Wordpress login FIRST then SSO to 3rd party platform - wordpress

I am not a developer but not a total noob either.
I need some advice on how to implement the correct solution to my problem, and your help would be VERY much appreciated.
I have a WP site (www.mysite.com), I have the my users signing up on WP and once signed in they can navigate the site and change and check various things on their front-end user profile page. Now the problem comes in where I am using a 3rd party LMS platform running on a subdomain where I have courses my users can take (learn.mysite.com) - This platform at the default level requires users to sign up, and then via a shortcode placed on the WP user profile page it generates a login form. They then need to login to that platform from the main site and get redirected to the LMS platform. The problem is I DO NOT want my users to sign up again and have to 'login' a 2nd time, they should be able to 'login' by clicking a simple button on their profile page and get redirected (SSO) from WP to the application. i.e The application should realize the user exists in my WP databse and 'let them in'
Now, The 3rd party platform does offer SSO support for SAML 2.0 and LDAP. So how can I make this work with my WP site as I need it explained above?
In short What I need:
Users login to my WP site, with their WP login details, WITHOUT being automatically redirected to 3rd party platform. THEN, when they choose to start learning click a simple link/button (placed on their profile page for example) and get passed seamlessly (SSO) to the platform?
I hope this makes sense, and how can I achieve this?


Has anyone used Auth0 wordpress plugin to gate a page (or full site) vs the backend of wp?

I am attempting to use the Auth0 wordpress plugin to authenticate users from another app (that uses Auth0) into a wordpress knowledge base. I am running into issues configuring and can only seem to get it to protect the back end of Wordpress instead of the front end site.
ie. when a use clicks from our authenticated App (not wordpress) into the docs space (wordpress site on subdomain), we would like them to have to click through the SSO gate before loading the docs page.

Wordpress authentication for a custom page with access to plugin data

First, I am a Wordpress Noob. My company builds custom data dashboards. Our client wants to integrate our dashboard into Wordpress. They use plugins, mainly Gravity forms and WooCommerce, from which the dashboard needs to retrieve data.
The dashboard will be build as a custom page (HTML/JS/CSS) and we plan to served it as a Wordpress static item (like: https://qodeinteractive.com/magazine/add-custom-html-page-to-wordpress/).
Ideally, it would work like this:
the clients' user logs in into Wordpress.
Within the Wordpress environment the user can click a button to open our dashboard.
The dashboard fetches the data from Wordpress / a Wordpress API and displays it.
The complexity starts with the last step, how can we access the data from Wordpress/Gravity forms/WooCommerce. I would prefer it, if the user does not have to login separately into our dashboard, but that the credentials provided in Wordpress can be used.
There are API's available for Wordpress/Ggravity forms/WooCommerce, but I am unsure about the authentication part.
I found something about cookie authentication (https://developer.wordpress.org/rest-api/using-the-rest-api/authentication/#cookie-authentication), but I am not sure if this would work or how this works. The information is related to PHP, while we will be using HTML/JS.
Are there other options available?
I know it is a broad question, but I hope to get some pointers to how to deal with this.

Wordpress plugin for multi-user, multi-profile website

I want to create a upwork.com like website in Wordpress called geeksboston.com and I do NOT know what type of plugin/extension I should use. Basically my idea for the site is something like this:
I as administrator need to have full control over users/geeks accounts (enable, disable, delete, etc)
Everything should be free of charge for both "geek" and "user".
Automatic registration process with email validation and captcha.
If you are a "geek" you can create your profile entering your experience, resumes, certificates, etc.
Regular users are not required to register, but can navigate through out the website, look for/contact geeks, etc. But to contract/rate a geek, this user must be registered.
I am new in Wordpress but heard that it can do great stuff. So any clue?
I would like to suggest Ukuu people plugin and WP-CRM. The above two core plugin is for free and It also offers paid add-ons to integrate some features. Please refer the below link. Click here for more details.

Login to wordpress website using an existing google

I have a wordpress site.
currently I don't have any login/registration page/form in our website.
I need to create a login page where user can login using an existing google account. it should be the only way to login to our website. Please note, I'm not talking about login page to wordpress admin pages...I'm talking about login page for website.
1) user goes to my website
2) click login link
3) navigates to goole sign in page
4) sign in
5) back to the website , the user is logged in
Is there any WP plugin for such case.
TIA, Anna
Bear in mind that the login page for the WP admin pages is the default login screen for users as WP understands them. I don't know what you expect logged-in users to be able to do or see, but you'd have to manage that access at a different level if you're not using the WP users.
If you just want commenting but with Google logins (and others) I'd recommend Disqus.
You need to sign up with Google for this: https://developers.google.com/accounts/ There are several options there like using Google+ log-in, etc.
I haven't seen a wordpress plug-in for it, and even if there is, you'd probably have to register with Google somewhere in the above link because they need to give your specific website permission.
If you want to cut to the chase, look at this link which talks about installing the google button using HTML https://developers.google.com/+/web/signin/add-button

wordpress user registration/profile plugin

I am trying to make a wordpress site which will allow users to register by themselves and log into the site and have a profile. IS there such a plugin that will allow me to incorporate this into my site? I have looked around and being that I have very little experience with making sites/wordpress I have decided to ask some experts.
I know with wordpress you get a "blog" sort of site, but i'm hoping that if the plug-in i'm looking for exists then I can make my site to look different. The reason I am asking for each individual member to have their own "profile page/ private page" is because I want to be able to upload data to their specific pages and they should be able to see the data without seeing others'.
Thanks for any and all help you can provide me.
If I can't find a suitable solution, I will try to build a site with joomla, I had gone with wordpress because I had heard that it was easier to use.
Yeah, There is one plugin to do all these in wordpress. Plugin name: Profile Builder - front-end user registration, login and edit profile
plugin Link: http://wordpress.org/plugins/profile-builder/
Yeah, There is one plugin to do with all the things which you want. Plugin Name : "Theme My Login"
Plugin Features :
Your registration, log in, and password recovery pages will all match
the rest of your website
Includes a customizable widget to login anywhere from your blog
Redirect users upon log in and log out based upon their role
Show gravatar to users who are logged in.
Assign custom links to users who are logged in based on their role
Customize user emails for registration and/or password recovery
Send user emails in HTML format
Allow users to set their own password upon registration
Require users to be approved or confirm e-mail address upon
Theme user profiles
Please refer the following Location :
Theme My Login
