draws <- matrix(NA, nrow = S, ncol = 1)
mu2.draws <- matrix(NA, nrow = S, ncol = 1)
phi1.draws <- matrix(NA, nrow = S, ncol = 1)
phi2.draws <- matrix(NA, nrow = S, ncol = 1)
## starting points
mu1.draws[1,1] <- mu1.cur <- 1
mu2.draws[1,1] <- mu2.cur <- 1
phi1.draws[1,1] <- phi1.cur <- 0.01
phi2.draws[1,1] <- phi2.cur <- 0.1
##prior specification
m1 <- 0
v1 <- 0.01
m2 <- 0
v2 <- 0.02
alpha1 <- 0.1
beta1 <- 0.1
alpha2 <- 0.2
beta2 <- 0.2
n1 <- length(data1)
n2 <- length(data2)
##gibbs sampling
for(i in 2:S){
##update mu1 <- 1/(n1*phi1.cur + 1/v1) <- (sum(data1$pm)*phi1.cur + m1/v1)*
mu1.cur <- rtnorm(1,, sqrt(, mu2.cur,Inf)
##update phi1 <- alpha1 + n1/2 <- beta1 + 1/2*sum((data1$pm - mu1.cur)^2)
phi1.cur <- rgamma(1,,
##update mu2 <- 1/(n2*phi2.cur + 1/v2) <- (sum(data2$pm)*phi2.cur + m2/v2)*
mu2.cur <- rtnorm(1,,sqrt(,-Inf,mu1.cur)
##update phi2 <- alpha2 + n2/2 <- beta2 +1/2*sum((data2$pm - mu2.cur)^2)
phi2.cur <- rgamma(1,,
##save the results
mu1.draws[i,1] <- mu1.cur
mu2.draws[i,1] <- mu2.cur
phi1.draws[i,1] <- phi1.cur
phi2.draws[i,1] <- phi2.cur
Burnin <- 5000
##convergence diagonostics
mu.mcmc <- mcmc(mu1.draws)
\section{part 3}
<<intervals,echo = TRUE, fig = TRUE, include = TRUE>>=
cat("mean value of mu1 is",mean(mu1.draws[(Burnin+1):S]),"\n")
cat("95% interval of mu1 is",quantile(mu1.draws[(Burnin+1):S],c(0.025,0.975)),"\n")
cat("mean value of mu2 is",mean(mu2.draws[(Burnin+1):S]),"\n")
cat("95% interval of mu2 is",quantile(mu2.draws[(Burnin+1):S],c(0.025,0.975)),"\n")
cat("mean value of phi1 is",mean(phi1.draws[(Burnin+1):S]),"\n")
cat("95% interval of phi1 is",quantile(phi1.draws[(Burnin+1):S],c(0.025,0.975)),"\n")
cat("mean value of phi2 is",mean(phi2.draws[(Burnin+1):S]),"\n")
cat("95% interval of phi2 is",quantile(phi2.draws[(Burnin+1):S],c(0.025,0.975)),"\n")
\section{part 4}
<<posteriorprob, echo = TRUE, fig = TRUE, include = TRUE>>=
mean(mu1.draws[(Burnin+1):S] > mu2.draws[(Burnin+1):S])
mean(phi1.draws[(Burnin+1):S] < phi2.draws[(Burnin+1):S])
\section{part 5}
<<prediction, echo = TRUE, fig = TRUE, include = TRUE>>=
for(i in (Burnin+1):S){
mu1 <- mu1.draws[i]
phi1 <- phi1.draws[i]
mu2 <- mu2.draws[i]
phi2 <- phi2.draws[i]
y1 <- rnorm(1,mu1,sqrt(1/phi1))
y2 <- rnorm(1,mu2,sqrt(1/phi2))
mean(y1 > y2)


Confidence interval in R for 1000 times

I have run the code below to obtain 1000 confidence intervals but it doesn't give an output for lambda_jk and beta_jk. And hence I cannot obtain the jack_lambda and jack_beta.
lambda <- 0.02
beta <- 0.5
alpha <- 0.10
n <- 40
N <- 1000
lambda_hat <- NULL
beta_hat <- NULL
cp <- NULL
jack_lambda <- matrix(NA, nrow = N, ncol = 2)
jack_beta <- matrix(NA, nrow = N, ncol = 2)
for(i in 1:N){
u <- runif(n)
c_i <- rexp(n, 0.0001)
t_i <- (log(1 - (1 / lambda) * log(1 - u))) ^ (1 / beta)
s_i <- 1 * (t_i < c_i)
t <- pmin(t_i, c_i)
data<- data.frame(t,s_i)
LLF <- function(para,y) {
lambda <- para[1]
beta <- para[2]
e <- y[,2]*log(lambda*y[,1]^(beta-1)*beta*exp(y[,1]^beta)*exp(lambda*(1-exp(y[,1]^beta))))
r <- (1-y[,2])*log(exp(lambda*(1-exp(y[,1]^beta))))
f <- sum(e + r)
mle <- maxLik(LLF, y=data,start = c(para = c(0.02, 0.5))) ### Obtain MLE based on the simulated data
lambda_hat[i] <- mle$estimate[1] #estimate for parameter 1
beta_hat[i] <- mle$estimate[2] #estimate for parameter 2
### statistic function for jackknife()
jack<-matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = 2)
for(i in 1:n){
fit.jack<-maxLik(logLik=LLF,y=data[-i,],method="NR",start=c(0.02, 0.5))
jack[i,]<-coef(fit.jack) #delete-one estimates
meanlambda = mean(estjack[,1])
meanbeta = mean(estjack[,2])
lambda_jk[i] =lambda_hat[i]-(n-1)*(meanlambda-lambda_hat[i]) #jackknife estimate
beta_jk[i] = beta_hat[i]-(n-1)*(meanbeta-beta_hat[i])
SElambda<-sqrt(var(estjack[,1])/n-1) #std error
#confidence interval
jack_lambda[i,] <- lambda_jk[i]+c(-1,1)*qt((1-alpha)/2,n-1)*SElambda
jack_beta[i,] <- beta_jk[i]+c(-1,1)*qt((1-alpha)/2,n-1)*SEbeta
(I am very appreciate with any ideas)

Jackknife in R to obtain interval estimates

I have a question on how to use the jackknife using the bootstrap package. I want to obtain the interval estimate for the jackknife method.
I've tried running the code below, but no results for my parameter estimate.
lambda <- 0.02
beta <- 0.5
alpha <- 0.10
n <- 40
N <- 1000
lambda_hat <- NULL
beta_hat <- NULL
cp <- NULL
jack_lambda <- matrix(NA, nrow = N, ncol = 2)
jack_beta <- matrix(NA, nrow = N, ncol = 2)
### group all data frame generated from for loop into a list of data frame
data_full <- list()
for(i in 1:N){
u <- runif(n)
c_i <- rexp(n, 0.0001)
t_i <- (log(1 - (1 / lambda) * log(1 - u))) ^ (1 / beta)
s_i <- 1 * (t_i < c_i)
t <- pmin(t_i, c_i)
data_full[[i]] <- data.frame(u, t_i, c_i, s_i, t)
### statistic function for jackknife()
estjack <- function(data, j) {
data <- data[j, ]
data0 <- data[which(data$s_i == 0), ] #uncensored data
data1 <- data[which(data$s_i == 1), ] #right censored data
LLF <- function(para) {
t1 <- data$t_i
lambda <- para[1]
beta <- para[2]
e <- s_i*log(lambda*t1^(beta-1)*beta*exp(t1^beta)*exp(lambda*(1-exp(t1^beta))))
r <- (1-s_i)*log(exp(lambda*(1-exp(t1^beta))))
f <- sum(e + r)
mle <- maxLik(LLF, start = c(para = c(0.02, 0.5)))
lambda_hat[i] <- mle$estimate[1]
beta_hat[i] <- mle$estimate[2]
return(c(lambda_hat[i], beta_hat[i]))
for(i in 1:N) {
results <- jackknife(jackknife_resample, estjack,R=1000)
jack_lambda[i,]<-lambda_hat[i]+c(-1,1)*qt(alpha/2,n-1,lower.tail = FALSE)*results$
jack_beta[i,]<-beta_hat[i]+c(-1,1)*qt(alpha/2,n-1,lower.tail = FALSE)*results$
I couldn't get the parameter estimate that run in MLE and hence couldn't proceed to the next step. Can anyone help?

Optimising nested for loops in R

I tried to speed the below code but without any success.
I read about Rfast package but I also fail in implementing that package.
Is there any way to optimise the following code in R?
x <- as.matrix(x)
dm <- dim(x)
n <- dm[1]
bias1 <- bias2 <- bias3 <- numeric(t)
b1 <- b2<- b3 <- numeric(R)
### Outliers in Y ######
for (j in 1:t) {
for (i in 1:R) {
id <- sample(n, a * n)
z <- y
z[id] <- rnorm(id, mu)
b1[i] <- var(coef(lm(z ~., data =
b2[i] <- var(coef(rlm(z ~ ., data = data.frame(x), maxit = 2000, method = "MM")))
b3[i] <- var(coef(rlm(z ~ ., data = data.frame(x), psi = psi.huber,maxit = 300)))
bias1[j] <- sum(b1) ; bias2[j] <- sum(b2); bias3[j] <- sum(b3)
bias <- cbind("lm" = bias1,"MM-rlm" = bias2, "H-rlm" = bias3)
p <- 5
n <- 200
x<- matrix(rnorm(n * p), ncol = p)
mu <-10

Objective function in optim evaluates to length 3 not 1

I am new to R and trying to find the optimal values of 3 parameters via indirect inference from a simulated panel data set, but getting an error "objective function in optim evaluates to length 3 not 1". I tried to check past posts, but the one I found didn't address the problem I am facing.
The code works if I only try for one parameter instead of 3. Here is the code:
#Generating data
modelp <- function(Y,alpha,N,T){
Yt <- Y[,2:T]
Ylag <- Y[,1:(T-1)]
Alpha <- alpha[,2:T]
yt <- matrix(t(Yt), (T-1)*N, 1)
ylag <- matrix(t(Ylag), (T-1)*N, 1)
alph <- matrix(t(Alpha), (T-1)*N, 1)
rho.ind <- rep(NA,N)
sigma_u <- rep(NA,N)
sigma_a <- rep(NA,N)
for(n in 1:N){
sigma_u[n] <- sigma(lm(yt~alph+ylag))
sigma_a[n] <- lm(yt~alph+ylag)$coef[2] #
(diag(vcov((lm(yt~alph+ylag)$coef),complete=TRUE)))[2] #
rho.ind[n] <- lm(yt~alph+ylag)$coef[3]
param <- matrix(NA,1,3)
param[1]<- mean(sum(rho.ind))
param[2]<- mean(sum(sigma_u))
param[3]<- mean(sum(sigma_a))
## Function to estimate parameters
H.theta <- function(param.s){
set.seed(tmp.seed) #set seed
param.s.tmp <- matrix(0,1,3)
for(s in 1:H){
eps.s <- matrix(rnorm(N*T), N, T) #white noise erros
eps0.s <- matrix(rnorm(N*T), N, 1) #error for initial condition
alph.s <- matrix(rnorm(N*T),N,T)
Y.s <- matrix( 0, N, T)
ys.lag <- eps0.s
for(t in 1:T){ #Simulating the AR(1) process data
ys <- alph.s[,t]+param.s[1] * ys.lag + eps.s[,t] # [n,1:t]
Y.s[,t] <- ys
ys.lag <- ys
param.s.tmp <- param.s.tmp + modelp(Y.s, alph.s,N, T)
param.s[2] <- param.s.tmp[2]
param.s[3] <- mean(var(alph.s)) #param.s.tmp[3]
return( ( - param.s.tmp/H)^2 )
#Results for T = 10 & H = 10, N=100
nrep <-10
rho <-0.9
sigma_u <- 1
sigma_a <- 1.5
param <- matrix(NA,1,3)
param[1] <- rho
param[2] <- sigma_u
param[3] <- sigma_u <- 0 # Mean
s.ep <- 0.5 #White Noise -initial conditions
Box <- cbind(rep(100,1),c(20),rep(c(5),1)) <- matrix(0,nrep,nrow(Box)) <- matrix(0,nrep,nrow(Box))
for(k in 1:nrow(Box)){
N <- Box[k,1] #Number of individuals in panel
T <- Box[k,2] #Length of Panel
H <- Box[k,3] # Number of simulation paths <-matrix(NA,nrep,3)
p.simu <-matrix(NA,nrep,3)
est <- matrix(NA,1,3)
for(i in 1:nrep){
mu <- matrix(rnorm(N )*, N, 1)
eps <- matrix(rnorm(N*T)*s.ep, N, T)
eps0 <- matrix(rnorm(N*T)*s.ep, N, 1)
alph <- matrix(rnorm(N ), N, T)
Y <- matrix( 0, N, T)
y.lag <- (1-param[1])*mu + eps0
for(t in 1:T){
y <- alph[,t]+param[1]*y.lag +eps[,t]
Y[,t] <- y
y.lag <- y
} <- modelp(Y,alph,N,T) #Actual data[i,1:3] <-
tmp.seed <- 3864+i+100*(k-1) #Simulated data
x0 <- c(0.5, 0,0)
est[i] <- optim(x0, H.theta,method = "BFGS", hessian = TRUE)$par
p.simu[i,1:3] <- est[i]
if(i%%10==0) print(c("Finished the (",i,")-th replication"))
mean([,1])- mean(p.simu[,1])
mean([,2])- mean(p.simu[,2])
I expect to get three values. Any help or suggestion will be greatly appreciated.

Constraints in in r

I am using R package
I need to minimize a function with the following constraints:
Alpha < sqrt(2*omega) and omega > 0
In my code expressed as:
theta[3] < sqrt(2*theta[1]) and theta[1] > 0
I write these conditions as:
But when I call optimizer and run it.
I'm getting the following problem:
1: In sqrt(2 * theta[1]) : NaNs produced
Why? Did I set the proper conditions?
This is my whole code.
data <- read.delim(file = file, header = FALSE)
ind <- seq(from = 1, to = NROW(data), by = 1)
data <- data.frame(ind = ind, Ret = data$V1, Ret2 = data$V1^2)
colnames(data)[1] <- "Ind"
colnames(data)[2] <- "Ret"
colnames(data)[3] <- "Ret2"
T <- length(data$Ret)
m <- arima(x = data$Ret2, order = c(3,0,0), include.mean = TRUE, method = c("ML"))
b_not <- m$coef
omega <- 0.1
alpha <- 0.005
beta <- 0.9
theta <- c(omega,beta,alpha) # "some" value of theta
s0 <- theta[1]/(1-theta[2])
theta[3] < sqrt(2*theta[1]) # check whether the Feller condition is verified
N <- 30000
reps <- 1
rho <- -0.8
n <- 100
heston.II <- function(theta){
u <- rnorm(n = N*reps,mean = 0, sd = 1)
u1 <- rnorm(n = N*reps,mean = 0, sd = 1)
u2 <- rho*u + sqrt((1-rho^2))*u1
sigma <- matrix(0, nrow = N*reps, ncol = 1) <- matrix(0, nrow = N*reps, ncol = 1)
sigma[1,1] <- s0
for (i in 2:(N*reps)) {
sigma[i,1] <- theta[1] + theta[2]*sigma[i-1,1] + theta[3]*sqrt(sigma[i-1,1])*u1[i]
# if(sigma[i,1] < 0.00000001){ sigma[i,1] = s0}
for (i in 1:(N*reps)) {[i,1] <- sqrt(sigma[i,1])*u2[i]
ret <- matrix(0, nrow = N*reps/n, ncol = 1)
ret[1,1] <- sum([1:n],1)
for (i in 2:((N*reps)/n)) {
ret[i,] <- sum([(n*i):(n*(i+1))])
ret[((N*reps)/n),] <- sum([(n*(i-1)):(n*i)])
ret2 <- ret^2
model <- arima(x = ret2, order = c(3,0,0), include.mean = TRUE)
beta_hat <- model$coef
m1 <- beta_hat[1] - b_not[1]
m2 <- beta_hat[2] - b_not[2]
m3 <- beta_hat[3] - b_not[3]
m4 <- beta_hat[4] - b_not[4]
D <- cbind(m1,m2,m3,m4)
DD <- (D)%*%t(D)/1000
DD <- as.numeric(DD)
heston.sim <- heston.II(theta)
hin <- function(theta){
h <- rep(NA, 2)
h[1] <- theta[1]
h[2] <- sqrt(2*theta[1]) - theta[3]
hin(theta = theta)
.opt <- = theta, fn = heston.II, hin = hin)
