Long wait time before first byte is received - wordpress

I have a website (currently running at www.subspace.cz), which I spent some time on optimizing. There's still some tasks to be done, like image optimization, but that's not the problem I'm solving now.
The problem is, that it almost constantly takes 1.6 seconds before the page starts loading, ie. before the webserver starts responding to the request.
I am certain this is not due to the hosting, since another website is also running at www.subspace.cz/trekken and is running fast. I also tried running this website on localhost on my i5 PC and the delay here is constantly 1.2 seconds.
I also ran WP-Optimizer on the database
I also tried switching the theme to Twenty Twelve and deactivated all plugins. The difference in the waiting time is insignificant, about 150ms.
It seems to me like the WP core has to be doing something that needs to be completed before the server starts responding... but over 1 second? Does any of you have a hint on what could be causing this?
Note: The admin section of the website is also affected by this waiting time.

Test the performance of installed plugins with P3 (Plugin Performance Profiler) that measures their impact on your site's load time. Badly written plugins can vastly increase the server response time ( for example, i was unpleasantly surprised when I discovered that only one plugin, which is only used for galleries, consumed 500ms of server time on each request,
regardless of whether it was even necessary for that request ).

The delay is usually because of the time spent by server on executing the code and once the code is executed, it then responds with the relavant html/css. Wordpress uses hooks, which means that everytime wordpress starts executing the code, it also has to execute all the code hooked into it, mostly by plugins. As Danijel mentioned, P3 Profiler can be used to check the performance of plugins.
Some plugins like woocommerce and acf are really heavy but you cant live without them, what you can do for this kind of situation is to use a plugin called "Plugin Organizer". By using this plugin you can organize your plugins for special pages. This way woocommerce will only be activated on product, cart and checkout pages and wont effect the performance of rest of the website.


Webiste "Stalled" status

About two weeks ago I implemented a simple one-page website using WordPress and Elementor for a friend of mine.
The page was loading slowly due to a shared FTP, which hosted another website, so I assumed that after the page is migrated to a dedicated FTP, the loading problems will be gone.
Unfortunately, the issue remains - it's a simple website, yet it takes ages to load, and its not due to its weight, but the delay between the request is processed by the client's browser.
After looking up the Network tab in Chrome console I discovered that the page remains in "Stalled" status for almost 6 seconds before the request is passed over and the website begins to load.
Do you have any idea how to solve this issue? I was certain that Elementor bundles and minifies the final files before serving them over FTP and Chrome is not forced to exceed the TCP limit of 6 files downloaded at the same time, as described here ( Understanding Chrome network log "Stalled" state ). I'm a purely front-end dev and have no in-depth knowledge regarding the back-end, so I'm pretty stuck at this point and any help will be highly appreciated.
Check your database foreign keys or index

How to reduce the number of requests from Wordpress website

Actually I have done with the Wordpress website optimization through wp-optimize, Smush and wp-fastest-cache plugins and also optimizes images.
So my website speed reduced from 20+ seconds to 12-14 seconds almost.
But, I have checked with gtmetrix.com and pingdom tool, the number of requests from our website is still as it is (i.e. about 260+) and which is so harmful for SEO perspective.
I have to reduced those number of requests from our website and also increased speed from 14 seconds to 7 seconds.
So, what type of plugins or some custom activities I need to do for reducing number of requests from our website.
Please suggest.
Consider abandoning any use of plugins that perform these functions. Everything you are getting with compression plugins, is a simple job you can do yourself, lightening the processes and allowing Wordpress to be leaner and more secure.
As far as excessive requests are concerned, the same principle as stated above applies. The use of third-party plugins, involves a massive expenditure of useless resources and calls to scripts that are often redundant on all pages. The work to be done is to exclude all requests for various scripts in unnecessary pages.
Let's take a trivial example. By installing the Woocommerce plugin that everyone uses, they don't realize that the plugin in question preloads all the additional files it needs on each page and not on the pages that are strictly necessary. Like for example the js that allows the product gallery, it is also loaded into the homepage where it does not exist.
So be patient, check every additional request and exclude it if not necessary using the simple native Wordpress functions.
Forgive my bad English, but I hope I made myself understood.

Very Slow Wordpress Performance after moving to VPS?

We are struggling with the speed on our wordpress website. Have just moved to a VPS and this hasn't helped the speed at all.
Can anyone offer any recommendations on what needs to be done?
link to the website >> salon99.co.uk
You have some javascript errors, looks like not loading properly. How much ram your vps have, thats other issue might be. Avoid 404 on resources (images, css, js)
Check some tips from here
Provide more information on your setup.
Try install Google PageSpeed and test your site here
Running your site through Pingdom shows a 4 second time to first byte. This suggests you main issue is definitely server side. There's a couple of diagnosis plugins that you can install which will reveal which plugins may be slowing things down*, and which DB queries are expensive:
Query Monitor
Debug Bar
Once you've worked out where the slow downs are coming from, you'll be in a better position to solve them. You might find you have one query in particular that is especially slow.
* I've always found WooCommerce to be on the sluggish side, but them's the breaks.

Multiple instances of WordPress index.php running?

I seem to be dealing with DoS attacks or something and I'm not sure how to resolve this.
My server will start running slow, and when I look at the current processes running I see something like this...
Each of those is chewing up 4% of the CPU, and they keep piling on, and the CPU usage actually keeps growing.
Sometimes they will all go away again and things will run smoothly again after a few moments, but other times it ends up killing the server response and I have to restart the service.
I'm on the latest version of WordPress with only a few plugins installed like Google Analytics, WordPress SEO, Gravity Forms, WooCommerce, etc. Nothing that should be giving me any problems. All plugins are up-to-date.
My hosting company isn't being much help trying to figure out why this is happening. They just keep saying it's a WP problem.
Any information on how I can resolve this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

How Do I Rollout WP-Cache To 1000 WordPress Blogs?

My client has 1000 WordPress blogs hosted on a server for customers. Each one is in its own domain through cpanel and SuPHP, running in CGI mode on Apache2.2. Now he wants me (I'm the PHP programmer) to get WP-Cache loaded out on each of these blogs and not just activated, but enabled. He also wants the timeout value set to 2 days instead of the default setting.
I have root on LAMP.
What is the preferred way to roll out an update to each blog such that on a page view, it sees if WP-Cache is enabled or not. If not, it needs to copy it out from a central source, activate it, and then enable it along with the different timeout value being used.
A way, maybe not the best way, is to write a script to copy the wp-cache plugin to every wp-content/pulugins folder. Then run another script that will go and modify every DB entry for it enabling it.
If not done correctly this can be devastating as it hits customer db's.
However, one thing to note is wp-cache has a history of killing other plugins. So, if you go in and add this plugin to everyone's wordpress it might hurt there experience if it hurts another plugin they have installed thus increasing support costs as people might be emailing trying to figure out what broke.
I take it this is being done to work on performance issues. Is it possible to maybe do some type of server caching outside of wordpress?
edit: after reading Joes comment I concur with him. Didn't even cross my mind.
