SQL Insert and Replace? - asp.net

I have an SQL statement I run for my website that inserts data into an access database. Is there a way during the insert to replace a space " " if one of the date textboxes contains a space? I need to do this because it throws off my date queries if there is a space in one of the columns?
INSERT INTO tblOpen (DateColumn1, DateColumn2) Values (#Value1, #Value2)

You should use the 'datetime' type for your DateColumn. It solves all your problem. It is good to use proper variable for proper field.

If you mean heading and trailing spaces, then:
myString = myString.Trim()
in your vb.net code will be fine. Even though I would follow Steve's suggestion and converting to date.

As question was about replace, you can either use Replace()
INSERT INTO tblOpen (DateColumn1, DateColumn2)
Values (REPLACE(#Value1, ' ', ''), #Value2)
or LTrim() and RTrim()
INSERT INTO tblOpen (DateColumn1, DateColumn2)
Values (LTRIM(RTRIM(#Value1)), #Value2)
However if datatype is a datetime then it makes sense to convert to that type using
DateTime d = Convert.ToDateTime(TextBox1.Text);
SqlParameter p = command.Parameters.Add("#Value1", System.Data.SqlDbType.DateTime);
p.Value = d;


The multi-part identifier could not be bound error won't fix

The Variable fileName contains the name of two columns to fetch value of it, which is in the type of "email,address"
The output of the fileName variable is sam#gmail.com102streetN, which is what I need
but when I try to insert that value into another column table then it throws me an error
The multi-part identifier "sam#gmail.com102streetN" could not be bound.
I don't know how to fix it
for each a in idParase
strSQL = "Select Award, Year, ("&fileName&") as dynamicColumns FROM dbo.Awards_TABLE Where awardID = "&a&""
cmdCRProc.CommandText = strSQL
Set rsCR = cmdCRProc.Execute
nameParase = rsCR("dynamicColumns")
sql2 = "Insert Into dbo.Queue (Award,Year,awardID,FileName) Values ("&rsCR(0)&", "&rsCR(1)&", "&a&", "&nameParase&") "
cmdCRProc.CommandText = sql2
Set rsCR = cmdCRProc.Execute
I think this isn't going wrong in the INSERT, but in the SELECT.
If I write out your SELECT it would be something this I think (I don't know the value of "a", but let's say it's 2):
Select Award, Year, (sam#gmail.com102streetN) as dynamicColumns FROM dbo.Awards_TABLE Where awardID = 2
I very much doubt you have a column named 'sam#gmail.com102streetN', right?
I don't know what your goal is, but it seems like you're building a query with a dynamic column name that doesn't exist.
What you can do is Response.Write() your SQL statements and see what the result is. Then maybe run them in your database management tool to check what's going on:

SQLite: replace part of a string with another one

I have a column named "tel". This column has some records that start with (for example) "0511" and I want to change it "0513". What is proper query?
You can use replace function
UPDATE table SET tel= replace( tel, '0511', '0513' ) WHERE tel LIKE '0511%';
Check the SQLite core functions here
In case you have a match after the first 4 digits of your tel number.
For example 051121505113
UPDATE table SET tel= replace(substr(tel,1,5), '0511', '0513' )||substr(tel,5)
WHERE tel LIKE '0511%';
UPDATE table
SET tel = REPLACE(tell, '0511', '0513')
WHERE tel like '%0511%'
In case there's a risk that '0511' exists within the rest if the string you can make sure to only replace 0511 at the start of the string like this:
UPDATE [table]
instr([tel], '0511') = 1 THEN
'0513' || substr([tel], 4)
WHERE [tel] LIKE '0511%';

VBScript - Database - Recordset - How to pass DateDiff value in the database

I'm using DateDiff() function of ASP to find the date difference between two dates.
The Function works fine and displays the exact date difference between two dates but when it comes to insert this value in the database it takes 9 as the value irrespect of any date difference.
Suppose difference between two dates is more than 15 or 20 days, in the database it takes "9".
I have used INT as the DATA TYPE for the column where it displaying the date difference.
Is DATA TYPE creating an issue here?
I even tried using session variable to store the value but no luck - here's my code below:
if request.Form("sub") <> "" then
sql = "Select * from emp_leave_details"
rs.open sql , con, 1, 2
dim diff
dim todate
dim fromdate
fromdate= rs("leave_from")
todate= rs("leave_to")
rs("emp_name") = request.Form("name")
rs("emp_no") = request.Form("number")
rs("address") = request.Form("address")
rs("contact_no") = request.Form("contact")
rs("mobile_no") = request.Form("mobile")
rs("contact_onleave") = request.Form("contact_details")
rs("leave_type") = request.Form("rad")
rs("other_leave_details") = request.Form("PS")
rs("leave_from") = request.Form("from")
rs("leave_to") = request.Form("to")
rs("applied_by") = request.Form("apply")
rs("accepted_by") = request.Form("accept")
rs("approved_by") = request.Form("approve")
rs("no_of_leave_taken")= session("date_diff")
response.Write("<script language='javascript'>{update();}</script>")
end if
The datatype has nothing to do with this. Storing the value in the session is not the solution. You can use a regular variable.
From your code it looks like you always use the same values for fromdate and todate. This is because you do not iterate the rows in the resultset.
if not rs.bof and not rs.eof then
do while not rs.eof
'' code to execute for each row
end if
In your current script rs will always return the results of the first row returned by the query.
The second problem your running into might be the Date datatype. Convert your value to a date using cDate and use this to calculate the difference.
Your problem is , you search for "Select * from emp_leave_details" which always gives all records from that table. You retrieve the values of the first record and do a diff of these, which results in always the same value, that is normal. From your question it is unclear what you really want to do. I suppose so want so select a record like
Select * from emp_leave_details where emp_name=<%=request.Form("name")%>
and based on that add a new record with a computed no_of_leave_taken.
Sorry guys my bad...
It was the database field name that I was calling instead of
fromdate= request.form("from")
todate= request.form("to")
I was calling this
fromdate= request.form("leave_from")
todate= request.form("leave_to")
Sorry again..but I really appreciate you all for providing me with all that possible solutions.

ASP.net with SQL query

I am working with ASP.net. In that in one sql query my output is 21,22,23, which is a string.
I want to remove those commas and store them as separate integer values...I want to use an array. Plese help. How to do that ?
You can convert a string separated by certain characters by using .Split(char):
string test = "21,22,23";
string[] split = test.Split(',');
This will give you an array of strings though. If you want to use them as integers you will want to convert them as well, and depending on your situation you might want to check if it's parseable or not, but you could use LINQ and do something like this:
string test = "21,22,23";
int[] values = test.Split(',').Select(value => Convert.ToInt32(value)).ToArray();
the String.Split(char[]) function should do this for you. I think in ASP.net it goes:
string values = "21,22,23";
string[] valuesArray = values.split(",");
While a normal String.Split would work, you still won't get integer values. You can try a simple LINQ query like so:
var results = from string s in yourString.Split('s')
select int.Parse(s);
You can then obviously cast it to a list or array, depending on your needs... A sample for converting it to an array directly in the LINQ query is as follows:
int[] results = (from string s in yourString.Split('s')
select int.Parse(s)).ToArray();

AIR SQLite IN expression not working

I'm having a problem with an expression in my sql statement in SQLite for Adobe AIR
basically I have this
sql = "UPDATE uniforms SET status=#status WHERE customerId IN(19,20)";
updateStmt.parameters["#status"] = args[1];
if I run the above code it works, updating the status when the id are 19 and 20
but if I pass the ids list as a parameter like this
sql = "UPDATE uniforms SET status=#status WHERE customerId IN(#ids)";
updateStmt.parameters["#status"] = args[1];
updateStmt.parameters["#ids"] = "19,20";
it gives me and error, saying could not convert text value to numeric value, which make sense because I'm passing and string but the IN expression should convert it accordingly, like it does when I pass directly the list values, why is not working the other way, thanks for any help!
Not sure but I think the problem is that your #ids parameter should be an array when using it like this. Try
updateStmt.parameters["#ids"] = new Array(19,20);
