How to remove a website from Google Analytics - google-analytics

I have access to a website's analytics from a former employer. The website is an internal tool that is not available in a public kinda way. I would like to delete this website/profile from my analytics account. I've searched through the documentation for analytics but it seems like it's a little out of date. Does anyone have the low-down on how to do this?
Thanks Everyone

If you want to "delete" the profile only for your account, ask to the profile's Administrator to delete you from the users list.

Google now has a method for removing an account (web site) from your administration list WITHOUT deleting the GA account that other users may be relying on.
From the GA Admin screen, select the account you wish to remove. In the first column (Account) select USER MANAGEMENT -> Remove myself from this account.


Retrieve the list of events from Google Calendar API of a domain with super administrator Google G suite account

Using Google Calendar API:
I succeed to retrieve the list of events from a single google account.
However, I can't do that within a domain (for example that have many users accounts even using a super administrator Google Suite account.
Could you please tell me what I missed ?.
Big Thanks.
You should refer to that thread

How to change owner of site on Google Analytics?

How to change owner of site on Google Analyics?
My site was maintained before by some company (Company A) that created site, targets in Google Analytics. But now my site maintain another company (Company B) that havent access to Google Analytics.
Can I transfer site, data, targets from old account GA to new account (Company B)? I havent access to old account (bcs owner is another company (Company A), I dont collaborate with them).
You will need to gain access to the old account and follow the account transfer process:
If you don't have access or can't gain access, the best you can do is create a new account with this property and add the new code to your website, thus losing your past data.
The process to move a Google Analytics property is a bit clunky, but pretty slick once you've had to do it a few times.
A user will need Admin access to the Google Analytics ACCOUNT where the Property is currently, AND Admin access to another Google Analytics Account (create a new one if you need to) where you want to move the Analytics Property to.
Once you have Admin access to both, head in to the Property Settings and click, "move account".
On completion, you can update the access rights to your Google Account, removing access as necessary.
Your Analytics Property will be complete with all of the historic data, configuration and user access rights.
There's a video showing the process here too:

Google Analytics: updating multiple accounts

I have account that has 100 accounts, I've added a Google Service account (I can't use anything else because of 3rd party app limitation) and now I need to allow it to access all of these accounts. Seems there's no way at Google Analytics UI to do that and I will have to manually edit 100 accounts.
Is there any better way to do it? Maybe something like AdWords Editor just for Analytics?
If you have a Google User Account that has access to all the Google Analytics Accounts (which is how I interpret your first sentence) you can bulk edit them via the Google Analytics Management API, and that includes adding users that might or might not be service accounts. A reasonable easy way would be to use a Google Spreadsheet and some Google Apps Script. The script will run as the user that is currently logged in to Google and will be able to access all Analytics account that user has access to.
However you need to have necessary permissions to edit the GA accounts, so if you do not already have an authorized account you will (unsurprisingly) not be able to add one

Google Analytics - Account name lost

Good afternoon,
I just started with a new company and need to remodel our website. Within the Code their is a tracking ID for Google Analytics, but unfortunately nobody can remember what the account names are. Is there any way that I could use my tracking ID, which includes my Account number according to my research, to get to my account name?
Thank you very much to everybody who is putting in some effort to help me.
You can use the Google Analytics Account Explorer to search for all accounts you have access to.
If you have access to this account, you'll be able to find the account name by searching with the tracking ID. If nothing shows up, find someone you know has access and have them search.

Google analytic lost account

I have taken over a .net site.
when I view the source I see it has the Google analytic code.
ga('create', 'UA-51570230-1'...
But to access this you need to login to your gmail account, but am not sure what it is.
is there any other way to get the Google analytic information?
The only way to get access to the Google Analytics account is to have the owner of the account 'UA-51570230-1' give you access. There is also no way to find out who or what email address owns the account 'UA-51570230-1'.
Unfortunately the only thing you can do really is to either track down the owner of the account or start over creating a new account and changing the code on the site.
