Hosting website with database -

I have created one website (project) with the help of Microsoft Visual Studio 2010. The database of the respective project is designed with the help of Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 2008. Now I want to publish the website on the internet. Can somebody please guide me in this?
Thanks in advance.

You need a Windows hosting provider (a provider that uses windows servers) that supports all the technologies you used (MVC maybe?)
Remove all debugging code (if any) from your application and modify the web.config as needed
upload the whole project folder (without the .sln file) to the server and try to run the website
if you run into an error, ask a good question on stackoverflow :-)
Please note: StackOverflow is not a tutorial site and is only for specific questions like "What and where are the stack and heap?" not "How to write a hello world application in C#". While I am answering this question, please avoid asking such broad questions in the future.

Consider trying azure.
You get more control over what you do and its really simple to publish
Azure hosts its own database so you just move your tables into it.. there are a ton of guides on how to start this


Debugging Dot Net Website as Domain Normal User

We are developing website, API and MVC project using Visual Studio. Currently the system we're using are using local administrator account. We are now mapping it to the domain user (normal user). However, certain features are not supported by Visual Studio when we do things like this... importantly..
Debugging applications that a run under a different user account,
such as ASP.NET websites.
Deploying a web application to Internet Information Services (IIS) on a local computer.
Check MSDN Doc here
Note that deploying to IIS is not an issue for us, however the we're unable to debug the application and that is real deal breaker here!
I would like to know how to do debugging for websites when using domain mapped normal user.
I know this is not a programming related question. However, seems like most of dot net programmers are affected with this and I don't know where to ask for help, so posting it here. (Suggest if any other site is suitable for this!)
Thank you for your help in advance.
The simple answer, as mentioned in that MSDN document and this SO question, is that you can't.
It might be possible to do it through roundabout ways, such as changing the credentials that the IIS worker, application pool, and related processes run as, but even if it were possible, it wouldn't be supported, and most likely wouldn't be worth the effort. Here are two very old articles that deal with the topic:
It may be more feasible if you're able to run your application in an OWIN (Wikipedia) container running in an alternate (to IIS) host.

How to host a .NET website in the server

How do I host a ASP.NET website on a server? I have created a website using Visual Studio 2010 as a frontend and sqlserver 2008 as a backend. What are the steps I should take for hosting the website on a server? Do I have to buy any licenses for .NET or SQLServer? If so, how much will this cost?
I use Arvixe ( for all my web hosting needs. They are great, cheap, and offer .NET support. Their administration panel is absolutely easy to use (creating databases, etc.).
Go to, sign up with one of their ASP.NET plans. They will email you FTP information on how to upload your file content, as well as information on how to log into your admin panel to create the database you need. If you need any help with this process, they have a 24/7 live chat feature and they can help you immediately.
There are numerous ways to host an ASP.Net site on the internet. You will have to research the various methods turned up by searching to see what is best for you.
You can always host it from your own computer with Microsoft's Internet Information Services. This is a solution if you are doing this as a simple project. You'll have to activate/install IIS by checking it off under "Add/Remove Windows Components".
But to be honest, I would take Carmine's suggestion and start up an Arvixe account. You can pay $8/month and have up to 6 websites at any given time. I use it constantly for demonstrating web projects for my company. The only problem I have with them is, as I mentioned in my comment to Carmine's question, their service is sometimes completely down. Today was a great example, I was doing some local work on my site, but of course many of my files and all of my databases are accessed via Arvixe's servers. They were offline for at least an hour and I had to start working on something else until they were back up.

advice on working on remote applications

I'm a (relatively new) developer using with VB.NET. Currently all my applications are developed on my PC and then are built and moved onto the web server. I'm going to be working remotely for 3 months in which time I'll be connecting to the company network via VPN. What is the best way to access my projects? I need to have the projects stored on the company network so that others can access them too. So simply copying the projects to my laptop, working on them, then copying them back won't suffice. I tried to just open the projects off of the network share but am getting application trust problems.
I'm just wondering what other developers do in this situation?
You will need some kind of source control solution, probably best if it was web based. Something like git which is very popular maybe useful for you.
WinMerge is pretty simple to use.

db4o on shared hosting with MVC

I'm wanting to use DB4o on an MVC project i'm working on but wondering if anyone
has got this working on shared hosting plan, have contacted discountasp and asked them and they said go to the forum
as they were not sure if they supported it or not or any configuration that would be needed.
but the forum wont let my post on because its all filtered to only show comments they like the look of?
anyone had any joy with this with another host and one that runs MVC as it should be run?
much appreciated
I'm not familiar with the framework, but it seems that you can just place the DLL in the bin folder and you should be set. I've done tons of projects with MVC and the same method of placing the DLL in the bin folder and worked without issues. The host I use is ReliableSite...they're cheap and don't charge $10/mo for a SQL Server database like DiscountASP does.

ASP.NET and Oracle

I have found this web site really helpful since everybody helps here with the best answers. Now, i need a suggestion. I hope you would help me as before.
I need to develop an ASP.NET application with oracle database. Database server is physically separated from the application server. Now my question is which technology is preferable for this task? I mean ASP.NET MVC or General ASP or something... How do i use database technology?
I have studied ASP.NET MVC and found it difficult since it is in the primitive stage and i am not a professional programmer to make the best use of it. So please help me to proceed.
Thank you all.
Please see Connecting to an Oracle Database Using ASP.NET—A Step-by-Step Tutorial:
There are numerous articles on .NET
and ASP.NET. However, recently I had
to develop an ASP.NET application
connecting to an Oracle database and,
to make everything work together, I
had to solve several problems. This
article will show you the step-by-step
process to develop an ASP.NET client
connecting to an Oracle database
Oracle has released it's own implementation of an ADO.NET Data Provider.
There are plenty of resources there, including some tutorials which should hopefully get you started.
