I'm trying to change the axes in my NMDS plot to zoom into where my sites are plotted. I assume that the space chosen in a product of the species points which I do not have plotted. I have tried adding xlim to my code to no avail and was wondering if I have it in the wrong place or if another action is needed. Below is a copy of my code.
#NMDS on pooled abundance with NA's omitted
NMDS_HPA<-metaMDS(HP_Abundance_omit[,-1],k=2, trymax=1000)
plot(NMDS_HPA, type="n", display="sites", xlim=c(-1.5,1.5))
with(descriptors, levels(T))
colorvec<-c("seagreen4", "tan4", "mediumblue")
plot(NMDS_HPA, type="n", xlim=c(-1.5,1.5))
title(main="NMDS using Abundance with Bray-Curtis", sub="Habitats Pooled")
ordihull(NMDS_HPA, groups=treat, draw="polygon", col="grey90", label=F)
with(descriptors, points(NMDS_HPA, display="sites", col=colorvec[T], pch=21, bg=colorvec[T]))
with(descriptors, legend("topright", legend=levels(T), bty="n", col=colorvec, pch=21, pt.bg=colorvec))
If you don't set the ylim too, then vegan has no choice but to show more (or less) of the x-axis than you want because the scaling of the axis must be retained; a unit change along one axis must match the same unit change along the other. Otherwise, how would you know how to represent Euclidean distances (easily) on the figure? As those Euclidean distances are supposed to reflect the rank ordering of the original dissimilarities, maintaining the aspect ratio or relative scaling of the axes to one another is important.
You can see this in action just by using your mouse to rescale the size of the device window on screen. R replots the figure using different axis limits all the time in order to maintain an aspect ratio of 1.
Consider this reproducible example:
sol <- metaMDS(dune)
Choosing a section in both the x and y axes works as expected
## zoom in on the section (-0.5,0.5)(-0.5,0.5)
plot(sol, xlim = c(-0.5, 0.5), ylim = c(-0.5,0.5))
If you want to retain the full y-axis but only show say the middle 50% of the x axis then you have to plot on a device whose width is ~ 50% that of the height (approximately because R's default is to use different sized margins on the top/bottom left/right margins.)
png("~/mds-zoom2.png", height = 700, width = 350, res = 100, pointsize = 16)
plot(sol, xlim = c(-0.5, 0.5))
which produces
This is almost right. You could solve the problem exactly by setting the margins equal around the plot using par(mar = rep(4, 4) + 0.1) and then work out the ratio of the range of the scores on the x and y axes (get the scores(sol) and compute the range() on both columns then compute the ratio of the two ranges), then use that to give you the desired height of the plot for the width you want to state.
If you just plotted the points rather than the NMDS object than xlim works just fine
plot(NMDS_HPA$points, xlim=c(-1.5,1.5))
I try to figure out how big the radii of the points in my plot in x and y direction are going to be, with their size being set by cex.
I want to create a plotting function which needs this information.
It appears to me as if cex would be this magical parameter and nobody actually knows what exactly it is going to do.
I am creating a plot with the png function.
I set a graph width and height.
I set par(mar) and par(oma).
I plot an empty plot with an xlim and ylim being set, and add an additional xaxs = "i" and yaxs = "i".
Then I add points.
So, my question: How can I deduce from my graph width and height (set in pixels or inches?), my mar and oma settings (what is their unit???) and my xlims and ylims what the extent of e.g. a point with cex = 2 is going to be?
I am very new in using the power of R to create graphical output.
I use the forest()-function in the metafor-package to create Forest plots of my meta-analyses. I generate several plots using a loop and then save them via png().
for (i in 1:ncol(df)-2)){
dat <- escalc(measure="COR", ri=ri, ni=ni, data=df) # Calcultes Effect Size
res_re <- rma.uni(yi, vi, data=dat, method="DL", slab=paste(author)) # Output of meta-analysis
png(filename=path, width=8.27, height=11.69, units ="in", res = 210)
forest(res_re, showweight = T, addfit= T, cex = .9)
text(-1.6, 18, "Author(s) (Year)", pos=4)
text( 1.6, 18, "Correlation [95% CI]", pos=2)
This works great if the size of the plot is equal. However, each iteration of the loop integrates a different number of studies in the forest plot. Thus, the text-elements are not on the right place and the forest-plot with many studies looks a bit strange. I have two questions:
How can I align the "Author(s) (Year)" and "Correlation [95%CI]" automatically to the changing size of the forest-plot such that the headings are above the upper line of the forest-table?
How can I scale the size of the forest plot such that the width and the size of the text-elements is the same for all plots and for each additional study just a new line will be added (changing height)?
Each forest-plot should look like this:
Here is what you will have to do to get this to work:
I would fix xlim across plots, so that there is a fixed place to place the "Author(s) (Year)" and "Correlation [95%CI]" headings. After you have generated a forest plot, take a look at par()$usr[1:2]. Use these values as a starting point to adjust xlim so that it is appropriate for all your plots. Then use those two values for the two calls to text().
There are k rows in each plot. The headings should go two rows above that. So, use text(<first xlim value>, res_re$k+2, "Author(s) (Year)", pos=4) and text(<second xlim value>, res_re$k+2, "Correlation [95% CI]", pos=2)
Set cex in text() to the same value you specified in your call to forest().
The last part is tricky. You have fixed cex, so the size of the text-elements should be the same across plots. But if there are more studies, then the k rows get crammed into less space, so they become less separated. If I understand you correctly, you want to keep the spacing between rows equal across plots by adjusting the actual height of the plot. Essentially, this will require making height in the call to png() a function of k. For each extra study, an additional amount needs to be added to height so that the row spacing stays constant, so something along the lines of height=<some factor> + res_re$k * <some factor>. But the increase in height as a function of k may also be non-linear. Getting this right would take a lot of try and error. There may be a clever way of determining this programmatically (digging into ?par and maybe ?strheight).
So make it easier for others to chime in, the last part of your question comes down to this: How do I have to adjust the height value of a plotting device, so that the absolute spacing between the rows in plot(1:10) and plot(1:20) stays equal? This is an interesting question in itself, so I am going to post this as a separate question.
ad 4.: In Wolfgangs question (Constant Absolute Spacing of Row in R Plots) you will find how to make plot-height depending on the amount of rows in it.
For forest() it would work a little different, since this function internally modifies the par("mar")-values.
However, if you set margins to zero, you only need to include the attribute yaxs="i" in your forest()-function, so that the y-axis will be segmented for the range of the data and nothing else. The device than needs to be configured to have the height (length(ma$yi)+4.5)*fact*res with fact as inches/line (see below) and res as pixels/inch (resolution).
The 4.5 depends if you have left addfit=T and intercept=T in your meta-analysis model (in that case forest() internally sets ylim <- c(-1.5, k + 3)). Otherwise you'd have to use 2.5 (than it would be ylim <- c(0.5, k + 3)).
If you feel like using margins you would do the following (I edited the following part, after I recognized some mistake):
res <- 'your desired resolution' # pixels per inch
fact <- par("mai")[1]/par("mar")[1] # calculate inches per line
### this following part is copied from inside the forest()-function.
# forest() modifies the margin internally in the same way.
par.mar <- par("mar")
par.mar.adj <- par.mar - c(0, 3, 1, 1)
par.mar.adj[par.mar.adj < 0] <- 0
ylim <- c(-1.5, length(ma$yi)+3) # see above
ylim.abs <- abs(ylim[1])+abs(ylim[2])-length(ma$yi) # calculate absolute distance of ylim-argument
pixel.bottom <- (par.mar.adj[1])*fact*res # calculate pixels to add to bottom and top based on the margin that is internally used by forest().
pixel.top <- (par.mar.adj[3])*fact*res
width='something meaningful',
height=((length(ma$yi)+ylim.abs)*fact*res) + pixel.bottom + pixel.top,
par(mar=par.mar) # make sure that inside the new device the margins you want to define are actually used.
forest(res_re, showweight = T, addfit= T, cex = .9, yaxs="i")
Lets say I want to have a plot and lose the box in R. But still I would need a scale bar so one can understand the scaling. I didn't find a solution.
plot(1,1, type="n", xlim=c(0,5), ylim=c(0,5))
When I use the scalebar function from the raster package, the scaling is not right:
The added scalebar is too short to represent 1 in the x axis.
I tried to find something else, but most scalebar functions are related to maps.
So what I want is something like this:
plot(1,1, type="n", xlim=c(0,5), ylim=c(0,5)
, yaxt="n",
xaxt="n", frame.plot=F, ann=F
# adding a blank plot without the axes
#adding some simple function
lines(x=x, y=y)
#defining where the scale bar should appear
lines(x=c(4,5), y=c(5,5))
#placing the text right under the line
text(x=4.5, y=5, pos=1, label="1 km")
Is there an easier way to do something like this?
There might be a function that does what you want, but you can also create your own function that will hopefully serve well enough. See below for one possibility. You can of course adjust the function settings to get the positioning you want. In particular, I've included yadj as an argument to the function, with a default value of 1.5. You can change this if the scalebar label isn't positioned properly under the scale line.
If the x-axis spans a larger range than the values used below, you'll want to adjust the x-coordinates of the scale line so that it spans 10, 100, etc. x-units, as the case may be. If you want to get fancy, you can have the function itself determine how many x-units to span, based on the x-range of the plot and then use the magnitude of that span in the units label.
# Function to add a scalebar to a base-graphics plot
myScalebar = function(units_label, yadj=1.5) {
# Get plot coordinates
pc = par("usr")
# Position scale line between last two major x-axis tick marks
# and 1/10th of the total y-range above the lower y-axis coordinate
rep(pc[3] + 0.1*(pc[4] - pc[3]), 2))
# Place the units label at the midpoint of and just below the scale line
text(x=mean(c(floor(pc[2]-1), floor(pc[2]))),
y=pc[3] + 0.1*(pc[4] - pc[3]),
label=units_label, adj=c(0.5, yadj))
# Now redo your plot
# Start with blank plot
plot(1,1, type="n", xlim=c(0,5), ylim=c(0,5),
yaxt="n", xaxt="n", frame.plot=F, ann=F)
# Add a simple function
lines(x=x, y=y)
# Add scalebar
myScalebar("1 km")
I usually use this sort of function that allows for lots of flexibility across plots. I have expanded the variables names to help with debugging. Please note: this is designed to work with raster converted to utms only (don't use geographic projections).
ScaleBar <- function(reference_raster_utm, round_to_nearest_km, width_percent, y_percent_from_bottom, x_percent_from_left, y_text_percent_from_bottom, ...) {
# Round by max to nearest... e.g. 5 km
mround <- function(x,base){
# scale bar size adjustment to avoid decimals
scale_size <- ((xmax(reference_raster_utm)-xmin(reference_raster_utm))*width_percent)/1000
scale_size_adj <- mround(scale_size, round_to_nearest_km)
scale_size_adj_plot <- (scale_size_adj*1000)/2
# Horizontal percent position (x) for scale bar
x_position <- ((xmax(reference_raster_utm)-xmin(reference_raster_utm))*x_percent_from_left)+xmin(reference_raster_utm)
# Vertical percent position y for scale bar
y_position <- ((ymax(reference_raster_utm)-ymin(reference_raster_utm))*y_percent_from_bottom)+ymin(reference_raster_utm)
y_position_text <- ((ymax(reference_raster_utm)-ymin(reference_raster_utm))*y_text_percent_from_bottom)+ymin(reference_raster_utm)
# Draw line on plot
x_ends <- c((x_position-scale_size_adj_plot), (x_position+scale_size_adj_plot))
y_ends <- c((y_position), (y_position))
scale_bar_line <- SpatialLines(list(Lines(Line(cbind(x_ends, y_ends)), ID="length")))
projection(scale_bar_line) <- projection(reference_raster_utm)
plot(scale_bar_line, add=TRUE, ...)
text(x_position, y_position_text, paste0(scale_size_adj, "km"))
reference_raster_utm: One of your personal raster files to source extent/projection from.
round_to_nearest_km: round to nearest kilometre e.g. max out on 2km, 5km ect.
width_percent: percent of plot width that the scale bar should cover (e.g. big 50% small 10%).
y_percent_from_bottom: vertical position from bottom. 0% at bottom, 100% at top, 50% in the middle.
x_percent_from_left: horizontal position from left. 0% at left, 100% at right, 50% in the middle.
y_text_percent_from_bottom: same as y_percent_from_bottom but for text.
ScaleBar(reference_raster_utm=my_raster, round_to_nearest_km=5, width_percent=0.25, y_percent_from_bottom=0.10, x_percent_from_left=0.50, y_text_percent_from_bottom=0.07, lwd=2)
I'm trying to figure out a way to calculate the height of a legend for a plot prior to setting the margins of the plot. I intend to place the legend below the plot below the x-axis labels and title.
As it is part of a function which plots a range of things the legend can grow and shrink in size to cater for 2 items, up to 15 or more, so I need to figure out how I can do this dynamically rather that hard-coding. So, in the end I need to dynamically set the margin and some other bits and pieces.
The key challenge is to figure out the height of the legend to feed into par(mar) prior to drawing the plot, but after dissecting the base codes for legend however, it seems impossible to get a solid estimate of the height value unless the plot is actually drawn (chicken and egg anyone?)
Here's what I've tried already:
get a height using the legend$rect$h output from the base legend function (which seems to give a height value which is incorrect unless the plot is actually drawn)
calculate the number of rows in the legend (easy) and multiply this by the line height (in order to do this, seems you'd need to translate into inches (the base legend code uses yinch and I've also tried grconvertY but neither of those work unless a plot has been drawn).
Another challenge is to work out the correct y value for placement of the legend - I figure that once I've solved the first challenge, the second will be easy.
After a day of sweating over how this is (not) working. I have a couple of insights and a couple of questions. For the sake of clarity, this is what my function essentially does:
step 1) set the margins
step 2) create the barplot on the left axis
step 3) re-set the usr coordinates - this is necessary to ensure alignment of the right axis otherwise it plots against the x-axis scale. Not good when they are markedly different.
step 4) create the right axis
step 5) create a series of line charts on the right axis
step 6) do some labelling of the two axes and the x-axis
step 7) add in the legend
Here are the questions
Q1) What units are things reported in? I'm interested in margin lines and coordinates (user-coordinates), inches is self explanatory. - I can do some conversions using grconvertY() but I'm not sure what I'm looking at and what I should be converting to - the documentation isn't so great.
Q2) I need to set the margin in step 1 so that there is enough room at the bottom of the chart for the legend. I think I'm getting that right, however I need to set the legend after the right axis and line charts are set, which means that the user coordinates (and the pixel value of an inch, has changed. Because of Q1 above I'm not sure how to translate one system to the other. Any ideas in this regard would be appreciated.
After another day of sweating over this here's what solved it mostly for me.
I pulled apart the code for the core legend function and compiled this:
#calculate legend buffer
cin <- par("cin")
Cex <- par("cex")
yc <- Cex * cin[2L] #cin(inches) * maginfication
yextra <- 0
ymax <- yc * max(1, strheight("Example", units = "inches", cex = Cex)/yc)
ychar <- yextra + ymax #coordinates
legendHeight <- (legendLines * ychar) + yc # in
Which is essentially mimicking the way the core function calculates legend height but returns the height in inches rather than in user coordinates. legendLines is the number of lines in the legend.
After that, it's a doddle to work out how to place the legend, and to set the lower margin correctly. I'm using:
#calculate inches per margin line
To calculate the number of inches per margin line, and the following to set the buffers (for the axis labels and title, and the bottom of the chart), and the margin of the plot.
#set buffers
bottomBuffer = 1
#calculate legend buffer
legBuffer <- legendHeight/inchesPerMarLine
#start the new plot
# set margin
bottomMargin <- buffer + legBuffer + bottomBuffer
The plot is made
barplot(data, width=1, col=barCol, names.arg=names, ylab="", las=1 ,axes=F, ylim=c(0,maxL), axis.lty=1)
And then the legend is placed. I've used a different method to extract the legend width which does have some challenges when there is a legend with 1 point, however, it works ok for now. Putting the legend into a variable allows you to access the width of the box like l$rect$w. trace=TRUE and plot=FALSE stop the legend being written to the plot just yet.
ycoord <- -1*(yinch(inchesPerMarLine*buffer)*1.8)
l<-legend(x=par("usr")[1], y=ycoord, inset=c(0,-0.25), legendText, fill=legendColour, horiz=FALSE, bty = "n", ncol=3, trace=TRUE,plot=FALSE)
lx <- mean(par("usr")[1:2]-(l$rect$w/2))
legend(x=lx, y=ycoord, legendText, fill=legendColour, horiz=FALSE, bty = "n", ncol=3)
For completeness, this is how I calculate the number of lines in the legend. Note - the number of columns in the legend is 3. labelSeries is the list of legend labels.
legendLines <- ceiling(nrow(labelSeries)/3)
I'm trying to create a scatter plot + linear regression line in R 3.0.3. I originally tried to create it with the following simple call to plot:
plot(hops$average.temperature, hops$percent.alpha.acids)
This created this first plot:
As you can see, the scales of the Y and X axes differ. I tried fixing this using the asp parameter, as follows:
plot(hops$average.temperature, hops$percent.alpha.acids, asp=1, xaxp=c(13,18,5))
This produced this second plot:
Unfortunately, setting asp to 1 appears to have compressed the X axis while using the same amount of space, leaving large areas of unused whitespace on either side of the data. I tried using xlim to constrain the size of the X-axis, but asp seemed to overrule it as it didn't have any effect on the plot.
plot(hops$average.temperature, hops$percent.alpha.acids, xlim=c(13,18), asp=1, xaxp=c(13,18,5))
Any suggestions as to how I could get the axes to be on the same scale without creating large amounts of whitespace?
One solution would be to use par parameter pty and set it to "s". See ?par:
A character specifying the type of plot region to be used; "s"
generates a square plotting region and "m" generates the maximal
plotting region.
It forces the plot to be square (thus conteracting the side effect of asp).
hops <- data.frame(a=runif(100,13,18),b=runif(100,2,6))
I agree with plannapus that the issue is with your plotting area. You can also fix this within the device size itself by ensuring that you plot to a square region. The example below opens a plotting device with square dimension; then the margins are also set to maintain these proportions:
n <- 20
x <- runif(n, 13, 18)
y <- runif(n, 2, 6)
png("plot.png", width=5, height=5, units="in", res=200)
plot(x, y, asp=1)