Core Plugin in QtCreator5? - qt

Im a beginner at Qt, and i write a program that need Core::ActionManager.
Now in QtCreator that i downloaded (5.3.2 Version), there is no Core plugin, just a QtCore that hasn't ActionManager.
I searched everywhere but i couldn't find how install & use Core.
Can someone please tell me how i have to install it?!
Thank you a lot and sorry for my poor english.

As cmannett85 said, Core::ActionManager is part of Qt Creator's own API. It is only relevant when you want to modify Qt Creator itself. It is not relevant if you want to develop an application using the Qt libraries.


Development of Qt app using MSVC source code

Is there anyway that we an use visual studios source code into Qt source code? to develop a application on image processing.
i had a program on visual studio but i don't understand how to use that code in Qt 5.
can anyone please tell me how can we use it
Thank you in advance
actually, it depends how is your project.
if you previous project is C++ and design good. UI just a present layer, it should not be heavy work.
but if your image processing logic are strong related to MFC, you might spend lots of time on your migration.

Connect Qt with VS project

I have a c++ console project with all the models, and program logic.
I would like to create an interface that will enable user interaction.
Is there an easy way to import all my classes and code to be used in the Qt project? Or should I download the Qt plugin for VS?
I am targeting Qt 5.2, and VS 2012.
Maybe my question isn't to clear. I'd rather leave the console project alone, and just use the models and logic.
Is there an easy way to import all my classes and code to be used in the Qt project? Or should I download the Qt plugin for VS?
I believe, the plugin would make your life somewhat simpler. Please note that they do not work with the free express edition though, so if you can only use that, it is not your piece of cake.
You can download the Qt 4 add-in from here, and the Qt 5 add-in from here.
You can leave the console project as is, and you can link against the common functionality in your Qt frontend by selecting the desired library path and name of your library covering the models and the business logic.

how to get teechart activex on Qt

I am currently working on a project where TeeChart Pro ActiveX 2012 is used with Visual C++ and MFC.Now i want to move my project to cross platform language Qt.I have searched a lot on Qt forums but didn't get a proper sample code to display Teechart in Qt.I shall be highly thankful if someone could give me a sample code or proper workaround to solve my problem.
I'm sorry but we don't have any QT example. You can use ActiveX controls in QT but only Windows, not for X-platform applications. This might be your problem. Have you managed to use other ActiveX controls? All TeeChart options in QT were discussed here.

How to integrate ITK into Qt project?

I have been struggling to integrate ITKinto Qt project. I had Googled but i did not find anything helpful. I am trying to integrate it as it is Opencv. But I ended up with failure, can anyone tell me the correct process. Great thank if any proper references are provided.
There is no reason to actually compile ITK INSIDE of Qt. You should just use both of those projects (ITK and Qt) from your client project separately.

Guidance required for code generation tool

I am interested to write a GUI based tool which would generate code in return. Something similar to VB GUI interface or Xcode's Interface Builder. I am going to use QT tookkit which is cross platform.
Can you help me to point out some resources which could be helpful to make such tools?
Qt creator comes with an integrated UI Designer. The designer can be used stand alone or integrated into Visual Studio as well.
