Switch Property in Google Analytics to another Account, possible? - google-analytics

My Google Analytics has an Account with multiple Properties (websites). Is it possible to switch a Property to another Account? So I can add users that don't have access to the other Properties in the Account. See: https://www.dropbox.com/s/u1hekbfljpob687/Schermafdruk%202014-10-14%2009.48.56.png?dl=0

UPDATED ANSWER: Google enabled moving between accounts in September 2016, (tip by smocking):
Ownership Transfers
Many customers may have had a third party (eg. an
agency) create a property for their website inside the third party’s
Analytics account. This effectively housed the property into an
account that someone else owns & controls. With property moving, it’s
now possible to move such a property outside of its original account
and into a new one so that the property owner can have full control of
their property.
In the Google Analytics>Accounts and Views (Profiles) help
section, you will find:
You cannot migrate historical data from one account to another. Thus, if you set up an account for a web property and then later want to move tracking to a separate account, you cannot currently migrate the data from the old account to the new account.
In other words, no, you cannot move a property from one account to

We just launched the ability to move properties between Analytics accounts today.

With Google Analytics you can assign specific roles to different users to access specific accounts, properties and views, and also you can assign them a view/analyse permission only or an edit permission also.
Every account, property and view has a user management at the admin section, IMAGE


How to change owner of site on Google Analytics?

How to change owner of site on Google Analyics?
My site was maintained before by some company (Company A) that created site, targets in Google Analytics. But now my site maintain another company (Company B) that havent access to Google Analytics.
Can I transfer site, data, targets from old account GA to new account (Company B)? I havent access to old account (bcs owner is another company (Company A), I dont collaborate with them).
You will need to gain access to the old account and follow the account transfer process: https://support.google.com/google-ads/answer/44500?hl=en
If you don't have access or can't gain access, the best you can do is create a new account with this property and add the new code to your website, thus losing your past data.
The process to move a Google Analytics property is a bit clunky, but pretty slick once you've had to do it a few times.
A user will need Admin access to the Google Analytics ACCOUNT where the Property is currently, AND Admin access to another Google Analytics Account (create a new one if you need to) where you want to move the Analytics Property to.
Once you have Admin access to both, head in to the Property Settings and click, "move account".
On completion, you can update the access rights to your Google Account, removing access as necessary.
Your Analytics Property will be complete with all of the historic data, configuration and user access rights.
There's a video showing the process here too: https://youtu.be/m_F3qmSTIl0

How to find ownership of a Google Calendar

Some time ago, I created a Google Calendar at calendar.google.com using Chrome Browser, and made it public. This was a calendar in addition to the default calendar provided with every Google identity - let's call it calendarX. I then sync'd calendarX with my Thunderbird (Lightning) client, and am still using it today with Thunderbird, to create & view events.
I now need to know the address of calendarX, so that I can share the link with others. So I logged into calendar.google.com with (what I thought were) the credentials of the calendar owner - but calendarX is missing, no reference to it at all.
So maybe I used some other Google identity to create the calendar?
The only clue I have is the calendar properties in Thunderbird (Lightning). It shows:
Doesn't MYEMAIL#MYDOMAIN imply the ownership of calendarX? That's the Google identity I have checked, and calendarX does NOT appear when I log into calendar.google.com with that identity. The default calendar is there, but not calendarX.
So maybe it's owned by some other identity? How can I find out?
Or how can I find the address of calendarX?
Google Calendars can be found by simply logging in your CORRECT email address which was used to create it. There's no tricky process in that. Just make sure it's your email address and not a service account that was used.
As an Admin of the GSuite system, you can add any calendar to your own account. If you can find the calendar ID from a user who has access to the calendar by going into the calendar settings is the way I did it, you can just add the calendar to your account using the calendar ID URL, once it is in your account as a super admin you can see who created the calendar and you can change who has access and the rights. Very simple but not documented anywhere I could find.

Giving a user access to a google analytics property

Is it possible to give a user access to a certain property without access to the rest of website in google analytics. For example we have a property for a domain and its subdomain. We want to give a user access to subdomain.website.com property and not website.com. How would you do that in google analytics?
Yes, that is possible (provided the user has a valid Google Account). It is such a common use case that it is basically used as an example in the documentation of the Google Analytics Management API (except the example connects the user to a data view (profile), so if you want to give access to a property you'd have to use propertyUserLinks instead of profileUserLinks).

How to remove properties from Google Analytics, but not delete data for other users?

My Google Analytics account contains 4 Properties. 3 of the properties are websites I do not own. They belong to another user.
How can I remove the 3 properties from my account, without deleting the data for the other user?
You can ask the other user to remove permissions to their account.

How to remove a website from Google Analytics

I have access to a website's analytics from a former employer. The website is an internal tool that is not available in a public kinda way. I would like to delete this website/profile from my analytics account. I've searched through the documentation for analytics but it seems like it's a little out of date. Does anyone have the low-down on how to do this?
Thanks Everyone
If you want to "delete" the profile only for your account, ask to the profile's Administrator to delete you from the users list.
Google now has a method for removing an account (web site) from your administration list WITHOUT deleting the GA account that other users may be relying on.
From the GA Admin screen, select the account you wish to remove. In the first column (Account) select USER MANAGEMENT -> Remove myself from this account.
