Asymmetric density plot of outcomes of 2 dices rolled - r

I posted following question on but did not get any response.
This question is related to: A histogram with a bar for each frequency value
Two dice are rolled and the sum is plotted. The histogram is as expected but density graph shows different densities of 2 and 12 and the plot is assymetric. Why is this so?
Amongst the outcomes of 2 dice rolled, the chances of 2 are equal to that of 12. Why is it that the density graph is of unequal values?
num.dices <- 2L
num.rolls <- 100000L
outcomes <- matrix(sample(1:6, num.dices * num.rolls, replace = TRUE),
nrow = num.rolls, ncol = num.dices)
sums <- rowSums(outcomes)
ggplot(data.frame(sums), aes(x=factor(sums)))+geom_histogram()
Density plot:
ggplot(data.frame(sums), aes(x=factor(sums), fill=factor(sums)))+geom_density()
I also tried:
ggplot(data.frame(sums), aes(x=factor(sums), fill=factor(sums)))+geom_density(aes(y = ..count..))

It seems to me, that you are doing 11 different kernel-estimations with 11 diff. bandwitdths, instead do:
ggplot(data.frame(sums), aes(x=sums, fill=2))+geom_density()
or you could add group=1 if you insist to do it with the extra arguments:
ggplot(data.frame(sums), aes(x=sums, fill=factor(sums)))+geom_density(aes(group=1))


R - ggplot2 - Get histogram of difference between two groups

Let's say I have a histogram with two overlapping groups. Here's a possible command from ggplot2 and a pretend output graph.
ggplot2(data, aes(x=Variable1, fill=BinaryVariable)) + geom_histogram(position="identity")
So what I have is the frequency or count of each event. What I'd like to do instead is to get the difference between the two events in each bin. Is this possible? How?
For example, if we do RED minus BLUE:
Value at x=2 would be ~ -10
Value at x=4 would be ~ 40 - 200 = -160
Value at x=6 would be ~ 190 - 25 = 155
Value at x=8 would be ~ 10
I'd prefer to do this using ggplot2, but another way would be fine. My dataframe is set up with items like this toy example (dimensions are actually 25000 rows x 30 columns) EDITED: Here is example data to work with GIST Example
ID Variable1 BinaryVariable
1 50 T
2 55 T
3 51 N
.. .. ..
1000 1001 T
1001 1944 T
1002 1042 N
As you can see from my example, I'm interested in a histogram to plot Variable1 (a continuous variable) separately for each BinaryVariable (T or N). But what I really want is the difference between their frequencies.
So, in order to do this we need to make sure that the "bins" we use for the histograms are the same for both levels of your indicator variable. Here's a somewhat naive solution (in base R):
df = data.frame(y = c(rnorm(50), rnorm(50, mean = 1)),
x = rep(c(0,1), each = 50))
#full hist
fullhist = hist(df$y, breaks = 20) #specify more breaks than probably necessary
#create histograms for 0 & 1 using breaks from full histogram
zerohist = with(subset(df, x == 0), hist(y, breaks = fullhist$breaks))
oneshist = with(subset(df, x == 1), hist(y, breaks = fullhist$breaks))
#combine the hists
combhist = fullhist
combhist$counts = zerohist$counts - oneshist$counts
So we specify how many breaks should be used (based on values from the histogram on the full data), and then we compute the differences in the counts at each of those breaks.
PS It might be helpful to examine what the non-graphical output of hist() is.
Here's a solution that uses ggplot as requested.
The key idea is to use ggplot_build to get the rectangles computed by stat_histogram. From that you can compute the differences in each bin and then create a new plot using geom_rect.
setup and create a mock dataset with lognormal data
k1 <- exp(rnorm(n1,8,0.7))
k2 <- exp(rnorm(n2,10,1))
df <- data.table(k=c(k1,k2),label=c(rep('k1',n1),rep('k2',n2)))
Create the first plot
p <- ggplot(df, aes(x=k,group=label,color=label)) + geom_histogram(bins=40) + scale_x_log10()
Get the rectangles using ggplot_build
p_data <-$data[1])[,.(count,xmin,xmax,group)]
p1_data <- p_data[group==1]
p2_data <- p_data[group==2]
Join on the x-coordinates to compute the differences. Note that the y-values aren't the counts, but the y-coordinates of the first plot.
newplot_data <- merge(p1_data, p2_data, by=c('xmin','xmax'), suffixes = c('.p1','.p2'))
newplot_data <- newplot_data[,diff:=count.p1 - count.p2]
setnames(newplot_data, old=c('y.p1','y.p2'), new=c('k1','k2'))
df2 <- melt(newplot_data,id.vars =c('xmin','xmax'),measure.vars=c('k1','diff','k2'))
make the final plot
ggplot(df2, aes(xmin=xmin,xmax=xmax,ymax=value,ymin=0,group=variable,color=variable)) + geom_rect()
Of course the scales and legends still need to be fixed, but that's a different topic.

How to make categorical scatterplot in R with median marking

My data are set up so that one column contains a continuous value testosterone concentration and the second column contains one of four "Kit type" values being "EIA," "RIA," "Other," or "All." I wanted to make the kit types into categories along the x axis with testosterone concentration along the y. I can't seem to figure out how to make sort of a cross between a boxplot and a scatterplot, but with only the individual data points and a median marking for each category marked on the graph?
This seemed to get me the data points into catagories alright, but the summarySE function does not have a median: Categorical scatter plot with mean segments using ggplot2 in R
Without data, I'm only guessing here, but ...
## create some data
n <- 100
dat <- data.frame(Testo=rbeta(n, 2, 5),
Kit=sample(c('EIA', 'RIA', 'Other', 'All'), size = n, replace = TRUE))
## show unequal distribution of points, no problem
## All EIA Other RIA
## 23 30 14 33
## break into individual levels
dat2 <- lapply(levels(dat$Kit), function(lvl) dat$Testo[ dat$Kit == lvl ])
names(dat2) <- levels(dat$Kit)
## parent plot
boxplot(dat2, main = 'Testosterone Levels per Kit')
## adding individual points
for (lvl in seq_along(dat2)) {
points(jitter(rep(lvl, length(dat2[[lvl]]))), dat2[[lvl]],
pch = 16, col = '#88888888')

How to convert a bar histogram into a line histogram in R

I've seen many examples of a density plot but the density plot's y-axis is the probability. What I am looking for a is a line plot (like a density plot) but the y-axis should contain counts (like a histogram).
I can do this in excel where I manually make the bins and the frequencies and make a bar histogram and then I can change the chart type to a line - but can't find anything similar in R.
I've checked out both base and ggplot2; yet can't seem to find an answer. I understand that histograms are meant to be bars but I think representing them as a continuous line makes more visual sense.
Using default R graphics (i.e. without installing ggplot) you can do the following, which might also make what the density function does a bit clearer:
# Generate some data
# Get the density estimate
# Plot y-values scaled by number of observations against x values
plot(dens$x,length(data)*dens$y,type="l",xlab="Value",ylab="Count estimate")
This is an old question, but I thought it might be helpful to post a solution that specifically addresses your question.
In ggplot2, you can plot a histogram and display the count with bars using:
ggplot(data) +
You can also plot a histogram and display the count with lines using a frequency polygon:
ggplot(data) +
For more info --
ggplot2 reference
To adapt the example on the ?stat_density help page:
m <- ggplot(movies, aes(x = rating))
# Standard density plot.
m + geom_density()
# Density plot with y-axis scaled to counts.
m + geom_density(aes(y = ..count..))
Although this is old, I thought the following might be useful.
Let's say you have a data set of 10,000 points, and you believe they belong to a certain distribution, and you would like to plot the histogram of the actual data and the line of the probability density of the ideal distribution on top of it.
noise <- 2
# the noise is tagged onto the end using runif
# just do demo issues w/real data and fitting
# the subtraction causes the data to have some
# negative values, which must be addressed in
# the fit later on
noisylognorm <- rlnorm(10000,
mean = 0.25,
sd = 1) +
(noise * runif(10000) - noise / 10)
# using package fitdistrplus
# subset is used to remove the negative values
# as the lognormal distribution needs positive only
fitlnorm <- fitdist(subset(noisylognorm,
noisylognorm > 0),
fitlnorm_density <- density(rlnorm(10000,
mean = fitlnorm$estimate[1],
sd = fitlnorm$estimate[2]))
noisylognorm < 25),
breaks = seq(-1, 25, 0.5),
col = "lightblue",
xlim = c(0, 25),
xlab = "value",
ylab = "frequency",
main = paste0("Log Normal Distribution\n",
"noise = ", noise))
10000 * fitlnorm_density$y * 0.5,
col = "red")
Note the * 0.5 in the lines function. As far as I can tell, this is necessary to account for the width of the hist() bars.
There is a very simple and fast way for count data.
First let's generate some dummy count data: = rpois(n = 10000, lambda = 3)
And then the plotting command (assuming you have called library(magrittr)): %>% table %>% plot

How to measure area between 2 distribution curves in R / ggplot2

The specific example is that imagine x is some continuous variable between 0 and 10 and that the red line is distribution of "goods" and the blue is "bads", I'd like to see if there is value in incorporating this variable into checking for 'goodness' but I'd like to first quantify the amount of stuff in the areas where the blue > red
Because this is a distribution chart, the scales look the same, but in reality there is 98 times more good in my sample which complicates things, since it's not actually just measuring the area under the curve, but rather measuring the bad sample where it's distribution is along lines where it's greater than the red.
I've been working to learn R, but am not even sure how to approach this one, any help appreciated.
sample data: <- a few million rows of that, essentially.
the graph is created with
graph <- qplot(sample_x, bad_is_1, data=sample_data, geom="density", color=bid_is_1)
The only way I can think of to do this is to calculate the area between the curve using simple trapezoids. First we manually compute the densities
d0 <- density(sample$sample_x[sample$bad_is_1==0])
d1 <- density(sample$sample_x[sample$bad_is_1==1])
Now we create functions that will interpolate between our observed density points
f0 <- approxfun(d0$x, d0$y)
f1 <- approxfun(d1$x, d1$y)
Next we find the x range of the overlap of the densities
ovrng <- c(max(min(d0$x), min(d1$x)), min(max(d0$x), max(d1$x)))
and divide that into 500 sections
i <- seq(min(ovrng), max(ovrng), length.out=500)
Now we calculate the distance between the density curves
h <- f0(i)-f1(i)
and using the formula for the area of a trapezoid we add up the area for the regions where d1>d0
area<-sum( (h[-1]+h[-length(h)]) /2 *diff(i) *(h[-1]>=0+0))
# [1] 0.1957627
We can plot the region using
plot(d0, main="d0=black, d1=green")
lines(d1, col="green")
jj<-which(h>0 & seq_along(h) %% 5==0); j<-i[jj];
segments(j, f1(j), j, f1(j)+h[jj])
Here's a way to shade the area between two density plots and calculate the magnitude of that area.
# Create some fake data
dat = data.frame(x=c(rnorm(1000, 0, 5), rnorm(2000, 0, 1)),
group=c(rep("Bad", 1000), rep("Good", 2000)))
# Plot densities
# Use y=..count.. to get counts on the vertical axis
p1 = ggplot(dat) +
geom_density(aes(x=x, y=..count.., colour=group), lwd=1)
Some extra calculations to shade the area between the two density plots
(adapted from this SO question):
pp1 = ggplot_build(p1)
# Create a new data frame with densities for the two groups ("Bad" and "Good")
dat2 = data.frame(x = pp1$data[[1]]$x[pp1$data[[1]]$group==1],
# We want ymax and ymin to differ only when the density of "Good"
# is greater than the density of "Bad"
dat2$ymax[dat2$ymax < dat2$ymin] = dat2$ymin[dat2$ymax < dat2$ymin]
# Shade the area between "Good" and "Bad"
p1a = p1 +
geom_ribbon(data=dat2, aes(x=x, ymin=ymin, ymax=ymax), fill='yellow', alpha=0.5)
Here are the two plots:
To get the area (number of values) in specific ranges of Good and Bad, use the density function on each group (or you can continue to work with the data pulled from ggplot as above, but this way you get more direct control over how the density distribution is generated):
## Calculate densities for Bad and Good.
# Use same number of points and same x-range for each group, so that the density
# values will line up. Use a higher value for n to get a finer x-grid for the density
# values. Use a power of 2 for n, because the density function rounds up to the nearest
# power of 2 anyway.
bad = density(dat$x[dat$group=="Bad"],
n=1024, from=min(dat$x), to=max(dat$x))
good = density(dat$x[dat$group=="Good"],
n=1024, from=min(dat$x), to=max(dat$x))
## Normalize so that densities sum to number of rows in each group
# Number of rows in each group
counts = tapply(dat$x, dat$group, length)
bad$y = counts[1]/sum(bad$y) * bad$y
good$y = counts[2]/sum(good$y) * good$y
## Results
# Number of "Good" in region where "Good" exceeds "Bad"
sum(good$y[good$y > bad$y])
[1] 1931.495 # Out of 2000 total in the data frame
# Number of "Bad" in region where "Good" exceeds "Bad"
sum(bad$y[good$y > bad$y])
[1] 317.7315 # Out of 1000 total in the data frame

Plot probability heatmap/hexbin with different sized bins

This is related to another question: Plot weighted frequency matrix.
I have this graphic (produced by the code below in R):
#Set the number of bets and number of trials and % lines
numbet <- 36
numtri <- 1000
#Fill a matrix where the rows are the cumulative bets and the columns are the trials
xcum <- matrix(NA, nrow=numbet, ncol=numtri)
for (i in 1:numtri) {
x <- sample(c(0,1), numbet, prob=c(5/6,1/6), replace = TRUE)
xcum[,i] <- cumsum(x)/(1:numbet)
#Plot the trials as transparent lines so you can see the build up
matplot(xcum, type="l", xlab="Number of Trials", ylab="Relative Frequency", main="", col=rgb(0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.02), las=1)
I very much like the way that this plot is built up and shows the more frequent paths as darker than the rarer paths (but it is not clear enough for a print presentation). What I would like to do is to produce some kind of hexbin or heatmap for the numbers. On thinking about it, it seems that the plot will have to incorporate different sized bins (see my back of the envelope sketch):
My question then: If I simulate a million runs using the code above, how can I present it as a heatmap or hexbin, with the different sized bins as shown in the sketch?
To clarify: I do not want to rely on transparency to show the rarity of a trial passing through a part of the plot. Instead I would like to denote rarity with heat and show a common pathway as hot (red) and a rare pathway as cold (blue). Also, I do not think the bins should be the same size because the first trial has only two places where the path can be, but the last has many more. Hence the fact I chose a changing bin scale, based on that fact. Essentially I am counting the number of times a path passes through the cell (2 in col 1, 3 in col 2 etc) and then colouring the cell based on how many times it has been passed through.
UPDATE: I already had a plot similar to #Andrie, but I am not sure it is much clearer than the top plot. It is the discontinuous nature of this graph, that I do not like (and why I want some kind of heatmap). I think that because the first column has only two possible values, that there should not be a huge visual gap between them etc etc. Hence why I envisaged the different sized bins. I still feel that the binning version would show large number of samples better.
Update: This website outlines a procedure to plot a heatmap:
To create a density (heatmap) plot version of this we have to effectively enumerate the occurrence of these points at each discrete location in the image. This is done by setting a up a grid and counting the number of times a point coordinate "falls" into each of the individual pixel "bins" at every location in that grid.
Perhaps some of the information on that website can be combined with what we have already?
Update: I took some of what Andrie wrote with some of this question, to arrive at this, which is quite close to what I was conceiving:
numbet <- 20
numtri <- 100
#Fill a matrix
xcum <- matrix(NA, nrow=numtri, ncol=numbet+1)
for (i in 1:numtri) {
x <- sample(c(0,1), numbet, prob=c(prob, 1-prob), replace = TRUE)
xcum[i, ] <- c(i, cumsum(x)/cumsum(1:numbet))
colnames(xcum) <- c("trial", paste("bet", 1:numbet, sep=""))
mxcum <- reshape(data.frame(xcum), varying=1+1:numbet,
idvar="trial", v.names="outcome", direction="long", timevar="bet")
#from the other question
dens <- kde2d(mxcum$bet, mxcum$outcome)
I don't quite understand what's going on, but this seems to be more like what I wanted to produce (obviously without the different sized bins).
Update: This is similar to the other plots here. It is not quite right:
plot(hexbin(x=mxcum$bet, y=mxcum$outcome))
Last try. As above:
image(mxcum$bet, mxcum$outcome)
This is pretty good. I would just like it to look like my hand-drawn sketch.
I think the following solution does what you ask for.
(Note that this is slow, especially the reshape step)
numbet <- 32
numtri <- 1e5
#Fill a matrix
xcum <- matrix(NA, nrow=numtri, ncol=numbet+1)
for (i in 1:numtri) {
x <- sample(c(0,1), numbet, prob=c(prob, 1-prob), replace = TRUE)
xcum[i, ] <- c(i, cumsum(x)/cumsum(1:numbet))
colnames(xcum) <- c("trial", paste("bet", 1:numbet, sep=""))
mxcum <- reshape(data.frame(xcum), varying=1+1:numbet,
idvar="trial", v.names="outcome", direction="long", timevar="bet")
mxcum2 <- ddply(mxcum, .(bet, outcome), nrow)
mxcum3 <- ddply(mxcum2, .(bet), summarize,
ymin=c(0, head(seq_along(V1)/length(V1), -1)),
p <- ggplot(mxcum3, aes(xmin=bet-0.5, xmax=bet+0.5, ymin=ymin, ymax=ymax)) +
geom_rect(aes(fill=fill), colour="grey80") +
scale_fill_gradient("Outcome", formatter="percent", low="red", high="blue") +
scale_y_continuous(formatter="percent") +
FYI: This is more of an extended comment than an answer.
To me, this new plot looks like a stacked bar where each bar's height is equal to the intersection points of the upper and lower line at the next trial.
The way that I would approach this is to treat "Trials" as a categorical variable. Then we can search each row of xcum for elements that are equal. If they are, then we can consider this to be a point of intersection whose minima also represents the multiple defining the height of our bars.
x <- t(xcum)
x <- x[duplicated(x),]
x[x==0] <- NA
Now we have the multiples of the actual points, we need to figure out how to take it to the next step and find a way of binning the information. That means we need to make a decision about how many points will represent each grouping. Let's write some points out for posterity.
Trial 1 (2) = 1, 0.5 # multiple = 0.5
Trial 2 (3) = 1, 0.66, 0.33 # multiple = 0.33
Trial 3 (4) = 1, 0.75, 0.5, 0.25 # multiple = 0.25
Trial 4 (5) = 1, 0.8, 0.6, 0.4, 0.2 # multiple = 0.2
Trial 5 (6) = 1, 0.8333335, 0.6666668, 0.5000001, 0.3333334, 0.1666667
Trial 36 (35) = 1, 0.9722223, ..., 0.02777778 # mutiple = 0.05555556 / 2
In other words, for each Trial there are n-1 points to plot. In your drawing you have 7 bins. So we need to figure out the multiples for each bin.
Let's cheat and divide the last two columns by two, we know from visual inspection that the minima is lower than 0.05
x[,35:36] <- x[,35:36] / 2
Then find the minimum of each column:
x <- apply(x, 2, function(x) min(x, na.rm=T))[-1] # Drop the 1
x <- x[c(1,2,3,4,8,17,35)] # I'm just guessing here by the "look" of your drawing.
The clearest way to do this is to create each bin separately. Obviously, this could be done automatically later. Remembering that each point is
bin1 <- data.frame(bin = rep("bin1",2), Frequency = rep(x[1],2))
bin2 <- data.frame(bin = rep("bin2",3), Frequency = rep(x[2],3))
bin3 <- data.frame(bin = rep("bin3",4), Frequency = rep(x[3],4))
bin4 <- data.frame(bin = rep("bin4",5), Frequency = rep(x[4],5))
bin5 <- data.frame(bin = rep("bin5",9), Frequency = rep(x[5],9))
bin6 <- data.frame(bin = rep("bin6",18), Frequency = rep(x[6],18))
bin7 <- data.frame(bin = rep("bin7",36), Frequency = rep(x[7],36))
df <- rbind(bin1,bin2,bin3,bin4,bin5,bin6,bin7)
ggplot(df, aes(bin, Frequency, color=Frequency)) + geom_bar(stat="identity", position="stack")
