IE8 ignoring vertical padding and margin - css

I can't figure out why on the following page, from the Pricing section onwards, IE8 seems to ignore a lot of vertical padding and margin:
Namely, it is ignoring margin-bottom on the Pricing heading, it is not applying vertical padding to the divs that make up the pricing table, and the links in the footer have also lost their vertical padding.
t works in every other browser, for comparison.
Thanks in advance.

The problem was that IE8 doesn't support rem units for font-size.
My IE8 dev tools sprang to life so I could see what wasn't working.


Chrome and Firefox render positioned layout with negative margin differently - how to prevent?

I have a very specific layout to achieve with HTML/CSS. Basically I have a text container with a couple of left-floated boxes within. I then have a footer which needs to overlap this text container by a few pixels at the bottom. I'm achieving this by using a negative top margin on the footer, and setting position:relative and z-index on the text container and footer to make the footer layer stack above the text container.
It can be best demonstrated in a fiddle:
The issue is that in IE9 and Firefox 18 the content of the footer clears the content of the text boxes, whereas in Chrome the content of the footer overlays the content of the text boxes without any clearing.
I basically need this to be consistent in IE7+, Firefox and Chrome, one way or the other. Not bothered which way - it can either clear or overlap, but it needs to behave the same regardless of browser.
Can anyone see why it's doing this and how to rectify it? It may be to do with the micro clear fix I'm using on the text container, but I'm really not sure.
Thanks for any pointers folks - this one has me stumped!
Sorted. I couldn't overcome the issue with the current mark-up but by removing the negative top position and adding an absolutely positioned div inside the footer with a negative top value (top: -20px;) that has achieved what I'm looking for. See:
As I know, the answer would be WebKit in CSS
Internet Explorer, Firefox and WebKit are three different things.
Webkit is used by Safari and Chrome.
moz is for Mozilla
o is for Opera
"normal" is for Internet Explorer.
You can read more about here

Floated item breaks in IE7, works in IE8+

I've got a development site ( that works well in FF, Chrome, and IE8+ but the right-corner image breaks in IE7 and I can't seem to figure out what's causing the problem. The right-corner image is in a left-floated container DIV but there is also an absolutely-positioned graphic on top of it, not sure if that's got something to do with it or not.
Thanks for any help anyone can provide!
Per request, here is a JSFiddle with (I think) the relevant code:
Also, to see this work you can open the link with IE and hit F12 to bring up the development console, then click Browser Mode: IE9 and change it to IE7.
The widths and interior margin for .eightcol and .fourcol add up to more than 100%. Some browsers may round decimal values differently than others.
65.4546% + 3.63636% + 30.9091% = 100.00006%
Here's a jsfiddle demo where you can see that the right column breaks in IE6/7 but is fine in all other browsers.
It's possible that this CSS grid wasn't built to support IE6/7. If all else fails, you could edit or override some of the widths or margin values in the CSS grid. But the changes would have to be reapplied everytime the CSS grid is upgraded. Not sure if there's an easier solution.
Edit: For comparison purposes, here's a version of the jsfiddle demo with integer percents that add up to exactly 100%.

CSS text padding difference Firefox vs Chrome and others

if someone could help on the following would appreciate this as I spent the whole evening without result on this issue.
I have a site where I want to modify tags appearance after every article.
The problem is that firefox (version 14.0.1) provides smaller height for the text (total <a> height is 15px icnluding 1px bottom padding), while chrome and rest browsers give height 19px. So the difference is 4px. Because of this - the "tag hole" is displayed at different levels. A little bit lower than vertical middle for FF and upper than middle for rest browsers.
I made a picture to get the problem easier:
I have general css reset, so that different browsers behave similar. But it looks like not everything is included there.
Has anyone an idea what could cause this?
Add display: inline-block; to your .tags li a
This won't affect the well-behaving browsers, but will fix FF

CSS Table Display Differences - Chrome Vs Firefox

I recently noticed that my site is broken in Chrome despite displaying well in Firefox. Having studied the HTML and CSS at my page -
There is a larger gap below the 4 blue titles in Chrome than in Firefox - which is breaking the frame of the containing box. This seems to be related to padding / margin of the table layout I'm using but I'm struggling to work out a fix.
If anyone can shed some light on what might be causing the problem I'd really appreciate it!
This is related to a question I posted yesterday: Firefox: wrong interpretation of box model?
Actually, it's Chrome that's behaving correctly: td with height 150px + padding 15px (x2) = 180px.
Firefox does a miscalculation when adding padding to td.
So your best shot would be to remove the padding on the cells, and add a margin to their contents instead.
Thanks for the advice. I tried removing padding from the table and td and applying it to the paragraph instead. This improved the problem to an extent but we were still left with different borders in firefox, IE and chrome.
In the end we decided to remove the table completely and use 4 floated 25% columns instead. I will avoid using tables for any site layout in future. Lesson learned!

Left floated li elements won't stretch full width except in Firefox

I'm currently developing my site with a new layout and stuff, and after hours of fiddling around in Chromiums inspector, can't seem to pinpoint why the the content tabs won't fully stretch like in Firefox or IE9. There seems to be a small gap on the right side.
I'm still in the process of tidying the whole css so there are less conflicts, but whatever I do the tabs won't fully stretch in webkit.
Here's a testing page I've set up with the jquery tabs
Any ideas or workarounds? Looking forward to learning something. Cheers
You've set the ul to width:100% which renders to 975px.
The li are set to width:25% which in theory should be 243,75px... Chrome makes a floor approximation for the decimals (truncates them, so 243,75 is 243), like mentioned here.
I'd recommend changing the site's width (for example 960px) or working with fixed widths in opposition to percentages.
