How to find out Total Space and Used space in One Drive Account (IOS Sdk)? - live-sdk

I am using OneDrive ios sdk in my app. I need to show the total space and used space in one of my screen. How can I use LiveConnectionClient api to fetch these details?

I found out the answer. Call this
[self.liveClient getWithPath:#"me/skydrive/quota" delegate:self userState:#"getQuota"];


Is it possible to specify the SIZE of image requests from

When utilising Firebase Storage to store imagery, for example, user avatars, is there a way that you can request a smaller, thumbnail sized serving of the image?
I have searched Google and documentation and I have been unable to come up with a result. Currently my app utilising Firebase Storage URLs experiences a minor delay prior to loading images due to the fact that it I am requesting large images to fill tiny avatars.
Is there a resource I am overlooking that specifies the available parameters for this URL? (of which token & alt are two I'm aware of).
Thank you for the assistance in advance.
Auto-resizing images upon read is not a feature of Firebase Storage. The typical solution is to create variants of the images during upload, for example through the Resize Images extension.

Flutter/Dart/Firebase - Reduce unnecessary data loading

I tried searching my specific problem but I could not find any suitable solution.
I would like to thank everybody in advance for your help.
I am currently developing an iOS app.
The App represents a user profile which can be updated by the user.
Everything from the authentication, registration and the possibility to update your user data works fine with the help of Firebase. Now I would like to optimize some code.
So the application has 2 Screens, HomeScreen and EditScreen.
(Besides the Screens needed for registration and login).
To keep my question short:
How can I reduce the amount of data which is loaded from firebase?
1. User is on the HomeScreen, to build the view his image loads from Firebase Storage
2. He wants to edit his Image and therefore switches to the Editscreen, where his image will be loaded again
3. After changing his image, the new image will be uploaded to Firebase Storage and he can see his new image on the Editscreen
4. If he now switches back to the HomeScreen his new image will be loaded again from Firebase
Is there a good way to reduce the amount of loading?
Like caching the image between step 1 and 2?
As there is always a little delay in displaying his image.
Sadly I am not allowed to share any code.
You can check out the flutter_advanced_networkimage package. It will cache your photo upon load. For everything else, you should just move your profile object (or whatever it is that calls for the firebase user's information) above those routes and pass it down through your widget tree through arguments or state management.

XAMARIN FORM : how to send message to specific number of watsapp

i have page in which i have image of watsapp icon. What i want is when i tap on that image it go to watsapp to specific number which will be our company number, so client can text us or send any image or file through watsapp
The easiest way would be through the custom URL scheme as described here:
Which basically tells you to open a URI like this: whatsapp://send?text=Hello%2C%20World!. You can simply open it by calling to the Device.OpenUri method of Xamarin.Forms. This should work cross-platform for iOS and Android.
If you want to share a photo immediately this isn't possible as far as I know. It is possible to someone that is in your recent chats, by the sharing API, but to my knowledge you can't send it to a random number. At least not for iOS, it might be different for Android.

Google API Vision with google cloud storage

I know it's possible to use Google API vision to find similar images on the web.
My goal is to find similar images based on my database of images.
I don't want similar images on the web.
Is it possible?
If yes, can you guide me with some links or some advices?
The Google Vision API web detection feature can be used only to return the contents of the image as they relate to the Google Knowledge Graph, as well as the image's relation to other pages and images on the web.
Based on this, it is not currently possible to use it by specifying your own database of images; However, I suggest you to use the Send Feedback button located at the lower left and upper right corners of the Detecting other features public documentation in order to notify to Google about this desired functionality.
You can upload your images to google cloud and do the job.
You have 2 choices: Google product search or AutoML. With product search you can compare an image with a set of images of products. You will find product form image.
You can also use AutoMl, upload some images and train them. You can predict images with AutoMl API in this case.

How to get a Google profile image with specific resolution on Android

There seems to be no direct way to query a users google profile image with a specific resolution on Android. The documented approach is here:
That approach provides an image URL which is of a low resolution (using: GoogleSignInAccount's getPhotoUrl() method).
The corresponding approach on iOS does have a way to get the profile image by specifying a resolution as mentioned here:
The workaround suggested in one of the stackoverflow posts is to do a string replacement in the retrieved URL to get a larger image. Link: Photo size in getPhotoUrl() method Google Identity toolkit
Is there a better way to get a higher resolution google profile image on Android for Google Sign-in?
