Webiste "Stalled" status - wordpress

About two weeks ago I implemented a simple one-page website using WordPress and Elementor for a friend of mine.
The page was loading slowly due to a shared FTP, which hosted another website, so I assumed that after the page is migrated to a dedicated FTP, the loading problems will be gone.
Unfortunately, the issue remains - it's a simple website, yet it takes ages to load, and its not due to its weight, but the delay between the request is processed by the client's browser.
After looking up the Network tab in Chrome console I discovered that the page remains in "Stalled" status for almost 6 seconds before the request is passed over and the website begins to load.
Do you have any idea how to solve this issue? I was certain that Elementor bundles and minifies the final files before serving them over FTP and Chrome is not forced to exceed the TCP limit of 6 files downloaded at the same time, as described here ( Understanding Chrome network log "Stalled" state ). I'm a purely front-end dev and have no in-depth knowledge regarding the back-end, so I'm pretty stuck at this point and any help will be highly appreciated.

Check your database foreign keys or index


Vercel Really Slow Server Response of Assets

I built a website with the help of Next.js. The website contains images and videos. The videos are autoplayed which means they are fetched immediately. The website has been deployed on Vercel. I experience big issues with the loading times of all assets not only the videos:
Chrome Dev Tools showing loading times of assets
It seems like the assets are served one after another and since some of the videos are quite big ~10Mb other resources are blocked for quite a while.
Is it normal that Vercel does only serve one asset at a time? I thought that multiple videos or images could be served simultaneously.
Also, I am wondering why it does take so long in the first place. My internet connection is roughly 100Mbit/s and I do not experience any issues on other websites I have deployed to Vercel. Just this one is incredibly slow and has issues serving the assets.
Does anyone know what's happening?
I already thought the problem was that there were too many and too big videos on the website which is why I reduced the size of each video and added a lazy loading functionality to the videos so they are just loaded when needed. However, this didn't solve the issue.

How do I update my website cached version on Google cachedview?

I am developing a website and I faced an issue today on my site, I will try to briefly explain the scenario hoping anyone could give a proper explanation for it.
My website is a WordPress website and I have the coming soon page activated so users will be redirected to it.
Two days ago I turned that plugin off by mistake and users were able to see my page. Today I turned it back on, and that's where the issue arises.
In full web (desktop) the coming soon page is visible and working fine, but when I hit the responsive view on my chrome browser the page is still available and the welcome page is not. In the sources tab, I can see the hosted directory being loaded so I went to the hosted directory (public_html) and I hid the folder that contains all the assets (renamed it to .foldername).
I hit refresh still loads the old page when I hit ctrl+shift+r I get the new version. On Firefox the scenario isn't reproducible it just happens on responsive view on Google Chrome browser.
Can anybody explain to me what's happening I assume it has something to do with Google caching my webpage and never updating it. But if like to hear a more professional explanation Thanks.
Have you tried clearing your Cache in Google Chrome? Also, Have you enqueued any Scripts or Styles in your functions.php file? If so, increase their version number. This will force the browser to download the Scripts and/or Styles again rather than loading any Cached copies.
Hope this helps to resolve your problem(s).

WordPress cache on the backend side

I have the same problem on different WordPress based websites.
I developed some of them, while others are made by someone else.
They don't have that much in common: completely different websites, different themes/plugins and so on.
Recently in these websites, I've been experiencing this problem: WordPress is caching the backend in a really tough way and, after saving any edits, I have to force a refresh with ctrl+f5 to actually see the edits I made before.
After some digging I can assure that:
it doesn't seem to depend on the webserver (same problem on nginx and on apache)
it doesn't depend on varnish or wp caching plugins (it happens also on website without any cache solutions)
it happens just in some new wp releases, I'm not experiencing this problem on older websites
it doesn't depend on my pc/browser configuration because my colleagues are experiencing the exact same problem on their pc
Anyone who had the same problem and was able to find a solution?
EDIT: It actually happened also on a fresh WordPress installation. Once I created a page, I went back to the page list by clicking on the menu item and I couldn't see the page in the list. After forcing a page refresh the newly created page was there as it was supposed to be before.

Issue in viewing site in browsers when using WP Super Cache along WP Mobilizer

For one of my sites, i use WP Super Cache along with WP Mobilizer to serve the mobile theme for mobile/smartphone visitors.
What is happening, from time to time, the desktop version shows the mobile site and mobile site shows the desktop version.
This is frustrating when a mobile visitor is unable to see a mobile optimized theme.
For the record, W3 Total Cache does not work on my box and i switched over to Super Cache after my dedicated server crashed on a default install of total cache. Even before it could be configured, load spiked so much that the server kept running out of memory.
back to the issue, i posted a support ticket on both the plugins #wordpress, but not a single response. I emailed the authors offering to pay them for their time but still nothing.
Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.
Does the site work after removing the Super Cache plugin? I guess the issue is when a visitor on same IP visits your website from different devices the previous version of the site is loaded. I suggest not to use WP Super Cache as it is outdated and many problems are reported after updating WP, you should move to some other cache plugin like http://wordpress.org/plugins/quick-cache/

Wordpress Running slowly

My wordpress site has suddenly started to run stupidly slowly and the only thing that has changed is the header of the site. I placed in a new photo slider and just moved the twitter feed. So i thought it would have something to do with this but the speed of the site is still slow when i disabled them both.
Which makes me think that it is a problem with wordpress or that i've taken something out of the header that i wasnt meant to.
link to the site: www.finderskeepersuk.com
Any help would be brilliant
According to the Network tab on Chrome's inspector & Pingdom, the majority of your loading time is waiting for your server to respond. Could just be extra latency from accessing a UK host from the US, or your server might be overloaded with a zillion other sites.
Try tinkering around with the W3 Total Cache plugin, but if that doesn't help you might need to call your host, upgrade to a better server, or change hosts.
Also: You're loading jquery twice.
