How to integrate ITK into Qt project? - qt

I have been struggling to integrate ITKinto Qt project. I had Googled but i did not find anything helpful. I am trying to integrate it as it is Opencv. But I ended up with failure, can anyone tell me the correct process. Great thank if any proper references are provided.

There is no reason to actually compile ITK INSIDE of Qt. You should just use both of those projects (ITK and Qt) from your client project separately.


Development of Qt app using MSVC source code

Is there anyway that we an use visual studios source code into Qt source code? to develop a application on image processing.
i had a program on visual studio but i don't understand how to use that code in Qt 5.
can anyone please tell me how can we use it
Thank you in advance
actually, it depends how is your project.
if you previous project is C++ and design good. UI just a present layer, it should not be heavy work.
but if your image processing logic are strong related to MFC, you might spend lots of time on your migration.

Core Plugin in QtCreator5?

Im a beginner at Qt, and i write a program that need Core::ActionManager.
Now in QtCreator that i downloaded (5.3.2 Version), there is no Core plugin, just a QtCore that hasn't ActionManager.
I searched everywhere but i couldn't find how install & use Core.
Can someone please tell me how i have to install it?!
Thank you a lot and sorry for my poor english.
As cmannett85 said, Core::ActionManager is part of Qt Creator's own API. It is only relevant when you want to modify Qt Creator itself. It is not relevant if you want to develop an application using the Qt libraries.

Need help in learning Qt for Nokia phones

I'm trying to learn how to program qt. I know c++ very well, and have been able to do the standard hellow world program. I cannot find any books or documention on qt. I did find a tutriol,at but the project would not compile, said it could not find include file #include .
Does anubofy know of a book or anything that will tell you how to program the qt frame work?
There is a comprehensive list of books over at Qt Developer Network.
And the documentation for Qt is quite good, with several tutorials as a great place to start.
The link you are directing to above is referring to an old version of Qt, I would guess. The page at least seems to be dated back to 2004. Qt has gone a long way since then, especially when it comes to tools.
Using Qt Creator is probably the best way to start working with Qt applications, as it handles most of the setup needed to get started with a Qt project without having to resort too often to the command line (unless that is how you prefer to do it, of course.)
For Nokia phones you should check out the QML framework for any GUI you're making. Qt Creator has a simple designer for QML and you'll probably find some good help in the QML Getting Started tutorial.
It is easily connected to anything you make in C++, but gives you more ease and freedom in making user interfaces. But if you prefer to do everything in C++, all the things you can do in QML can be done using only C++ end as well.
The book C++ GUI Programming with Qt 4 is the definitive guide to programming Qt, I think. But you can also learn much from the Qt documentation itself, if you know where to start. The Qt documentation is really good and extensive, a perfect reference. And as Qt is also very intuitive, the doc can also help you find new functionality (If you have an idea, how some feature could be realized in Qt, it is often realized just that way).

Qt oscilloscope example

I was told there is a qt oscilloscope example available online, not sure if it's by Qt QDevelop or someone else. Can someone give me a link to this project? I need this to test something I am working on in Qt. I need to generate some data, specifically a sine wave to do some testing with an application I am developing. but it's not based on Qt, though.
Sounds like a Qwt - Qt Widgets for Technical Applications

How do I use Qt and Scons together?

I'm looking to use SCons as my prefered method of building my mainly Qt based applications. I'm just learning SCons and I'm struggling to find documentation or tutorials on the topic. Can anyone point me in the right direction please?
This is a start but is there anything better out there?
(I work mainly on Windows)
Kind Regards,
We are using Qt4 and SCons together on Windows simply because we need SCons excellent customization possibilities. The Qt4 tools have proved themselves to be complete enough for our needs, although we do not use all facets of the Qt4 toolkit. The manual is on the Qt4 tools web page
Try here and here.
I would suggest you though to try cmake instead. It has much better documentation and is being used by KDE.
