simple example for the creation of a custom directory namer - symfony

I have read the main idea of how Create a custom directory namer on github. But, I did not manage to know how to start. So, I am wondering if there is simple example for it.
Thank you very much.

You can find a sample DirectoryNamer here:


Is it possible to make read-only comments in a R Script?

I am working on a project which requires me to give the user a list of do/dont's which shouldn't be edited.
So is it possible to make read-only comments.
Any help would be appreciated thanks!!!
(Note: its not a rshiny script)
This is not possible. R scripts are regular files, all parts of them are editable.
Maybe you should use a read only repository and put your code there?
How to make a git repository read-only?
I never had to use sections of the code with read only access, and I am not sure if we can make this kind of thing.

unit testing in Typo3. What is the procedure to do it?

I have one question. In any custom extension folder, there is another folder called Tests.
My question is, how can I utilise it inorder to do unit test of each public function of controller and Repository?
What is the procedure to do it?
Can anyone help me?
If you want to start writing Unit Test for TYPO3 you should take a look at the official site from TYPO3 (
Or read the handout from Oliver Klee ( for an easy entry with his tea example (

Can I do data visualization with Drupal?

Basically i want it to import data from a SQL database and Display it as graphs. Having said that i also want it to be dynamic,responsive as in the users should have filtering options. Any leads would be definitely helpful.
Please note that i am just a beginner with drupal.
Yes, But I recommend you to work on your own framework. Or even you can use some data visualization framework
Maybe this one is useful for you if you want to do it on your own:
Why do you need Drupal for that?
I would make some PHP script which would read SQL and generate image out of that data, by using GD or ImageMagic lib. I guess you know that PHP can shoot out image file header and dynamically generate image, on fly. That PHP script could also read filter parameters to have influence on generated image.

Does Spring-Roo provide sort function for finders?

I'm using Spring-roo to build my project, it's a very great tool. But when I want to sort the entities on GUI, I cannot find a sort support in generated finders. I don't want to modify these auto-generated files, so I ask here anyone knows how to add sort function in finders or in some other ways? Thanks
There are some options for sorting in the comments for spring roo jira issue: ROO-158. You can find the link here

How to programmatically add new nodequeue?

I'm writing an install file for a custom module, that needs to create some new nodequeues. But a drupal and google search are so far turning up empty. Anyone know how to do this?
Drupal 6
The closet thing you come to a API function to save nodes is nodequeue_save, but all you really need to do, is to insert some data to the {nodequeue_queue} table. You can do it yourself with SQL or use the function, but the result will be the same.
You should remember to add the nodequeue module as a dependency in your module's info file and check if it's installed before running your stuff in hook_install.
Some API documentation might help you on the road?
