ASP.NET and Oracle -

I have found this web site really helpful since everybody helps here with the best answers. Now, i need a suggestion. I hope you would help me as before.
I need to develop an ASP.NET application with oracle database. Database server is physically separated from the application server. Now my question is which technology is preferable for this task? I mean ASP.NET MVC or General ASP or something... How do i use database technology?
I have studied ASP.NET MVC and found it difficult since it is in the primitive stage and i am not a professional programmer to make the best use of it. So please help me to proceed.
Thank you all.

Please see Connecting to an Oracle Database Using ASP.NET—A Step-by-Step Tutorial:
There are numerous articles on .NET
and ASP.NET. However, recently I had
to develop an ASP.NET application
connecting to an Oracle database and,
to make everything work together, I
had to solve several problems. This
article will show you the step-by-step
process to develop an ASP.NET client
connecting to an Oracle database

Oracle has released it's own implementation of an ADO.NET Data Provider.
There are plenty of resources there, including some tutorials which should hopefully get you started.


How can I view IBM Watson Assistant conversation logs in my application?

I understand that there is an API... but how do I implement it? I have a working node.js application but now I have to bring it over to I think working from scratch on my web app is the best option now but I do not know how to start.
I agree that knowing the exact issues you run into will help us give a better answer, but to get you started here is the .net sdk
and the standard api reference with examples

Hosting website with database

I have created one website (project) with the help of Microsoft Visual Studio 2010. The database of the respective project is designed with the help of Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 2008. Now I want to publish the website on the internet. Can somebody please guide me in this?
Thanks in advance.
You need a Windows hosting provider (a provider that uses windows servers) that supports all the technologies you used (MVC maybe?)
Remove all debugging code (if any) from your application and modify the web.config as needed
upload the whole project folder (without the .sln file) to the server and try to run the website
if you run into an error, ask a good question on stackoverflow :-)
Please note: StackOverflow is not a tutorial site and is only for specific questions like "What and where are the stack and heap?" not "How to write a hello world application in C#". While I am answering this question, please avoid asking such broad questions in the future.
Consider trying azure.
You get more control over what you do and its really simple to publish
Azure hosts its own database so you just move your tables into it.. there are a ton of guides on how to start this

ASP.NET 3.5 Stateless Session Managment and connection pooling?

I am designing an ASP.NET (3.5) web application that connects to a Rocket Software UniVerse database. I am in the planning stages right now and need some help in being pointed in the right direction. I am brand new to ASP and C#.
I am shooting for a RESTful design and a MVC pattern. Rocket provides a .NET library called UniObjects.NET which handles everything for connecting and retrieving information from the database.
What would be the best way to in general to log my users into the database, then use that session via connection pooling? I see that in 3.5 there is the ASP.NET Routing Infrastructure and that looks promising am I in the right direction on this?
Also does C# support decorators like Python and Java?
For your application I highly recommend taking a look at the official ASP.NET MVC framework ( The traditional ASP.NET (which is called WebForms) is clunky when it comes to true separation of concerns, dependency injection, unit testing etc. A very good starting point is:
Free End-to-End tutorial EBook "NerdDinner" - walks you through a complete application with ASP.NET MVC
As for connecting to a database: If your Database has an ADO.NET Provider you should learn the basics of accessing data via ADO.NET (
It is also recommended to use some kind of OR Mapper like NHibernate or Microsoft Entity Framework for converting relational data to the object-oriented world.
As this is a very broad topic, please feel free to follow up with any questions you might have. I suggest starting with the NerdDinner Tutorial.

db4o on shared hosting with MVC

I'm wanting to use DB4o on an MVC project i'm working on but wondering if anyone
has got this working on shared hosting plan, have contacted discountasp and asked them and they said go to the forum
as they were not sure if they supported it or not or any configuration that would be needed.
but the forum wont let my post on because its all filtered to only show comments they like the look of?
anyone had any joy with this with another host and one that runs MVC as it should be run?
much appreciated
I'm not familiar with the framework, but it seems that you can just place the DLL in the bin folder and you should be set. I've done tons of projects with MVC and the same method of placing the DLL in the bin folder and worked without issues. The host I use is ReliableSite...they're cheap and don't charge $10/mo for a SQL Server database like DiscountASP does.

What are web services in and how can we use them

I am new to and just started my first project. I heard about web services in Can anyone tell me about how can they benefit me in my websites and applications and can it be run on window applications as well.
The recommended way to write web services in .NET is using the Windows Communication Foundation (WCF). There are many tutorials online that will get you started. Here's one on MSDN.
Darin Dimitrov has given you the correct answer. I'll just add that this is a perfect example of the fact that you must be careful about things you read about, or find in Internet searches. There's plenty of bad information along with the good information - plenty of old information along with the current information.
You can find a lot of great information on ASMX web services (sometimes known as "ASP.NET Web Services"), and almost none of that information will tell you that you should not use ASMX web services. Most of that information was written when ASMX web services were the current web service technology, so it will naturally not tell you that it stopped being current three years ago.
