How to programmatically add new nodequeue? - drupal

I'm writing an install file for a custom module, that needs to create some new nodequeues. But a drupal and google search are so far turning up empty. Anyone know how to do this?
Drupal 6

The closet thing you come to a API function to save nodes is nodequeue_save, but all you really need to do, is to insert some data to the {nodequeue_queue} table. You can do it yourself with SQL or use the function, but the result will be the same.
You should remember to add the nodequeue module as a dependency in your module's info file and check if it's installed before running your stuff in hook_install.

Some API documentation might help you on the road?


Can I do data visualization with Drupal?

Basically i want it to import data from a SQL database and Display it as graphs. Having said that i also want it to be dynamic,responsive as in the users should have filtering options. Any leads would be definitely helpful.
Please note that i am just a beginner with drupal.
Yes, But I recommend you to work on your own framework. Or even you can use some data visualization framework
Maybe this one is useful for you if you want to do it on your own:
Why do you need Drupal for that?
I would make some PHP script which would read SQL and generate image out of that data, by using GD or ImageMagic lib. I guess you know that PHP can shoot out image file header and dynamically generate image, on fly. That PHP script could also read filter parameters to have influence on generated image.

Possible to search through all JSPs in Adobe CQ5 repository with CRXDE?

We have a couple of relatively simple websites running on Adobe CQ 5.5 that were developed by a third party. I'm pretty familiar with how CQ works, but I'm working with somebody else's code here and I need to be able to search through all components in the system for a particular string.
The issue is that I can't seem to find a way to search across all of the various .jsp files stored with the various system components. I would have figured that the query tool in CRXDE Lite would have done the trick with something like this:
/jcr:root//*[jcr:contains(., 'Find this exact string in a JSP')] order by #jcr:score
But I've had no luck.
What I am looking for is some sort of global search that includes JSP files. Is that possible? Were I using a regular Java system, any IDE worth the download would be able to do this.
Might not be easiest way, but you can use the VLT tool to checkout the repository into your filesystem. Then you can lookup using whatever tool you prefer. It might even be faster in the long run
I don't have the actual answer but I suppose the JSPs are indexed via a filter that strips out some of their content.
It should be possible to configure the repository to index them as is instead, based on the info at and
Sorry about the vagueness of this answer - I know the basic principles but to provide the details I would need more time than I can afford now ;-)

Frama-C: access to the cil/src/ext modules data and few others questions as well

first of all, i will explain what i would like to do here : given a C big programm, i would like to output a list of producers/consumers for a data and a list of calling/called-by functions of the function where this data is.
for doing this, i am thinking about using what computes some modules of frama-c, like or in my own plugin.
however, as i read the plugin developper doc, i can't manage to see how we can have access to the data of those modules.
is a "open.cyl_type" sufficient here in my own plugin?
moreover, here are my other questions :
i tried using by the way pdg plugin for my purposes but when i call it and it says "pdg graph computed", how can i access it?
is there any more documented thing about "impact" plugin than the official webpage, in depth, how it works fondamentally? (i have to say that i'm in like a pre-project phase, and that i installed frama-c with the apt-get on ubuntu and that i did not get an impact plugin working (i'll see by compiling the sources))
by the way, do you think i'm using the right method to get to my purposes?
Your question is quite unclear, and this answer is thus very generic. As mentioned in the developer documentation, there are two main classes of plugins: static plugins, compiled with the kernel and whose API is exposed in a module (usually of the same name of the plugin) in Db. Dynamic plugins, such as Semantic_callgraph register dynamically their entry points through the Dynamic module.
If you do make doc in Frama-C sources (I'm not sure that there is a corresponding package in Ubuntu) you can access documentation for the Db module in FRAMAC_SOURCE_DIR/doc/code/html/Db.html and the list of functions registered by dynamic plugins in FRAMAC_SOURCE_DIR/doc/code/dynamic_plugins/Dynamic_plugins.html.
I think that, following Virgile's advice, you should get the source code anyway because you will most of the time need to browse the code to find what you are looking for. Beside, you can have a look at the hello_word plug-in (in src/dummy/hello_world) to have an example of a very simple plug-in. You can also find some examples on my web site at to find out how to have access to some information in the AST.

Does Spring-Roo provide sort function for finders?

I'm using Spring-roo to build my project, it's a very great tool. But when I want to sort the entities on GUI, I cannot find a sort support in generated finders. I don't want to modify these auto-generated files, so I ask here anyone knows how to add sort function in finders or in some other ways? Thanks
There are some options for sorting in the comments for spring roo jira issue: ROO-158. You can find the link here

Custom URL aliases in Drupal 6

I have several pages in my drupal website that produce custom query strings. The query string values and aliases I want to use are referenced from a MYSQL database.
I've seen examples for this in Drupal 5 using the custom_url_rewrite function but not in 6... can somebody provide me with an example of how to do this?
It's not clear to me exactly what it is you want to do, but the function you reference, has been divided into two functions in Drupal 6: custom_url_rewrite_outbound() and custom_url_rewrite_inbound().
I don't hope you will use the url run queries against your database, that can quickly become a gaping security hole.
The path module is part of core and does what I think you want, with a little coding. You may also find PathAuto will help you.
